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/lit/ - Literature

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17147386 No.17147386 [Reply] [Original]

what does /lit/ use to write?

>> No.17147404

pen and paper

>> No.17147412

I don't really write anything lately, but I found Zenwriter to be quite pleasant to use.

>> No.17147419

You're really shooting yourself in the foot here. Yeah, you're clinging onto history, and you're coping by thinking you have to think carefully about what you write, but I assure you that all the great novelists of the past would be in awe of a computer, all that research, the speed of typing.

>> No.17147430

And then power goes out and you remember you didn't save in a while...

>> No.17147437

Libreoffice; why pay money for anything

>> No.17147446

That's where libraries come in. All the ink of theirs I've used. Heh-heh-heh.
And I copy all my progress onto five different thumbdrives each week.

>> No.17147461

My thumbs

>> No.17147481

Google docs
Must be fun writing slower than everyone else, not being able to edit without making things illegible, and not being able to send things off to others

>> No.17147498

pen and paper or vim

>> No.17147501

>Must be fun
yes, it is :)

>> No.17147505


>> No.17147511

I completed my 5 part horror novel series on Word. Anything else is fetishization, and that's the tea, sis.

>> No.17147516

Maybe i just prefer pens and not the rest of ur insane schizo headcanon you're trying to apply to me without knowing any fucking thing? Go back to sheddit subhuman.

>> No.17147571

Lmao based schizo

>> No.17147579

chisel and a slab of granite. it really helps me focus because it takes an hour to get one word done, and if it's not worth doing then it doesn't get carved, so my word economy is excellent.

>> No.17147592

LibreOffice > Microsoft Office
But LaTeX is the final redpill.

>> No.17147620

Clay tablets

>> No.17147625

How about writing in word/goodle docs to get your ideas down faater and then edit in latex? I want to get into latex for uni so thats my plan, pls r8

>> No.17147633

Faster* not faater kek

>> No.17147635

just figure out a template as needed, if you're writing plain text then you just need to put a blank line between paragraphs and nothing else.

>> No.17147727
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I have NO FUCKING IDEA how people use Microsoft Word. It is so freaking buggy and the performance is terrible. A few months ago I had to submit a smallish sized book/report (like 120 pages) as a doc so I tried to put it in Word and save (with no formatting or anything) and it repeatedly utterly destroyed my high end gaming-tier PC. What a crock of shit. People pay for this? Lol

Google Docs is better but still extremely slow and gay.

For 90% of writing on the computer I just use whatever default text editor came with Kubuntu, I think it's called Kate or KEdit or something. Bog standard plain text editor, fast as hell, with a fully functional regexp tab. Oh, and it can open 100000 line files with no delay. What more do you need/

For the remaining 10% when it actually has to look good, I either use LaTeX, or I write an HTML file and convert it to PDF using a headless Chromium process I keep running in the background for such purposes.

I love the idea of LaTeX and you can get really beautiful publisher-tier output, but at this point it is seriously outdated and boomer-tier software. Also it sucks shit when you have to change the font to something that no one has made a package for yet. On the other hand there is XeLaTeX but it is even more boomer-tier and decrepit. You usually have to waste a good hour or two fighting the compiler and scouring the tex stackexchange to do super basic things in LaTeX. Also the compiler error messages are extremely useless.

Honestly someone (preferably below the age of 85) should really make a rebooted LaTeX, without backwards compatibility, with modern handling of fonts, Unicode by default, all microtype features by default and compatible with T1 fonts, etc. And just generally less autistic and more suitable for general-purpose use. I would definitely contribute.

>> No.17147796

Based take

>> No.17147824
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I use MS Paint.

>> No.17147840

And yet, the great novelists of today either use a typewriter, use pen and paper, or, like Krasznahorkai, just say fuck you to the material world and write in their head.

>> No.17147849

Stop coping, internet addict.

>> No.17147862

Latex. It sucks balls. However, I am a STEM chud so it is necessary.

>> No.17147871

Imagine not using vim

Well, I tried to start something constructive there, but clearly you are a complete fucking retard who is just going to post wojak's if I try to argue. 50-50 that you were raped by your uncle, difficult to explain all this pent up anger otherwise.

>> No.17147875

I work exclusively with vim, latex and bibtex, so I agree with you in general, but you're exaggerating the faults of word processors. For most people writing a 20 page document, Word is perfectly fine, especially since you can output to PDF.

The problem is when people send you .docx files. That is unacceptable.

