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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 10 KB, 279x181, Unknown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17148718 No.17148718[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17148725

Please repost this meme in a non-ant-sized version...

>> No.17148727
File: 19 KB, 678x585, 1609122916531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not me, I'm going to browse 4chan more

>> No.17148736

Social media is cancer. I thought 4chan was bad, but I recently got. Twitter and feel myself sympathizing more with /pol/fags now. It sickens me.

>> No.17148744

Stfu faggot

>> No.17148758

stfu ant
you have to go back to r/TheAntHill

>> No.17148764

See you next year anon

>> No.17148767 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 640x414, schizophrenia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here you are

>> No.17148785

>Girlfriend ASMR

>> No.17148789


>> No.17148791

You’re always welcome back! (not implying you need help getting back, see you in a couple months!)

>> No.17148807

How can something be so gay

>> No.17148885

Kek fucking ants acting like humans and shit

>> No.17149061

I limit myself to about 20 minutes every day. Most of the shit on here isn't really worth anyone's time

>> No.17149077


>> No.17149080

I don't think 4chan harms me in any way, just have to stick to certain boards.

>> No.17149087

reddit image wmq7k2rngoe41.jpg
because op is a twat

>> No.17149141

>I limit myself to about 20 minutes every day. Most of the shit on here isn't really worth anyone's time

Ya theres really not much content on this board at a time. you can kinda brush through most of it in 20-30 minutes. Reply to a thread or two, get a book recommendation, 'ave a wee giggle, then get back to your life, this place is a waiting room, an airport terminal, its a jumping off point , by itself its nothing , jah feel?

>> No.17149146

I'm finally going to read Stirner and then just give up.

>> No.17149252

Once I realized that I actually enjoyed posting here. I just read and respond to a couple threads that seem interesting while taking a break from studying or working

>> No.17149253

I just started browsing two weeks ago after years of a break. Fuck lockdowns.

>> No.17149268

Not me. I've been planning by biggest LARP by far for months now. I think it will be ready in February.
Lots of (you)s incoming in 2021!

>> No.17149288
File: 525 KB, 1280x1807, 74345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you tomorrow.

>> No.17149582

Browsing the correct boards with relatively good community is healthier and comfier than any other social media site without all the shit you don't even care about

>> No.17149617

That's the opposite of self-improvement faggot. Social interaction is good, and the only place where you get non-cancer social interactions nowadays is 4chan (among public & online forums). You can self-improve by being kind, understanding, and helpful to your fellow anons. If you go out in the real world on R*ddit, Twitter, Facebook, etc, you'll become both dumber and more depressed. I warned you.

>> No.17149651


This post made me seriously consider

>> No.17149783


>> No.17149836

Not me. I actually plan on dropping out of uni to spend 18-20 hours a day solely posting "kek", "based" or "cringe" on 4chan

>> No.17149849

Better than today's universities.

>> No.17149903

We wuz in ANTZ an shieet

>> No.17149942

ME! I am a genius, and will give the world my merit.

>> No.17150000

Pretty much what I do anyway

>> No.17150346

Good for you OP, lets do this together.

>> No.17150358

Ok now this is based

>> No.17150372

Anon, you can socialize outside of social media, you know that right?

>> No.17150379

I've been here since 2007. I really don't expect I'll ever truly stop coming here.

>> No.17150399

I will either do this >>17148718 or this >>17149836. Hard to say, I'm just a man.

>> No.17150454

Kek, based and redpilled

>> No.17150484

>you can socialize outside of social media
Well, that's actually illegal where I live so no I can't.

>> No.17150500

I'd say that browsing the correct threads within the correct board is the way to do it. Most of the time I just post in the writing general, and actually know the regular posters there personally

>> No.17150538

I'm giving up /pol/ so I become less racist, and /b/ to stop looking at porn.

>> No.17150587


>> No.17150643

twitter is only gay if you’re gay. you literally choose what to have in your feed

>> No.17150724

seriously consider what?

>> No.17151096

I come less and less on my own. This site is full of blind negativity, and that affects your subconscious

>> No.17151127

not at the moment lmao

>> No.17151160

I gave up 4chan in 2014 and became a full time redditor. never looked back. not once.

