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File: 26 KB, 220x308, 220px-William_Butler_Yeats_by_George_Charles_Beresford.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17164243 No.17164243 [Reply] [Original]

How many countries have simps and incels as their national emblems?
I can think of:
Nietzsche and Beethoven
Dante, Petrarch and Leopardi
>the Balkans
>the UK
Van Gogh

>> No.17164417


I don't think either Newton nor Tesla were incels. They were volcels.

There are probably better examples than those you cite. Pushkin was a bit of a simp, for example (he died in a duel resulting from one of his wife's many affairs).

Raphael (the renaissance painter) was definitely a simp. He was really handsome and had loads of noblewomen lusting after him but he fell in love with the daughter of some baker. He paid her father a fortune as dowry for her but she soon started going out alone every evening and sleeping with everyone in sight. Eventually everyone got tired of her and when Raphael died I think she ended up in a nunnery.

Spenser (like many other Elizabethan writers) had a sort of fake-simp thing going with Queen Elizabeth, but it's doubtful it was more than a polite artistic fiction.

>> No.17164436

I just thought, another good example is Nelson. He was really a symbol of national pride during the Napoleonic Wars, but he rather embarrassingly fell in love with Emma Hamilton, some random thot (he was already married with a family, and I think she was too).

He just ignored his wife and spent all his time with her, and everyone tried to pretend it wasn't happening. After Trafalgar, Emma was really stuck and died drunk in poverty (I think) about two years later.

>> No.17164784

Molière: chad
Proust: gay
Baudelaire: prostitute fucker
Rimbaud: gay and perverted
Balzac: huge coomer
Rabelais: must have fucked half the girls of Poitiers
Camus: cucked so many people that he was assassinated for it
Montaigne: have an essay about what the best position to fuck your girl
Ronsard: half of his poetry his about deflowering young girls
La Fontaine: wrote a poem about how to not get cucked (put a finger in your girl's ass)
Hugo: was nicknamed "Victor HugeCock"

Truly a country of chads

>> No.17164808

Rembrandt not Van Gogh

>> No.17164811

Camões is the national emblem, not Pessoa

>> No.17164821


>> No.17164831

Women wanted to use him like a mattress. He made the choice, probably because he had some long lost knowledge about what pussy does to the brain.

>> No.17164836

No. He was in love with a pigeon.

>> No.17164994
File: 18 KB, 274x293, james_joyce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello excuse me our national symbol is James Joyce who had a VERY active and frankly patrician sex life

Samuel Beckett also got laid a lot iirc

>> No.17165022


>> No.17165023

Tesla wasn't an incel he was very much a volcel.

>> No.17165026

This is why houellebecq is so revolutionary

>> No.17165052

what the fuck, how did humanity devolved itself to this coomer culture and filtering eveything through sex

what went wrong?

>> No.17165058

I'm an incel and want to read authors whom I can relate to. Also it's comforting to think some of them ended up being national icons

>> No.17165063

Women got too many rights

>> No.17165066

Freud did it

>> No.17165083

And in the US you have: Grab them by the "wookie"

>> No.17165086

they're no longer simps and incels because they have status. random people will think highly of them on that alone.

>> No.17165089

The US is full of incels: Lovecraft, Dickinson

>> No.17165101

Lovecraft was married. Don't know about that other guy.

>> No.17165110

He was barely married

>> No.17165141


>> No.17165150

I presume it was still enough to stick his penis into her, and more than once.

>> No.17165158

I meant as national emblem, Van Gogh is quite an incel

>> No.17165166

Ted Kaczynski of the US of A

>> No.17165171

Not really. They all just cheat on each other to an image degree and the women have no curves. Little mousey cheaters

>> No.17165300

anime brought the beginning of the collapse of civilization

>> No.17165347
File: 17 KB, 220x301, 220px-Thomas_Carlyle_lm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought based on the thread title it was going to be about impotent writers. In any case my vote for Scotland is going to Carlyle.
>Whiny bitch talking about 'great' men when he can't even get his pp hard. Ultimate cope.

>> No.17165400

In societies like ours sex truly represents a second system of differentiation, completely independent of money; and as a system of differentiation it functions just as mercilessly. The effects of these two systems are, furthermore, strictly equivalent. Just like unrestrained economic liberalism, and for similar reasons, sexual liberalism produces phenomena of absolute pauperization. Some men make love every day; others five or six times in their life, or never. Some make love with dozens of women; others with none. It's what's known as `the law of the market'. In an economic system where unfair dismissal is prohibited, every person more or less manages to find their place. In a sexual system where adultery is prohibited, every person more or less manages to find their bed mate. In a totally liberal sexual system certain people have a varied and exciting erotic life; others are reduced to masturbation and solitude. Economic liberalism is an extension of the domain of the struggle, its extension to all ages and all classes of society. Sexual liberalism is likewise an extension of the domain of the struggle, its extension to all ages and all classes of society ... Certain people win on both levels; others lose on both.

>> No.17165563

Very interesting take, that explains why people today criticize guys who fuck hoes - because for people with active sex life its like being on food stamps. It seems like people don't mind capitalism only when they are at the top - whether it be money or sex.

>> No.17165640

Thanks Houellebecq!

>> No.17165660

based and hon-pilled

>> No.17166100
File: 223 KB, 800x1025, La_Fornarina_by_Raffaello.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He paid her father a fortune as dowry for her but she soon started going out alone every evening and sleeping with everyone in sight. Eventually everyone got tired of her and when Raphael died I think she ended up in a nunnery.
What an ugly whore she was. Kek

Also, "Go tee to the Nunnery".

>> No.17166140

>Women wanted to use him like a mattress.
This is true for any mildly sucessful man who isn't actively pursuing this kind of stuff.

>> No.17166148

Georgia has Ilia Chavchavadze

>> No.17166191

>Camus: cucked so many people that he was assassinated for it
Man, I like... had no idea unironically.

>> No.17166224

>Montaigne: have an essay about what the best position to fuck your girl
Which is???

>> No.17166247

>La Fontaine: wrote a poem about how to not get cucked (put a finger in your girl's ass)
Wtf? What's his reasoning for this?

>> No.17166315

How was Dante a simp or an incel he literally had a wife and kids?

>> No.17166334

anons often don't care about proper definition of a word.
Dante was a weirdo in some sense, was forever in love with the girl he met as a kid, his marriage was an arranged one and what little records are of it, it seemed to have been a very troubled one.

>> No.17166340

>that other guy.
Not knowing our girl Emily...

>> No.17166367

I'm not an encyclopedia, anon. And it's a thread about men that are simps and incels, I thought maybe that anon knows some guy under that name, maybe it is his own name.

>> No.17166389

>Very interesting take, that explains why people today criticize guys who fuck hoes
It makes you think it is not about sex actually

>> No.17166412

>I'm not an encyclopedia, anon.
What are you doing here???

Also, our girl Emily is SIMPly indispensable if you care at all for poetry.

>> No.17166429

I like to occasionally read random poetry anons post here, either from a known author or their own original work, otherwise I don't care.

>> No.17166448

>otherwise I don't care.
So, a pleb, as I thought.
Again, WHATAFUCK are you doing here?
Get back to PLEBDIT, you might fit in better there.

>> No.17166455

You need to be 18 to post here.

>> No.17167928

No wonder France has turned in a third world country, if all the French life like niggers.