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17137915 No.17137915[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

do you read in the Kali Yuga to feel comfort inside or to become a man among the ruins?

>> No.17137922


>> No.17137937

You can't refute cooming.

>> No.17137947

Even whem I'm reading the most gritty, nihilistic fiction of the past I still feel better than when I come back to modern reality. Yes, yes, I probably wouldn't live to be 70 years old in ancient Greece, and indeed I probably wouldn't survive a month in a primitive environment. At least it had meaning.
The Kali Yuga will end after our lifetime, better to know what came before it and dream that what will came after it will be like the things we read. It's hopium and copium.
More people should be accelerationists

>> No.17137971

>omg girls are dressing up and going out to clubs to dance and have sex, this must mean we are in a dark age.

>> No.17137975


>> No.17138003

It’s only a dark age because of the darkening demographics

>> No.17138014
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>Kali Yuga
Retard spotted

>> No.17138060


The following is a but a short list of features typical of the events in Kaliyuga according to the Ithihaas and purana:

1). People recklessly and mindlessly destroy trees or groves.
2). Everyone will lack discrimination as regards food: they will eat anything and everything.
3). Passing themselves off as saintly, nefarious people will indulge in trade and commercial activity. In the garb of saintliness and spirituality, avaricious people will concentrate on amassing wealth, and find wealth is the mark of a man’s worth in society.
4). In Kaliyuga, man finds friendship only in his wife, and he regards his in-laws as true relatives.
5). People with money and wealth will be considered persons of noble birth with good qualities. People in power will steer the course of justice in their favour.
6). Impecunious and penurious people, and those who are not given to bribery will be deprived of justice.
7). People will consider going on pilgrimage to far-off places more important than honouring and serving their parents.
8). Brahmins will do the work of sudras.
9). Brahmins will abstain from sacrifices and the study of Vedas.
10). People will stop making offerings to their ancestors.

11). Brahmins will start to eat anything (i.e., they become indiscriminate in their choices of food).
12). Men will become feeble, and will have shorter life span: They will lack energy and valour.
13). During Kaliyuga, women will use their mouths for copulation.
14). Under the burden of excess taxation, householders will turn into robbers.
15). In ashramas, brahmacharis will indulge in evil conduct and pander to the desires of the world. The ashrams will be full of show-offs who are experts in the art of living off the food of others.
16). When Kaliyuga degenerates even further, Dharmic people will have shorter life span.
17). People will sell goods with false weights. There will be a lot of deceit associated with trade.
18). Towards the end of Kaliyuga, the young ones will act like old people. The conduct that suits the young is seen in the old. The old will think like children, and young people will have the intelligence of the old.
19). In Kaliyuga, people abbreviate the truth; because of this harm done to the truth, lifespans are further shortened.
20). There will be a lot of intermarriages between people from different strata of society, and miscegenation becomes the order of the day. They will behave like sudras who are devoid of austerities and truth.

>> No.17138074


21). Because of the shortage of cows, people will resort to drinking goat and sheep-milk.
22). In Kaliyuga, rules about what is to be eaten are transgressed.
23). Brahmins will not observe sacred vows but will criticize the Vedas. Deluded by logic they will give up worship and yajnas.
24). At the end of Kaliyuga, the world will be overtaken by mlechha conduct. There will be no rites and sacrifices. There will be unhappiness everywhere and no festivals will be celebrated.
25). Men will rob possessions of others, even that of widows.
26). Men will happily accept gifts given even by the evil.
27). When the end of Kaliyiga is near, the Kshatriyas will be the thorns in the flesh of the world. They will not protect others.
28). No one will ask for a girl’s hand in marriage; no one will duly give away a girl in marriage. When Kaliyuga is fully ripe, men and women will choose their spouses themselves.
29). Kings, discontented with what they possess, will use every means possible to steal the property of others.
30). When kaliyuga is fully advanced, one hand will steal from the other.

