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/lit/ - Literature

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1714790 No.1714790 [Reply] [Original]

I got an idea.

In the spirit of literacy how about we create a required reading list for 4chan.
Wed have one book for each board.

Heres what I have so far.

>/b/ - Naked Lunch

>/sci/ - Demon Haunted World by Carl Sagan

>/tv/ - Your Movie Sucks by Robert Ebert

>/adv/ - How to Win Friends and Influence People

>/v/ - Snow Crash

>/d/ - 120 Days of Sodom

>/y/ - Confessions of the Mask

>/k/ - (Something by Tom Clancy)


>> No.1714803

I don't think /b/ would have the patience to read your suggested book.

Also, I would recommend Rainbox Six, mainly because it's the only Clancy I can recall having read.

>> No.1714802

>/mu/ - Perks of being a wallflower

Entry level!

>> No.1714805

>/v/ - The Sound and the Fury

/v/ is Benjy

>> No.1714804

I'd like /mu/ better if everyone there read a book on music theory.

>> No.1714812

/co/ - The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay
/adv/ - The Sorrows of Young Werher

>> No.1714820

/k/ - The Rogue Warrior

>> No.1714827

You guys are failing to see Chuck Palanuik's influence on /b/.

>> No.1714830

OP here.

I was thinking once we have a full list we could compile all the .pdfs of the books together. Kind of like that 4chan soundtrack /mu/ did awhile back.

I dont /b/ has the patience to read ANY book. I just felt like the book fit the spirit of the board(at least before it went to total shit)

>> No.1714837

Fight Club could work.

>/s/ - Choke?

Anyone know of a good trashy lesbian novel for /u/?

>> No.1714848


no, they should read The Diary of Anne Frank.

anyone who knows why, well, yes.... they will know why

>> No.1714858

oh in that case House of Leaves for /mu/
It's required reading there, anyways.

>> No.1714860

tee hee

>> No.1714867

Tipping the Velvet

>> No.1714869

If only /new/ was still around.

>> No.1714871

/fit/ already has Starting Strength

>> No.1714868

OP here.


I kind of want the books to at least pertain to the topic of the board in some way, but failing us finding a book music-themed book HOL would work.

It would certainly fit the 2DEEP4U feel of the board.

>> No.1714874

>Johny Truant meets group of musicians reading House of Leaves
>Hey, i'm reading House of Leaves, and sort of care about music! YEEEEAAAAAAAAH!

>> No.1714878

The New Encyclopedia of Modern Body Building by Arnold Schwarzenegger.

>> No.1714881
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i'm trying to think of a stone-cold classic book about pop music, i feel like i must be forgetting something

this just won the pulitzer tho

>> No.1714885

Maybe the biography of a famous musician?

>> No.1714891


Hahaha, I've never heard anything more perfect than /adv/ being The Sorrows of Young Werther. Ever, ever, ever.

>> No.1714893

>/tv/ - Lolita by Vladamir Nabokov

>> No.1714896

High Fidelity?

>> No.1714898

I don't even have the patience for Naked Lunch.
Granted I'm very busy right now and was just as busy when I began it in late February. I'll probably restart it this summer.
/co/ gets Kavalier or Lord of Light. Jack Kirby and Roger Zelazny had very similar ideas and concepts. Zelazny wrote them better by millions of degrees, but Zelazny didn't have wild, bombastic, frenetic, genius art.
/new/ would have gotten (at least partially) Conrad's Secret Agent. Nihilistic and Anarchist, and plus, Conrad was the author of the undoubtedly racist yet still terrific Heart of Darkness.

>> No.1714913

>Robert Ebert

>> No.1714916

/lit/ - Richard Yates

>> No.1714922

if only

>> No.1714924
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what about /x/ guise??

>> No.1714929

/lit/ - Atlas Shrugged

>> No.1714962


/x/- scary stories to tell in the dark

>> No.1714966

/tg/ dungeons and dragons 3.5

>> No.1714967

I'd suggest Haunted

>> No.1714975

/x/ almost HAS to be House of Leaves

>> No.1714977

Nah, man, Pet Sematary.

I always pegged A Confederacy of Dunces for /b/.

>> No.1714983

/k/ here. We don't like tom clancy too much. 'War' by Sebastien Junger and 'Generation kill' by Evan Wright should be our nonfiction required reading (most of /k/ have seen and love 'Restrepo' the documentary and 'Generation Kill' the miniseries, but few have read the books that each come from.)

'Starship Troopers' gets an obligatory fiction throw-in

>> No.1714992


come on man we don't tell you how to weapon

if you want to tell us what gun /lit/ is, though, go for it

>> No.1715001

colt single action army.

because it's old and antiquated and archaic in this modern age of technology, but a select few will always like revolvers just because.

inb4 ocelot

>> No.1715008

What gun is /x/?

