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17134101 No.17134101 [Reply] [Original]

Are they good?

>> No.17134112

I sincerely recommend Harry Potter over A Song of Ice and Fire.

>> No.17134144

Good up until the third one, all downhill from there. Really not sure how he's going to redeem it all with just two more books.

>> No.17134151

he simply won't and leave it as is
can't fuck up something if you don't do it

>> No.17134166

Someone post tb
He word count if various slang words he came up with while writing the series

>> No.17134176

The word count*
Of various*

>> No.17134185

Yeah I think so. 3 is the best one, and 4 is the worst one. I dunno if it'll ever be concluded. If that doesn't bother you, go for it because they're extremely entertaining.

>> No.17134197

We already know the ending. MF's think the guy who wrote A Feast For Crows is going to make sense of all that bullshit in two books. As if Bran was hinted to become king since AGOT and it wasn't an arbitrary decision.

>> No.17134200

No memes, do you genuinely think he’ll finish them?

>> No.17134210

I think he'll finish the 6th one eventually, and the 7th one will be completed from his manuscripts by someone else after his death

>> No.17134213

read the first one decided it wasn't for me.

>> No.17134220

Not by himself

>> No.17134228

What if he pulls a Robert Jordan?

>> No.17134232

I think Winds of Winter will come out without a doubt. I'm more scepticle about the 7th, though.

>> No.17134233

6th one yeah
Outline of the 7th

>> No.17134251

this is a great video about this

There is literally ZERO chance he's going to be able to wrap everything up even in the most minimal way (which he would not attempt anyways) while still fitting in the remaining two books. The only realistic way he'll finish the story properly is by splitting WOW in 2 books before dream of spring.

He will never finish this, unfortunately, let it go

>> No.17134253

I would recommend not starting a series until it is fully published. Even if the series is finished, there's such a gap between your reading of each novel that it's just not the same experience. I've had this with a number of series where I read the final book and it'd been so long since I read the others that while it was interesting, it didn't have the emotional weight it otherwise would have. I guess the exception here is if you're planning to spend hours a day investing in the series while waiting for the next two (2) books to come out, but that is a very stupid thing to do if you value your own happiness at all.

>> No.17134260

Well, I don't think we'll see the ending since I remember him saying that he won't tell anyone the ending if he ends up on his deathbed and has no papers outlining anything specific, since he makes it up as he goes, except for the big plot points.

If it does end up like that I think we'll just get it done by another writer who will botch it like the show did.

>> No.17134265

for real what happens with little aegon and jon connington. that's all I care about

>> No.17134267

There's a video I watched a while back on YouTube explaining how it is impossible for him to wrap up all of his remaining character arcs in just 2 books. He overreached and now is fucked.

>> No.17134285

He could finish it if he wanted to

>> No.17134312

He obviously could, like he would tecnically have time to do so, but knowing his pace, it already sounds insane to make two more books. If you then consider that he can't physically wrap the story up within 2x1500 manuscript pages it just becomes impossible

>> No.17134315

I think the first one is good a stand alone book, keep it in the bathroom while you take a shit , or leave it in your car in case you need to wait somewhere. Fun read desu

>> No.17134321

He said on his recent blog post that he watched that netflix show, the queens gambit, when he could have spent it writing his long awaited book. Seems like he really doesn't want to.

>> No.17134328
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>if he wanted to
If this fat piece of shit can't finish it during a pandemic then he ain't finishing it

>> No.17134331

even if he was a writer that took his writing as a real job (ex. sanderson), while working 8 hours a day you can have time to watch a netflix show lol

like, the 6-7 hours it takes to watch a season of a show isn't going to be the thing stopping you from finishing the book you've been writing for 10 years

>> No.17134335

obviously. can you imagine the pressure? lots of creatives never recover from popularity.

>> No.17134350

Lets say he needs 3 600 page books to finish. Thats 1800 pages. If wrote just 2 pages a day he would be done in 30 months. He could finish if he wanted to.

>> No.17134362

have you tried writing anything longer than 5 pages in your life? that's just not how it works with larger volumes of information.

>> No.17134373

Is writing 2 pages in 8 hours that hard?

>> No.17134376
File: 510 KB, 694x606, Blog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another highlight from his blog.

>> No.17134404

you can easily write 15+ pages of fragmented thoughts in just a few hours, but writing anything that fits into a larger body of work and progresses events in a meaningful way and keeps readers invested can easily become impossible if you make a few structural mistakes. there's a literary equivalent of painting yourself into a corner.

>> No.17134447

I didnt ask about 15 pages in a few hours. I asked about 2 pages in 8 hours. In fact, lets give em 60 months or 5 years to do the 1800 pages. 365x5=1830 days to write 1800 pages. He could literally write less than a page a day and finish the series if he wasn't such a fat goblin.

>> No.17134554

try reading my post one more time

>> No.17134567

kek. Imagine writing pop fiction and comparing yourself to writers of American classics.

>> No.17134574

unironic question -- is Hemingway full of shit here? sounds so melodramatic. his novels aren't even that emotional desu

>> No.17134580

Hemingway is practically pop fiction though

>> No.17134598

it's not even representative of his views on writing, just a notable example of the sort of postcard quote that usually gets meme'd into popularity because it's suitably radical and appeals to normie vanity

>> No.17134612

Try using your fucking brain. He could write less than a page a day and finish the series in 5 years. Not to mention he is probably already 75% of the way done with Winds of Winter. There's no excuse.