>> No.17151171

have you considered the possibility that you yourself are a /pol/fag

>> No.17151249

Look I don't know you or anything but your post combined with your image makes this seem like some sort of half-assed attempt at self improvement. What do you really hope to accomplish by giving up 4chan? Does browsing this website actively interfere with your day to day life? Do the posts here seriously affect your mental state in a negative way? If so, sure go ahead and give it up. If you are just coming here to pass the time every now and again I don't see how giving it up is going to provide any sort of benefit for your life, unless you have this delusional, almost manic belief that every single minute of every single day should be spent improving yourself in which case I'd say there's nothing wrong with stopping to smell the roses every once in a while

>> No.17151286

I only go on /lit/ these days, I don't consider it too bad of a time waste. The only thing I don't like is being associated with the bigotry that is prevalent on 4channel dot org but other than that, this website does not interfere with my life in any significant way.

>> No.17151303

gay and non-keyed

>> No.17151335


>> No.17151496

Most of the time I'm on 4chan is time I would otherwise spend asleep. I don't have it in me to do much more.

>> No.17151533

Is this peak accelerationism?

>> No.17151537

I dunno... watching funny wojak pepe pee pee poo poo maymay posts all day on 4chan whilst eating my own hand sounds way more fun than any of that improvement crap zoomers are constantly spouting about these days.

>> No.17151539

Ummm? Tee-Hee! Uh-Oh! I think, well, I think I'm gonna say it! Dare I even? What would possess me to do so? Hee-Hee! Yahoo-Ou! Oh-No! Here I go! Well, Ha-Ha, this thread is, Tee-Hee, absolutely Reddit! Ha-Ha! Yes! Oh Brother! Another Zinger out of the Ball Park! Oh-Ho-Ho-Ha-Ha! Tee-Hee! Reddit upzote, my good sir! What's that? MY utensil? Well, Tee-Hee, it's a SPORK! UPVOTED!

>> No.17151572
File: 114 KB, 368x389, 1607642268972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not me, I love this shithole.

>> No.17151585


>> No.17151598

God bless you anon

>> No.17151603

Dangerously based

>> No.17151797

>non-cancer social interactions

>> No.17151802

accelerationists are just cowards afraid to change the status quo. their entire "ideology" is a cope.

>> No.17151803


>> No.17151856

seems like a way to come off edgy while actually doing absolutely nothing

>> No.17151892

accelerationists are all children

>> No.17151901


>> No.17151937

can we post,
>not a good look
so I can pretend I'm Twatting?

>> No.17151981
File: 62 KB, 600x577, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys quit porn?

>> No.17151984

Why do you think Accelerationism is a good world-view? Do you feel that if everything collapes, things would be rebuilt better? Do you feel that people will eventually "wake-up" to what is going on and demand change (if Coronavirus didn't change oyur mind on that, I don't know what will). I'm genuinely curious, and would like to hear your thoughts

>> No.17151988

It got alright again for a bit before the Christmas hols hit, so I might hop back on for a while once they're over again.

>> No.17151992


dont post these types of images or save them is probably a good start

>> No.17151998

couple months? I give it a week, tops.

>> No.17152077

The current climate, all these synthetic cataclysms, are all tentacles of the same vile monster that sprung from the depths. To revolt is to accelerate, to fling the United States and all its valuable infrastructure that fuels the world’s machine, if that were to become disrupted, by all the petty nonsense by these two parties are all constructs that serve the transhumanist elites whose world view has been informed by the Theosophists who wrote the early science fiction novels, whose Kabbalistic proclivities desire a man evolved past our base animal needs, to render an outside environment so caustic, so dreary and hostile, everyone so beaten and humiliated by the grind, that they will readily give up their agency in our subset that is far and away from being the main holographic projection, that they’ll hook themselves up to neuralink-like connections, and, from there, any outside Agent, Domestic or Astral, Galactic or Hypergalactic, can infect with any number of vulnerabilities. Enjoy being tortured by a the malevolent AI mother, the devouring Lilith.