>> No.1715010
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The Yellow Wallpaper for /wg/

>> No.1715011

some sort of handgun with a suppressor?

>> No.1715014

Something pump action

>> No.1715015
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>> No.1715019

>inb4 ocelot


>> No.1715020

fuck guns, we have lasers.

>> No.1715024

nope, x is a crossbow

>> No.1715051
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/x/ here. actually, both "scary stories to tell in the dark" and "house of leaves" take up many, many threads..

sorry about the quotes, i doesnt italicize on the chans

>> No.1715056

I'm amazed you actually saw those amongst the 13 year olds scrabbling to learn 'teh majicks'.

>> No.1715088

OP here. Thanks for the advice.

Im making this in the hopes that the people of these boards will actually read the books. So Id like to avoid things that /x/ has already read(HOL)

Pet Semetary sounds good.

>> No.1715090

/ic/ - Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain

>> No.1715105

Does that actually work?

>> No.1715109

On The Road

>> No.1715131

>/v/ anything that doesn't contain videogames

>> No.1715139

Infinite Jest
Endwar (Europe vs. US)

no but seriously, probably:
Friday Night Lights
End Zone (by Don Delilo)

>> No.1715167
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>/co/ - "All the Pretty Horses"

>> No.1715306

/m/ - a Gundam novel by Tomino himself - I know those exist, but I'm not sure about the name(s) or if any has ever been released in English though.

>> No.1715399


>> No.1715413

>/int/ - Mein Kampf by the acclaimed writer, philosopher, painter and statesman A. Hitler

>> No.1715425

>/y/ - The Holy Bible

>> No.1715427

/an/ Aldo Leopold - A Sand County Almanac

/mu/ Haruki Murakami - Norwegian Wood

/tg/ Hermann Hesse - The Glass Bead Game

/hr/ Any book in large print.

/gif/ Any pop-up book.

/fa/ The Devil Wears Prada or anything pretentious in Russian.

>> No.1715428

/fa/ - Shoplifting from American Apparel

fashion related and just pretentious enough

>> No.1715618


>> No.1715627

Heh, that got me a giggle.

>> No.1716039

Bump for more sugggestions

>> No.1716140

/3/ - 3DCG

We should have them read Flatland imo

>> No.1716144

No one cares about /o/ :(

>/o/: The Art of Racing in the Rain

>> No.1716156
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/b/ - The Ass Goblins of Auschwitz

>> No.1716161
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>> No.1716188

/sp/ is hard because there are so many faces to it. Theres Ameritime, Eurotime, so much is off topic, etc. The book would have to barely deal with sports, have an american vs. European rivalry and hopefully be kind of random. Hemingway???

>> No.1716244

Not OP here. In case anyone else is having trouble with the board abbreviations, I made this quick guide. Also, I don’t think we need to recommend ourselves anything. Some of these boards are a bit obscure, so I think it’d be fine if we recommended the same book to more than one board. Up to you guys. Also, I don’t think we’ll be able to find something for a lot of these Japanese boards, so I think we could always cut the Japanese aspect out. For example /i/ would just be something about drawing, and /u/ would just be something about a lesbian. Some of these will be tough, but it should be fun.
/ɐ/ - Animu & Mango
/c/ - Anime/Cute
/w/ - Anime/Wallpaper
/m/ - Mecha (Giant Japanese Robots)
/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL
/cm/ - Cute/Male
/f/ - Flash (Have no idea what this board is for, maybe Adobe Flash)
/n/ - Transportation
/jp/ - Otaku Culture (Otaku means people who are obsessed with anime)
/v/ - Video Games
/co/ - Comics & Cartoons
/g/ - Technology
/tv/ - Television & Film
/k/ - Weapons
/o/ - Auto (Cars and shit)
/an/ - Animals & Nature
/tg/ - Traditional Games
/sp/ - Sports
/sci/ - Science & Math
/int/ - International
/i/ - Oekaki (The Japanese term for drawing)
/po/ - Papercraft & Origami
/p/ - Photography
/ck/ - Food & Cooking
/ic/ - Artwork/Critique
/wg/ - Wallpapers/General
/mu/ - Music
/fa/ - Fashion
/toy/ - Toys
/3/ - 3DCG
/s/ - Sexy Beautiful Women
/h/ - Hentai (Naked anime characters)
/e/ - Ecchi (Erotic Anime Characters- No nudity)
/u/ - Yuri (Lesbian Anime)
/d/ - Hentai/Alternative (I think this is a Furry board/Tentacle Rape kind of stuff)
/y/ - Yaoi (Gay anime)
/t/ - Torrents
/rs/ - Rapidshares (Not too sure what it is, but I think it’s like torrenting)
/hr/ - High Resolution (high quality pictures)
/gif/ - Animated GIF (moving pictures)
/trv/ - Travel
/fit/ - Health & Fitness
/x/ - Paranormal
/lit/ - Literature
/adv/ - Advice
/b/ - Random
/r/ - Request
/soc/ - Social

>> No.1716323

people on /ic/ are very divided about drawing on the right side of the brain. i'm one of the d/ic/ks that recommends other books over that one.