31). Cowards will take pride in their bravery and the brave will be immersed in depression like cowards.
32). During the final stages of Kaliyuga, there will be no Brahmins, Kshatriyas or Vaishyas left. At the end of Kaliyuga the world will have only one varna.
33). Wives will not tend to their husbands. Men and women will eat whatever they wish.
34). People will adorn themselves with the marks of a sadhu, i.e.. there will be profusion of fake sadhus.
35). (Cooked) food will be sold at all major thoroughfares. Note: According to manusmrti selling of cooked food is a sin; this is because everyone has a right to food, whether he has money or not).
36). When Kaliyuga is fully advanced, each will act as he wishes in the name of human rights.
37). Brahmins will be oppressed by Sudras and thus tormented by the former will wander all over the earth looking for protection.
38). Sudras will expound on Dharma, and the Brahmins will listen to their discourses and serve them. Everything in the world will be utterly upside down.
39). Discarding the gods, bones set into walls will be worshipped.
40). Men will be addicted to meat and liquor and will be weak in Dharma.

>> No.17138082


41). Rains will come down at the wrong time.
42). Overcome by the burden of taxation, brahmins will flee in the ten directions.
43). Friends and relatives will act only out of love for wealth.
44). Women will be harsh and cruel in speech and will love to cry. They will not follow the words of their husbands.
45). Travelers in transit (guests) will ask for food and water but will not receive it. They will be refused shelter and will be forced to sleep on the roads.
46). People will leave their own countries and seek refuge in other countries, directions, regions, etc., and will roam around the world lamenting ‘Alas, father!’, ‘Alas, son.’
47). Mutual liking between the boy and girl, and not family pedigree or social status, etc., will be criterion for selecting a spouse.
48). Cheating will be the order of the day in business relations.
49). Sexual skill will be the criterion for excellence in men and women.
50). The only mark of evil will be poverty.

51). The one who can make a great display (of his austerities, occult powers etc.) will be considered the greatest sadhu.
52). Brushing one’s hair and dressing up will be considered as substitute for bath.
53). The highest purpose of life will be to fill one’s belly.
54). Maintenance of one’s family will be looked upon as the highest skill.
55). Dharma will be followed to gain fame.
56). There will be no rule in becoming a king. Any Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya or Sudra, depending on who is the most powerful at the time, will become the king. At that time, the rulers will be so greedy that there will not any difference between them and robbers.
57). Houses will be desolate because of the lack of chanting of Vedas and absence of guests.
58) In Kali-yuga the people will be sinful, short-lived, unfortunate, slow, and unintelligent.

>> No.17138430

>More people should be accelerationists
It's pointless. The more you fuel evil the longer it's gonna last

>> No.17138437

>Women have rights: check
>15 year old women have right to go to club have sex: check
>White women look like a bunch of trash that even muslims hate: Check
>People find normal girls and women having 59 boyfriends and sex partners before they reach 30: check
Yes it is the definition of Kali Yuga, not to mention the fact they are protected by jewish laws and jewish agencies

>> No.17138441

I miss going to clubs :(

>> No.17138447

>>People find normal girls and women having 59 boyfriends and sex partners before they reach 30: check
What's wrong with it?
inb4 non-answer

>> No.17138458
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>All I want is to have fun ^^

>> No.17138466

>What's wrong with abnormality? OMG I can't understand people who find abnormal behavior abnormal!
Please stop being an american right now

>> No.17138482

If women have more than a handful of sexual partners in their youth they lose the ability to pair-bond well.

>> No.17138485

Neverread. Kys

>> No.17138493
File: 47 KB, 634x412, 3BD2EFBF00000578-4085758-image-a-2_1483485364454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's wrong with it?
more pre-maritial sex = more divorce
more divorce = more single moms raising children
more single moms raising children = dysfunctional society, higher crime, less educational attainment etc (this is one of the primary causes of these issues in the American black community)

>> No.17138500

It is fun. You should try it!

>> No.17138506

>at least it had meaning
This is your brain on literature. Books have meaning, life doesn't. The present is where you live, so it looks meaningless. The past and the future only exist in books, so they look meaningful.

>> No.17138510

incel cope
kill yourself

>> No.17138522


>inb4 non-answer
>gets several factual answers

You're looking like an idiot here

>> No.17138531

>appeal to normality
Abstaining until marriage is abnormal in the West.

that's a correlation at best.

