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/lit/ - Literature

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17136165 No.17136165 [Reply] [Original]

This is the best book I've ever read (aside from the Bible). After reading the Westminster Standards I
>researched the Presbyterian Church in America
>started attending a local church
>developed an active prayer life
>became embedded in a wonderful, caring community of like minded young people and families
>became a member and had my daughter baptized
>go out socializing and having dinners and spending time with new friends doing everything from playing board games to bible study to parties to mission work to caroling over Christmas
>spend every sunday worshiping and lingering for half afternoon as kids play on the playground and the wife and i plan get togethers
My life has completely changed and instead of being an atomized, intellectualizing, bourgeois secularist, I've finally discovered what it's like to live a real life in a real community with a real connection to the real God. Imagine how petty a place like /lit/ seems to me now. This might be my last post here.

>> No.17136174

Praise be, you are no longer a 4chan Quasimodo

>> No.17136177

How is this any different to joining a 40k or DND Club?
You were seeking human contact, The Church was your medium for it. The actual teachings themselves are irrelevant, you'd have gotten the same thing from other social venues

>> No.17136185

Fuck you. If you'd ever bothered to read Hegel or Nietzsche you'd realize how pathetic and unhappy you actually are.

Kys. Pseuds who bury their heads in the sand with muh god are quitters. I'll be here probing the depths of analytic philosophy regardless of where it leads. Because I actually give a shit about the real world.

>> No.17136206

>The actual teachings themselves are irrelevant, you'd have gotten the same thing from other social venues
I disagree, but I am not sure how I'd be able to convince you of that. And I won't deny that the social aspect is important. However, socializing as a church is unique and inseparable from the teachings themselves

>> No.17136214

>a real connection to the real God

Worshiping yourself doesn't count as a connection to God.

>> No.17136221

Huh, I thought all that anti-psychiatry discourse was pure drivel, but maybe schizos really are happier without the meds

>> No.17136227


>> No.17136229

Post your denomination

>> No.17136230

There's nothing to convince me of, I practise asceticism myself.
Large social gatherings with rituals you feel align with your values are always spiritual experiences, that's going to remain true whether you are a Christian, Jew, Muslim or some Geeky nerd roleplaying being a devoted member of a made up faction for DnD
The teachings themselves are irrelevant, that's why religion, despite its differences is a common thing throughout the entire world

>> No.17136243

Based the rest of the christfags should do this too and fuck off from /lit/ forever

>> No.17136251

>he says he finally found the connection to God...
>by praying to the wrong God

>> No.17136256

>The teachings themselves are irrelevant
I think this claim is extraordinarily debatable unless you're speaking in the broadest possible sense on limited topics. Even then, I dunno.

>> No.17136263

which is the right god?

>> No.17136281

>mission work
>caroling over Christmas
What are these?

>> No.17136312

>4channel crypto-chud doesn't know what a christmas carol is

>> No.17136338

Good idea

>> No.17136341

What are this?

>> No.17136344

Why would you think the life of as an atomized, bourgeois secularist would've been non-fulfilling for you? You would've found relevant communities in that life too and could've indulged into the same social activities with equal sense of fulfillment. As some other anon said, it's the community belonging that you were seeking.

>> No.17136347

I'll pray for you.

>> No.17136350

>life of as an
Based actual retarded person.

>> No.17136353

Don’t worry anon, he has schizophrenia, he just has some trouble staying in reality and making sense to others, but that’s just due to his condition.

>> No.17136359

What other catechisms and related works do you read prior to it?

What would your response be to a Mormon or a Muslim who posted something similar?

>> No.17136364

I guess I would have to say the bible had the biggest practical effect in my life because it help me realize religion is a whole heap of shit
dumped all those books in the garbage after that

>> No.17136368

Not that anon but how then do you deal with the fact that every major religion is able of producing epiphanies/moments of experiencing the diving, wholesome living and relationships?

>> No.17136374

>giving a shit about the real world
>analytical philosophy
decent bait

>> No.17136378

If you’re gonna make yourself believe in your own lies and join and take part in a great fulfilling community, why go about it in the pussy way? Just become a cult leader, no I’m not saying this to edgy, and I am not an atheist, it’s an honest statement.

>> No.17136383

>What other catechisms and related works do you read prior to it?
Lutheran and Catholic and Orthodox. Some familiarity with Islam and Buddhism. Also a decent amount of philosophy and critical theory.

>What would your response be to a Mormon or a Muslim who posted something similar?
Good for them, I guess but they should convert.

Similar to above, I'm not really sure why I need to "deal" with it or be bothered in some way by this. Lots of things produce epiphanies and experiences of the divine. Like drugs.

>> No.17136391

>those anons who bring up unrelated mental illnesses out of nowhere
Less thread makey more med takey

>> No.17136397

>Lutheran and Catholic and Orthodox. Some familiarity with Islam and Buddhism. Also a decent amount of philosophy and critical theory.
Im interested then - what made the Episcopalians stand out, was it their more broad tent approach to doctrine?

>Good for them,
Is it good for them if it will lead them to damnation?

>Similar to above
Well I guess it becomes relevant and important because the gist of the OP is that because this gets good results it must be true which in turn produces issues as other religions can produce these results while contradicting with the fact that Christianity claims exclusivity over the truth.

>> No.17136424

No you won’t. Stop playing the holier than thou card, you are Seraphim of Sarov

>> No.17136466

Joining the presbyterans is not any different from joining a bookclub, except more fanatical. Better than anything I guess.

>> No.17136536
File: 115 KB, 768x512, alex-gray-dmt-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I strongly suggest a strong dose of DMT to rid yourself of this false belief system.
- /x/

>> No.17136792

>doing everything from playing board games to bible study to parties to mission work to caroling over Christmas
sounds boring

>> No.17137644

t. spends 6 hours a day on lit.com/forums

>> No.17137700
File: 56 KB, 645x773, 1514889684078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is the best book I've ever read (aside from the Bible

>> No.17137891

Why are you like this, anon?

>> No.17137923

OP here, I don't look like that. I have a strong STEM career and make very good money as well. I just like Christianity too.

>> No.17137945


>> No.17137999

Begome cadolig

>> No.17138016

>If you'd ever bothered to read Hegel or Nietzsche you'd realize how pathetic and unhappy you actually are.
Holy projecting

>> No.17138087

I just realized: lit is kinda stupid and puerile

>> No.17139342

Good thread. Sorry for the weird hate. This board is full of insecure lonely incels

>> No.17139736

Good for you OP.
I honestly wish I was a religious person.