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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 3.76 MB, 3500x7700, Top100Books2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17138338 No.17138338 [Reply] [Original]

Finally, the long-awaited 2020 chart is here. This is the most eclectic top list we've had so far, since the voting system was a bit different this year - one person was able to vote for a single book multiple times.

I'm not the same anon who hosted the polls and came up with the voting system; he disappeared, so I made the chart following the Excel sheet he posted, which contained the poll results.

>> No.17138340

These are the only authors with more than one book on the list:
>Fyodor Dostoevsky (5)
>God (2)
>Homer (2)
>Leo Tolstoy (2)
>James Joyce (2)
>J. D. Salinger (2)
>Louis-Ferdinand Céline (2)
>Franz Kafka (2)
>Thomas Pynchon (2)
>Henry James (2)

>> No.17138349

is this a joke

>> No.17138367

every year it gets worse.

>> No.17138373


>> No.17138388

a decent list, if you ignore the obvious meme entries

>> No.17138394

I hate that cover art for loslita

>> No.17138413

it's disgusting

>> No.17138418

What was the 2019 one?

>> No.17138419

Shitty system, shitty result. Somehow Raise high the Roof Beam, Carpenters made it on this list. Probably one anon using his ten votes on one book.

>> No.17138420

imagine this one but not quite as bad

>> No.17138421

Melville tw/oo

>> No.17138429

at some point in the past, we should have made two charts instead of one
>favourite BOOKS including non-fic and memes
>favourite Novels excluding shit

>> No.17138434

>no New Sun

>> No.17138438

This is actually better than I expected, not that that means too much.

>> No.17138444

>count of monte cristo
>not the three musketeers
shit taste.
I didn't really like the system where an anon could plunge 10 votes into a single book. Kind of retarded, but this doesn't affect me or my taste in lit, so Ill just ignore it like last years.

>> No.17138448

Six female authors and one black one (Assis). Is this /lit/ at its most progressive?

>> No.17138453

That is being polled now too. I think it just finished so the anon running that should reveal the results soon, and hopefully someone will make a chart for the novels.

>> No.17138459

You're right, I forgot about that

>> No.17138463

Bronze Age mindset. Based lit.

>> No.17138484

Cope. Unlike the previous lists, this one at least reflects /lit/ more accurately. There are daily threads on Guenon and Kaczynski, when's the last time you've seen Gracq discussed? Or Merrill? Yet these two are often on the list(s).

>> No.17138501

>this one at least reflects /lit/ more accurately.
Yeh, that's the part that makes it shit

>> No.17138508

This list would be so based if everyone just let me do the voting

>> No.17138516

why read /pol/ meme trash instead of actual philosophy or classic works?

>> No.17138530

Seethe. Cope. Dilate

>> No.17138532

Thanks for making the chart. I don't care for bitching about it, but it would make sense to add a footnote or something to the no. 1 saying it was spammed by /pol/. The multiple-vote system was interesting—there are some interesting new picks—but imperfect: some picks are quite random and seem like they were just voted for by two people 10 times. I think one should've at least voted for 2-4 books.

>> No.17138548

because thats too hard

>> No.17138558

>mein kampf number 1
why do stormniggers need to ruin everything?

>> No.17138559

Was it the original OP who posted the poll to /pol/ asking them to spam it with Mein Kampf or was that someone else?

>> No.17138579

Someone post it on r/books again

>> No.17138586

this. I demand revenge.

>> No.17138591

how many anons voted on the heights of despair?
that would help me know how many posters /lit/ has

>> No.17138635

>Mein Kampf 1st place
And this is how i realize /pol/ overran this board. I hope Biden will shut down this flaming pile of shit and someone will make an alternative website WITHOUT political boards.

>> No.17138641

I am going to say it, but Mein Kampf is unironically an interesting book, a fascinating insight into one of the most important dictators in earths history, his early history and how he build up his political party. Also gives a lot of insight into pre war Germany.

>> No.17138643
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the whole system of voting is retarded, no one in their right minds would think that Stoner, or Catch-22 or The Catcher in the Rye are better than The Divine Comedy by Dante, yet it is number 38 on the list, only a retarded would think that "Industrial society and its future" is better than War and Peace by Tolstoy.
that's why a much better system would be like pic related, as done by /mu/, where individual works are compared with one another directly.

>> No.17138648


Did anyone of you seriously read Mein Kampf?

>> No.17138650

yeh good luck explaining that one to anyone in real life. That's a book that remains off my goodreads, thank you very much.

>> No.17138656

It would be nice if utter memes like Hitler, Guenon, and TedK werent on there.

>> No.17138660

Surprisingly based list, allowing all entries was fun. I don’t get why people want the list to be so serious.

>> No.17138672

>yeh good luck explaining that one to anyone in real life.
Easier then you think, you just have to give the impression that you are a WWII history buff and are reading Hitler, Stalin and Churchill to get a better idea about the period. Not much people who will question your choices.

>> No.17138686

saying mein kampf is your #1 book of all time though, very suspect to say the least.

>> No.17138692

>saying mein kampf is your #1 book of all time though, very suspect to say the least.
Didnt say or imply that it was.

>> No.17138693

Catch-22 is better than the Divine Comedy, and that system is retarded.

>> No.17138729

This looks fun, lets do this.
Moby dick will win because of burgers but anyway.