Okay, I don't believe you. Can you explain why at least?

>> No.17138541

you have no facts, just incel ideology

>> No.17138546

Wouldn't be an issue if people stopped having children. Antinatalist hedonism is the way to go.

>> No.17138547

This is what zero pussy does to a nigga

>> No.17138554

>that's a correlation at best.

What do you mean "at best"? That's correlation as objective and undeniable statistical fact.

>> No.17138561

One either gets bored of hedonism or wants something more, but yeah.

>> No.17138565


>maybe if I repeat my ad hominem it will magically become an argument this time

>> No.17138572

>divorce rate plummets in the middle
by that logic those with 2 partners should fuck another few before marrying or else it won't work out as well

>> No.17138577

"Lies, damn lies, and statistics."

>> No.17138585

>Brahmins will do the work of sudras.
I don't get this one, What does a Sudra do?

>> No.17138587

>premarital sex destroys family values
Yeah that's the point. The family is the most powerful unit in limiting the two-part reach of corporations and the state into shit that's none of their business.
Look at how much control the state has in a poor single-parent household
>state provides income
>state schools the children
>state provides housing
>state fails to socialize children due to lack of father figure
>state arrests male children when they're grown up for free labor in a for-profit prison
>cycle repeats
During all of this the private sector brainwashes children into docility through various media

>> No.17138589

That's a statistical argument, not a logical one.

>> No.17138595


You have a very liberal take on the meaning of the word 'plummet' desu.

>> No.17138598

Get over yourself!
The point made is still strong and going.

>> No.17138600
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>just like dark souls!

>> No.17138602

>This is what zero pussy does to a nigga

No stake in this thread, but are you one of those first gen immigrant chinks that try to fit in by aping what white people pretending to be black people on Twitter say?

>> No.17138607


>> No.17138610

You're a fuckin clown, that's all I have to say
Kali Yuga dreamin, on such a winter's day

>> No.17138613

that's pretty hot, I'd give her a warm welcome into the West

>> No.17138615

Kys wtf is wrong with you

>> No.17138626

Yes, now please make an argument or get out.

>> No.17138639


What's your point? That people will 3 pre-marital partners have lower divorce rates than those with 2?

>> No.17138647

>this is one of the primary causes of these issues in the American black community
Are you really sure single moms are among the primary causes and that being fucking poor, living in ghettoes with barely functional schools have nothing to do with it?
It's really astonishing how much mental gymnastic the american mind is capable of just to avoid giving money to people

>> No.17138651


You have no evidence for your hypothesis

>> No.17138652

Do you agree?

>> No.17138657

seethe more tranny
>Okay, I don't believe you. Can you explain why at least?
You don't have to, reality exists with or without your approval. It's because the brains of promiscuous women no longer associate sexual intimacy with emotional intimacy and are therefore more prone to exit romantic relationships.

>> No.17138658

They made their arguments. you have not.

>> No.17138661

Not having a family makes you poorer

>> No.17138667

no proof, just incel cope

>> No.17138668
File: 457 KB, 800x503, image-asset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you really sure single moms are among the primary causes

>State-by-state analysis by Heritage scholars indicates that a 10 percent increase in the percentage of children living in single-parent homes leads typically to a 17 percent increase in juvenile crime. The rate of violent teenage crime corresponds with the number of families abandoned by fathers.

>Bolstering the Smith-Jarjoura study, University of Illinois sociologist Robert J. Sampson, in a study on the differential effects of poverty and family disruption on crime, states:

>Overall the analysis shows that rates of black violent offending, especially by juveniles, are strongly influenced by variations in family structure. Independent of the major candidates supplied by prior criminological theory (e.g. income, region, size, density, age and race composition) black family disruption has the largest effects on black juvenile robbery and homicide.... The effects of family structure are strong and cannot be easily dismissed by reference to other structural and cultural features of urban environments.... The effect of family disruption on black violence is not due to the effect of black violence on family structure.


