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/lit/ - Literature

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17163490 No.17163490 [Reply] [Original]

Today’s my eighteenth birthday /Lit/. I’ve lurked since I was younger starting on b to fit now I’m on lit. I like reading even back since elementary. But only this year I’ve started reading literature. Right now I’m reading Book of Disquiet. What do u anons recommend? Something you wished to have read earlier in your life?

>> No.17163525
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>> No.17163536

"De la Grammatologie", by Jacques Jackie Derrida, aka "L'homme orange"

>> No.17163550

Sophie’s World is good to get into philosophy and reading in general. It will give you a crash course on many ideas most works of literature take for granted you already know, which you won’t know due to the awful modern educational system.

>> No.17163834

read a portrait of the artists as a young man - it affected me immensely at your age

>> No.17163850

>Sophie’s World [...] which you won’t know due to the awful modern educational system.

French-can fag here, isn't Sophie's world somewhere in your mandatory curriculum? I went to private school so I had it in 5th secondary (11th grade for you guys I think) but then again got it in my mandatory intro philo classes in college.

>> No.17163858

I wished i never bothered reading thinking it would be a well rounded """productive""" hobby and instead got some friends and a real education.

>> No.17163888

Not OP but I'm also 18 and I'm reading that right now. Oscar Wilde has such great prose

>> No.17163900

>Oscar Wilde

>> No.17163910

Fuck. Its 6 am and I thought he said the Portrait of Dorian Gray. I haven't read anything by Joyce but I plan on doing so