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17134928 No.17134928 [Reply] [Original]

I just finished The Brothers Karamazov, or at least finished it as much as I could, was so fatigued by the trial I stopped like 40-50 pages before the end (defense counsel's speech). Was at my local book store today and picked up Dubliners as I saw it for 2$, will this book filter me? I loved the more metaphorical passages from Karamazov but the narrative elements of it wore me out a bit, except Kolya and Ilyusha, mainly just looking to see if I'm making a little too big of a jump as I imagine I'll read Joyce at some point in my life.

>> No.17134930

damn he's just like me

>tfw i could be potus

>> No.17134956

we don't need another

>> No.17135023

Obama was a literal incel in collage, I don’t have the excerpt because I’m not on my phone but he literally talks at length in his memoirs about how he pretended to be a Marxist just to try and get laid but they were all lesbians so he got pissed and just stop pretending to care about that shit lmao! I swear to god I’m not making this shut up! Funniest shit I’ve ever read.

Also I’m glad Obama memes are back on the menu, they’re so much better than trump and biden memes. Obama memes are funny cuz they are made by an actual shirtposter and not an astroturfing shill

>> No.17135061

memes are becoming reddit

>> No.17135118

>will this book filter me?
why would it? a painful case, right in the feels.

>> No.17135284

I just hope it isn't impenetrable to me and that my stubborn character doesn't delude me to believe that is not the case.

>> No.17135301

Dubliners is very easy to understand style wise. The only things that may go over your head are all of the references to Dublin's/Ireland's history, but if you have a version with annotations you shouldn't have any problem. I'd say that you'll know if you got filtered or not based on how much you like or dislike The Dead

>> No.17135305

thanks anon

>> No.17135307

I sincerely wish Obama could have been President forever. A man who was immune to liberalism and could make the tough choices needed to maintain American hegemony. Harris seems to be a promising replacement, but still.

>> No.17135358

How do you believe in the inherent justness of this hegemony, I agree it benefits us but what it leads to is an authoritarian state, one that won't just take away your guns or your rights, but the vey things endowed upon you by your creator.

>> No.17135378

a hell of a lot more will be taken away from you if china becomes hegemonic, there's no reason european style jurisprudence should be dominant globally rather than oriental despotism or sharia, except for the fact we maintain the strongest navy and will use it

>> No.17135390

Isn't his memoir completely ghostwritten self-advertisement, tho? You can't just expect him to brag about banging this or that many women in a memoir where he is meant to be sympathetic to the everyman.

>> No.17135394

>Obama was a literal incel in collage
dude everyone knows obama was gay in college

>> No.17135400

>I sincerely wish Obama could have been President forever
>bailed out the bankers who caused the 08 financial collapse
>helped put Libya in a state of unrest that its still in
>continued Bush's terrible foreign policy in the middle east
I think a good sign of a low IQ is if someone thinks Obama was a good president.

>> No.17135421

umm, racist much?

>> No.17135467

please be troll

>> No.17135475

>Obama, the war criminal puppet
>You have to be low iq or have to frequent the site for retards called twitter to think Obama was a good prez.

>> No.17135516
File: 1.68 MB, 366x275, wbush.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17135520

>half jamaican
>half indian

who better to rule over the former british empire?

>> No.17135536

the prosecutor and defense speeches were definitely the low point but man you should have at least bypassed them and finished

>> No.17135572

obama was lower mid tier. he wasnt as corrupt and ruinous as bush and trump but that dont mean he wasnt corrupt and ruinous at all. its so retarded seeing people who only get their news from cnn acting like obama is some literal saint because he is black

>> No.17135593

reclaiming Obama as a /lit/ incel hero is one of my favorite unexpected memes of 2020

>> No.17135606

>Obama as a /lit/ incel hero
post some of them

>> No.17135664
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>immune to liberalism

>> No.17136007

it's nice, I just finished it. Make sure to read and have fun!

>> No.17136021

I strongly dislike Obama, but I'd somehow rather give him a third term than have Biden as president. Biden is just a soulless husk who exists solely to tow the party line

>> No.17136184

How was Trump corrupt of ruinous? Should be good.

>> No.17136501

>the former British Empire
you're either absolutely ignorant or neck-deep in conspiracy theory shit

>> No.17136545

I got it for Christmas, its good anon. I liked Counterpoints.

>> No.17136551


>> No.17136566

>immune to liberalism

>> No.17136615

This. Also god bless George W. Bush for starting us on the war on terror.

>> No.17136626

Is blatant nepotism not considered corruption these days?

>> No.17137267

Dubliners is defo the easiest bit of Joyce you'll read (maybe just after that play 'Exiles' he wrote when he was super anxious about getting cucked).

I read, understood, and enjoyed this book thoroughly when it was put in my hands age 15. I'd go so far as to say it's the best collection of short stories out there, and maybe even Joyce's best work. Have a particular look at the first three/four stories (bildungsromane) - they're haunting.

>> No.17137272

Trump dickriders have their heads in the sand. He can do no wrong in their eyes.

>> No.17137278

Dubliners is a very accessible read, you will be fine.

>> No.17137284

>obama was lower mid tier
Compared to who? You'd have to look back several decades- really the best part of a century- to start seeing anything better.

>> No.17137320

>bailed out the bankers who caused the 08 financial collapse
To maintain American financial superiority and its influence over international financial markets
>>helped put Libya in a state of unrest that its still in
Good. Every country that dismisses or threatens America should be utterly destroyed.
>>continued Bush's terrible foreign policy in the middle east
The opposite of terrible. Highly effective. These people cannot govern themselves and they proved without a strongman their nations fall apart. The solution is American control of this region.

You are the one with a low IQ.
>muh war criminal
Smoothbrain oxymoron and non argument.

>> No.17137343


>invades several countries for no particular reason the aftermath of which will affect the world for years to come

Thanks for the refugees Obama

>> No.17137354

>To maintain American financial superiority and its influence over international financial markets

Bailing out banks is absolutely not related or necessary for that you brainlet. The dollar is.

>Every country that dismisses or threatens America should be utterly destroyed.
You didn't destroy shit though. You caused a bunch of chaos, got a bunch of Americans killed, and achieved no strategic goals.
>The solution is American control of this region.
But he didn't control shit? How is the rise of ISIS "American control of this region"?

>> No.17137604

>immune to liberalism
What does this even mean

>> No.17137626 [DELETED] 

yeah the siblings and parents of dead children in my country will remember the greatness of this barbarian.
I would personally like to put few bullets in the heads of burger hearted mutts like you.

>> No.17137804

Can someone post the pic of the passage in Obama's biography the op pic is referring to? I need it for reasons

>> No.17137816

>invades several countries for no particular reason the aftermath of which will affect the world for years to come
Also thank Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Trump etc for their contribution. One of those idiots even went to war with Iraq again because of an attack from an organisation based in Afghanistan.

>> No.17137837

>You'd have to look back several decades- really the best part of a century- to start seeing anything better.

No, you don't. You just go as far back as Clinton and you've already found someone better. The gap between Obama and Clinton is smaller than Clinton and the last good President before him.

>> No.17137884

>talks at length
It was one paragraph retard