>> No.17138671

Are you really sure that there is no evidence that poverty and lack of education are correlated to crime way more often than single mothers?

>> No.17138673

>it's just real... okay? Just accept it?

What arguments you dolt? Le meme graph? I already criticised that one here >>17138572

>> No.17138677

>statistically people are having more premarital sex
>statistically people who have more premarital sex have higher divorce rates
>divorce is bad because it leads to a less-socialized children
>divorces overwhelmingly result in the mother getting the children
>there are volumes of studies about the negative effects of not having a father figure

>> No.17138678

There is another graph that uses the data for age at first sexual experience which shows an even more linear relationship

>> No.17138687

Might as well say blacks are inferior genetically because they commit more crime (poverty? what's that?)

>> No.17138689


you have no evidence for your hypothesis

>> No.17138690

As do a ton of other things, like descending from slaves who never had any occasion to amass wealth until about half a century ago. But yeah, single mothers surely have a stronger impact.
Also, how about being poor makes it harder to have families? How the do you provide for a kid if you are poor?

>> No.17138698

Using poverty rates is a statistical argument, not a logical one

>> No.17138701

>heritage foundation

might as well cite the koch bros

>> No.17138702

Cross reference that with illiteracy and poverty, anon, don't use google selectively

>> No.17138703

blue pilled retard kys faggot

>> No.17138704

I'm willing to bet age of first sexual experience and number of partners correlate pretty well too

>> No.17138708


You're just imagining all sorts of things but you have absolutely no evidence to back up your claims.
As if niggers are the only ones who were poor a hundred years ago

>> No.17138709


>> No.17138710

>Might as well say blacks are inferior genetically because they commit more crime
true they have lower IQs and greater impulsiveness associated with higher crime rates, mostly due to not having the same level of genetic adaptations to civilisation
>(poverty? what's that?)
a deflection not substantiated by any real evidence, poor whites commit less crime than middle class blacks

>> No.17138713

You do the exact same thing when you correlate crime and single motherhood you absolute midwit, there's no such thing as a "statistical argument" - all scientific studies into this stuff use statistics. Go read

>> No.17138717

>get into relationship
>things work out well for years
>find out her "count"
>break up because you're autistic that judges people according to what statistical group they belong to

>> No.17138736

>get into relationship
>things work out well for years
>find out he raped a dozen little children
>break up because you're autistic that judges people according to what statistical group they belong to

Its ridiculous to be prejudiced against people because of their rape statistics.

>> No.17138737
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Shit thread.

>> No.17138740

Cuck. Enjoy eating Tyrone's creampies.

>> No.17138741

I said literally nothing but that there's probably a statistical relationship between first sexual parter and number of partners.
Now that's what I call projection.

>> No.17138745

yes, a hypothesis they considered was that early sexual experiences triggered adaptation to what would be a hostile evolutionary environment where they were more live fast die young
this early sexual exposure can trigger premature puberty, interestingly the number of male relatives they were surrounded by tended to play a role in modulating this.

>> No.17138748

Below is linked the article cited here

>Bolstering the Smith-Jarjoura study, University of Illinois sociologist Robert J. Sampson, in a study on the differential effects of poverty and family disruption on crime

You can disagree with heritage, but this study is legitimate, and heritage is not wrong to cite it


>> No.17138755

Nice false equivalence retard.
In your situation that person is actually harming others.
The only reason why you would break up in >>17138717 is because of insecurity. Name any other reason except for autistic devotion to statistics in order to shield your insecurities from being exposed.

>> No.17138756

That's incredibly interesting

>> No.17138759

>women having consensual sex with man=man raping kids

>> No.17138769

>interestingly the number of male relatives they were surrounded by tended to play a role in modulating this.
in what way? cool

>> No.17138778

>20% > 5%
yep math checks out. The roastie wins this discussion.

>> No.17138791


>> No.17138801

Funnily enough no answers to this and

>> No.17138804

Fuck you

>> No.17138824
File: 10 KB, 225x225, 1607964516738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are really people out there that think deadbeat dads and 17 year old girls fucking strangers at clubs is a good thing
This society needs a fucking wholesale slaughter and a hard reset, jesus christ.