>> No.17152092

I just stick to /ck/, /lit/, the occasional /tv/, and /b/ when I'm high as shit.

>> No.17152156

what the fuck?

>> No.17152435


>> No.17152584

Bloviator, filtered

>> No.17152590

see you tomorrow faggot

>> No.17152683

I recently did a month of nofap and pretty much noporn aside from the occasional softcore image on /fit/.
I pretty much just started one day and kept going.
It's curious, but once you get going fantasies are actually much more dangerous than porn images.

>> No.17152745

I agree but it can be a fine line. Even if I’m browsing “the right threads” I can still end up sinking way too much time here. I’ve learned a lot and had way more fun on 4chan than any other site though.

>> No.17152940

>It's curious, but once you get going fantasies are actually much more dangerous than porn images.

Care to elaborate?

>> No.17153005

It's easier to close a browser tab with porn in it than to rip yourself out of an erotic daydream.

>> No.17153025

I unironically did this in 2012. Eventually went back and finished.

>> No.17153036

i'm with you op, in fact i already quit this morning

>> No.17153048
File: 99 KB, 746x512, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this place. Book recs, the occasional anon with plenty of specific knowledge, this place is just comfy. I love you guys

>> No.17153067
File: 550 KB, 728x720, 1437932414754.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last year my goal was to be less racist
I succeeded
This year my goal is to cut down on fapping so much and try to get an income stream so I get a /gf/
I would also like to quit /v/ and the other addictive but bad boards about hobbies I don't even have.

I think those are both reasonable goals, I don't want to quit 4chan, but I want to quit the bad parts and limit my time here.

>> No.17153075


>> No.17153224

sorry kid you're gonna shave your leg and become trans, then youre gonna get fat.

>> No.17153243
File: 301 KB, 350x464, 1604455568515.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I was 15 I would be trans but I'm 30 and bald so I need to become a manly stoic man

>> No.17153271

4chan is good if you know how to use it

>> No.17153287

>the bigotry that is prevalent on 4channel dot org

>> No.17153296

the white nationalism and fascist presence on this site is quite reprehensible, but i suppose the price to pay for free speech. these despicable people would ideally change their backwards views or be hurled into the sun, but as it stands we must tolerate them here.

>> No.17153332

go back

>> No.17153487

used to be a lot better before 2016
the people calling for /pol/ to be deleted should have been listened to

>> No.17153503

I hate this kind of conditional faux-compassion and love which believers in absolute free will have

>> No.17154409

wouldnt the ones who spend time there just frequent other boards far more than now if it was gone?

>> No.17154418


>> No.17154419

I feel like I can only do it when I have a female romantic interest in my life

>> No.17154479

>went back and finished.

>> No.17154487

ah, the containment board fallacy. No, because a huge number of /pol/ users have been drawn in from other parts of the internet /because/ of the racism/anti-semitism/etc. Having /pol/ actually attracts undesirables to other boards, eg /lit/, because people who started using 4chan for /pol/ later discover other boards and carry their shit with them.

>> No.17154556

nobody said based or cringe in 2012

>> No.17154561

You need to recognize that porn is fucking disgusting. Also, the pleasure you get from it is not really worth it.

>> No.17154587

I've decided to give up hope in the new year instead.

>> No.17154615

Holy shit shut the fuck up. Stop saying retarded shit

>> No.17154631

They don't get it, anon. I get it.

>> No.17154638

lol you get upset when you see the word nigger on the computer screen

>> No.17154648

Fix your brain zoomer

>> No.17154663

>the only thing I don't like is being associated with the bigotry
>being associated with the bigotry
>associated with
learn to read

>> No.17154675

Yes, twitter is way more addictive than 4chan. I uninstalled the app from my phone.

