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/lit/ - Literature

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17167380 No.17167380 [Reply] [Original]

Hi friends. Don’t see one in the catalog and I like these threads so here we go

>> No.17167385


>> No.17167391

good stack, maybe a little too poseur, but other than that it is good

>> No.17168547
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Got these a bit late as a Christmas gift.

>> No.17168587
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My sole book lads

>> No.17168693
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My Christmas haul

>> No.17168795
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Got these for christmas, almost finished Aeneid, looking forward to Ovid.

>> No.17168798

>All those translations

>> No.17168810

>be me, Thoreau
>larping on my friends land
>mom sends me snacks
>write in my diary

>> No.17168816

Consumerism thread

>> No.17168824

Gift thread

>> No.17168825

>stack threads
>everyone posting a bunch of used 800th edition paperbacks that are barely worth the paper they're printed on

Unless you own some books that are actually valuable and/or rare, who gives a shit? 99% of the stacks that get posted in these threads never even get finished.

>> No.17168895

It’s interesting to see what other people are reading. Also gives a good idea of how long some books are from the side.

I tend to buy used books, I see no point in buying an expensive version of the same book.

I’m sorry you don’t finish your stacks anon.

>> No.17168934

>Also gives a good idea of how long some books are from the side
Who fucking cares?

>> No.17168949


>> No.17168990

I got Anthony Kenny's History of Philosophy, LLPSI, and Wheelock's Latin.

Hopefully, I can finally get around to doing the /lit/ meme path properly, and so on, I know Latin is not Greek, rather than just skimming random journal articles etc.

>> No.17169915
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Pale Fire, very nice. That and Ada are Nabokov's best novels.

>The Sot-Weed Factor
Very fucking nice.

Really good shit all around. I know some people don't like Murakami but he's writes some of the most simply enjoyable novels I've read.

>> No.17170149
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few of these i've already read but I thought i'd be vain and make it look pretty and pseudy

>> No.17170152

No Exit is a shit play

>> No.17170166

damn i'm such a vain bitch
you'll fucking hate Italy by the start of next year
couldn't get more East Coast than this

>> No.17170186

6 being under 5 triggers me

>> No.17170197


>> No.17170212

have you already read the ones from Lem? if so, how are they? I only read Solaris from him and its still one of my favorite sci-fi.

>> No.17170218

Watcha gonna be writing in that moleskin?

>> No.17170237

I watched the Solaris movie and thought it was too subtle, I read Cyberiad and thought it was a blast and i'm definitely looking for a reread.
As for Fiasco, i'm currently beginning to read it. Seems more serious.

Lem generally is the best sci-fi author normoïds have never heard of.

>> No.17170240

oh nice, i've been trying to find a nice looking copy of wiseblood myself

>> No.17170271

Also to clarify on Cyberiad: it's basically two friends being ironic and going around being whack with a lot of technobabble from an author who's scientifically educated

it's a medieval setting parodying modern archetypes like intellectuals and decadent countries
there's a part about dragon hunting and probability of dragons existing and not existing at any given time and it makes for some funny, yet retarded reading

another part is about this king who has been dethroned for being a tyrant and then one of the tinkerers pitying him, invents a computer game simulating a kingdom which begs the question what conscious really means and also has inspired Sims, apparently

>> No.17170278
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Some stuff from christmas and the COIL book that just came in which is super nice

>> No.17170286

what's the symbol book left?
also you're probably gay?

>> No.17170307
File: 284 KB, 500x384, Coil-The-Universe-Is-A-Haunted-house-pages.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's basically a giant art and archive book on the group COIL. It's called "THE UNIVERSE IS A HAUNTED HOUSE : COIL through their art & archives".

>> No.17170803


>> No.17170818

what else can we do to read books that weren't written in our languages? learning the language is a whole other monster, and looking at summaries feel disingenuous

>> No.17170916

learn the language

>> No.17171421

Learn the language.

>> No.17171428

Fuck that, I'm not learning another language just to read a book

>> No.17171779

Cringe and fedorapilled

>> No.17172187

Do you only know English? If you have time to read you have time to learn

>> No.17172285

not everyone is a neet faggot, some people have jobs, responsibilities and hobbies

>> No.17172307
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my haul

>> No.17172376

It takes a huge amount of time to become fluent in a new language.

>> No.17172402

England's Hidden Reverse? Did you get the last one you bastard??

>> No.17172434

t. american who barely speaks English, let alone another language. If you actually read anything you wouldn't be on 4chan.

>> No.17172455
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Right here's what I read in December

>> No.17172496

So you're the based polishposter always posting on these threads. Good taste anon

>> No.17172619

So East, that I'm across the pond. Wanted to supplement my reading (fiction and literary criticism) with some non-fiction to learn a bit more about the world.