>> No.17138831

Nice strawman. Why won't you address the arguments in which people claim that?

>> No.17138833

what fun stuff is there to do at 17?
i mean this seriously. the most fun thing to do at that age is what current 17 yos are doing desu.

>> No.17138842
File: 9 KB, 178x283, PLATO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you really sure I'm imagining things anon? Certainly, it doesn't take a genius to understand that if you're poor and hungry, you have motivations to steal stuff... But I'm not here to teach you anything, nor to provide a long, articulated explanation of why this is true, which you can find in many philosophers, by the way, if you ever bothered reading a book, starting from Plato and Aristotle. Pic related if a fantastic starting point if you ever want to seriously address the problem from a philosophical standpoint. Otherwise, anon, I suggest you google three words: "correlation poverty crime". You're going to have a nice evening leafing through countless studies proving me (and Plato, and Aristotle) right.
Otherwise, you can keep claiming single mothers are a "primary" reason of crime, as if they were even remotely comparable to being poor and uneducated. I don't care. I mean, from my point of view, you are the one refusing to be educated and preferring echo-chambers of equally minded idiots to blatant truths anyone can discover with a simple research.
I don't want to be blunt, but it really sounds like you may have been the nigger all along...

>> No.17138848

why do you care about what people do? insecurity perhaps? resentment?

>> No.17138849

>There are really people out there that think deadbeat dads and 17 year old girls fucking strangers at clubs is a good thing

They asked why it was bad, to which (You) spammed incel statistics that were easily refuted by >>17138801
and then you got butthurt and started moralizing.

>> No.17138850

Reading was invented during the Kali Yuga, no human has ever read anything outside of this period

>> No.17138869


>> No.17138874

more male relatives slowed down pubertal development because it created a safer environment

>> No.17138876


I accused you of asserting things without evidence, and your brilliant rebuttal is "its obviously true".


>> No.17138879

>no reply again


>> No.17138884

Is there a correlation between incels and single moms? The they just cause muh crime isn't the only shit thing about them

>> No.17138886


Yes insofar that they are both behavior I can reasonably disagree with.

>> No.17138891

t. didnt get his dick wet

>> No.17138899


>> No.17138901

Well for one being lied to about that is pretty fucking shitty

>> No.17138907

What if he simply didn't ask?

>> No.17138908
File: 370 KB, 1080x1916, Screenshot_20201228-111913~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the correlation between single mothers and poor children?

>> No.17138914


>> No.17138927

>It's really astonishing how much mental gymnastic the american mind is capable of just to avoid giving money to people


>> No.17138935

So there's a correlation between early sexual experience and accelerating the biological process of puberty?

>> No.17138943

It's really astonishing how much mental gymnastics the European mind is capable of just to further deflate their collapsing currency

>> No.17138947

I used to find this style of indo-doomer nostradamus-posting compelling but Vedic panic about the dharma deteriorating is really just a means of describing society at any given moment since it describes the entirety of recorded history. The golden age is always hyperreality. You aren't supposed to become a despondent schizo because you don't live in the golden age. No one is supposed to live in the golden age. You will never locate a time when this actually existed. This is why the Platonists for instance say we must journey to our true homeland. I imagine the Indian thought is similar, that the Kali Yuga is a justification for askesis, not an exhortation to engage in an endless quagmire of overly attentive sociopolitical critique.

>> No.17138952

Pearl clutching of the foulest sort. I don't think it's a good thing but neither do I bemoan it as the first sign of the end times.

>> No.17138953

Who fucking knows, its some dumbass hypothetical. These things are usually talked about in most the relationships I've had often casually but sometimes explicitly and if a girl honestly told me she had like 15+ boyfriends shes probably shitty and not worth dating.