>> No.17138738

100% I visited Australia and was conversing with white color family’s and this was right after Christchurch revenge and I accidentally shouted out I watched the video multiple times. I then corrected myself and said I watch it to try to better understand what that man was going through andhow to help peole .. before this we were talking about my psychology degree

>> No.17138765

American Psycho but no Great Gatsby. wtf is wrong with /lit/

>> No.17138771

>Pedro paramo
>History of Charles XII
>Modernity and cultural decline
>Ubu roi
>On the heights of despair
>Take five
>The unconsoled
>The making of Americans
>The changing light at sandover
>The tartar steppe
>The posthumous memoirs of Bros cubas
>The opposing shore
>The major works of Thomas Browne
>The passion according to GH
What's with all these books that literally never get discussed here? I'm here every day and I never heard of these.

>> No.17138794

Seems like you don't go into any threads ever then. Pataphysics/Uburoi/Alfred "Janny" is mentioned all the time. Pedro Paramo is talked about in any discussion of Latin literature ever. The Changing Light at Sandover is discussed in any thread about epic poems. I have seen virtually all these books discussed in the last 6 months on here

Lurk moar

>> No.17138795

same. well, there are Jarry/Ubu Roi threas and tartar steppe is often recommended, but all the others are literally single anons shilling their favourite book.

>> No.17138808

hell I've made discussions about The Passion According to G.H. numerous times including this week since its one of my favorite books, although I brought it up in a thread never made one for it. You should read it and join in

>> No.17138813

Kek /pol/ really fucked up this board

>> No.17138819

It was a combination of trolls and the voting system.
The voting system allowed you to tally any of your 10 votes to a book. For instance you could do 3 for the Iliad, 1 for blood meridian and 6 for the Odyssey. Anons who seethed for some reason shitposted books, and obsessive anons bumped their favorite books.
However, some of those are genuinely good books and you should read more before posting

>> No.17138836

Burgers who read gatsby in high school have a weird rejection of it. It connects somehow to wanting to fuck their mothers, but I cant figure out how

>> No.17138845

these lists are dumb. most people won't vote if you need verification. also 'best books of all time', a better title would be 'fads, fancies and phases 2020', then we could skip all the usual shit like dosto and homer and just concentrate on the newly discussed books that crop up over the year and that would be much more interesting for books recs and also to see the changing tastes and fascinations of this board over time.

>> No.17138860

/lit/ looks so normiefagish from this list. Nothing on this list looks surprising or interesting.

>> No.17138866

>worst Krasznahorkai that high
>Pedro Paramo that high
>no Mason & Dixon and The Recognitions
>House of Leaves

>> No.17138877

There's not a single motherly character in the whole book, if anything they are all quite terrible as persons, but maybe that's what pointed them to their conclusion.

>> No.17138896

Mein Kampf being #1 is juvenile and unfunny, but at least it's not the stale old /lit/ chart formula where the top spots always belong to ancient classics (Bible, Iliad, etc.) and popular American books (Pynchon, Wallace)

>> No.17138904

I thought Salinger only wrote catcher in rye and some posthumous stories

>> No.17138909

>"we HAVE to count the meme /pol/ entries guys, I assure you it's essential. also I'm not encouraging you to do it haha"
>a fucking meme is in first place
fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you

>> No.17138910

A bullet

>> No.17138916

Supposed to filter out meme answers

>> No.17138928


>> No.17138929

Voting Mein Kampf first is the final sign that this board has been fully taken over by the contrarian 15 year olds that make the rest of this site insufferably unfunny.

>> No.17138933

Guénon is great, and Ted K is really interesting though. Anti-Tech Revolution is a great book

>> No.17138936

Hopefully this will bring more incels to the board

>> No.17138937

Somehow this list is more meme-ish then previous years. It also seems like it's full of books that nobody here actually read. Unless hundreds of anons read the major works of Browne, modernity and culture decline, laozi and being and time. Which I doubt it.

>> No.17138948
File: 78 KB, 500x791, Laszlo_KRASZNAHORKAI_Sotonskitango_9789533320472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lurk more

>> No.17138950

The worst list we’ve ever had.... thank you OP

>> No.17138954

When I read it at 16 in highschool I finished the book the week it was assigned and then read it again the next week before moving on to more Fitzgerald the week after that. Apparently none of my classmates were as enamored with him

>> No.17138970

Herman Hitler - Moby Kampf
Adolf Melville - Mein Dick

>> No.17138982

Newfag. Also have you even read mein kampf? I have it’s surprisingly good

>> No.17138986

Yeah, its a shit book, but nowhere near as shit as the autistic troons who crawled out from tumblr for some reason. Based Hitler will keep the board fresh from disgusting feminists this year.

>> No.17138988

after the first few rows the votes are in the 10s and the last 2 or so rows are ones. Since you could vote for the same book this year just one person could make a book get somewhat high on the list.

>> No.17138997

these lists and this board have been shit for years but, damn. nice going boys. the final nail

>> No.17138999

>He is a meme, so he must be like Hitler
Commit suicide.

>> No.17139008

So what was the voting system? This just looks manipulated

>> No.17139012
File: 3.95 MB, 9729x8572, charles-bukowski-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White fragility on the list?
I'm off this board, it's now officially for retarded people.

>> No.17139013

Hello, newfag, literally the most discussed non-mutt contemporary writer except for Houellebecq

>Ubu roi
Alfred Janny, nigger

>The posthumous memoirs of Bros cubas
>implying some brazilian faggot didn't spend months spamming the board about this

>The tartar steppe
>The opposing shore
Nigga, /lit/ is how I discovered these book. Lurk more. Open Junger threads.

