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17134045 No.17134045[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do Marx's advocates misunderstand him?

>> No.17134053

>marxism = communism

>> No.17134063

Mitigation of reality is never done in good faith

>> No.17134069


This fag needs a one way trip to the Gulag

>> No.17134104

what's your job in the dick sucking commune?

>> No.17134108

sounds hot, maybe its time to give marx another look

>> No.17134125

Marx created a religion and somehow didn’t understand that he was creating a religion.

>> No.17134126

i don't fucking care about what retards on twitter are saying

>> No.17134130

the russians made it into a religion

>> No.17134132

leftist politics are "in" with the woke (aka liberal) crowd on twitter. none of them actually believe in anything.

>> No.17134136

Lenin. Primarily

>> No.17134146
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These, pretty much

>> No.17134212

Why do leftists refuse to throw out liberals who use their beliefs as a aesthetic?

>> No.17134239

I sincerely hope that's just for twitter

>> No.17134249

I thought it was mostly the jews and their bankers that pushed it along?

>> No.17134264

leftism is more popular with academics, college students, and 20-30 something urban bourgeoise than it is with the authentic working class. leftists need to figure out how to relate to the workers and average joe. channel the alienation and anger of the worker towards productive class ends rather than dead end idpol culture war stuff

>> No.17134269

Hello, I'd like a latte. How much will that be?
>Nothing. Lattes and latte machines are owned by people
>Which means they're owned by the state
Excellent, well then, give me my free latte
>Sorry, sir, you are not the state.
>Actually drinking the latte would imply private ownership of the latte, and that is evil

>> No.17134281

We need the numbers. We can radicalize normies who are into Bernie and AOC further left.

>> No.17134329
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because most "actual" leftists drink the identity politics kool aid, meaning that they might as well be liberals cause they serve the same purpose: cuck pawns for the oligarchy. These people don't know the difference between a posturing lib and a leftist, and if they do they're too scared to say anything cause then they're non-incluisive, a "gatekeeper" or some other no no thing. There is a growing portion of leftists who reject idpol (thanks to redscare and chapo) but really it's on a superficial level (really they just want to call people 'retard') but they're largely faggots who wear ideology as fashion just like the posturing libs. These people don't actually do anything. Then there's an even smaller subset of leftists who fully reject idpol. These people don't talk politics.
people with ideology's cock down their throat are retards. I don't take anyone who says that they're a communist/socialist/nazi/accelerationist/any ideological label seriously unless I know they've done the work to figure it out. Everyone else is a faggot who feels the need to put themselves into a category so they know what to think.

>> No.17134343 [DELETED] 
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I'm contemplating becoming an annoying anime tripfag?
Any tips? How do I avoid getting banned?

>> No.17134355
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Love literature.
Be nice.

>> No.17134357

>These people don't talk politics
*irl, I mean

>> No.17134392

im nazbol. i just play woke irl. ive read some of the entry level stuff so i can bullshit with the best of them, since most of the trenders dont actually read anyway.

>> No.17134393
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>making clothes from scraps
funny how they've already accepted that a leftist commune would be dirty poor.

>> No.17134429

I really don't understand the types of people in OP's pic. I've read some wishful thinking threads where commies talk to each other about the types of jobs they'll be doing once the supposed revolution comes to fruition. 95% of them say they want to be teachers to teach communism, psychiatrists to help people over come evil capitalist trauma, or artists who make literal propaganda. Like, do these people not realize the hundreds, if not thousands, of tough, unappealing jobs that have to be taken up to keep a society functioning? Not to mention that to be an effective therapist or historian or whatever requires years of academic training and not just dedication to the hammer and sickle. It's really strange and sad listening to them, enthusiastically sperging over a soon-to-be dream that will never happen. I hope that they'll grow out of it eventually, because that's not how you should be living your life.

>> No.17134434

>im nazbol. i just play woke irl
you're literally no different kys

>> No.17134437

Is that a gif for ants? Jesus fuck that shit is small

Speaking of Lenin, does anyone know what the point of putting his mummified corpse no display was? Even for Stalin that shit seemed really bizarre, I never understood it.