>> No.17154691

4chan helped me leave behind the rest of the internet
Social networks, discussions, sharing pictures and thoughts, all things that in the end make people sad and angry and envious and superficial and fake
Anonymity and a rapid succession of ephemeral threads is the way to go
Too bad weak minded people let themselves get carried away too often. Just avoid the bandwagon trap and leave a healthy detachment between you and what you read here and it's all good

>> No.17154712

lol you care about what people who get upset when they see nigger on their computer screen think about the website where you shitpost about genre fiction

>> No.17154727

Yes, I do, because I have a mostly normal life, and normal people are offended by that word. The reason you're not is because there's something wrong with you.

>> No.17154747

If you're so normal why do you talk to people in your actual life about coming to 4chan?

>> No.17154757

it´s not that difficult, have something to do over the course of a day and just fap to whatver you see on instagram

>> No.17154760

First off, why would you do that? If you like jacking off to porn continue doing so, just do it less often, if you think it takes away too much of your time

>> No.17154784

I don't. That's what I'm saying. It would be nice to not have to hide the fact I use this website from friends and family.

>> No.17154803

Same, I also plan to have more wanks

>> No.17154808

You're underage, aren't you?

>> No.17154815

Of course it's bad to waste too much time on the internet, but for me it's better to do it here

>> No.17154839

I'm 27 and make over 300k a year. Nice try tho

>> No.17154842

Absolutely keyed

>> No.17154850

imagine having people think you're such a beta irl that they won't even let you go on 4chan.
maybe if you were a chad they'd let you be yourself...

>> No.17154851

>27 and make over 300k a year
>on 4chan and has to hide it from mommy and daddy
You'd make me sick if that wasn't exactly what a 14 yo would say

>> No.17154855
File: 24 KB, 400x400, C9BA9689-1D25-4DB2-897A-9BFB631C45E6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not me I already gave up new movies,tv,a lot of anime Facebook instagram , this is the only place I can come chat with my friends and say the n word

>> No.17154861

for real dude lmao teenage girls browse this website lmfao
why tf do you think it's the "hacker white nationalist terror org known as 4chan" still? it's normie af now.

>> No.17154871
File: 6 KB, 238x212, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually embarrassing

>> No.17154896

Imagine being so autistic you think anyone normal and semi successful accepts casual use of racial slurs and legitimate racism.
>if you were actually Chad, you wouldn't have to wear a hood at Klan rallies, everyone would just let you be yourself
fair enough, you don't have to believe me, obviously

>> No.17154953

This is the only honest statement.

>> No.17154960

I unironically got introduced to a lot of interesting figures in literature because of this site. I know it's a cesspool, but there are occasionally moments of lucidity, that much is certain.

>> No.17154961

lmao you beta ass nigga
i share 4chon maymays on my main facebook account i have everyone on

>> No.17154964

this, basically. You aren't being advertised to here by dumb insta-whores and scam artists. Facebook/twitter/insta is a rat's nest of mind-numbing bullshit most of the time.

>> No.17154974
File: 21 KB, 625x361, yeas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If I was 15 I would be trans but I'm 30 and bald so I need to become a manly stoic man

>> No.17154977

>be me
>literally make 4chan seem cool and slightly dangerous to the people in my life
>it's because i'm naturally cool, very hip, good-looking, fashionable have always been a countercultural vanguard, some may even say far before my time.
>i influence people
>my weirdness is forgiven as eccentricity

>beta spastic nerd who has to tell everyone how much money he makes to protect his sensitive little nubs where his testicles once were before he was castrated
>people just think you're weird
>no personality
>everyone you do is weird

>> No.17154984

lmao 300k at 27? I made that starting out as a math major at 19. I actually don't know how much I'm making right now because I've financially ascended so far that the salary \ net worth dichotomoy no longer applies to me. Suffice to say, I could buy your mom just for the laugh of it. Now piss off, cunt.

>> No.17154986


>> No.17155026

That's because you don't have anything to lose, and the people you surround yourself with are likely as miserable as you are. Or you have no self-awareness and could benefit from some.
Yeh, that works in high school, maybe college. Get into the real world, most people will cut you off immediately if they find out you post on a website where "nigger" is commonplace.
People around me probably think I'm weird, but not as weird as they'd think you are. You're impressing your 20 year old friends working at Arby's and you think you're hot shit.
lol you probably think I'm lying, but check out http://levels.fyi -- L4 Google/E4 FB or comparable can easily make over 300k with some stock appreciation. I'm sorry that you didn't get lucky with a highly marketable skill, but I did, and I'm not going to fuck it up by mentioning this place.