>> No.17139020

Go back to your subreddit board and bring along all the stormfaggots

>> No.17139027

I'm not sure. I thought someone was complaining about meme picks and said he'd countervote with White Fragility, whereafter someone posted the thread on pol telling to vote MK. But I've seen people say the op running was a poltard himself, so \_(ッ)_/

>> No.17139040

There were no limits to how many times you could vote for a book. Some people voted for the same book dozens of times using different Google accounts to boot. Also someone (the original OP?) crossposted the poll to /pol/ begging them to flood it with Mein Kampf.

>> No.17139046

Of course OP is a /pol/tard otherwise he wouldn’t have taken meme picks from a different board.

>> No.17139050

Let's do this

>> No.17139067

What a farce

>> No.17139079


>> No.17139082

yeh but that's what we're discussing -- Mein Kampf being in the #1 slot. Not whether it's worth reading if you've got some extra time on your hands and want to lie about being a WW2 buff to your friends.

>> No.17139099
File: 486 KB, 1427x621, Ghost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5%th medical school national exam percentile in Western Europe with no studying, 4 hours of sleep and went partying the night before the exam
>more well read than most people here

If you're not racist by modern conventional politically correct insane standards (privately and not a nazi-larper fofc), then you're not smart. But keep callling us poltards, sure (no we don't actually browe pol).

>> No.17139100

Maybe next year we. Make a “legends” ranks and put the books like mein kampf moby and the Bible. So it can free up some spots and leave room for new interesting book

>> No.17139101

Why are you so worked up about meme picks like some fucking loser? This is 4chan what did you expect? Voting for Hitler is tradition at this point

>> No.17139108

Hitler is literally just Guénon with V-2 missiles

>> No.17139107

Good idea so long as mein kampf always remains #1

>> No.17139111

kek, laught loudly for mein kampf

>> No.17139117

Why do you pretend to have read philosophers you haven't read?

>> No.17139119

imagine being this new

>> No.17139132

wat? kek have ever happened the #1 for mein kampf?

>> No.17139133

This chart doesn't reflect voting that occurred after December 9th, so it's not even accurate based on the stupid poll where people can vote 10 times.

Can someone just make another chart from one of the other polls? MK being book #1 is retarded and a result of assholes just trying to screw up the chart. That's probably true of other entries.

1. Moby-Dick - Herman Melville
2. Crime & Punishment - Fyodor Dostoevsky
3. The Iliad - Homer
4. War & Peace - Leo Tolstoy
5. Collected Works - John Keats
6. Ulysses - James Joyce
7. Stoner - John Edward Williams
8. Gravity's Rainbow - Thomas Pynchon
9. The Bible
10. Dubliners - James Joyce
11. The Brothers Karamazov - Fyodor Dostoevsky
12. The Republic - Plato
13. A Hero of Our Time - Mikhail Lermontov
14. The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha - Miguel de Cervantes
15. Cannery Row - John Steinbeck
16. Blood Meridian - Cormac McCarthy
17. Anna Karenina - Leo Tolstoy
18. A Farewell to Arms - Ernest Hemingway
19. The Stranger - Albert Camus
20. Notes From Underground - Fyodor Dostoevsky
21. The Dialogues - Plato
22. Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov
23. Essays - Ralph Waldo Emerson
24. Walden - Henry David Thoreau
25. JR - William Gaddis
26. The Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck
27. The Decline of the West - Oswald Spengler
28. Technological Society - Jacques Ellul
29. The Old Man and the Sea - Ernest Hemingway
30. No Longer Human - Osamu Dazai
31.The Count of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas
32. Infinite Jest - David Foster Wallace
33. The Catcher in the Rye - J.D. Salinger
34. Journey to the End of the Night - Louis-Ferdinand Celine
35. Dune - Frank Herbert
36. The Odyssey - Homer
37. The Recognitions - William Gaddis
38. Mason & Dixon - Thomas Pynchon
39. One Hundred Years of Solitude - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
40. Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
41. The Myth of Sisyphus - Albert Camus
42. Ubik - Philip K. Dick
43. The Good Soldier Svejk - Jaroslav Hasek
44. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - Gibbon
45. The Lord of the Rings - J.R.R. Tolkien
46. Hamlet - William Shakespeare
47. A Canticle for Leibowitz - Walter M. Miller Jr.
48. The Opposing Shore - Julien Gracq
49. Anti-Oedipus - Gilles Deleuze
50. Fanged Noumena - Nick Land
51. Fathers & Sons - Ivan Turgenev
52. The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times - Rene Guenon