>> No.17134450

Fucking based lmao

>> No.17134458

>mummified corpse on display
communism really was oriental despotism wasn't it? wittfogel was right

>> No.17134460

You're not Nazbol. Shut the fuck up. You are a left wing nationalist at best. Socialism for "white" people because youre fucking spooked.

>> No.17134464
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>You're not Nazbol. Shut the fuck up. You are a left wing nationalist at best. Socialism for "white" people because youre fucking spooked.

>> No.17134468

I go to a college full of people like this and it makes me want to ram my head into a wall.

>> No.17134473

socialism can only work in homogenous communities, otherwise class unity will fracture along racial lines. this cannot be avoided.

>> No.17134479

I guess that’s what the gulag camps for trump supporters are for, they re-educated them by having them clean running diarrhea of the public bathroom floor (something that I am very well aquatinted to).

>> No.17134483


here's the thread if anyone wants a laugh

the woman in the OP also talks about enforced segregation because multi ethnic integration is bad for black people

>> No.17134500

Finally. Someone honest.

Does Nazbol support Democratic Workplaces though?

>> No.17134502

marxism is inherently international, without private property there can be no borders

>> No.17134504

race isnt real. its a spook. go join the strasserites cryptofash

>> No.17134518

>the woman in the OP also talks about enforced segregation because multi ethnic integration is bad for black people

Poltards and woketards are made for each other, huh?

>> No.17134519

If anything autistic specialization will be even more needed under gobbunism.

>> No.17134524

so then like why didn't communist china and communist vietnam merge instead of going to war?

>> No.17134528

race is a spook

>> No.17134532
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Cultural continuity. It is too cult like though isn’t it?

>> No.17134536

Stalin and Castro already disprove this ridiculous notion that Marxism has to be internationalist. Kys

>> No.17134542
File: 21 KB, 600x371, 5CEC2923-2A9D-4149-9679-FE7702CC050F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the woman in the OP also talks about enforced segregation because multi ethnic integration is bad for black people
Imagine being so woke you unironically agree with the KKK

>> No.17134548

unironically not real communism, that's just the state owning everything and if you support that you are borderline retarded and should be fucking euthanized immediately. Nazbols should just become national socialists.

>> No.17134556

u said without private property there can be no borders nothing about communism

>> No.17134559

Your brand of socialism, trotskyist tard, has proven multiple times again to be the weakest of them all.

Fuck internationalism.

>> No.17134570

yes retard, where do you think borders and nations come from? The borders of a nation are just the collective property of the members of the Nation.
I'm not a Trotskyist or a Marxist of any kind, but the "communism" the Russians and Chinese instituted was nothing more totalitarianism.

>> No.17134590

History isnt, unless you unironically think every ethnic group will simeltaneously agree on bygones be bygones

>> No.17134592

how else can communism work other than totalitarianism?

>> No.17134595

>tfw no commie twink to suck my dick

>> No.17134597

race might be a spook but language groups aren't

>> No.17134603

>History isnt
which is why marx is right
>what was the soviet union

>> No.17134607

>>what was the soviet union

>> No.17134609

It doesn't work that's the point, stop being a communist. You've just taken an ideology that doesn't work and made it contradictory by trying to combine it with Nationalism. Read the link I posted.

>> No.17134615

You have to fundamentally misunderstand him in order to agree with him. Makes perfect sense to me

>> No.17134621

i'm a neolib brah let the markets raise all them boats

>> No.17134632

I confused you with the nazbol

>> No.17134633

Why do you think culture plays such an important role in people’s sense of identity? Something to do with having a shared history, something to bind you to a larger group of people you’re not related to perhaps?

>> No.17134645

are you trying to say humans evolved from social animals, in fact, ARE social animals? oh no, marxist and creationists both share that man is some divine creation not subject to nature

>> No.17134656

>marxist and creationists both share that man is some divine creation not subject to nature
Where are you getting that? I never got that from Marx, and I don’t think I’ve met someone else who has that ether

>> No.17134658

State replaced, or merged, with the church. Just as Stirner pointed out.
Culture seems fine, but cult? Etymological connection there?

>> No.17134666

basedbasedbasedbasedbased how can one retarded female leftist be so based?

