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/lit/ - Literature

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17152500 No.17152500[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of the slow and steady degradation of literary curriculum in higher education? I'm starting to get the feeling this isn't about books anymore

>> No.17152604

>leftists will defend this
You faggots had one shot and you ruined everything.

>> No.17152614

>one sixth grade class
In before they point (((it))) out again.
This isn’t the board for IDpol

>> No.17152727

Why would anyone be proud of this? Literally wtf is wrong with the odyssey? Why are people in this day and age so fucking sensitive to literally everything?
I'm gonna go get taco bell or something. I'm so depressed.

>> No.17152731

Based anon posting this after the jannies took it down earlier

>> No.17152739

He attacked a political ideology, not an identity. You suck.

>> No.17152741

Anyways, as someone pointed out in the last thread, this is a good thing. It's better these type of people avoid literature altogether than try to change the canon to be more "diverse."

>> No.17152748

>so fucking sensitive
They're not. They're just lazy. All this bs about "It's problematic, it's racist, it's sexist" w/e is a cover for the fact that they just don't want to read it. They don't like reading, they don't want to read complicated books, they want to read Divergent and browse on their phones and have no homework. And now the kids who grew up wanting that (minus phones) are now 30 and 40 and deciding the curriculum and, guess what, they STILL don't want to read anything but YA.

These people aren't really marxists or SJWs or anything else. They're just narcissists and sociopaths who want to glide through life on easy mode and will invent increasingly bizarre and abstract reasons why everything they encounter that's difficult should be destroyed. If it was the 1920's I'd suggest beating them but that's frowned upon, so I don't know how to fix it.

>> No.17152752


The Odyssey is hardly even complicated. It's conventional children's reading, although it is obviously rewarding for adults as well. People used to read translations to their kids

>> No.17152756

I never read a single classic in my school. The closest was Macbeth but thats only because I was in the play, though later tin Uni I began to branch out and immerse my self in those classical works. Honestly I can see how these books would've been wasted on myself and other kids. There will always be those who will seek them out anyway.

>> No.17152762

This is just one head on the hydra of scholastic degradation. It's not "just" one class. It's one class that removed the Odyssey, yes, but there'll be another that refuses to read Catcher in the Rye, another that bans Dickens, another that forces their students to read White Fragility, another that bans at-home readings because they're "inequitable" to students with bad home lives. You can't just address it as one single issue. These are many faces of the same issue. There is no "Lack of Odyssey in English Class" problem. There is a "Hatred of Literature" problem.

>> No.17152764

this is a board for books, not for discussing educational curriculum which is /pol/itical

>> No.17152765

LMAO, is this parody

>> No.17152769


In the USA they typically teach Shakespeare. Especially if you opt for the "advanced" or AP classes in English

>> No.17152773

Literature is often political, and we live in a time where it's being even more politicized. Fuck off.

>> No.17152775

cool, head on over to /pol/ where your political conversation wont break the rules and get your thread deleted as it was 20 minutes ago

>> No.17152783

I didn't make this thread or the one that got taken down earlier, I just want to be able to discuss this. And I don't want to go to /pol/, it's far too right-wing for my tastes.

>> No.17152784


>> No.17152787

>Hey guys, you read books, what do you think about the ways we're changing literature curriculums?
>"No, you can't post that here. You have to go to a board where they'll call you a kike for reading if you want to discuss education".
Neck yourself you useless waste of oxygen.

>> No.17152788

the thread is about a specific work, the Odessy, and the pros and cons of including it the public school curriculum. What elements of this piece of literature do students and/or educators find objectionable?

>> No.17152789

Its the logical conclusion, and I praise it. This will accelerate its imminent collapse, which will ease its replacement by traditional fascist values of integrity, honesty and and sincerity above all.

>> No.17152796

Why do they hate white culture so much?

>> No.17152798

>the slow and steady degradation of literary curriculum in higher education
no, this thread is about a political tweet and about "the slow and steady degradation of literary curriculum in higher education," it belongs on /pol/, or, quite frankly, in the dumpster

>> No.17152799

>Greek work
>White culture

>> No.17152807


>> No.17152810

They're fighting the appropriation of Mediterranean cultural treasures by Nordish barbarians.