>> No.17139137

>Hitler is a philosopher
Jeez, you incels are insufferable

>> No.17139141

Guess I got my reading list for next year

>> No.17139145

So, you are dyslexic as well

>> No.17139146

We should do a top 100 philosophy books

>> No.17139149


53. Oblomov - Ivan Goncharov
54. American Psycho - Bret Easton Ellis
55. East of Eden - John Steinbeck
56. The Man Who Was Thursday - G.K. Chesterton
57. Song of Hiawatha - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
58. The Wealth of Nations - Adam Smith
59. The Aeneid - Virgil
60. The Sorrows of Young Werther - Goethe
61. Frankenstein - Mary Shelley
62. The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea - Yukio Mishima
63. Pale Fire - Vladimir Nabokov
63. The Divine Comedy - Dante Alighieri
64. The Epic of Gilgamesh
65. The Plague - Albert Camus
66. Hunger - Knut Hamsun
67. Augustus - John Edward Williams
68. Macbeth - William Shakespeare
69. The Learned Disguise - Waldun
70. The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman - Laurence Sterne
71. On the Road - Jack Kerouac
72. The Bhagavad Gita
73. The Trial - Franz Kafka
74. Les Fleurs du Mal - Charles Baudelaire
75. Swann's Way - Marcel Proust
76. One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
77. Fear and Trembling - Soren Kierkegaard
78. Meditations - Marcus Aurelius
79. Critique of Pure Reason - Immanuel Kant
80. The Cossacks - Leo Tolstoy
81. Molloy - Samuel Beckett
82. The Heart of Darkness - Joseph Conrad
83. The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald
84. The Idiot - Fyodor Dostoevsky
85. Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte
86. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain
87. Fragments - Heraclite
88. Agape Agape - William Gaddis
89. Fantomas - Marcel Allain & Pierre Souvestre
90. My Friends - Emmanuel Bove
91. The Last Grain Race - Eric Newby
92. The Luminaries - Eleanor Catton
93. Dead Souls - Nikolai Gogol
94. All Quiet on the Western Front - Erich Marie Remarque
95. A Glastonbury Romance - John Cowper Powys
96. A Gray House - Mariam Petrosyan
97. A Little Life - Hanya Yanagihara
98. Beyond Good and Evil - Friedrich Nietzsche
99. Manual - Epictetus
100. Secret History - Donna Tart

>> No.17139157

>after Dec. 9
What do you mean?

>> No.17139173

Isn't this the first time Hitler made the list?

>> No.17139176



Use that list instead for the chart. Like I said I think it's based on another poll that was done this year and it hasn't been messed up with stupid shit entries.

>> No.17139183

Wait, was this not the read in 2020 list? (I might be confused.)

>> No.17139196

What list is this?

>> No.17139205

so this means that on the heights of despair was a meme book spammed by edgy poltards?

>> No.17139207

Yes, I believe it was. If someone were to make a chart of this, it should be specified this was the top 100 books that people actually read in 2020

>> No.17139209

It is, those results have been out for some time, they just haven't gotten an image yet.

>> No.17139220

I've never seen that Iliad artwork wtf

>> No.17139233

>implying people didn't read Hitler and Guénon

>> No.17139244

>qualifying your exam grades with how little sleep you had + partying.
>identifying with and simultaneously distancing yourself from /pol/
>whipping out credentials on an anonymous forum
>referencing some vague ‘we’ and speaking for the group
Is this pasta or did you write this juvenile drivel yourself?

>> No.17139248

>every year some faggot has to make an alternative list

>> No.17139258

>mein kampf #1
>for my legionaries not in top 100

>> No.17139259


Ok then this should be used


>> No.17139346


>> No.17139350
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>> No.17139360
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>> No.17139363

>Gravity’s Rainbow at 55
what the fuck happened to /lit/

>> No.17139371 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17139373

stop posting this

>> No.17139384

The next year's poll should discard those authors who were present in every previous one. So, Melville, Homer, Dosto, etc.
This is how we'll get fresh results without getting memed like this year.

>> No.17139386
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>> No.17139392

If you got filtered by Guenon you don’t deserve to be alive

>> No.17139395

>The Divine Comedy by Dante
>hell is cold
Its trash.

>> No.17139426

imagine wanting to fuck your son's boipussi so bad and watching other people get to but never you. the pain must be excruciating.

>> No.17139434


>> No.17139450

Good idea

>> No.17139461

The saddest part is that he would undoubtedly get it if he just asked

>> No.17139473

It made it in last year but artists got mad and made an alternate grid on the wiki

>> No.17139477

/mu/ originalfag here, just want to let you know that this was an embarrassment and perfectly represents the massive influx of underage casuals and the decline of /mu/ during the 10s. going into a tourney like this you assume everyone else is as informed and enthusiastic about interest as you are but in practice you'll quickly realize how retarded everyone around you is. if you do this just be prepared for the big names and most memed books to sweep every tournament

>> No.17139489

I literally can't im shaking rn

>> No.17139493

I only saw the 2018 top 100 before this and I'm pretty surprised to see such a change between the two.

>> No.17139520

In 2017 the bible was like the 63rd most popular book on /lit/, now it's 2nd lol.

>> No.17139528
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>> No.17139540

This is the list of favorite reads in 2020 (as opposed to an all-time top 100): >>/lit/thread/S16979368
It's not simply an "alternative list" trying to correct this one itt, but an other one altogether (there's also a third one this year, of novels only; results still pending).

>> No.17139558

>novels only; results still pending
spoke too soon: >>17139549

>> No.17139559

Polfags don't/can't read. Just ignore the meme pics. They raided just because they're lonely and crave attention.>>17138548

>> No.17139569

God wrote both the Bible and the Quran?

>> No.17139587

Dude, I saw those results. THEY WERE NOT UP TO DATE, YOU STUPID SHIT. You're supposed to post a Google Sheet or something as well.
God this board is so full of dumb retards.
It had like 40 votes, more than some of those books.

>> No.17139596

Should I read Mein Kampf?

>> No.17139604

Haha ewwww at you.

>> No.17139615

Clearly aren’t very good at mathematics lol!