>> No.1716352

Okay, so far here are all the serious not trolling suggestions for our possible recommendation:

/b/ -
>“Naked Lunch”, “Fight Club”, “A Confederacy of Dunces”
/sci/ -
>“Demon Haunted World” by Carl Sagan
/tv/ -
>“Your Movie Sucks” by Robert Ebert
/adv/ -
>“How to Win Friends and Influence People”, “The Sorrows of Young Werher”
/v/ -
>“Snow Crash”, “The Sound and the Fury”
/d/ -
>“120 Days of Sodom”
/y/ -
>“Confessions of the Mask”
/k/ -
>“The Rogue Warrior”, “Rainbox Six”, “War” by Sebastien Junger, “Generation kill” by Evan Wright
/mu/ -
>“Perks of being a wallflower”, Visit From the Goon Squad
/s/ -
/co/ -
>“The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay”, “Lord of Light", “All the Pretty Horses”
/mu/ -
>“House of Leaves”, “Norwegian Wood” by Haruki Murakami
/u/ -
>“Tipping the Velvet”
/fit/ -
>“The New Encyclopedia of Modern Body Building”
/x/ -
>“Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark”, “House of Leaves”, “Pet Cemetary”
/wg/ -
>“The Yellow Wallpaper”
/ic/ -
>“Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain”
/n/ -
/trv/ -
>“On The Road”
/sp/ -
>“Friday Night Lights”, “End Zone” by Don Delilo
/m/ -
>*a Gundam novel by Tomino*
/an/ -
>“A Sand County Almanac” Aldo Leopold
/tg/ -
>“The Glass Bead Game” by Herman Hesse
/hr/ -
>*Any book in large print.*
/gif/ -
>*Any pop-up book.*
/fa/ -
>“The Devil Wears Prada”, “Shoplifting from American Apparel”
/3/ -
/o/ -
>“The Art of Racing in the Rain”

>> No.1716372

why the sound and the fury? i don't see it.

>> No.1716378

i'd like to reiterate that /ic/ has already read "drawing on the right side of the brain."
it would be like recommending "american psycho" to /lit/.

>> No.1716386

Sorry. Must have missed that.
That wasn't my recommendation. I haven't read the book so I didn't know it was irrelevant.

I may have added some troll suggestions without realizing it. Sorry if I did.

>> No.1716404

All The Pretty Horses for /co/ is a goof too

>> No.1716430

The Gundam novel written by Tomino, in English, would be Mobile Suit Gundam: Awakening, Escalation, Confrontation.

>> No.1716431

Bumping for more recommendations.

/int/ We could do The Kite Runner or something. I know it's contemporary, but it wasn't too bad.

>> No.1716434

I'll be updating the list of suggestions, and I'll repost it once we get some more.

>> No.1716454

maybe rant by Pahlaniuk for /gif/ or /b/ .very sick and entertaining.

Blood Meridian or No country for old men for /k/

all the pretty horses for /an/

/p/ huckleberry finn and life on the mississippi

/v/ flow my tears,the policeman said

im kind of getting away from myself i'll stop.

>> No.1716474

For /x/ either House of Leaves or John Dies at the End

>> No.1716479

>Getting conflicting reports on "All the Pretty Horses"
Once we get more I'll figure out which boards still need recommendations. Then we'll do some revising and voting, I guess

>> No.1716538

"all the pretty horses" for /co/ is trolling. some of /co/ loves my little pony (including me) but i'd say most of the people there don't care for or hate it.

>> No.1716539

also all the pretty horses isn't my little pony fanfic

>> No.1716545

/v/ Neuromancer

In light of the new cyberpunk game coming out Deus Ex 3. Deus Ex 1 had a few references to this novel in addition to similar themes.

>> No.1716557

/s/ must be The possibility of an island

>> No.1716569

The Unbearable Lightness of Being or The Tropic of Capricorn.

>> No.1716598

>/adv/ - How to Win Friends and Influence People

It would be so embarrassing to be seen reading this in public. Perfect!

>> No.1716622

i don't recall saying it was? i'm familiar with mccarthy. i don't see how a western, no matter how well written, relates to /co/ in any way aside from mlp trolling.

>> No.1716819

What do you guys think about Brave New World for /t/? Remember the saying "Everything Belongs to Everybody"?

Not sure if that's a sound recommendation, though.

>> No.1716824

Plus, I feel like hoarding torrents is sort of Brave New World-y. I don't know why, but I think it has something to do with the hedonism in BNW. Anyone else see this connection?