>> No.17155106

nah I'm pretty much well respected in the art scene in my city
people wouldn't dare tell me otherwise.
also, I'm not white.

>> No.17155144

how a normal person would react if someone found out they go on 4chan
>ah, yeah, bro, that shit is just fucking hilarious somtimes. i don't agree with the racism, and i don't think most of them really mean it. it's a freedom of speech thing, hacker culture, ya know?

how you, a beta sperg who never once stood up for himself, would react
>ohhhh, ummm... f-f-f-f-four ch-ch-ch-ch-an? I.... u-u-uh d-d-d-don't kn-kn-ow t-that is...

>> No.17155153

The pool is contamination board. If you delete it they will spread like a disease all over the place.

>> No.17155168

You sound like a little bitch, and that's why people treat you like a little bitch.

>> No.17155204

sounds like you have a problem with paranoia and have some narcissistic traits.
1. Like anybody really gives a shit about what you do in your life, what websites you browse, what you think. No one gives a shit.
2. There isn't some mob of people ready to betray you over the smallest indiscretion like browsing the website that gave us fucking lolcatz.
3. Really, no one gives a shit.

>> No.17155239

>he thinks math majors make money

haha, this place is chud city

>> No.17155242

maybe I'll cut the other boards but no way I'm gonna leave you guys
checked and kek'd

>> No.17155250

>non-math major brainlet detected
300k is literally the minimum for math majors. Of course they don't let you chumps in on that secret so you don't get too frustrated wiping plates with your Liberal Arts diploma.

>> No.17155253

>also, I'm not white
So what makes you think you can talk to me? Stop replying to my posts.
The fact that you think that's how a normal person would react shows just how much this place has messed with your brain. The way you described it might work for your group of high school friends (and even among the more normal ones, probably not), but to most educated adults, even your "Chad" version is pathetically cringe.
Nobody treats me like a little bitch. I'm not sure where you got that idea.
>sounds like you have a problem with paranoia
lol have you gone outside, buddy? it's 2020, you can't say nigger anymore. Racism isn't funny among educated people. I don't know if you're a hick or just in high school, but there's nothing paranoid about avoiding association with a website filled with racist content. As for your 3 points that are all the same, I'm not terrified someone will find out, I don't think anyone is watching me, I just don't mention 4chan in real life. Actually, that used to be normal back in the day, before everyone started posting memes on facebook. Not sure what happened that there are people in this thread bragging about sharing memes with their friends

>> No.17155257

>he doesn't even know what Liberal Arts means
you can get a math major from a liberal arts college

>> No.17155263

Not really, Im still not bored here so might aswell stick around, I enjoy most boards.

>> No.17155266

>Nobody treats me like a little bitch.
>proceeds to type out a paragraph about how he isn't a little bitch
hearty kek lmfao STEM bugmen will never learn. ever tried having charisma, sweatie?

>> No.17155272

I don't know and I don't care to know about your artsy fartsy bullshit. Fact is: I'm making bank cause I'm high IQ as fuck while you're flipping burgers. Cry more sweaty.

>> No.17155284

I didn't type out anything about not being a bitch. That paragraph was referring to paranoia and was responding to a different post. Learn to read.
I make over 300k, have you been reading the thread?

>> No.17155309

i doubt you've even been to college otherwise i don't see how you could try such a clueless larp, sad

>> No.17155319

You just seem like a bitch. Can't explain it. Seems like everything you've ever done in your life was to prove to someone else that you're not a little bitch, but you just can't shake it. No matter how high you climb that social ladder, the bitch-gene within you will persist to gnaw at your mind, and you'll always feel small, and weird.

>> No.17155323

Uh yeah I'll take a number 9 large with a pepsi, hold the tomatoes. Oh I'm sorry I only have $100 bills. Keep the change sweetness.