>> No.17139620

My only grudge with this list is that you have 2x dosto in the top 10. It kills the balance. I don't even look past the top 10 because who reads this much anyways.

>> No.17139621

Not the anon, but are you aware what a percentile is?

>> No.17139624

He's prolific

>> No.17139626

Sure. At least then you could complain actually knowing what you're talking about instead of eternally seething at the funny dictator like all the faggots itt

>> No.17139630

You sound like a nigger

>> No.17139637

It's a fine approximation for the bible instead of listing Moses, the evangelists, and so on
And if you out God for the bible you can't out Mohammed for the Qur'an. That would be offensive

>> No.17139639

It would be a different list then. This says the top 100 books of all time 2020 pick. It does not say the top 100 books of all time except the real top books but more obscure picks 2020

>> No.17139644

>Pedro Paramo 9th
this list was memed
>Ulysses 20th
This board is lost

memes pushed by one person respectively:

>Pedro Paramo
>History of Charles XII
>Modernity and Cultural Decline
>The Making of Americans
>Take Five
>The Unconsoled
>The Changing of Light at Sandover
>The Posthumous Memoirs of of Bras Cubas
>Raise High the Roof Beams
>London Bridge

worst list yet

>> No.17139651

I'll post a Google Shit on your head

>> No.17139655


>> No.17139664
File: 710 KB, 1800x1200, 1596531534399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17139670

Technically, didn't God write every book? What would also be nice to know is to have the number of the entire bibliography of an author like Kafka 2/6 (6 is just an random number)

>> No.17139684

>Technically, didn't God write every book?

>> No.17139686

Which one did you shill?

>> No.17139689

>Technically, didn't God write every book
If you're a pantheist

>> No.17139712

we don't care about the book. the contents of the book are not the point. the point is that it was not a legitimate win, it was just shilled by people who don't normally browse this board.

>> No.17139716

The voting system happened. Fags spammed their favorite books like JR in all ten spots and...

>> No.17139720

These are the form's results

They clearly show the list is using an outdated count. Buddenbrooks is on the same tier with books that received less votes. Madame Bovary received more than No Longer Human. Das Kapital received 6 votes more than Buddenbrooks and yet it appears in a lower position.
God, this year's top 100 has been an absolute shitfest.

>> No.17139732

There is just no way to prove that though. Moreover what is the required amount of browsing required to vote? Is there a ratio lurking/posting to reach too?

>> No.17139742

If the anon Who made the poll didn't fuck off after two threads it would have gone better I reckon

>> No.17139743

Never ask for pussi, incel, take it

>> No.17139744

J R isn't even that high, anti-gaddisfag

>> No.17139757

> white fragility
No one here read this, no one here has discussed it, and if anyone has read or discussed it, it was probably negatively. Why? Give space for better books.

>> No.17139762

It's not that bad of a list. Mein Kampf being number one is dumb but if it scares off the tards then whatever.

>> No.17139770

>There is just no way to prove that though.
I'm not trying to prove it and I don't need to. It's obvious to literally everyone, I don't care whether it holds up to "proof beyond a reasonable doubt" because I'm not trying to win a criminal case, I'm just explaining why everyone is annoyed

>> No.17139782

Mein Kampf received several hundreds more votes than the other books, just because of the /pol/ brigade

>> No.17139784

Well, no one gives a fuck I believe
>everyone is annoyed
Seems like a you problem

>> No.17139786

Ahh the polfag. The most incessant of peurile entity. Breeding exclusively on imageboards and feeding on the excrement of their betters. Oh how they shriek and whine. They sre truly the NPCs of board culture. None here fear their ideas or even view them as genuine or controversial anymore. They're milquetoast, a gag that's gone on long enough. As for the list, it's rather funny that they've continued to clamor and claw their way into spaces of higher discourse, an egotistical thirst for recognition drives most of their behavior. They're entire identity is a thinly veiled beg for the attention that no one will give them outside of their cyber safe space. They must invade every nook and cranny, slinging their shit and wallowing in their own detritus until the plave begins to smell like home. At that time the place will have lost all of it's original charm and be replaced with this pseudo edgy anti-intellectual contrarian irony, it's like the Americanization of culture happening to all of our favorite image boards. Their doscourse lacks knowledge and breadth and their counterarguments stink of hot-dog water. Just bland inscrutable blathering to replace the once unique and nuanced conversation. A sad thing to witness indeed.

Simply ignore the meme picks, read Mein Kampf and realize how pathetic it is to worship such a jealous and childish psychopath.

>> No.17139793

Hey OP do you mind redoing it including the full results?
Seems like a pity to use a non-updated result sheet

>> No.17139799

What/where are the correct results then?

>> No.17139821

>everyone is annoyed
>Seems like a you problem
yeh, it's definitely a "me" problem that all the other people posting in this thread think it's stupid MK got #1

>> No.17139835

I did the chart following that very link, the "Validation and Reconciliation" tab, whicvh I assume are the final results.

>> No.17139838

>most votes are the same book 10 times
disgusting, fuck whoever came up with this system

>> No.17139843

Fags here weren't autistic enough to influence the vote and are now pissing themselves

>> No.17139855

kinda sad that me voting for Les Deux Etendards 4 times wasn't enough to get it on the list

>> No.17139860


That tab hasn't been updated in weeks! Because the anon retard abandoned the project. It's the auto recorded data on the first tab to look at.

Whatever, I'm redoing this myself. You're a retard.