Thought I'd start a diary this year.

Faber modern classics are nice. Compact size, too.

>> No.17172649
File: 281 KB, 1333x1000, IMG_20210101_141117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I intend to read 100 pages of tennis book every month. The Melville collection is crazy good and my first time reading him. I think I really do need to read the whale book.

>> No.17173114

Finally someone who posts shit they actually read instead of shit they'll never actually read.

>> No.17173139

shut up

>> No.17173151

I find it interesting.

>> No.17173160

thanks luv

>> No.17173170

>Guns Germs and Steel

>> No.17173175

t. monolingual cucks

>> No.17173208

so english it hurts lad

>> No.17173276

It's not that bad.

>> No.17173288

I don't mean to be rude anon, but do you have down syndrome? I only ask because this haul is almost identical to my cousin's, and he's quite a high functioning downie.

>> No.17173801

Whoa that's so fucking sick I love coil

>> No.17174185

t. larp

>> No.17174217
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>tfw you don’t know ancient greek or latin but enjoy the translations anyway

>> No.17174398
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Already have owned that one for a few years now actually. You should deffinetly get it when you can it's great.

>> No.17174669
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Current stacks 1/2

>> No.17174680
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Also fuck this lab rat book, goes downhill with the author's personal bias

>> No.17174697
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I've basically only been re-reading and re-reading Homer, Virgil, and Ovid since September, so I decided to go deep dick. Pic is old but Euripides IV and a complete plays of Aristophanes arrived to cap it all off some time after this.

>> No.17175040
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The War with the Newts is a good pickup. I don't know how good translations are of Tres tristes tigres because it's an extremely esoteric Cuban book with a lot of Cuban idioms and expressions.
So 3 pages of Infinite Jest a day? It's really not that hard anon.

>> No.17175085

how is The Myth of German Villainy?

>> No.17175141
File: 1.61 MB, 2292x2874, IMG_7648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christmas haul:
>Infintie Space on a Palm's worth of Silk - On classical Chinese poetry in Hungarian translation
I've been meaning to get this thing for quite a while now, because the topic itself is interesting, especially how the author examines the translations of giants like Kosztolányi.
>Saltykov-Shchedrin - The Golovlyov Family
It was a recommendation, but I think you can't go wrong with 19th century Russian lit.
My literature teacher used to say
>A mediocre artist in 19th century Russia is equivalent to a great western artist
>The Analects of Confucius
It's a bilingual edition. I read the analects in different translations three times already, and hopefully in the coming years I'll be able to tackle the original too.
>Mo Di - Writings
It's a small selections Mo Di's writings. It was pretty cheap.

>> No.17175316

It's pretty good, deffinetly worth checking out for sure.

>> No.17175437

Damn Theogony is is not as long as I had imagined

>> No.17175941

nearly perfect framing on the pic. nice job anon

>> No.17176103


>> No.17176180

qrd on it?

>> No.17176385

>100 pages a month
why bother? it's not worth a year of your life, anon.

>> No.17176582

Never in the book did he LARP about anything. It was not a book about isolation retard, it was about simple living.

>> No.17177860


>> No.17178061
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I'm really enjoying the shadow of the torturer

>> No.17178064


>> No.17178083

Didn’t get any books for Christmas

>> No.17178677

>why doesn't everyone just be a spoiled rich boy and fuck off to the woods for a little while bro?

>> No.17179249
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getting more books tmrw (probably pnin, ada, and walden, maybe some chekhov) very excited

>> No.17179262


>> No.17179282

ah i have a copy of a good man is hard to find !

>> No.17180883

Good selection there fren

>> No.17180891
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>> No.17181517

Based selection

>> No.17181694
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My christmas stack

Its good anon, you should read it

>> No.17181794

Do you also enjoy Mock the Week and Have I Got News For You?

>> No.17181828
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>Mock the Week
not him, but damn you mentioning this made me sad. it used to be so good...

>> No.17182086
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Show me what you've got

>> No.17182266

Mort is a fun read, I’ve heard it’s a good place to start but I haven’t read any others

>> No.17182335

I just read them in the order they were in released in, although I guess it doesn't matter for most. 1+ 2 were good, 3 didn't really had the same spark for me, but now this one has it again. I'm only 10 pages on but I'm already sure it's gonna be good

>> No.17182461


>> No.17183759


>> No.17183995

Are these supposed to be for what you're currently reading, just bought, or planning on reading? I've never understood the purpose.

>> No.17184410

Mine is what I’ve got for Christmas, so generally the next few books I plan on reading. I suppose some people could showcase a nice find from a charity shop or a rare book too.

>> No.17184431

Whats the idea of this thread? Is it just asking what youre reading right now?
>Moby Dick
>a William Blake collection

>> No.17184613

Interesting. Whats Maus about?