>> No.17134688


My job will be snitch, and whenever anyone does or says anything suggesting they secretly harbor capitalist sympathies I will snitch and we will have long meetings about it. And when I'm laying around the commune and some asks "why don't you get off your ass and chop some firewood," I'll say I'm busy, and I will be, taking notes so I can snitch on that bourgeoisie class traitor later on.

>> No.17134691

What is overly optimistic or utopian in that tweet - most of their work is menial labour making clothes and coffees for people

>> No.17134732

They're basically the same as trad larpers who think that they'll be monks or priests or go die off in a crusade somewhere in their ideal society. None of these people imagine subsistence farming or working in a mine as jobs for them even though they'd be among the most common jobs in a trad or communist state.

If working at starbucks is manual labor then me calling you a retard is a genuine psychological diagnosis, go get your pills. And I doubt they envision the conditions the average sewer actually goes through when they say "seeing clothes together some days" when they're not acting as a college professor.

>> No.17134741 [DELETED] 

Why not just have the black people do the bad jobs and let normal people live the communist dream?

What ideology is this

>> No.17134745

Why do Marxists advocate women wear fishnet stockings as pants for casual attire?

>> No.17134748



>> No.17134750

>manual labor
can you not read?

>> No.17134752

Would love to see this socieites academics weasel out of gravedigging or whatever since theyre doing the most "important" but yeah bruh everyone is gonna do a bit of everything lmao

>> No.17134763
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better than what you wear i suppose

>> No.17134765

dude the wsj did a profile of xi jinping a couple days ago and they said his dad had a falling out with the party so instead of going to college like most party kids he got sent to a farm to do hard labor for his teenager years and early 20s, all he could do to learn was read books they said he had shit by carl schmitt on his shelf lol who knows tho maybe forcing a mf to work on a farm is actually better than going to college cuz he took over the whole shit

>> No.17134796

Xi always seemed lowkey based so maybe youre onto something

>> No.17134797

It's literally the infantile fantasies of a rich woman in a capitalist society who wants to be poor and yet has never lived a day in poverty her whole life. But the most naïve part about it is that she thinks she would be the one to decide what her role is in a communist society. A society can't function if everyone simply does what they feel like doing. There needs to be demand for services in order to warrant the supply.

>> No.17134845
File: 125 KB, 750x750, F2E8875A-4A66-40EC-9C7D-36E72ADE0698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuz fishnets are based, they make the legs look more 3D, and legs are in fact a woman’s best asset.
>inb4 tit, ass, feet and knee-high sock fags
No debate! Fishnet or gtfo!

>> No.17134854

I'm a leftist and I'd love to see this faggot worked to death in a Siberian mine.
At least he isn't a braindead "Marxism = anti-work" NEET mongoloid.

>> No.17134887

If you would have told me about this in 2019 I would have laughed at you. But ever since covid, I have been seeing this shit trending on plebit and twater, people be like; “covid has proven you don’t need work in modern society!”

>> No.17134908

in capitalism i have to pay $40k to become a librarian and go to grad school
in ussr i could become one for free
so ive always had some bias because of this

>> No.17134918

I'd be the bussy dispensary

>> No.17134924

collection of many ethnic groups/languages

>> No.17134926

i've never heard of a for-profit library, and any respectable school is non-profit, so not sure why you're mad at capitalism

>> No.17134945

Marxists advocate men wearing fishnets, nobody cares about women, what they wear, or their disgusting fish holes

>> No.17134953

Those same people pretend to be anti-imperialist without understanding the irony of their ability to forgo working being solely based on the near enslavement of billions of imperialized workers

>> No.17134980

made me gag...
imagine the smell

>> No.17134982
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if the republicans embraced free college and healthcare they would dominate the blm lgbtq obsessed democrats.

josh hawley + bernie sanders alliance for the stimulus checks (and trump championing $2000 as well), tulsi gabbard going on the tucker carlson show. this is an indicator of what is to come. national populism is rising in europe. france in particular (le pen and yellow vests movement, macron calling out islam after the beheading incident). the future is nazbol.

>> No.17134993

nah i dont fuck with racist immigration scapegoating shit. the problem is capitalism, not jews or minorities.