>> No.17139877

Nobody cares faggot

>> No.17139894

Which translation should I go for? I feel like something like this would be heavily censored/redacted.

>> No.17139919

So the real results are unknown except for the original poller who bailed?

>> No.17139920

1-169 updated version

>> No.17139931

Yes. This has basically just been a LARP from some /pol/tard

>> No.17139938

So it's almost the same thing but without White Fragility?

>> No.17139967


No that's also wrong. Book of the New Sun got over 40 votes and is high on the actual list. Your count is fucked.

>> No.17139968
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"I only trust the top 100 I faked myself." Winrar Churchhill

>> No.17139986

Idk not an anglo

>> No.17140075

This is extremely funny anon, thanks for this!

>> No.17140092

Of all the year charts I've seen, this is by far the worst, even if there are a few based picks that might not have made it normally.

>> No.17140154

>minecraft and anime won
Yeah I don’t think that method works

>> No.17140573

it's really not. People saying shit like this is quite the teen contrarian filter

>> No.17140607

Needs to be voted again

>> No.17140795

just remove mein kampf and white fragility from the pic, doing it again is useless cuz they will do it again and more
remember that /pol/tards have nothing to do all day, they stay all day in front of their pc blaming others for their laziness

>> No.17140859

impressive list /lit/.
I got less than a third.
I usually scrape the 50% mark on all other top 100 lists.
This is probably the best one so far.

>> No.17140863

don't forget Dumas, although I guess he is not black depending on your definition.

>> No.17140927

it perfectly resembles /lit/ finally.
but then again:
this is true. some of these are literally no name books on /lit/

>> No.17140934

you know as well as I do that the current year /pol/iticization of discourse is completely different from the olden-chan "this will rustle those normie sensibilities" edgy contrarianism. that was more of an aesthetic statement than a political attitude.

>> No.17140950
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This is nonsense.
The vast majority of /lit/ do not read literary fiction.

I swear you guys only do this to try and impress r/books.
bunch of faggots

>> No.17140959

Retard. it's because some faggot sperged out over it in the voting threads and the contrarian connoisseurs of /lit/ pushed back.

Guess how I know you haven't read most of these

Dangerously based

52/100, not bad. Best list yet. I think we have made progress in bullying the mutts out of the board, eurochads.

>> No.17140967


Yet somehow Hitler shit trash wasn't on any other list. This isn't /pol/ retard.

>> No.17140976

Fuck off, Hitler is keeping /lit/ clean from trannies and nigger-lovers. Do you want to have a repeat of the post-BLM raids we had this summer by what I assume were tumblr discord troons?

>> No.17140987

Hitler was on literally every list since /lit/'s inception, you fucking idiot newfag. He is just doctored out eventually.

>> No.17140998

I'd make you share a """labor camp""" with the left-wing identitarians if I were given the opportunity
centrist death squads

>> No.17141008

Thats what you get for ignoring the threads

>> No.17141023
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Imagine my surprise at seeing the directionbrain completely miss the irony of him complaining about identity politics.

>> No.17141028


>> No.17141056

how would we go about keeping you out at the same time?
>you don't. it's either us or them so be grateful to hitler, sieg heil
always the same playbook

>> No.17141073

No dumbass, it quite literally was a brigade

>> No.17141087

Haha polfaggots are the worst. Childlike in mind and spirit. Snake like in action.

>> No.17141124

politicals, not even once

>> No.17141161
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>> No.17141182

Good work lad

>> No.17141188

Why would you post a picture of my future husband as a way of insulting someone?

>> No.17141209
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>> No.17141216

industrial society and its future is unironically better than w&p

>> No.17141220

A simpler time

>> No.17141221
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>> No.17141228

In my ideal future, all the nazis and commies have brainwashed each other into sissies with a bbc fetish and the rest of us can get on with our lives.

>> No.17141229

Fuck off back to r*ddit, tourist.

>> No.17141234
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This is the 2019 chart

>> No.17141253

eh, not great but definitely better than the last year one, glad to have voted this year too. Shame for the #1 since there was a faggot who spammed MK like 1000 times.
I'd like a 50 books chart for fiction and a 50 books chart for non fiction
>you can't say A is better than B
>let's put A vs B and C vs D so that A could be better or worse than D
/mu/ is just Fantanofags btw
Guenon and Ted are not memes, maybe they pick the most memey Guenon book but I like his works.

>> No.17141268

How ought it be organized then?

>> No.17141282

the way it was in previous years. you get up to x votes, but you can only vote for an individual book once.

>> No.17141314

>Exactly the same as every other year except with some /pol/ tourist garbage thrown in for good measure
Thanks for making the chart anyway

>> No.17141348
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>> No.17141363
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>> No.17141370

>my favorite book is somehow #100

>> No.17141372
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>> No.17141386

Why is Moby Dick always rated so high? Is it actually good? I thought it was legitimately just a meme. Is it worth reading for anything other than sperm jokes?

>> No.17141387

>>17141209 2014
>>17141221 2015
>>17141348 2016
>>17141363 2017
>>17141372 2018
>>17141234 2019
>>17138338 2020

>> No.17141402

Its a better list but infinite jest makes me seethe too much

>> No.17141436

thanks anon

>> No.17141460

Well anons, which list is the best?

>> No.17141467

it's unironically one of the best novels in the English language. both scholars and plebs like us have been praising it for over a century. how can you not know this?

