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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 77 KB, 768x768, D158BB7B-1F4D-44AB-ADE6-70E905D7303E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17159798 No.17159798 [Reply] [Original]

not sure why the last one was deleted. hm. no worry, here’s a replacement.

>> No.17159806

I have seen more tripfags than usual lately too.

>> No.17159809

Enforce this rule and ban people not respecting it:
>If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.
No image in the OP, or they are all marked as spoiler automatically
At least 300 characters in the OP
Ban "book for this feel" threads
Ban "book that explain this" threads
Ban thot posters
Ban people who mass reply with "based" or "cringe"
Ban underage faggots
Ban /pol/tards
Permaban anyone posting about e-celebs
Permaban anons that make twitter threads

>> No.17159816

thanks bro

>> No.17159828

I’m actually okay with the 300 word criteria. Would at least filter the ‘What am I in for?’ threads.

>> No.17159872

Oh look honey a new one.

>> No.17159892

Last one: >>/lit/thread/17158235

>> No.17159898

You could just filter the what am I in for threads retard.

>> No.17159902

yeah they get annoying.

>> No.17159905
File: 634 KB, 1398x1970, F6833FE7-A4C0-4DCB-944D-2850A3315404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The jannies don’t want you to find out about this

>> No.17159910

A new what?

>> No.17159914

>If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/
This rule needs to go. News and current event shit, sure but meaningful discussion around political philosophy is anathema to /pol/, and any such thread would just get bumped off before anyone even had time to write out a thoughtful comment.

>> No.17159918
File: 389 KB, 2048x1364, twitter briscoepark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your home board ? (if you didn't end up directly on /lit/ on your first time here)
How and why did you end up coming on /lit/ ?

>> No.17159932

>At least 300 characters in the OP
Some threads don’t need this much.
>Ban "book for this feel" threads
>Ban "book that explain this" threads
Why? What’s wrong with people getting book recommendations?
>Ban thot posters
>Ban people who mass reply with "based" or "cringe"
>Ban underage faggots
>Ban /pol/tards
Too broad, but I get the sentiment.
>Permaban anyone posting about e-celebs
Too broad, for example BAM is literature and he discusses literature, but it is true the that there is plenty of e-celeb garbage here.

>> No.17159945

> Implying the rest of the threads about nazi germany or white supremacy didn't go apeshit
Bias of moderation is an interesting subject but your pic isn't relevant

>> No.17159952

Because they want to hide how based they are?

>> No.17159985

50/100 is better than 0/100

>> No.17159987
File: 21 KB, 450x450, 1597531445085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Waaaah stop saying things I don't like

>> No.17159998

Back in the day it was /b/. This was around 2011. Then /r9k/ circa 2014. Then /pol/ around.
Then it was all /x/. I started going to there just to read the pastas, came here around 2018. Halfway finished my first manuscript, a novel. bringing together a magazine. /lit/ is the most interactive board.

>> No.17160007

/k/ and /out/

>> No.17160033

How similar is /his/ to /lit/?

>> No.17160043

make thread on Rousseau or Schmitt or someone similar and they wont be deleted. But shit threads that just say 'liberalism has failed' aren't literature, they aren't political philosophy, and they deserve to get deleted.

>> No.17160128

Former /mu/tant of yore, /lit/ is my home now. I like discussing things but even in its heyday /mu/ could never really discuss stuff

>> No.17160153

Name a bigger janny cocksucker then this. People that cry for censorship need to be permanently banned

>> No.17160164

/mu/ seems like a hostile board. like more than most.

>> No.17160190

eat a log of shit bruh

>> No.17160197

The only people who disagree with this are the ones who would be kept out

>> No.17160262

Seriously anyone who says the problem is not enough moderation needs to go back.

>> No.17160314

I'm going to start trip posting under this name

>> No.17160331

filter "pseud"
filter "midwit"
filter "IQ"

>> No.17160335

Stop letting butterfly flaunt the signature/avatar rule.

We know who she is. We have been watching her skirt the signature rule, and now post using a fugly pink avatar, and yet she is still allowed to post with her trip.

Why is she not perma-banned already?

>> No.17160346

Kinda. Its biggest problem is irony. You can sense it's filled with teenagers because everyone writes in that way. Might be my bias but it seems a larger portion of /lit/ is genuine

>> No.17160381

/his/ sucks ass, full of boomer tier ww2 armchair general types and eu4 players. Not much scope of knowledge, focus on specific events and factoids/anecdotes rather than overarching ideas in history. Lots of people that will disregard contemporary scholarship completely and are only interested in events in history that affirm their worldview.
/lit/ also sucks ass, too much focus on edgy 20th century novelists and russians. not enough discussion of poetry especially. 4chan also needs a philosophy containment board.

The similarity is that they both suck ass

from /out/ originally, also a shit board
I need to leave this site desu but I'm hooked in the whole pleasure loop thing and don't have anything else to do with my free time other than read

>> No.17160386

Either /lit/ or /tv/ (/film/), I'm not 100% which came first. Still the only two I sometimes visit.

>> No.17160420

This thread was moved to >>>/qa/3751438