>> No.17138958

>These things are usually talked about in most the relationships
if you're an autist yes

>> No.17138961


>> No.17138964

Are poor women more likely to become single mothers, or are single mothers more likely to be poor?
From what I remember of the data a poor woman who marries and has kids will be much more successful than a more affluent woman who becomes a single mother
of course this is outside of a benefits system that seems to preferentially pay single mothers.
I have not looked t this data for a while though so the details are hazy,
I would recommend reading Camille paglia and Betina Arnt though

>> No.17138976

I accept your surrender

>> No.17138994

I do not recall the details of the papers I was referring to.
What I do remember is the research on precocious puberty due to stressful enviroments which was partly based on Romanian orphanages where girls were entering menarche as young as 5 years old.
So stress can significantly affect pubertal development

>> No.17139016

Never talked about past sexual experiences with some significant other? Like how you lost your virginity or something?

>> No.17139023

I agree with you anon. They are kids tho, can't really be mad at them. They value pleasure over temperance and common sense. They only really are effeminate scorns and are degenerates not as an insult: No. As a quality. They have degenerate from the fruit. In their lineage they once were greater in spirit.

>> No.17139024

Thats because you lack conviction.
>i think its immoral but I'm gonna call out anyone who calls it immorality
Youre an ideological pussy.

>> No.17139026

Stop being disingenuous and answer >>17138801

>> No.17139030

there are really people out there thinking deadbeat dads and 17 year olds fucking strangers are a relevant problem during a global pandemic which is pushing the economy on the brink of collapse on a planet where the sky is on fire

>> No.17139039

what's the correlation between poverty and divorce?

>> No.17139051

Your brain on talmudvision

>> No.17139052

>global pandemic
It's a moderately bad seasonal flu at worst.

>> No.17139054

Very very interesting

>> No.17139058

The eternal butthurt american. Can you take a joke about your country, for once, and not look like a bullied kid angrily trying to think of a comeback while his Alf lunchbox opens and scatters all the food on the ground while the rest of the class laughs?

>> No.17139059

>, not an exhortation to engage in an endless quagmire of overly attentive sociopolitical critique.
thats basically just Evolians, not even Guenon does that

>> No.17139071

I got it and coofed my head off my butt anon

>> No.17139102

>"we need a plague to kill off the idiots"
-Edgy redditors
>*plague shows up and has an average age of death of 80, with a statistically insignificant increase in total deaths for the year
>wear a mask! Give your money to Amazon and disney! Your only freedom is to protest police brutality! Small businesses are racist!
-Edgy redditors when they get what they asked for

>> No.17139114

I can. Sorry if my tone seemed off I was just returning fire with a joke of my own.
We don't have any money to give to poor people because it literally goes to people with yachts and racehorses

>> No.17139153

>confronted with evidence of a claim
>invent contrived scenario in your head where the cause is actually just all the people you disagree with politically being mentally damaged
>Apply this contrived scenario that relies on literally every single person doing this being an autistic right winger
>aha! I've got him!

>> No.17139165

Thank for the sincerity anon. Sorry if I misinterpreted your attitude. I actually like american straightforwardness a lot. And lunchboxes.
By the way, we also don't have any money

>> No.17139172

This and unironically.

>> No.17139185

>23). Brahmins will not observe sacred vows but will criticize the Vedas. Deluded by logic they will give up worship and yajnas.

>> No.17139195

If your most famous idea is that modernity=bad past=good you should at least have noticed the past people were complaining about their present and not predicting your future.

>> No.17139211


>> No.17139245

We also have the best cereal for killing yourself, and don't forget it.
>Reese's puffs
>lucky charms
>cinnamon toast crunch
>fucking cookie crisp which is unironically cookies for breakfast

>> No.17139250

Who gives a shit if they were predicting our future? Granpa fucked only one hole in his life that was Granma. With that culture we went to the moon. Now that this is out of the picture; what will be our acheivements?

>> No.17139261

You have never read Evola.

>> No.17139265

Are you fat, Anon?

>> No.17139268

> thinking deadbeat dads and 17 year olds fucking strangers are a relevant problem during a global pandemic which is pushing the economy on the brink of collapse on a planet where the sky is on fire
holy shit you are so bluepilled it would take years for you to become sane again.

>> No.17139299

Maybe your pre-urban great-great grandfather had one partner and no his culture did not build rockets or lunar landers.

>> No.17139320

cringe incel thread