>> No.17141499

A lot of the books in the list were obviously pushed by people giving all their votes to their favorites, but having some variety instead of the same shit every year is nice.
My impressions from the things I've read:
>Mein kampf and books about racial shit
Mein Kampf got voted to #1 thanks to /pol/, which prompted an autistic contrarian to push books about racial politics into the list.
Nice to see Krasznahorkai, but it's weird to see Satantango instead of The Melancholy of Resistance.
>On The Heights of Despair
Cioran is good as far as depressing literature goes, but I'd have picked A Short History of Decay instead.
>Pedro Paramo
I don't think it should be that high. It's good, but not that good.
>The Unconsoled
I rarely see mentions of Ishiguro here, but it's nice to see him in the list.

>> No.17141521

Well I know that people talk about it being great but I thought it was "great in a historical context" not necessarily actually enjoyable to read. Shit, I guess I need to amend my 2021 reading list.

>> No.17141525

this. it's useless.

i like charts because i want new recommendations. none of these are new, they are almost all insanely popular classic works.

i'd like to see a /lit/ list of best books with under 1000 votes on goodreads, or something, some way to filter out all of the usual obvious suggestions.

>> No.17141535

Whoever voted for Zhuangzi is thoroughly based.

>> No.17141536
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Ya definitely give it a read, it's one of my favorite books and I reread it once a year usually. Melville's other novels and short stories are worth checking out as well.

>> No.17141560


>> No.17141581

This is what happens if you allow non-fiction. Meme answer by /pol/tards and memesters about books they never read.

>> No.17141594

tradfags who treat the bible as a status symbol are worse than hitler imo
you're not the heirs of christianity, you're just fetishistic larpers who like the aesthetic.

>> No.17141597


>> No.17141662

Honestly what's up with this resurgence of christianity on here and the internet in general? For the longest time it was "muh atheism" now it's been "muh jesus loves you too" for the past year or so. Did the boomer pastors finally learn to use the internet? Was it Jordan Peterson?

>> No.17141694

>none of these are new
You're full of shit there is stuff that has never appeared before and that I have never even seen discussed here

>> No.17141710

4chan is aggressively contrarian above all, so they're atheist while Christian is the norm (see /lit/ before 2015) and when atheism starts permeating the internet, they become Christian. Eventually there will be a resurgence of atheism again in a year or two.

>> No.17141723

I like the 2017 and 2018 ones because they have less genre fiction but still don't have much philosophy. Closer to my taste
I'd say this board has overall good taste across all years but earlier a selected few authors were much too prominent and more variety was needed

>> No.17141725

8th row is best

>> No.17141726

it's the resurgence of positive identity. people don't want to admit that they live in a postmodern hellscape, that they can't quite define who they are and who they want to be, so they revert to idolatry and gather around their golden calfs.
you can tell by the emergence of memes like "Yes." chad.png that there's a new anti-discursive mentality. people don't care how ridiculous their beliefs are or how good the reasons for challenging them might be, they just want to believe and belong.

>> No.17141735

there are two books there by authors that are new to me, and a few lesser works by classic authors. everything else is humdrum. if you aren't familiar with it all, or you don't recognise these books from discussions here, then sorry, but lurk moar.

>> No.17141739

old /lit/ wasn't atheist in the reddit sense.

>> No.17141757
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>> No.17141866
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>Canticle of Leibowitz made it on
holy BASED

>> No.17141961

Excuse me sir, but I do believe that is in fact my current husband in the aforementioned image file. Please leave us alone and go find another.

>> No.17141987

>silmarillion and the hobbit on the list but not LOTR

>> No.17141999

>sees Pan
based, this list might be worth looking into
>sees White Fragility
oh no

>> No.17142076


>> No.17142157

It would unironically be preferable, yes.

>> No.17142249
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Disappointing but not unexpected.

>> No.17142324

You do realize the mainstays of the lists are known for being some of the greatest books of all time, right?Would you expect a lot of obscure books to be lit's favorites?Find a thread for lesser known books.They're here all the time

>> No.17142337

Nice list, definitely better than the current one. Shame it probably won't be made official, but we can always make a side one.

>> No.17142385

London Bridge is his best. You got filtered.

>> No.17142733

you are right. but at the same time, it is redundant to have a 'greatest books of all time' list made every year. the greatest books of all time will remain the same for many years, and certainly no one of any intellect would depend on /lit/ to order them. but it is of interest, to me at least, what books /lit/ is most focused on in a year, discounting the usual suspects.

>> No.17142804

All political literature should be disqualified. I’m not a leftist, but Mein Kamf should not be #1. Also white fragility shouldn’t even be on this list.

>> No.17142994

Oh, I gotcha and kinda agree.I misunderstood and jumped the gun because I thought you were going full blown contrarian mode and insinuating that there weren't good books on the list

>> No.17143037
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Only 8 and half books, I don't know if it's something good or bad.

>> No.17144006

> Ted Kascinsky
> Tao Te Ching
> Charles XII
> Zhuangshi
Holy based. Needs some Marcus Aurelius too though.

>> No.17144039


>> No.17144040

I was going to vote but writing the the title and author of every single fucking entry is too much work. You should have made a list of all the most popular works, i.e., the western canon, and just left three entries open for other titles.

>> No.17144086

>mein kampf number 1
/pol/ get out, it's not even a good book and the meme is stale.

>> No.17144109



>> No.17144302

Not an argument faggot.

