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17169753 No.17169753 [Reply] [Original]

How do people find themselves interested in politics? Shouldn’t we first try to agree on a metaphysics before we try to decide what’s the correct course of action for a society? I think all political disagreements can be boiled down to metaphysical disagreements, and without a unified metaphysics we will never have a unified world/people. Everything just seems like an act of various powers fighting and dominating each other in an endless cycle; the strong are eventually toppled by the weak and the weak become the strong, thus continuing the cycle. You can even see this dynamic aspect of the world in philosophy and science, where various theories are posited just to be usurped by a new theory in the coming century. The modern man has been completely scarred by truth.

>> No.17169911

Why do you assume that a unified world and people is desirable? Hint: it is not. It is also completely antithetical to Nietzschean thought. Nietzsche quote about you:

> Men, not great enough, nor hard enough,
to be entitled as artists to take part in fashioning MAN; men,
not sufficiently strong and far-sighted to ALLOW, with sublime
self-constraint, the obvious law of the thousandfold failures and
perishings to prevail; men, not sufficiently noble to see the radically
different grades of rank and intervals of rank that separate man from
man:--SUCH men, with their "equality before God," have hitherto swayed
the destiny of Europe; until at last a dwarfed, almost ludicrous species
has been produced, a gregarious animal, something obliging, sickly,
mediocre, the European of the present day.


>> No.17169921

the "man of the future"--as idealized by the socialistic fools and
shallow-pates--this degeneracy and dwarfing of man to an absolutely
equal animal (or as they call it, to a man of "free society"),
this brutalizing of man into a pigmy with equal rights and claims, is
undoubtedly POSSIBLE! He who has thought out this possibility to its
ultimate conclusion knows ANOTHER loathing unknown to the rest of
mankind--and perhaps also a new MISSION!

>> No.17169923

Most people should be killed. Most of humanity is completely retarded and useless, nothing more than a machine made out of flesh.

>> No.17169931
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I think we have to start with ecology...
Oh wait, we can’t. The world sycophant/psychopath leaders won’t allow it.
Hmm what do? Metaphysics?

>> No.17169934

Politics obsession is pornographic. The less power someone actually has the more interested they are in the art of ruling other people or designing systems that just so happen to put them in charge.

>> No.17169971

>How do people find themselves interested in politics?
They seek the deeper philosophical reality behind it.

As Hitler first found an interest in politics through a strong artistic social sensitivity, that is, the place of art and artistry in society and life. Such an emotional sensitivity, which all true souls have, who could stand not old worn-out buildings, but stupid and ugly construction, and with no place for the arts and beauty. Many people think this, but few take it far enough to think systematically about it, and everywhere they go find no indifference, but want for it to be better.

>> No.17169987

>Shouldn’t we first try to agree on a metaphysics before we try to decide what’s the correct course of action for a society? I think all political disagreements can be boiled down to metaphysical disagreements, and without a unified metaphysics we will never have a unified world/people.
That’s what Europe was before the French Revolution fucked it all up.

>> No.17170030

>Shouldn’t we first try to agree on a metaphysics before we try to decide what’s the correct course of action for a society
government is an immediate necessity, metaphysical considerations are not
>You can even see this dynamic aspect of the world in philosophy and science, where various theories are posited just to be usurped by a new theory in the coming century
surely each theory is an improvement on the former? This means that we will one day arrive at an ideal theory
The same goes for politics - the end of all conflict is unity.

>> No.17170040
File: 13 KB, 250x206, 1215EA56-9AAB-4DDC-84B6-D9A576D4B121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>surely each theory is an improvement on the former?

>> No.17170056
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Most people aren't capable of operating on that level of philosophical depth, so insofar as affecting change and swaying opinions it makes more sense to engage around the more commonly held surface level a prioris.