>> No.17147885
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Depends on what I’m writing. Pen and paper for most early drafts/letters, pencil for some. Google docs for logistical things. Scrivener for actual drafting (I got it for free).

>> No.17147892

I see a struck a nerve. I can tell you've haven't accomplished anything of note, that you'll forever be relegated to writing tepid, boring sentences, since your mind is so addled by the constant white noise of information, that you cannot possibly see the snares pits laid out before you. You know, you can use the computer without the desire to check 4chan every five minutes, that you don't have to put on a podcast to banish the crushing loneliness. You can write, anon... you just have to start sit down and start.

>> No.17147966

Cease the projecting, faggot. You know what? Yeah, I am angry at retards like you ruining any semblance of discussion on this board, because they pretend to find posting "seethe" or "cringe" hillarious, while in actuality they are going batshit insanely angry themselves. Forgive me for displaying emotions. And you know what? I know that I have a dopamine addiction which drives me to waste time on 4chun. At least I am trying to do my best to reduce the time I spend here. At least I recognize my problems instead of projecting them unto others, and try to fix it by doing shit like writing with pen and paper or canceling my mobile data plan.

>inb4 4chin is not social media or whatever the narrative you support is
lmao, cope, seethe, dilate, and pretend that I just posted a basedjak

>> No.17148024

nothing beats it

>> No.17148026

Stop masturbating to women who will never love you.

>> No.17148049

I just got scrivener and it's a piece of shit. The fuck?

>> No.17148064

school provides it for free

>> No.17148070

Jesus the amount of seething itt at a guy who chooses to hand write.

>> No.17148139

You can pirate it if you're not literally disabled.

>> No.17148172

That's new, I see calling you out, forced you to become innovative with the way you meaninglessly insult /lit/ connoisseurs.

>> No.17148174

Be quiet, coombrain.

>> No.17148201

Does anyone here use Notion?

>> No.17148203

OneNote is a superior alternative to Scrivener
Other than that I just use libre with properly pre-formatted documents and a personalized hotkey setup. What more do you need?

>> No.17148207
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>clearly you are a complete fucking retard who is just going to post wojak's if I try to argue

>> No.17148210

Yeah don't listen to him. What matters is that you get the words down. If using a pen and paper helps then it would be dumb if you didn't desu. Gotta find what works for you.

I think people on here worry too much about fetishising the act of writing. All that matters is getting the words down. I've got friends who have all these dumb scrivener settings that they use to help with scripts. It's all just a comfort blanket cope, but it helps them get the words out, so it's all good.

All that matters is if you are / are not writing. How you do it doesn't matter. So if it makes you feel like a badass to buy leather bound notebooks and $500 fountain pens then go for it lol.

>> No.17148215

lmao at midwits thinking they can become the next great writer, when they can't even conquer their porn addictions lmfao ngmi GG desu

>> No.17148231

>trust me bro, if you want to overcome your alcoholism you have to have a bottle of whisky sitting on your desk at all times to build your willpower

>> No.17148259

How sheltered do you have to be to equate alcoholism with watching too many ha-ha YouTube videos and shitposting...
lmao nigga, just turn off your computer, read a book, go on a walk. fucking buy a wrist watch and leave your phone at home when you go out.

>> No.17148264

>social media addiction isn't real

>> No.17148270

Every poster in this thread is a coomer.

>> No.17148274

lmao, you have to go back, zoomer.

>> No.17148281

>t. born in 1996

>> No.17148286

comfort is the #1 deadly illness of modern society
also this

>> No.17148439

Why would you go through the effort to pirate a proprietary word processor that doubles as a keylogger, when you can just use libreoffice?

>> No.17148528

I primarily use Word, but I'm trying to branch out into something else because fuck Microsoft.
I can't stand the GUI, looks like Microsoft Office 2003. Word is far cleaner in comparison (and is almost as customizable)
Seems like a very cool organizational tool but I always run into headaches regarding formatting that I haven't had the time to sort out yet. It also baits me into spending a thousand hours with outlining and research and I run out of steam by the time I get around to doing the writing.
I love the minimalist format and some of the linking features--seems like it could be a good draft pad (I actually use notepad when I want to jot some bullshit down to see if it works). I would ultimately have to pair it with Word anyways, though, which somewhat defeats the purpose.