>> No.17135001

fuck off

>> No.17135012

but you have to realize that both socialism and nationalism tap into a collectivist impulse. people are more attached to their in group naturally. america historically is a nation comprised of european christian immigrants. we share these common values, ideas, and identity. socialism can work in countries that have a strong sense of community and homogeneity. i prefer social democracy a la the scandinavian model, however scandinavia has experienced difficulties as a result of recent mass immigration done from altruistic motives. strains on welfare system and rise in crime rates and so on. this is undermining the effectiveness and confidence in the social democratic consensus. the nordic model was working well in the homogenous community, but when they imported the unproductive unassimilated refugees with alien values they experienced more strain and more votes away from socdem parties towards nationalist ones. why is this i wonder? are they just bigoted rednecks or is there something more? why are the nationalists and fascists connecting more with the working classes than the race blind marxists who are afraid to call out immigration?

>> No.17135022

immigration is a distraction from class struggle

heard all this bullshit before.

fascist playing optics
fuck off

>> No.17135036

Because immies likely dont care about it either. Theyre essentially scabs and lumpens

>> No.17135041
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one thing that always seems weird about lefty virtue signalers is how they bitch about high fashion shit, but isn't it better to buy a $1000 pair of shoes that are made in italy by a craftsman than pay $100 for a pair of shoes made in a sweatshop in vietnam? if every asian country had the same labor laws, unions, and overall standard of living of italians then all clothes would cost givenchy prices, so why not stop supporting sweatshops and buy givenchy stuff now?

>> No.17135055

why do you think the ruling class in europe was dying to bring in so many refugees? precisely to undermine the welfare state! as a neolib i'm not even mad, it's wonderful, syrians get a nice new nordic home, and socialism fails, what's not to like?

>> No.17135082

>for free

>> No.17135106

>if every asian country had the same labor laws, unions, and overall standard of living of italians then all clothes would cost givenchy prices, so why not stop supporting sweatshops and buy givenchy stuff now?
i'm not a commie but this is retarded

>> No.17135120

well it's true you could still make shoes with shitty materials and dodgy machines with poor quality control, but the point is, if you believe the labor theory of value is real then it's your moral duty to buy garments produced in the developed world, sorry if that pinches your adjunct budget

>> No.17135142

fascism and social democracy are not remotely compatible. democracy alone should set the fascist off. the democracy and welfare of the nation should serve its people. the state should provide for its people. they are the indigenous native population in europe. in the case of us and canada and so on they set up the government, state, and established all the success. they are outposts of european civilization. european nations deserve the right to look out for their people, and yes i believe that capitalism undermines our culture traditions and well being for the pursuit of profit, and most of these neoliberal globalist capitalists just so happen to be jewish zionists. why is this? i dont know. and i notice we are having unprecedented mass migrations into europe and usa/canada/australia/etc that will change the demographic and cultural makeup of the nation forever, as well as increase competition for the working class by importing workers willing to work for less wages and unwilling to assimilate. you are undermined in your own homeland. socialism cant work in these conditions. it can only work in a unified collective. china knows this. they will beat us because of this. the west clings to the liberal humanist experiment which is a failure. race and tribe will come before class, always, because it is rooted in a deeper part of human nature.

>> No.17135153

Cause they've been messed up by Wokism

>> No.17135157

>muh race
>muh culture
>muh jooz
kill yourself

you cant colonize half the world then complain when some people move in to the country that destroyed their homeland

read fanon or just any postcolonial theory you fascist dip

>> No.17135163

Because they don't have the brainpower to read his work, they're just told by college professors that he loves the moronic underperformers of the world very much and died for their capital.
Maxists shitting on Christianity always makes me laugh.

>> No.17135182

you cannot prove me wrong simpleton
you live in idealist utopian delusions
look around you though. your dream cannot come to pass. its a dream for a reason.
there will always be tension and difference. if the fragile threads cant hold it together the peace will collapse.

>> No.17135195

wtf are you talking about faggot?