>> No.17155337

>You wrote out a whole paragraph trying to prove to everyone you're not a little bitch, that's how much of a little bitch you are!
>actually I didn't, I mostly ignored your commen--
take your meds, schizo

>> No.17155347

see you in two weeks retard

>> No.17155348

Typical bitch response with a typical bitch-made deflection. I'd turn your bitch-ass out.

>> No.17155349

he's probably some geeky mf who just got really good at programming as a teenager, and then banged out a decent cs degree. now he can buy a house with cash in less than a year, while you still live with your mom. but hey at least you get to say racist stuff on the internet from the comfort of your childhood bedroom.

>> No.17155354

based samefag lmao the stem bugman is SEETHING

>> No.17155362

4chan is the only social media I use

>> No.17155367

Oh if only I were there next to you, I'm sure you'd really turn my bitch ass out. But sadly, you're in your underwear in your mom's basement while I'm living my best life, where all I have to do is not say nigger and I get everything I want in life. I sure am cucked, though.

>> No.17155378

>be involved in computer science in any way shape or form
>think you have any right to condescend to anyone

>> No.17155382

>living my best life

oh no, i know how he's getting the silicon valley bucks now, he transitioned to a chick and is now taking affirmative action spots from female engineers, heh, he's still better than being a basement seething chud though.

>> No.17155392


wew what a loser

>> No.17155411

You've been in this thread all morning, surely you have something better you could be doing, Mr. Best Life. LMAO nice LARP, you fucking LOSER.

>> No.17155414

sorry bud, while you're redditspacing I'm living my best life :^)
>he transitioned to a chick
excuse me, that's "she" and "her" thank you very much.
>still better than being a basement seething chud though
That's really the point I've been trying to drive home here. If you are in a position in life where you are comfortable being associated with the word "nigger" publicly, your life clearly isn't going too well

>> No.17155430

Why is it so hard, bros? I keep telling myself I won’t do it, but whenever I pick up my phone or sit in front of my computer, I end up finding my way to this hellhole. I think it might be OCD and negative thoughts are suppressed by coming on here, saying something stupid I do not mean, lashing out when I’m frustrated. It is self-destructive and I always feel terrible about it.

>> No.17155453

honestly, no. I'm on vacation still for another week and I am having a really fun time with this conversation while drinking my morning coffee and petting my dog. There's so much time in the day, it's ok to have a mix of active and passive activities. I don't watch TV or movies or play video games, reading and 4chan are my only two passive pastimes. And the COVID lockdowns have simplified my life so much. It's been so peaceful. I feel almost like Emerson :^)

>> No.17155468

put a block on your router. Obviously you can go in and remove the block if you get really desperate, but it will take a few minutes, and that often is enough to discourage the impulsive use. There are other things you can do mentally to help with the urges but that's a quick solution that can help a bit with almost no effort.

>> No.17155486

You could be having your morning coffee while reading a book, practicing an instrument, writing, etc. and you feel good about posting on 4chan? Not saying I’m any different, but I am certainly not at peace with wasting any time on here

>> No.17155582

Exactly, 4chan won't subconsciously fuck your mind up so bad with all the ads and content made specifically to consume your time

>> No.17155583

Good for you anon. Recent CS grad here, hope to be in your shoes in a few years. I would never in a million years tell a coworker that i spend time on an alt right incel hate site.

>> No.17155618

Yes, not everything I do needs to be the most optimal decision for my life. Read Notes from Underground.
not entirely sure whether you're joking, but yeh, definitely do not, nothing good can be gained from it.

>> No.17155621
File: 38 KB, 470x470, 960078695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this place is absolutely filled with shilling, and all the toxic failed people will most definitely fuck your mind up

>> No.17155651

Terrible LARP. People think you're an abusive narcissist, and browsing 4chan is the least of your worries of what people know about you, predator.

>> No.17155659

I was literally in the process of blocking both sites from my browser. Hopefully this is the last post I make for good. I was thinking about disabling wifi, but then I figured out that everything I hate about internet is condensed into youtube and 4chan, so I will make an honest effort to abstain from both. I want to spend more time outside away from the computer.