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17165121 No.17165121 [Reply] [Original]

>Carl Jung
>Possibly Evola, Spengler and Toynbee (haven't read them yet)
I'm looking for authors that espouse a similar worldview. No nazi cringe allowed.

>> No.17165129

>Possibly Evola, Spengler and Toynbee (haven't read them yet)
>(haven't read them yet)
So you take your knowledge on various authors from 4chan posts
and using those posts you make your opinion on said authors

>> No.17165149
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I've only taken into account comments which explained those authors well, while ignoring the meme shit. I've also done some limited research myself.

Question for anyone that has read Toynbee, should I get the abridged or unabridged version of "A study of history"?

>> No.17165154

Spengler definitely but not Evola.

>> No.17165189

What makes you say this? Genuine question.

>> No.17165204

Sextus Empiricus

>> No.17165955


>> No.17165960


>> No.17165980
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>Carl Jung

>> No.17166106

Ernst Jünger
Carl Schmitt

>> No.17166172

What's wrong with Mussolini?

>Ernst Jünger
Got my first book of his this christmas, In Stahlgewittern. What other books of him are worth reading?
>Carl Schmitt
Which book(s)?

>> No.17166193
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>> No.17166201
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>blocks your path

>> No.17166249 [DELETED] 

I see the Dark Enlightwnment Synagogue is having fun

>> No.17166266

I see the local Dark Enlightenment synagogue is having a nice dinner

>> No.17166275

Joe Rogan is not a jew.

>> No.17166350

On Pain by Ernst Junger is pretty great

>> No.17166361

John Bagot Glubb

>> No.17166372

he's married to one

>> No.17166383

Don't actually buy it, it's way too expensive for being only 30 pages cause apparently it was only an Essay. Theres a TTS audio version on youtube that's an hour long, and probably PDFs if you really want to read it.

>> No.17166385

4/6, I believe
And the other 2 are kosher as fuck
Stop denying reality.

>> No.17166406
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Take a look at the book, literally half of the book is preface/introduction to the Author

>> No.17166409
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Could you stop replying to an obvious derailing attempt you stupid fucking nigger
Also who tf cares whether they are jews or not

>> No.17166450

Oh no, he's derailing a /pol/ refugee thread! MOOOOOODS!!!!!

>> No.17166453

I didnt know mussolini wrote stuff

>> No.17166522

I don t understand whats wrong with this. It s totally relevant to the thread? Do you guys just dont like them? Plesse explain?

>> No.17166544

What does redpilled mean in this context?

>> No.17166796

This isn't a pol thread

>> No.17167419

It means that the author is based.

>> No.17167550


>> No.17168449

I think your lives will be much better when you abandon the whole "redpill" thing and begin experiencing life in its high highs and low lows.

>> No.17168455

>just be a mindless npc bro

>> No.17168459

>This isn't a pol thread
You're either retarded or being deliberately misleading, anyone whose been on this site for more than a week knows the rhetoric of pol shit

>> No.17168517

Are you one of them "special" people? I explicitly said in the OP that I don't want nazi cringe

>> No.17168914

Bump, I need some redpilled authors that I can read this year

>> No.17168954


>> No.17168967

>Evola, Spengler
>No Nazi cringe allowed

>> No.17168983

Fascism =/= nazism you mongloid

>> No.17169004

Evola is a traditionalist who is overfascism and Spengler is a Prussian Socialist

>> No.17169061

Based on what?

>> No.17169093
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>Evola is a traditionalist who is overfascism and Spengler is a Prussian Socialist

>> No.17169110

The only truly redpilled author is Stirner.

>> No.17169134

That's what they called themselves

>> No.17169158

>knows of Evola
>hasn't read Evola
>looking for other recommendations
Anon, stop being lazy and start reading.
You will never be a woman.