>> No.17144312

That's basically what I've been saying since the start

>> No.17144392


>> No.17144435

wtf I thought /lit/ is a smart board

>> No.17144463

2014 and 15. Before the plague of zoomers arrived.

>> No.17144555

It's the corner of a room but I can't tell what it's supposed to look like. Spread legs viewed from the front? Legs bent over? Legs standing in shorts? Regardless, it is distasteful.

>> No.17144569

I agree. This is a cool idea. Can someone who isn't me put this together?

>> No.17144579

Cioran and Satantango get discussed here dude what are you talking about

>> No.17144598

Newfags aren't going to be happy about this one

>> No.17144600

I don't mind the meme picks and references to board culture but this list can't really be compared to previous ones anymore. I feel like there should be a separate list done the same way as every other one for the last few years. This really triggers my 'tism

>> No.17144621

RIP the old list format that actually worked from 2014-2019. Zoomers and /pol/ ruin everything... this is what being a boomer must feel like

>> No.17144634

This list is shit. House of Leaves? Catcher in the Rye and American Psycho top 50? No Wolfe? I'll head over to the other top 100 thread.

>> No.17144647

>t. the OP of the other top 100 thread

>> No.17144731

The only thing redeeming about this list is that Foucault’s Pendulum is as high as it is, which I am convinced is at least partly because of my constant shilling - which I am obligated to do because it is objectively the best book of the second half of the twentieth century (and subjectively, in my view, the best book ever)

>> No.17144791
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Based Foucault's Pendulum poster

>> No.17144800

>This list doesn't match every other (((best books list)))
Kys tranny

>> No.17144808

Post your nose.

>> No.17144892

You post yours kike

>> No.17144897

Jew fight! JEW FIGHT!

>> No.17144973
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>> No.17145465

Moby Dick is the greatest literary representation of the relationship between humanity and divinity ever made, arguably rivaling the Bible itself. I would not be surprised if Moby Dick was divinely inspired.

>> No.17145482

>Moby Dick is the greatest literary representation of the relationship between humanity and divinity ever made
Please explain

>> No.17145486

the first one has harry potter on it and the stranger at #2

>> No.17145495

It would be hard to without writing a whole essay but at the most basic level, imagine that the white whale is a symbol of the mystery of faith and the inherent unknowability of God. Ahab's wrath comes from trying to make sense out of something that will never make sense to him. There's tons more in the novel, but that's the largest point I can think of. And of course this is just my interpretation but it seems fairly sound based on several references like the color white being stressed as divine, the awesomeness and mysteriousness of whales (Melville seriously loved whales), and the quote about mankind's insanity being heaven's sense. I'd highly suggest reading it, assuming you're who I was replying to. If you've already read it you should give it another try with these themes in mind.

>> No.17145561

>assuming you're who I was replying to.
I’m not. I wasn’t even planning to read it but your pitch is compelling. I’m “hooked”.

>> No.17145602

For once it's not an utterly anglocentric list and it is representative of /lit/ except for a few odd ones, midwits will rage over this because making top 100 is serious business and we at 4chan are serious people

>> No.17145607

>few odd ones

>> No.17145619

Knut Hamsun is often discussed and rightfully well liked, Gracq is sometimes mentionned in french threads or when discussing the tartar steppe or on the marble cliffs, Janny became a meme though there was some good discussion on pataphysics

>> No.17145632

>you know as well as I do that the current year /pol/iticization of discourse
midwits on /lit/ have been complaining about that since 2013-2014

>> No.17145637

well for instance Voltaire's Charles XII instead of Louis XIV or Céline's London Bridge instead of his other books and pamphlets

>> No.17145640

>no Waldun
>no Beleca
>no Gardner
>no bugs,...

This board went to shit!

>> No.17145644

What's wrong with either?

>> No.17145649

I hope you do read it! It's definitely slow and deliberate and some chapters (Cetology) are a slog to get through but there will be a certain point where it clicks.

>> No.17145666

>no east of eden

fuck you guys.

>> No.17145670

>no second rate mutt thrash which only other mutts care about
Pretty based if you ask me

>> No.17145681

I'm white and not an amerifat. The book deserves its place in the top 100. You retards put Marquez in there kek

>> No.17145703

Neither of these writers deserves a spot.
You faggot, if this is your biggest complaint about the list, you should really start reading proper books, not just 20th century entry level classics memed on lit. Mahabharata? Greek drama? Boccaccio? Rabelais? Nuh, uh.

>> No.17145718

>no ashtar command transcripts
>no seth material
>no chariots of the gods

what in the samfuck are you cocksucking ass-snorkling shitfaggot queers doing!?!?!

>> No.17145739

So many clowns on this board...

>> No.17145747

I'm a euro and that's one of my favorite novels. It's amazing
Marquez is good too (that one at least)
I voted for Rebelais but alas

>> No.17145769

Go back

>> No.17145826

>Mahabharata? Greek drama? Boccaccio? Rabelais? Nuh, uh.

shit taste, kys dumb reddit mutt

>> No.17145839

It's not that they are wrong, rather that it's odd they turn out in the list instead of the more well known/acclaimed books

>> No.17145841

>t. sub 70 IQ mutt larping as an intellectual on the 4chins
At least kneel to your superiors, maggot

>> No.17146405

I had taken the bait and tried to read it. It reads like a high school tier essay. How it is literary in any sense is beyond me. Am I missing something or you just are really just autists who never read anything beyond hungry caterpillar at school?