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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.24 MB, 1820x4348, reddit list.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17158410 No.17158410 [Reply] [Original]

How come reddit's top 100 is so much better than ours?

>> No.17158415

It's not.

>> No.17158427

> NO C & P or IJ in their top 10
why are they so much better than us, bro's?

>> No.17158428

lol surprisingly good for reddit

>> No.17158432

Same exact shit but with marginally more niggers and women

>> No.17158439

those are kind of the same books, they just don't have the /lit/ memeshit

>> No.17158446

Why do they copy us? Also, all they added was some blacks in there.

>> No.17158456

so its just novels?

>> No.17158460

> No Lusiads

>> No.17158625

>The Odyssey
Why is the average /lit/ poster such a braindead retard?

>> No.17158636

Because they're less self-destructive.

>> No.17158641

this is just a retarded list you can write if anyone ask you one hundred book that makes me look smart when i'm reading.

>> No.17158647

Yikes why is it exactly like /lit/’s? How many redditors do we have here?

>> No.17158656

our list for this year is an abomination. This one looks like the /lit/2019 list

>> No.17158678

>Hamlet number 2
based reddit

>> No.17158791

More like how come /lit/ and r*ddit have the same test lmfao this is embarrassing

>> No.17158841

>our list for this year is an abomination
cope, this is the best iteration yet

>> No.17158861
File: 26 KB, 713x611, 1602365744659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>odyssey ranked higher than iliad
>neither in top 10
When they try so hard to act cultured but the mask still slips.

>> No.17158947

For one, we also have non-fiction so we're automatically superior

>> No.17158977

spot on

>> No.17158985

It's basically the same...

>> No.17158988

what seems to be inconvenient to you, anon?

>> No.17159114

Where are Hamsun and Ibsen?

>> No.17159121


>> No.17159124

emily wilsons version as well

>> No.17159158


>> No.17159172


>> No.17159249

>No Mein kampf as #1
Back into the oven

>> No.17159281

> paradise lost at 30
Pathetic. The only English writer that isn't absolutely eclipsed by shakespeare

>> No.17159302

>How many redditors do we have here?
well that makes one at least

>> No.17159307


>> No.17159338

>things fall apart
Lmao. Why do I expect different from nigger-loving redditfaggots

>> No.17159341

Because they actually weight their opinions

>> No.17159355


>> No.17159444

haha, it's better than our best one
fucking plebs

>> No.17159484

OP: Reddit Raid declared total success again this year. Now go back.

>> No.17159486

Seems ok to me

>> No.17159492

I clicked this thumbnail expecting to get a good chuckle; instead I agree entirely with OP.

>> No.17159496

> Obviously not the most diverse list, which one can blame in part to historic/modern prejudices against minorities, whether intentional or not, or people mostly reading books recommended by others which in turn feeds back to historic prejudices. Of course, no list like this will tick all the boxes, so I don't expect perfection here. Still, we can make an effort to read more diverse fiction in the future, if only to appreciate literature's greater breadth besides primarily European and North American fiction, and make a more encompassing list next year.

Not to say any of these works don't deserve praise, but clearly a discrepancy as wide as more than half the list being European works needs addressing.

Most upvoted reddit comment. This is why I never visit that place, even though this is a good list

>> No.17159500

>unironically enjoying both of these pieces of shit

>> No.17159526

Second paragraph needs to be greentext as well

>> No.17159606
File: 35 KB, 600x539, 1594736269197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute state

>> No.17159634

If you think this is a good list and don't notice the obvious pseud red flags, you really really need to go back.

>> No.17159676

Y'all love to hate on Reddit but it's actually a quite legit and awesome place for folks like us who want to know what's *really* going on, not just what *they say* is going on. Maybe if y'all would stop being so prejudiced against, oh I don't know, damn near everything you'd find out that the folks at Reddit are just as awake as we are here. Doesn't matter if we like to eat and drink onions. Doesn't matter if we hold different opinions. Doesn't matter if we're into the new Star Wars and not the old ones. Doesn't matter if we think most news isn't fake. Doesn't matter if we get super excited over stuff and act like kids sometimes because that's all normal and I bet you do it too. Anyways, alls I'm saying is give it a try. You might be surprised that a little onions is good for you and actually tastes good.

>> No.17159687

/r/TrueLit is like a colony of lit on reddit... It's still shit, but we're shit too. They have more serious and boring discussions. We have shitposts so it's better here.

>> No.17159706

This. So much this. My faith in humanity is restored. Thank you!

>> No.17159720

More like a containment site for /lit/ rejects who always belonged on r*ddit but made their way here by mistake. They still have nothing to say and their taste is still as artificial as always.