>> No.17135207

Fishnets are based

>> No.17135216

hes just some fash trying to push racist bullshit

>> No.17135247

Marx was pro WORKER not pro NEET

>> No.17135319


>> No.17135335


>> No.17135389

givenchy prices are not set according to LTV so nothing you said makes sense. also, the leftists you criticise would be part of the exploited working class who don't receive fair compensation for their labour, so it's not feasible for them to provide others with fair compensation for theirs. communism requires full buy-in and can't function within a capitalist society

>> No.17135406

>muh fascism
>muh racism
can you pseuds get some new talking points

>> No.17135412

if givenchy prices aren't set by the ltv then i guess they aren't exploiting anyone, even more reason to buy those $800 loafers!

>> No.17135434

okay small brain

>> No.17135444

you admit to buying shoes made in sweatshops rather than shoes made by craftsmen in italty, you are an immoral person and a sophist

>> No.17135448

Is that the theory for coping that you didnt beat mayoskins to the punch?

>> No.17135451

>There is a growing portion of leftists who reject idpol
No, it's been shrinking for a long time. They're only mildly slowing the shrink, but it's extremely hard to find any leftists irl who haven't been sucked into the idpol bullshit.
It's unironically easier to find full blown nazis than them in some areas. In my area I actually see more siegefag graffiti than non-idpol commie posters (and there are a lot of commie posters where I live)

>> No.17135464

it's because without the soviet union around to promote hard left bullshit, everyone is abandoning failed ideas like communism, communists didn't immediately disappear in 1991 or whatever, but they are slowly fading away and will be gone soon

>> No.17135474

why reject idpol? there are unique forms of oppression facing minority classes in western society, as well as the effects of the patriarchy, we must address these concerns and the impact of white supremacy as well as capitalism and how the two are intertwined. most leftists acknowledge that but some white boys want to inject nationalist and racism into it because they lack real theory.

>> No.17135487

Eurocentrism needs to go. If youre a man of the left you need to realize the conversation is shifting towards the more marginalized voices that never got a full say like you did historically. Let them speak for once.

>> No.17135502

communism isnt a failure

>> No.17135506

delusional cope but ok

>> No.17135510

If you stopped trying to have a fantastical international revolution all across the globe and all at once then maybe you'd have enough people on board with your ideas to make socialism work in one country.
But no, you guys just shoot yourselves in the foot and make sure most workers will never want to join you.

>> No.17135511

Whatever hoops to justify china as genuinely communist then I guess.

>> No.17135515


>> No.17135539

not my fault youre a bigot

>> No.17135556

>why reject idpol
Because it's a distraction from class issues and has only ever fractured any leftist movement. Were you not around for Occupy Wall Street?
>there are unique forms of oppression facing minority classes in western society, as well as the effects of the patriarchy, we must address these concerns and the impact of white supremacy as well as capitalism and how the two are intertwined
No, all of this is bullshit bloviating to justify absolute inaction on the disgusting inequality and exploitation of the average person by the elites. Idpol has totally destroyed the ability to unite across class lines by creating fractures within classes by race.
>but some white boys want to inject nationalist and racism into it because they lack real theory
Yeah, this sort of talk is exactly what anyone looking for leftist finds on university campuses nowadays. You're a totally flaccid movement now that substitutes moralizing about race and gender for any kind of political force.
Living in an area which has had its businesses completely destroyed lately, it's amazing how ineffective any kind of leftist rhetoric has been all because you're so quick to prioritise your precious minorities instead of just attacking the fucking cunts at the top of the system.

>> No.17135560

Except for the past 400 years, Central Asia, India and China have dominated the historical conversation. I’d say it was good to give a marginalized people in from a poor island and the swamps of Western Europe a chance for a few hundred years.

>> No.17135601

Can we at least agree that The Jew is to blame? Not the ethnic people individually, but a nationless globalist consortium of old money aristocrats and Chosen Ones who control media and banking and sit on all the boards of the major companies and seats in parliament and the Senate of the major countries.