>> No.17134640

he could easily write 2000 pages of stuff until he end of 2021, but the 1600 final pages of aSoIaF might be impossible even if you gave him 20 years of perfect health. if that's really so difficult for you to understand I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.17134652

Get it through your thick fucking skull. Im not asking him to do 2000 pages in 4 days. Thats 500 pages a day that will be extremely low quality. If he can't write less than 1 page in 8 hours in a single day he is just lazy.

>> No.17134657

please stop posting on /lit/

>> No.17134664

Can't believe you are defending his lazy ass.

>> No.17134673

I like books 1-3 (book 3 is honestly my favorite fantasy book), book 4 is shit, the non-Tyrion parts of book 5 of shit. 8/10 fantasy series

>> No.17134674

I'm not, my issue is with your retard math

>> No.17134678

Explain how my math was wrong. Tip: It wasn't.

>> No.17134725

Him pulling strange words and repetitive phrases out of nowhere in books 4 and 5 drives me crazy.

>> No.17134777

enjoyed it until a feast for crows. probably the worst written book I've ever read. like wading through treacle

>> No.17134790

What words and phrases?

>> No.17134860


kinda hope he doesn't and just dies fat and rich. especially after all the hassle I saw him get for posting a pic of him eating a burrito and all these basednion guzzlers started screeching at him to stop getting fat and finish the books before he dies

>> No.17134898

He uses "words are wind" so much in those two.

>> No.17135123


this whole debate is fascinating. it's one person with autism arguing with someone who doesn't have autism.

>> No.17135426

They belong in the western canon.

>> No.17136110

I figured it had to do more with the exhausting process than like emotional release.

>> No.17137091

yes as long as you ignore show plebbery

based retard

>> No.17137290

No. Only ‘good’ fantasy is the first half of the Malazan series and perhaps Wheel of Time despite it going full anime.

Also Prince of Thorns series, not because it’s well written, but because Jorg is an absolute gigachad

>> No.17137355

Wrong. They both have it.

>> No.17137381

ah that makes more sense

>> No.17137388

based guy with autism pretending to be a neutral third party so as to call guy without autism autistic

>> No.17137499

How is he going to realistically finish writing the series into two remaining books? He hasn't even added the threat of The Others. They seem mostly as an afterthought and would be terrible to read about in the last two books, assuming he does anything with them.

>> No.17137956

They were great reading for a HS boy. Great when there were weird message boards to talk about it with when it wasn't a TV series. It did a great job of capturing my young imahgination, but not did a no better job than Dune.

>> No.17138365

>but not did a no better job than Dune.
Idk man. I just read the Dune Saga after being a huge ASOIAF fan and while I really liked Dune it doesn't come close to ASOIAF books 1-3

>> No.17138407

despite some glaring flaws it has some of the best characters ever written in genre fiction

>> No.17138885
File: 33 KB, 281x557, grrm_genius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are literally word-perfect works of genius and Tolkien was a hack.

>> No.17138912

>implying show plebbery > book plebbery
I'd rather be caught watching an embarrassing show than reading an embarassing book.

>> No.17138923

what exactly is the problem here?

>> No.17138938

I will go against general consensus and say yes. I will even screenshot posts of people doubting him so I can dab on them in around 10 years

>> No.17139055

I only read them a year ago and I was shocked by how good they are. This fucking board tricked me for years into thinking they were shit.
The Dunk stories are even more fun.

>> No.17139057


>> No.17139135

It's clear that you didn't understand the point of

What isn't clear is if you're masking your ignorance with insulting language, or if that's just how you speak as a matter of course.

There's a difference between quantity and quality, my friend.

>> No.17139170

That's what GRRM-level literacy looks like, I'm afraid.

>> No.17139180

The constant repetition.

>> No.17139198

they are, without hint of irony, the best work in fantasy since tolkein and anyone pretending otherwise has been tricked by memes

>> No.17139247

AFFC is the best book in the series.
Prove me wrong. Protip: you can't.

>> No.17139800

Over the last ten years I've self-published nine novels and put down something close to 700,000 words -- the equivalent of two shorter Song of Ice and Fire novels. And I consider myself a slow writer; my minimum daily quota is only 500 words, and I usually take two or three months off after I finish a book, in order to recharge my batteries and decide what I want to write next.

And unlike Martin, I don't have anything motivating me. I don't have millions of fans eagerly awaiting my next book; I don't have any fans at all. And I'm certainly not making any money at this; my last book sold five copies. My 400-page epic fantasy, which took most of a year to write, and into which I poured my heart and soul, has only sold seventeen copies so far. These books actually cost me money, because I have to pay for editing and cover art.

Maybe my worlds aren't as deep or as complex as the world of A Song of Ice and Fire, and maybe my gutter prose isn't as good as Martin's. But c'mon: ten years between books? That's just ridiculous.

>> No.17139822

I think he's got enough life left in him to crank out one more since he'll probably want one more big check before croaking to leave his family a wad of cash.

>> No.17140003


nah you can tell one has autism and one doesn't. because one has extensively done the maths and cannot comprehend a scenario outside of the one he has conceived in his own mind. textbook autismo. the other is just explaining the reality but doing so is futile

>> No.17140342

>his family
Anon, I...

>> No.17140384

If you like to suck dick

>> No.17141170

does anyone have that grrm wojak?

>> No.17141884

Lol yep

>> No.17142309

Yes. Just like Berserk my boy. For real.