>> No.17159731

It looks almost identical to a typical /lit/ top 100. wtf are you on about OP?
go back

>> No.17159759
File: 158 KB, 679x710, Screenshot 2020-12-30 at 22.56.06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can people read these literal NPC posts? It's like they're written by soulless fucks who try to pretend they're human. Don't make me check out their cesspool again faggot.

>> No.17159792

It's time for us to go back.

>> No.17159812

>Hamlet nr. 2
Pseudo shit detected

>> No.17159832

Mishima and Camus are the only philosophy books, the whole list feels like a school trip to a library

>> No.17159836

Ah yes, better reading some shithead's "book is bad" or "book is kino" which is what passes as book discussion in nu/lit/.

>> No.17159849

Yes, at least that's shorter while imparting the same amount of information but with less pomposity and pretense

>> No.17159857

>Reddit: the novel at #1
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.17159869

I dont see the Bible so the list is trash automatically

>> No.17159885

I don't even believe people on Reddit have read Stoner, it would be too much for them.

>> No.17159895
File: 47 KB, 682x222, Screenshot 2020-12-30 at 23.08.12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their fucking upboat system always gets me

>> No.17159926

>/lit/ is racist

lol, yeah maybe by /pol/goloid proxy.

>> No.17159930

No, it's not the same amount nor quality of information, you dumb faggot. Fucking zoomers who can't parse 2 lines of text without hurting their brains are ruining this board.
>pomposity and pretense
Insecure brainlets should stick to /b/.

>> No.17159944

Where's mein kampf by Adolf Hitler ?

>> No.17159954

You could've been kind to your readers and shorten your post to "I'm a retard" and it'd have imparted the same amount of information anon.

>> No.17159961

honestly you literally can't help but think mr -7 points must be a retard and mr +12 has the right idea. It is not possible to not be biased by that

>> No.17159968

I automatically think otherwise and the other poster said "inceldom" so she's a woman so that's another -5 points.

>> No.17159974

Maybe reddit's chart for next year will look like /lit/'s 2020 then

>> No.17159979

Wonder how many virgins updooted that comment. Any day now boys, god knows you earned it!

>> No.17159988

In 2020 we made sure they can't catch up to us, but I'll make sure to be more racist and sexist next year just in case.

>> No.17159990

Reading that book was a popular fad among bookish people a few years ago. Having it in a top one hundred list is a great indicator that it was made by midwits. Same goes with having a James Baldwin book on there too.

>> No.17160009

>Mishima and Camus are the only philosophy books
Anon I...

>> No.17160021
File: 3.36 MB, 2381x6000, stoner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17160029

>White object
>That object is actually black, you retard
The absolute state of zoomer faggots.
Why are you browsing a literature board if you can't force yourself to read 20 words?

>> No.17160030

The /lit/ rejects still preserved the /lit/ taste but next year it'll be more reddified. In 2 years it'll be closer to r/books than to /lit/

>> No.17160031

People can be racist and not from /pol/ you know. I know I am

>> No.17160038

>voting in a novels-only chart
Go back retard we don't want you back

>> No.17160052

I never said our list was any better.

>> No.17160059

Dunno how many votes that poll got but I voted for the other chart but skipped this because a novel only chart is just dumb

>> No.17160062

I'm sorry I made fun of your Reddit post anon ok? It was a very informative post and I learned a lot!

>> No.17160067

Placing Faust at 93 is a fucking crime
I don't see anything wrong with that statement. It doesn't hurt to branch out to other sources of art, and it honestly gets pretty tiring to talk about the same handful of writers over and over again. As long as they don't try to force it I don't see a problem, but knowing reddit they probably will lol
/lit/ bad because 4chan drumpf pepe racist

>> No.17160072

That's very wholesome 100 of you

>> No.17160103
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>> No.17160111

>I don't see anything wrong with that statement.
Go back.

>> No.17160124

>2020 survey
>mein kampf not #1
Fake & r*ddit

>> No.17160138
File: 3.76 MB, 3500x7700, stoner3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17160154

refute it

>> No.17160155

>I don't see anything wrong with that statement
You know that they’re making a political statement from someone’s whose goal in engaging with literature is to instrumentalize it in service of a agenda, right?

>> No.17160168

Man, making one of those fassbender memes about showing me the real 2020 /lit/ top 100 would get me soo many upvotes

>> No.17160173

>tfw the 2022 top ten will be comprised of The Count of Monte Cristo, 1984, East of Eden, Flowers for Algernon, and six Brandon Sanderson novels.

>> No.17160175

Mein Kampf next to the Bible looks so sexy. Proud of you /lit/.