>> No.17184626

Probably the best stack i have seen posted

>> No.17185103

motivation, anon, motivation

>> No.17185473
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Not pictured Great expectations.

>> No.17185513
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Its a graphic novel about the holocaust

>> No.17185516

Kindle paperwhite chad here. Don't need a stack of paper to show people I read.

>> No.17186064


and yet you need to show off to anonymous retards?

>> No.17186117

Cool stuff anon. I don't know anyone IRL who is into TG/Coil

>> No.17186162
File: 3.42 MB, 4032x3024, 20210102_180736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been trying to move beyond just lit-fic and horror into different genres so I'm giving a bunch of fantasy and scifi a try

>> No.17186987
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Thanks anon, I am just a super industrial/ noise nerd and love reading about music. Plus the scene touches so many authors and directors and artists. it's How I started reading stuff by J.G ballard, and dennis cooper, and watching pasolini and derek jarman films. Amazing stuff!

>> No.17187058
File: 2.63 MB, 4624x3468, 20210102_185820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, good evening fellow spengs

>> No.17187114


A kindle is even worse than reading a pdf from a computer monitor. You're not shown enough text at once on a small tablet, and it slows down your pacing

>> No.17187122


I'm into a lot of this stuff, except the fashion and I am not gay

>> No.17187325

just havent met the right guy yet

>> No.17187870
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Stack is going down quickly but i got new ones for christmas and new year.

>> No.17187934

What else is included in Dagon besides Dagon? I know it has to be more because the story titled Dagon is only like 7 pages max.

>> No.17188031

Many short ones, 31 stories in this one. I'm reading Reanimator right now.

>> No.17188047

30 my bad.
Dagon (Dagon, 1917)
La Tombe (The Tomb, 1917)
Polaris (Polaris, 1918)
La Malédiction de Sarnath (The Doom that Came to Sarnath, 1919)
Le Bateau blanc (The White Ship, 1919)
Les Chats d'Ulthar (Cats of Ulthar, 1920)
Celephais (Celephais, 1920)
De l'au-delà (From Beyond, 1920)
Le Temple (The Temple, 1920)
L'Arbre (The Three, 1920)
Les Autres Dieux (The Other Gods, 1921)
La Quête d'Iranon (The Quest of Iranon, 1921)
Herbert West, réanimateur (Herbert West, Reanimator, 1921-1922)
Hypnos (Hypnos, 1922)
Le Festival (The Festival, 1923)
Prisonnier des pharaons (Imprisoned with the Pharaons, 1924)
Lui (He, 1925)
Horreur à Red Hook (The Horror at Red Hook, 1925)
L'Étrange maison haute dans la brume (The Strange High House in the Mist, 1926)
Dans les murs d'Eryx (In the Walls of Eryx, 1935)1
Le Clergyman maudit (The Evil Clergyman ou The Wicked Clergyman, 1937)
La Bête de la caverne (The Beast in the Cave, 1905)
L'Alchimiste (The Alchemist, 1908)
La Poésie et les dieux (Poetry and Gods, 1920)
La Rue (The Street, 1920)
La Transition de Juan Romero (The Transition of Juan Romero, 1919)
Azathoth (Azathoth, probablement 1922)
Le Descendant (The Descendant, probablement 1926)
Le Livre (The Book, probablement 1934)
La Chose dans la clarté lunaire (The Thing in the Moonlight, 1927)

>> No.17188069

Supremely based

>Can't handle tablet reading
never gonna make it. Today's ereaders are pretty good, unlike the first gen ones. For a lot of older people with bad vision they're easier to read on than paper.

>> No.17188577

>Not pictured Great expectations.
I was expecting it.

>> No.17189741

Excellent selection

>> No.17190166

I hope it is i just started reading it :)

>> No.17190710

I’ve got 3 compilations but The Alchemist isn’t in any of them, feels bad man.

>> No.17191085

I already have 3 books from lovecraft i think that's the last one i'll read, if i need more i'll just get the stories i'm missing online, they're not hard to find.

>> No.17191094

I have 2 differents stories in 2 differents books the cover are bad you actually need to check inside which one they added in extra...

>> No.17191127

>the world's biggest "evolution stops at the neck" argument / coping mechanism

>> No.17191157

Heartily kek’d anon

>> No.17191210

1599 is pretty good although I'm not fond of his Hamlet revision theory (basically that Shakespeare revised the play and made Hamlet a weaker character to make a better drama)

>> No.17191789

Not one for reading at a pc my dude

>> No.17191946
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I don't usually make stacks, but here are some of the books I'd like to finally get around to reading this year.

>> No.17191980

>Goys, Gays, and Semen


>> No.17192363