At the end of the day, you either write or you don't. I don't think changing software is going to magically make you sit your ass down at your desk and clack keys. Your keyboard or desk setup is probably far more impactful to your diligence once you actually get started. I absolutely love the keyboard that comes with the Surface, the texture of the presses is just right and gives a nice little *thunk* as feedback for each press. It's a shame the screen is reflective glass and the whole thing feels flimsy (like a tablet-turned-laptop always will). Again, wish I could find something similar that isn't microsoft.

>> No.17148551

Yeah, I use it to write questions when I prepare for exams. Using the toggle I can hide the answer and reveal it after I try to memorize it. It's quite neat. I know some people who use it to categorize their whole lives lmao. Hbu anon? How do you use notion?

>> No.17148560

Just use LaTeX

>> No.17148802

Google docs works for me. But desu if writing on paper is your thing like >>17147404 then just go for it. Whatever rocks your boat, as long as you re writing

>> No.17148814

How do you convert HTML to PDF? Can you, please, elaborate? Genuinely interesting. I've been personally struggling with it for like 3 years now.

>> No.17149030

People have very low standards for software and technology in general. Check out Jonathan Blow's talks if you are interested in examples.

>> No.17149203

>what is autosave

>> No.17149212

>Jonathan Blow
Someone is browsing /g/

>> No.17149950

pen nad paper, then type it up in vim a week later to edit.

>> No.17150014


>> No.17150056

A notebook and a pencil for most of my lyric. Libre office for other things and collecting, organising and working on my poems.

>> No.17150076

filtered beyond belief.

>> No.17150130
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I use google docs for cloud storage. Gives me opportunity to write from my phone or laptop when I'm away from my PC. Which is rare desu.

>> No.17150133

also the nsa can give you feedback on your early drafts

>> No.17150148

Tablet with bluetooth keyboard. Default Docs App
It's comfy

>> No.17150200

Is IAwriter any good? So far it just looks like a more organized windows doc filled with a bunch of options for organizing paragraphs and no outstanding tools

>> No.17150224

It is you who was filtered by the pen and paper. Not to mention they are different on a psychological level, and each has their place, but yeah lets pretend like there is nothing pen and paper is good for and put all our eggs in one basket.

>> No.17150233

I use writerp and write on my phone

>> No.17150245

Umm no thanks

>> No.17150260

>Just use LaTeX
Just in my brief bit of research, this looks like the literal opposite of what would be conducive to good writing and editing. Can you shill it any better than that?

I like to think my handlers enjoy my manuscripts

>> No.17150434

>Waste money
>On pen and paper which cost exactly a dollar at any dollar store. 5 subject notebooks even

>> No.17150478

I don’t want to spend 44 years in front of a computer screen. So I use pen and paper. Yes it’s slower, but I have a much better life for it.

Using a dip pen with an inkwell makes it especially beautiful and enjoyable. I will use a word processor for serious revisioning.

>> No.17150502

notepad because it opens fast so i shit out whatever i want to write when i want to write

>> No.17150507

I actually have a cheque from Knuth for $0.32 for an error I pointed out in TAOCP. But I was lucky to actually get the cheque at all. Here's the story.
I sent in my correction and had forgotten about it until a few months later when I received a cryptic letter from Knuth saying that he'd accepted my 'challenge', was making the corrections and would deliver me a cheque for $0.32.

Luckily, I had heard about Knuth's violent confrontations with people he'd lured into pointing out errors in his books, but I was barely prepared for what happened.

Early one Saturday morning a heard a car draw up, follow by organ music coming from outside my front door. A knock quickly followed.
I opened the door and caught just a glimpse of a cloaked Knuth, TAOCP written in runes on his forehead using goat's blood, before I was hit between the eyes by a hardback copy of the METAFONT book.

Knuth pounced upon me with the speed and strength of a man half his age and pummeled me with a TeX manual screaming something about Leslie Lamport that I could barely make out.
I fought back as hard as I could and managed to roll with him towards my home office door where I'd prepared a trap in case the Knuth stories turned out to be true.

Propped above the door were all 3 volumes of TAOCP. In the struggle Knuth hit the door and received volume after volume upon his head. Dazed and gibbering in Japanese, he staggered to his feet and towards me, finally collapsing on the floor.

He reached into his cloak. Fearing a shirukin I ducked behind the sofa, only to hear him admit defeat and pull a crumpled cheque with my name on it from under the folds of heavy material.
To the families of the seven dead who Knuth taunts on his web site I pass on my condolences. To the seven: mourn you til I join you.
Be warned: don't fall into the this man's deadly trap.