>> No.17160178
File: 961 KB, 1592x4096, LIT2020REAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real list

>> No.17160181

>bible n°1
Fucking finally. I like Moby dick enough but having it be on top was a disgrace

>> No.17160186

Go to r/changemyview or something faglord

>> No.17160201

Not only that, commenters will incorporate the knowledge of what is by their community perceived to be negative behavior and will -- to avoid similar punishment -- amend and rewrite future comments so as to be acceptable, upvote-friendly

> I don't see anything wrong with that statement. It doesn't hurt to branch out to other sources of art
Sure, but the implication is to consciously expand your reading along the race/gender-axis, not any other. The guy in question isn't suggesting they add Bely's Petersburg, Barth's Sot-Weed, or Yourcenar's Memoirs of Hadrian (all of which are phenomenal pieces of fiction) onto their backlog-- quite the contrary actually. Not the end of world necessarily, but it's reddit so he is saying "let's try to better, more acceptable next year, guys!"

>> No.17160256

>Not the end of world necessarily,
Nah it's unacceptable and I'm not making any concessions because I know better than you faggot ass

>> No.17160275

I'm not saying I would but it could theoretically be an interesting exploration

>> No.17160297

It doesn't matter what the exploration would be like, the post is unacceptable and must be rejected in its entirety without caveats. Honest recommendations come with dignity and openness, not in a wooden horse.

>> No.17160299

Sure, maybe if you took those sentences and put them in an entirely different context, maybe, but we all know what’s meant when someone on Reddit says those things.

>> No.17160309

I'm sorry you got filtered anon

>> No.17160324

>On July 6th, The CMV Mod team decided to relax the moratorium on COVID-19/Coronavirus threads. Each approved thread was tracked and examined by the team to ensure that misinformation was not being spread in these approved discussions.

>Unfortunately, that examination showed that the relaxation of the moratorium was premature. Misinformation related to the efficacy of testing, masks, social distancing, vaccination, etc. was still prevalent, so the full prohibition must be restored. This suspension will last until further notice. The previous moratorium announcement can be found here


>> No.17160357

>Ulysses 1, Proust 4, Beckett 15
Yeah, it's better

>> No.17160376


>> No.17160395

nobody's instrumentalizing literature for their political agenda here. all they're saying is that they want to read more non-european authors in the future, which seems completely valid to me. Maybe you can tell me what exactly is wrong about that statement? Apparently it's ok to ask for more russian recs on this board, but wanting to read more from non-whites is apparently a big issue.
never heard of that sub, quite ironic how you seem more like you're the one who's actively using reddit. you're like a leftist who tells someone else to read theory they themselves have not read.
It makes sense to intentionally read authors from other races since usually their books involve their struggle as african americans, or commentary on social issue related to race or what have you. Which could then either strengthen or weaken your empathy depending on how good the books is. Let's not pretend that identity doesn't matter, because I definitely know that most fans of stoner on this board liked it because they could relate to the protagonist, whether it be because of his male identity or his profession, just like how taxi driver is so omnipresent in any film related discourse.
>Not the end of world necessarily, but it's reddit so he is saying "let's try to better, more acceptable next year, guys!"
just to be clear I'm not supporting this moral undertone á la "let's try to be better guys!", though to be fair the greentext doesn't even say that.

>> No.17160414


Giving affirmative action credibility to inferior writers isn't harmful? Why do you people always speak in euphemisms about things? Because you're trying to manipulate people and you know you're wrong?

>> No.17160422

>you're like a leftist who tells someone else to read theory they themselves have not read.
Damn you tried to make a comparison but then it was too difficult for your brain to realize it doesn't work

>> No.17160444
File: 17 KB, 474x292, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just "branching out" anon, it's trying to "diversify" the sources of knowledge! It's a productive and fun process! No agenda, we're your friends :-) Join us now and let's make the world a better place TOGETHER!

>> No.17160487

>wanting to read more from non-whites is apparently a big issue.
Yes, the issue is that non-whites can't write you fucking loser

>> No.17160532

>reading books because they were written by minority writers
>not reading books because they were written by minority writers
so this... is the power of ideology

>> No.17160541

>nobody's instrumentalizing literature for their political agenda here.
Yes, they are. The whole boing of the “disrupt texts” shit is to do exactly that. If there were a similar agenda to alter society in favor of a Russian minority, I would be hostile towards attempts at pushing Russian literature too.

>> No.17160545

Which is what?