The Jew is that which does not produce, but enriches itself by inserting itself between capital and market demands. The Jew Banker is never the prime minister or president. Those are executive duties. The Jew Banker would have you believe that he can make the world richer by virtue of usury. Let him loan you money that he prints for free, and in return you can pay it back (((with interest))). The Jew Banker does not smelt steel, refine oil, or mill lumber. He merely makes sure that he can loan the banks money cheaper than you can. This takes away the power of capital to accrue with individual companies or people. Only carefully Chosen companies grow large enough to wield any real power, and they must do so by making use of the Brokerage and the Stock

Real, material capital like manpower and infrastructure are discounted by the Jew Banker. He is constantly scheming of ways to move centers of material capital so that it never grows strong enough to take over the role he plays.

You call it capitalism, i call it the Jew Banker, but i think we both mean the same thing

>> No.17135619

You can thank (((goverment backed student loans))) for the outrageous prices. Not everyone needs to or should go to college but thanks to a glut of "free money", 2 generations of retards got degrees (((financed))) with loans that can never be defaulted on or discharged

>> No.17135623

your right m8. you are the failure

>> No.17135652

>leftists need to figure out how to relate to the workers and average joe.
They don’t want them. These DSA leftists are over educated and underemployed, they’ve spent their whole lives being groomed for a management position (accelerated classes, Extracurricular activities , supportive parents, very good state or good private school) these young adults realize that these positions don’t exists , for all of them , so they realize they can latch on to progressive idpol, bodies and spaces like activism (While appropriating working class solidarity) in order for them to eventually get some sort of NGO position , thus giving them the management position they were promised

>> No.17135656

>thinks overeducated midwits growing up in lives of privilege can connect with the average working class person
I honestly don't understand how you keyboard revolutionaries survive daily life with delusions like these

>> No.17135674

>every non-materialistic idea is a spook except class of course
how does anyone take you people seriously?

>> No.17135678

Honestly mate it isnt that the average working man doesn't want leftism since you've seen it happen repeatedly in many countries in the past century, but the leftists quietly despise the workers they're talking about. You see it with the disparaging remarks towards white people (and who gives a fuck that the average white worker feels upset by being criticised for his race just the way the black man does) and even whenever the working class disagrees with the leftists.
I shit you not, I had a manager who loved to flaunt how woke and leftie she thought she was, but then when any election results came in she didnt like there was nothing but bitching about uneducated poor white people. Here I thought leftists were all about helping those communities but it turns out that isn't the case if they call someone a faggot now and then, or don't want mass migration.

>> No.17135685

Hello, do you by any chance have a virginity fetish? or are you single? I just find you extremely attractive and would like to know if you are open to the idea.
I agree with a lot of what you say and from the few pictures that are around I think you are pretty,I also find mature women extremely attractive.
Sorry if what I'm saying doesn't make sense, I'm ESL. (I'm 21, skinny guy, moderately attractive in the face, white/castizo; I haven't lost my virginity due to anxiety).
Love your opinions, keep being awesome.

>> No.17135696

Trying too hard for the screencap

>> No.17135708

Not trying that, I'm actually being serious. I know it's weird, but I like her. Although I do have a few problems with some of her anti trans people remarks, but since I agree with her so much I'm willing to look past them, afterall no person is perfect.

>> No.17135711
File: 64 KB, 640x585, 92FC6335-CA68-4880-B27F-B2BBCB5B5CBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I want to be a therapist, help people heal past wounds and also find their spiritual paths. I want to be an oracle of some sorts, read peoples tarot.

>> No.17135716

>the leftists quietly despise the workers they're talking about.
Yes absolutely , they don’t want to compete for jobs with them . They’re also jealous that many blue collar workers make more than they do , even though they didn’t go to college , watch football , and say faggot

>> No.17135735

Also, I forgot to add that I'm an artist (mostly digital, since that's the fastest way to improve). I would love to paint you if I was given the opportunity.

>> No.17135804


>> No.17135813

thats already part of the theory though, localized and small economies

>> No.17135818
File: 352 KB, 1025x631, yikes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17135843

Lmao, what the hell do these terminally internet broads do once they're past the wall and nobody wants to pay attention to their lowercase meme personality anymore? Do they not realize that the only reason anyone tolerated them being this kooky craaazy ironic leftist or gave them attention for it was because they were a young woman, and they could have been doing literally anything? What does it look like to be a 35 year old childless barren hip internet left-winger with no friends and 278 twitter followers left from when you were in your 20s?