>> No.17152813

When I read the Odyssey in the 9th grade it was part of a unit that covered Greek Mythology as a whole. You know, so High School Graduates who paid attention would at least have the background to not get filtered by Western Literature every time it’s referenced.
I wonder if they replaced it with some revisionist garbage, some more “accessible” contemporary YA or if they just skip over it entirely.

>> No.17152816

You realize /pol/ is not the "politics" board, right? It's the "politically incorrect" board. While most people here lean right and towards conservatism, they don't genuinely believe that Jews are responsible for all of the world's problems, or that black people are subhuman, or that gay people are degenerate. Most /lit/izens would not be welcome over at /pol/

>> No.17152829

I don't think /pol/tards actually believe that blacks are subhuman or that jews alone are to blame for everything in earnest.
There's a lot of hyperbole over there.

Gay people are by definition degenerate, though.

>> No.17152833

Speak for yourself, I believe those things.

>> No.17152840

That's just OPs take on the tweet, which is about the odyssey, which you are free to disagree with. We are being invited to consider the merits of the work, speculate as to why it was removed, and give an opinion on whether it was good or bad thing.

>> No.17152846

Anon, if people shot on sight those who want to ban classics as they should, we wouldn't have to even make these threads.
Jews can't do anything unless locals allow them to. Why do you think they became so entrenched in usury? Nobody wanted to lend money but people needed to take loans.

>> No.17152856

/pol/tards never read the greeks they just like using isolated cherrypicked incidents as a political point

>> No.17152866

Nah it's about curriculum, which is political, you illiterate dumbass

>> No.17152870

you get em girl! YAAAAAS

>> No.17152879


Every. Single. Time.

>> No.17152883

oh look the neoliberal useful idiot strikes again! please save jp morgan from declining market shares!!!

>> No.17152895

I don't understand how people read YA willingly.

>> No.17152908

>implying fascists arent just capitalists but for white people only

>> No.17152911
File: 128 KB, 1300x956, gay-mature-man-receiving-news-M3PX12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it's about the Odyssey, a literary work, being removed from a curriculum. But on second thought i guess it's a retarded thread since OP provides no background info and people will just project whatever they want on to the tweet.
Personally, I'll say if the Odessey was excluded as part of a purge of classic works to make room for works that align with globo-leftism, that's pretty gay.
Jannies go ahead and delete the thread.

>> No.17152914

Why teach when you can have John Greene explain it?
Fucking burgers KEK

>> No.17152921

Your non sequitur post exhibits some pretty wild cognitive dissonance and defense mechanisms. It proves you don't believe your own bullshit, whatever that is.
>inb4 you claim not to see that

>> No.17152923

but fascists hate capitalists even more than communists do...

>> No.17152924

This is 100% true.

Doesn't matter. They have a mental block up because of the reverence that surrounds it which makes it seem more daunting than it is.

>> No.17152932

Lmao no they don't. They just hate minorities. They don't actually care about economics.

>> No.17152937

you're braindead

>> No.17152946

at least try to refute it
children debate better than this

>> No.17152950

I read the Iliad on my own in I think 8th or 9th grade. Most literary thing I read in school was The Great Gatsby. Didn’t even read 1984 or Brave New World (Brave New World would’ve been good). Bottom line is, if someone has an interest in literature, for whatever reason that is, they’ll most likely go out and pursue it on their own. Everyone in those classes thought Lord of the Flies was better than The Great Gatsby, and I’ve seen a Tik Tok with hundreds of thousands of likes talking about “Writers who need to be called out for their misogyny” which included F. Scott Fitzgerald and Orwell. It’s clear these people don’t take in any information, and if they do they trample it underfoot and turn to tear you to pieces.

>> No.17152957

You've been a busy beaver, huh OP?

>> No.17152969
File: 120 KB, 1300x956, old-man-having-friendly-conversation-with-his-female-friend-W8C52H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's just like hungry ghost scrounging for (you)s. Honestly, I pity him