>> No.17160563

>attacking meritocracy and society
>defending meritocracy and society
Deal with it subhuman no one wants to read your trash

>> No.17160566

Same shit. Just replace the women and the niggers with German philosophers

>> No.17160583

What affirmative action are you even talking about? You're pulling this shit out of your ass because you have no argument, all you know is that it's coming from reddit so it's gotta be bad (as if /lit/ is so much better). They've clearly read the cannon (actually even more than this fucking board it seems) and liked it, now they're looking for new stuff from new sources, it's that simple. they've clearly written that they're still praising these works. Can you read? Can your tiny brain process the information of a few sentences or do you need to have your favorite youtuber spell it out for you? It's actually you guys who are the ones with an agenda here, because clearly your reactionary brains can't handle it when folks want to read anything other than european classics, which get recommended everywhere anyway.
can you point me towards the sentence in which they said they want to disrupt texts? As I already mentioned, they've clearly said that these works still deserve the praise. My god you guys are creating hysteria out of nothing.

>> No.17160588
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>r*ddit tier gaslighting

>> No.17160596
File: 63 KB, 354x326, while-you-were-shopping-for-blenders-i-studied-the-blade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>while you were reading Toni Morrison I studied the The Philosophy of Redemption or The Philosophy of Salvation

>> No.17160661

>out of arguments
check underage poster

>> No.17160682


>> No.17160684

it's literally the same as /lit/'s

>> No.17160800

Agreed, pretty much said the same thing in my earlier comment
But Stoner fucking sucks. It's an embarrassment to see it on any list. Likewise, it's to be expected that racial strife produces works that are essentially "sociological" and are qualitatively inferior to 3 works I listed -- most of which /lit/ hasn't read (and should read!). Which works do you suggest they read instead? Which works do you personally believe are as good or even better purely in terms of qualtiy? Also "to become more empathic" relies on platitude. Who says they will, who says that my one of my shortcomings in life is racial intolerance, or a lack of empathy? Again, I read because I want to see genius, not to become a better, more well-rounded, more functional member of society (which, treasonous to my /lit/ origens, I already kinda am) . In fact, I find the very suggestion inimical to the idea of literature -- something reddit will never understand.

Right now, I'm reading Flaubert's Sentimental Education, next in line is Axtaga's Obababoak, next Piranesi -- European whities. Which of these should I replace, Reddit-fren? :)

>> No.17160821

Bad bait.

>> No.17160844

Go back

>> No.17160845

Beloved needs to go. Nothing happens for at least 100 pages. Invisible Man is good. And thank god that the religious books are gone. Holy Bible in top 5? stupid.

>> No.17160848

anti-europeanism and anti-whiteness is an inherently political stance

>> No.17160859

Reddit has always been a less edgy and mainstream 4chan. Idk why this place always jerks itself off if ur on the internet ur a gag virgin

>> No.17160864

Such a gay subreddit. The whole site is gay but that just sums it up well

>> No.17160876

>im dumb, someone explain to me the difference between by work and by author

>> No.17160890


>> No.17160894
File: 30 KB, 293x236, 1525516542276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddam, the whole thread is weenies complaining that it is mostly European Male Authors. The best are the people complaining about lack of poetry... as if Dante, Homer, and Shakespeare aren't poetry

>> No.17160911

>of course, no list will tick all the boxes
>tick all the boxes
Damning self-confession of the shitlib ethos

>> No.17160929

>European Classics are about Universal Truths and Feelings of Human Beings
>African American "classics" use "experimental grammar" and are about how they are oppressed

>> No.17160967

Also, funny that you should mention film. I'm a great aficionado of eastern cinema -- Wkw, Kitano, Ki-Duk Kim, Miyazaki, Oshii (!!) -- You name it: pure artists. None of which fit the category "social commentary" or "racial identity" ofcourse, which is what redditors I believe call "the racism of lowers expectations". Same reason Tony Morisson got on the list. Right person at the right time.

>> No.17160984

refute it

>> No.17160993

no one gives a shit about their "struggle" unless it's the struggle of going back to Africa

>> No.17161118

I've been here for 4 years I think I understand the culture well enough to know that this place is full of retards who think they are better than other retards

>> No.17161132
File: 302 KB, 560x390, Wolfe Pack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cowardly reddeers are eaten up by courage of Wolfe pack. Reddit recontextualized as unreliable narrator? >>17161118 is an unreliable reddit narrator. Bow before the pack.

>> No.17161144

It's still pretty wrong in some places, but not as awful as ours.

>> No.17161153

The only place with books worth reading that isn't Europe or the Mediterranean area is China.

>> No.17161185

Lmao it's a sickness you believe ur special cause ur fag out on an image board where others fag out on a whatever tf reddit is. Find something real to take pride in like ur intelligence or strength.