>> No.17151326



>> No.17151975
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>> No.17151983

honestly using a pen and paper is just sad and try hard
i hope you all pen and paper users get tetanus

>> No.17151997

i use a blue ballpoint pen with lined notebook paper. then, i type the worthwile bits into latex with vim and compile it to a pdf which i then print out

>> No.17152217
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>> No.17152281

>I don’t want to spend 44 years in front of a computer screen.
Takes all sorts

>> No.17152781

>t. Hemmingway

>> No.17152998

According to amazon your books are terrible

>> No.17153023

Chisel and stone

>> No.17153035

write in vim for maximum speed then latex later.

>> No.17153050

>like Krasznahorkai, just say fuck you to the material world and write in their head
what do you mean?

>> No.17153768

wth dude, either download the extension single file on either chrome or firefox, or you can try using ctrl+p and saving it as pdf through that instead of printing, even though it can sometimes mess up the formatting.

>> No.17153868

>And then you leave your book on the bus

>> No.17153983

Nice propietary software faggot

>> No.17154033
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>> No.17154039

Nice shitty user interfaces, unmaintained software, envy of devs who have a better life than you you fucking virgin.

>> No.17154045

Libreoffice is the biggest piece of shit ui/ux software. I’ll pay for a nice user interface and I don’t care if someone is looking at my shitty writing thru intel ME or proprietary software this thread is full of virgins who don’t value their time.

>> No.17154074

chrome --headless --print-to-pdf=path/to/file.pdf file:///path/to/file.html

Start with this, it may require a bit of tweaking

>> No.17154295

Emacs with org-mode. I know how to use it, it can do formatting, it can do inline comments, and I can tack on things like spellchecking and a thesaurus. Dunno if I'd recommend it though.

LaTeX is only a good idea if you need its features. If you're writing a scientific paper and need to embed formulae and figures and citations and link between them then it's ok, great in some ways and terrible in others. If you're writing fiction it's only terrible.
If you like the way its output looks just write in something sane and use pandoc.

I've only listened to one rant of his but I wasn't impressed. He complained about terminal emulators being slow but that was more something that offended his obsessions than a huge practical shortcoming. It wouldn't hurt to see text zoom past at a hundred million words per second but it wouldn't help all that much either.
Love his games though.

>> No.17154374

Can anyone recommend a good program for visual poetry? I can write it in my notebook just fine but recreating it in LibreOffice is a pain in the ass.

>> No.17154470

How do people that don't have Alzheimer even do that? I mean, you either keep holding it in your hand or you are smart enough to put it in your bag when you notice your stop is next.

>> No.17154505

they lay it aside to do something else (play with their phones most likely), then get lost in thought, only barely notice that it's their stop in time and rush to get out before the doors close. add probably plays a role in this as well in most cases.

>> No.17155389


>> No.17156638

I keep a journal in OneNote

>> No.17157682

Haven't posted itt yet, but you got me.

>> No.17157763

Needs more jpg.

>> No.17157797

I use a marker on your mom's ass, bitch.

>> No.17157937

I doubt there are any disadvantages, or any missing features that you'd need to write a novel, with using Vim and Markdown syntax instead of Word. You can export everything in HTML as well. The only Word documents I open in LibreOffice are from sources that stick to incredibly obsolete practices.

>> No.17157964

>anon's book is a trilogy because OP's mom is that fat

>> No.17158062

google docs

>> No.17158077

For linux command line I've started using wordgrinder, which despite sounding like a gay hookup app is roughly similar to things like zenwriter.

>> No.17158079


>> No.17158810
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>what does /lit/ use to write?
My heart.

>> No.17158975

Pen and paper

>> No.17158990

LaTex, I use Overleaf and TexMaker

>> No.17158994

Notepad for jutting down ideas. I like its aesthetic.
Libreoffice for things I want to publish.

>> No.17159023

Kek very based

>> No.17159503

>what is battery
>what is autosave
>what is saving a normal amount

>> No.17159627

Jut down this one: the word you're looking for is "jot"

>> No.17160223


>> No.17160228

>Implying that having hundreds of pages of FLAMABLE NON-WATERPROOF paper is somehow safer.

Yeah it's a shame the library of Alexandria had to upgrade to the cloud like they did. All those books lost in that freak neolithic power outage.

>> No.17160887

One could engrave onto robust polymer sheets I suppose

>> No.17160896

Notepad. I like how it looks

>> No.17161310