>> No.17161215

>Right now, I'm reading Flaubert's Sentimental Education, next in line is Axtaga's Obababoak, next Piranesi -- European whities. Which of these should I replace, Reddit-fren? :)
none of them, because nobody said anything about replacing white authors as I already mentioned. That's what you guys are struggling to grasp apparently. Stop it with straw men already and actually read the greentext I was referring to. Are you actually failing to understand those few sentences or are you blatantly misinterpreting them?
>Which works do you personally believe are as good or even better purely in terms of qualtiy?
native son, invisible man and go tell it on the mountain (two of which they included).
>Also "to become more empathic" relies on platitude. Who says they will, who says that my one of my shortcomings in life is racial intolerance, or a lack of empathy?
Once again, I'm fucking begging you to read at this point. I already said that whether or not you empathize with the character's racial struggle is dependent on the quality of the book. Consider yourself lucky that I'm repeating myself over and over again just for you because you seem to be the only one who is actually discussing in good faith
>Again, I read because I want to see genius, not to become a better, more well-rounded, more functional member of society (which, treasonous to my /lit/ origens, I already kinda am) . In fact, I find the very suggestion inimical to the idea of literature -- something reddit will never understand.
Everyone has their own intentions with reading. What you're looking for in a book is up to you, though you can't deny that you automatically have to at least try to emphasize with the characters (regardless of who they are) because you are engaged in their story. You'd have to emphasize with the character to see the genius that you're looking for, that's just the nature of stories. As a reader you are an outsider and have to gain the perspective of the characters and the world.
yes, I also watch a lot of asian movies, including those directors you named. The reason they don't involve race is pretty obvious, they're homogeneous and somewhat isolated societies. A black man in america has a vastly different view on race than a japanese man in japan. Crazy right?
Also, almost all of them have social commentary. I find it hard to believe how you can not see that. I'd actually go as far as to say that asian cinema is #1 in that regard. Even yakuza related movies have social commentary.

>> No.17161383
File: 378 KB, 599x602, 1608565187084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddit is higher IQ coz they believe in abortion. 4chin believes in rights for fetuses and is therefore stupid.

>> No.17161489

66/100. Not bad, a bit boring (which is why I prefer the top novel list to any of the top 100 book lists that have been floating around, it has more surprising pics. I like that it actually has Krasznahorkai, who is great and frequently mentioned on /lit/ but never makes the /lit/ lists for some reason.

>> No.17161542
File: 669 KB, 1744x1080, Screenshot_20190902-015458_VLC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are they like this

>> No.17161559

Quran is one of the worst books of all time and that irrespective of their trash followers.

>> No.17161612
File: 117 KB, 185x395, 1609104206757~3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You never going to be a woman and never going to have a child.

>> No.17161624

> none of them, because nobody said anything about replacing white authors as I already mentioned. That's what you guys are struggling to grasp apparently. Stop it with straw men already and actually read the greentext I was referring to. Are you actually failing to understand those few sentences or are you blatantly misinterpreting them?

Expanding your reading means disregarding other works. If I read, say 60 books the next year, I will have to cut certain works from my list.

> native son, invisible man and go tell it on the mountain (two of which they included).


> Once again, I'm fucking begging you to read at this point. I already said that whether or not you empathize with the character's racial struggle is dependent on the quality of the book.

That's not what I meant. It's a platitude to assume that I will become more empathic even when exposed to 'good writing' about struggling characters or that I would need to become more emphatic, because me becoming more emphatic implies ofcourse a lack of.

> Everyone has their own intentions with reading. What you're looking for in a book is up to you, though you can't deny that you automatically have to at least try to emphasize with the characters (regardless of who they are) because you are engaged in their story. You'd have to emphasize with the character to see the genius that you're looking for, that's just the nature of stories. As a reader you are an outsider and have to gain the perspective of the characters and the world.

Don't really disagree, but characters are often not reflective of actual people. Sociological writing is pretty degenerate. Nabokov already harped on this fact nearly a century ago, but academia is still catching up. Genius or artistry is the main thing. Read Strong Opinions, he doesn't say a single thing that's untrue.

> Also, almost all of them have social commentary. I find it hard to believe how you can not see that.

No contradiction. They are artists because they transcend social commentary. I was honestly pretty surprised at Oshii when I watched The Wolf Brigade after I had watched Patlabor 2. Really not what I had expected of him, unironically made me think for an instant. (Invisible Man for example is good piece of fiction, but didn't make me think.) All of which expertly written ofcourse, stellar soundtrack, peak aesthetics. This is why he is an artist and a genius. The original discussion was actually about Asia and Africa, so I'm not sure why you're constantly referring to Black people in the US

> I'd actually go as far as to say that asian cinema is #1 in that regard.

Not only in that regard. Asian cinema has completely eclipsed western cinema because Western directors are too busy pandering SJW stuff, and because Hollywood is a disaster. Noe is one of the few Western artists left.

Swearing becomes you. Might wanna leave Reddit after all, and join the baddies

>> No.17161883

>your opinion is dishonest

lol you're a pompous fag, please die

>> No.17161930

The overrating of Stoner is such a tragedy

>> No.17161987

>#1: Ulysses
My sides

>> No.17162006

QED. So much for that hard fought empathy. Reminds me of something Nabokov said about how cruel people are the biggest sentimentalists, nowadays they're virtue signallers instead, which is another form of sentimentality ofcourse

>> No.17162015

Not even the guy you were having your discussion with, you just talk like a fag and your shits all retarded and I wanted to let you know

>> No.17162329

>QED. So much for that hard fought empathy.
"Empathy" is a buzzword that means little more in today's discourse than "feeling with an agenda."

>> No.17162378

this is such a weird list compared to previous years
>IJ not even top 10
at least The Trial made top20 somehow even though i dont even think it made top100 last year?
>Thomas Mann makes top 30 and W.G. Sebald and Krasznahorkai even make it on the list
nice, it's interesting to see how a few posts can start a fad and make some books more popular here that weren't before

>> No.17162386

>Paradife Loft
>17 spaces below Infinite Jest, Stoner, and Beckett's plays
Glad Marquez made it so high though. Also, Kafka's short stories are better than The Trial.

>> No.17162391

>Real list
guenonfag go to bed

>> No.17162420

These people take themselves way too seriously

>> No.17162480

>Africans Americans
This is a racist term. The thing is you mutts are obsessed with blacks. The only non-white race that you can point at to get most virtue signaling points. Many other races have great and complex literary cultures but it's MUH BLACKS.

>> No.17162507

Is it really there list? This is basically a /lit/ list with a few replacements and rank shuffling.

>> No.17162821


I'm ashamed of all of you. I know you're posting on reddit. This list is basically /lit/ except they're up their own ass so they don't think it's funny that Mein Kampf is number one every year. How can you assholes hang out with people who don't think that's funny? I voted all 10 votes for some obscure Lem book, but still, it's funny. And you're hanging out with midwits who are ashamed that there aren't enough Nigerians on the list. You need to have a sense of shame. Hanging out with people who can't make Hitler jokes is shameful. It really is. I don't even know what to say to you about how awful you are. If you're on Reddit at this point you're basically Adolf Hitler, and how can you defend that?

>> No.17162834

>No Waldun
>No Beleca
>No Gardner


>> No.17162885


>> No.17162924


>> No.17162927


>> No.17162932

Because this is basically an alt-right troll site now

>> No.17162948


>> No.17162968

bad bait

>> No.17162979

He's right though

>> No.17162988


>> No.17162995

The only good thing about the list is that they added Suttree, but then again, it's reddit and they probably added it to take the higher ground by imitating old /lit/.

>> No.17162996

This, most of it is overwhelmingly boring and safe but there are a few shit ones in here that filters most plebs.

>> No.17163007
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>> No.17163010

Literally one or two boards have some alt-right members on it. The rest of those boards are filled with leftist scum who think that being trans isn't mental illness.

>> No.17163049

He’s wrong though

>> No.17163183

Where is the culture of critique?

>> No.17163216

having anna karenina over war and peace is the most reddit thing ever. hamlet top ten however is quite based

>> No.17163242


>> No.17163275

Learn to read

>> No.17163333

>Doesn't have Pedro Páramo
How is it better again?

>> No.17163634

based. I read it once and all I remember is that it sucked

>> No.17163748


>> No.17163800

>Infinite Jest is not no. 1

Shit list

>> No.17163837

I hate reddit so god damn much.
I will triple my racistposting this year to keep the fags away. This thread is an embarrassment.

>> No.17163861


>> No.17163863

Based. I don't even hate niggers that much but I despise the redditors shitting up this board

>> No.17163927

Based. Engaging in racism posting is necessary martyrdom to protect high culture.

>> No.17163954

It isn't.

>> No.17163977

That`s because they don't have literal 80 iq /pol/ retards trolling their votings, while having a simliar demographic as this board, so they keep the good picks and the more questionable ones (Stoner lmao) without adding the meme garbage.

>> No.17163992

Those are not even that bad, seems better than the constant thotposting and one liner answers on here.

>> No.17164004

Next year it seems the only acceptable entry will be the bible in all 100 spots to cleanse the Reddit out of this place.

>> No.17164027

Because it's all /lit/ users minus the /pol/ retards and normal retards who shit up every thread and drive out discussion.

>> No.17164039

What a normie fucking list.

>> No.17164074

Then why don't you go back, friendo?

>> No.17164076

>Beckett's plays
they're not plays you idiot

>> No.17164099
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Shitlibs are retarded, however that faggot isn't completely wrong. Expanding your own horizon and reading books from other cultures is never a bad thing (unless you only do it to "tick the boxes")

>> No.17164175

Not the other anon, but I just want a serious literature forum where I can have meaningful discussions with some other autist nerds because I have no one irl to do it.
Shitting on the polls is no big deal, but this board was once the best place to discuss lit, without the usual retardation of /pol/ and the faggotry of reddit. It's been in a slow but constant decline at least for the past 5 years, it makes me kinda sad.

>> No.17164182

You can discuss with me :)

>> No.17164264

I like that Buzzati made it :)

>> No.17164300

/pol/posting is a reaction to the increase of leftist aggression worldwide. /lit/ is not isolated from the real world, it's a reflection of what is happening.

>> No.17164309

Ok fren.
I want to talk about the obvious parallels between Life is a Dream by Calderón de la Barca and Oedipus Rex and how the differences in the understanding of fate between the Classical and Christian worldviews make for a very distinct structure and resolution between the plays.
While Segismundo has the chance to redeem himself and challenge his prophesied destiny through the Christian notion of free will, Oedipus was born just to comply with the the prophesy.
I found those plays to present a wonderful contrast between the two main traditions of the western world. I wonder if with our modern understanding we are shifting back to the Classical conception once again.
Segismundo deserves praise and acknowledgment as he was the maker of his own redemption (with the help of God of course) while Oedipus only deserves our contempt.
Will this change of mindset affect our notion of justice too?

>> No.17164449

Oedipus wasn't born to just comply with the prophecy. After complying with the prophecy, he was left to live and die peacefully in Athens. Oedipus was the maker of his own redemption by fulfilling his mission. Why does Oedipus deserve our contempt? He lived according to the natural law of justice and fulfilled the punishment of his ancestors. Why would it change our understanding of justice? Unless you're talking about an understanding of justice in the post-French Revolution intellectual framework, which is wrong.

>> No.17164703

TrueLit is based.

>> No.17164720

Brave New World is easily top 10. Shame it's left out in most charts.

>> No.17164745

What's hilarious about this is that they don't even mean the real eastern canon, they genuinely think something like White Teeth should go toe-to-toe with Dosto or Joyce.

>> No.17164781
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>the real eastern canon

>> No.17164841

then go and shut the fuck up about it, three quarters of /pol/ related shitposting is retards like you complaining about it

>serious literature forum
you are fucking retarded if you actually think /lit/ was could ever be this, this is just /lit/, at different points in time you may or may not like the proportion of posts on it you approve it but it will never be a serious literature forum, by definition

>> No.17164862

Trans rights!!!

>> No.17164873


Why is moby dick so fucking shilled?

>> No.17164876

Fuck off PETA

>> No.17164880

Because this board is 80% yanks. Good book though

>> No.17164902


Never read it. Is there more to the book other than some faggot on a boat chasing a whale

>> No.17164909

>Not Latin America

>> No.17164936

Do you have any idea how delusional are you?

>> No.17164939

That's actually the very least of it, perhaps only 150 pages really

>> No.17164940


>> No.17164941

because they read books, we read the wikipedia page then have insanely strong beliefs about them

>> No.17164942

/lit/'s version is ironically much more diverse and inclusive
China has the weakest eastern literature
All their so called great novels are dogshit
The only part of the Confucian canon that is not drivel is the book of songs
The only things of value from Chinese lit are poetry, porn and Shen Fu
There's so much in Arab, Farsoid and Poo lit that's worse including but pretty much five works for china and they are more populous than the entire American continent or Europe+mena

>> No.17164946

He's also right though. Left and Right are two sides of the same retardcoin. They only exist through each other and inseperably.

>> No.17164953

>China has the weakest eastern literature
Yeah as opposed to Korea which has literally zero worthwhile literature

>> No.17164961

>Brave New World is easily top 10
Somehow this is the most reddit post itt

>> No.17164967

Yeah I'm surprised Hitchhiker's Guide isn't #1

>> No.17164973

post taste

>> No.17164975

What's your list look like?

>> No.17165003

Hmmm, you win
China is the worst of the best in eastern lit
Muzzies, Poos and Nips are superior but Chunks are much better than the rest

>> No.17165327

All of these gay ass lists are nothing but jacking off each other about how smart you niggers think you are.
The fact that leddit and the 4chan lists are so similar is living proof.
At least this year we had mein Kampf and other meme-shit in there so that's a step in the right direction at least.

>> No.17165578

Seethe all you want but they're not wrong

>> No.17165688

Anyone who unironically believes that Japanese lit is in any aspect superior to Chinese lit should be disregarded as a crypto weeb inmediatly and never be listened to again.

>> No.17166329

This, really. Chinese aesthetic and literature is superior to all, except Indian religious texts.

>> No.17166593

Because all the actual well-read /lit/ posters jumped ship four years ago when this place became a cesspool of shitposting and pure ideology.

>> No.17166618

Spoken like a true newfag. Nu/lit/ could never pull off something like Totalitarianism Within a Tundra.

>> No.17166640


>> No.17166651

Go back dimwits

>> No.17166660

no shit people who can only read English are going to have a top 100 filled with european and north american fiction

>> No.17166725

Japanese lit is superior because it copied yuro lit
Chink aesthetics are garbage
They're so repetitive they make the Mahabharata seem original in every page
They also can't write a proper human being, they can't even write an archetype of a character, only paper mashes
Notice how you chink anus tonguers never actually provide any arguement for why their horseshit is any good. You only say
>bbbut it's good bbbut its superior bbbut ba-ased

>> No.17166869

This is not the real reddit. The real reddit community is subscribed to r/books and only reads Harry Potter.

>> No.17166877

Holy shit, their top is better than ours

>> No.17166882

Does r/books have a top list? I know that their front page is always full of Harry Potter when I visit. Let's take a look, shall we?

>> No.17166910
File: 154 KB, 1457x873, rbooks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm back. It appears they don't have a "Best Books of All Time" list, but their favorite books published in 2020 will be revealed Jan 17th. Here is their front page

>> No.17166933

>books published in 2020
the only one I could name is Obama's book, guaranteed to be in the top 3 there.

>> No.17166943

Probably right. I wonder why they don't have a "top of all time" list? Maybe it would just be full of Harry Potter, and book versions of Netflix Adaptations, and they don't want to look *that* uncultured?

>> No.17166970

they don't like to read dead white men (unless it's circlejerking Oscar Wilde raw because "omg he was gay!") and they like to live in the present (unless a piece of old literature in someway can be misinterpreted to fit their world view)

>> No.17167018
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I guess you are right. I'm probably just being condescending here, but I would be extremely surprised if they actually read any of the minority authors they do praise. In fact: I bet they only know of them from their threads. Look on their front page how many posts their are about being a quarter of the way through a book, or their thoughts after the first chapter. I don't see anything about thoughts after they have finished the book...

>> No.17167484

>CP ahead of TBK
you anons are an embarrassment

>> No.17167509
File: 41 KB, 800x696, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Thus Spake Zarathustra.
I'm honestly kind of irrate that I even bothered looking at it.

>> No.17167664

Does anybody have the legit 2020 list chart? Not the novel one or the survey one.

>> No.17167718

Found one on goodreads

>> No.17167731

>All Science Fiction, comic books, and books they were made to read in school
>A couple of foreign books thrown in to show how cultured they are

>> No.17167733

Literature is overwhelmingly a European product. It’s like complaining that most football teams is Mexico are Latino

>> No.17167794

>Literature is overwhelmingly a European product.
at least, Eurasian.

>> No.17167839

>my struggle
>no the book of the new sun

Fuck off.

>> No.17167906

Even the Russians came from european Russia

>> No.17167927

>What are the four chinese classics
>What the the Bhagavad Gita
>Who is Sei Shōnagon (my wife)
>Who is Attar of Nishapur

>> No.17167953

Euros play football too you know

>> No.17167974

What indeed

>> No.17167978

Don't you mix my attar with that overrated garbage

>> No.17168018

Imagine being proud of being uncultured.
Dear I say it, back to R E D D I T

>> No.17168484

what does Eurasian mean, retard?

>> No.17168772

That is pretty much what are top 100 was for years, but everyone stopped caring about what pointless votes to reorder the same 100 books over and over. Most of the people who still care are either frog posters or people who are more interested in validating their ideology than in lit, and our top 100 reflects that.

>> No.17169781


>> No.17169815

>How come reddit's top 100 is so much better than ours?
Reddit's authoritarian top-down method of control prevents the cultural disentegration 4chan's anarchist ideology promotes.

>> No.17169859

Looks just like /lit/'s top 100 without the meme books.

>> No.17169940

>white fragility
I never want to see this book mentioned again

>> No.17169972

wow anon seems like your white fragility is showing