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17133564 No.17133564 [Reply] [Original]

You keep telling me to have sex but nobody wants to with me
What books will fix this

>> No.17133569

Hire an escort

>> No.17133573

Have sex (with me)

>> No.17133603

OP I know what you are thinking, but condoms do not protect you from papercuts

>> No.17133655

Hentai manga is very attractive. You will unlock infinite girlfriends.

>> No.17133664

People will shit on me for this (and I also think self help is a sham in every case other than romance) but Models by Mark Manson genuinely helped me with women.

A lot of the beginning is based on evolutionary psychology which is somewhat of a pseudoscience but the goal is to get pussy not have academic rigor so just go along with it and get the essence of what he's saying.

>> No.17135544

>You keep telling me to have sex but nobody wants to with me

don't even try
find a wife first

>> No.17135579

Playing persona 3 and 5 and behaving like the autists from both games actually got me pussy and I'm not even memeing

>> No.17135594

>just be yourself bro
But that’s literally the problem. The only times I have gotten pussy I was on drugs and acting like another person, and a total asshole at that

>> No.17135610

This, and chasing women automatically puts me in a frame of mind that is not me. Being yourself is literally cockblocking me from pussy.

>> No.17135614

give up

>> No.17135626

Your identity isn't fixed. Become someone that you like and then try 'being yourself'.
You will have self confidence as you like this person that you have created and the advice will actually work

>> No.17135641

Dude same. But the way I see it is that drugged you is still part of yourself, you just gotta learn to be that way when sober

>> No.17135642

I know identity is not fixed, but I like myself right now. I don’t know to which direction to change myself in order to like myself more or be fundamentally more confident in who I am. Basically the only thing undermining my appreciation of who I am is the fact that I am unable to produce a girlfriend or even sexual partners

>> No.17135649

honestly dont even chase women, just stop trying. Literally unapologetically
be yourself disregarding anyone else’s opinion. Once you do that women will come your way, but if you actively try hard to get punani you just wont get any lol

>> No.17135666


Women are niggers and you should treat them like it

>> No.17135710


>> No.17135732
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>> No.17135746

that like a half-star escort on ur cover duh

>> No.17135760

yeah it be like that. if the pussy game isn't in you then it's just not worth the hassle. just do what you enjoy, be yourself, and hope to get lucky every now and then.

>> No.17135792

Try throwing random shit at the wall and see what sticks

>> No.17137079

double jaw surgery

>> No.17137227

kek, this. I'd be content to accept that I'm not "good enough", but "you're not enough of an asshole, bro" is a tough pill to swallow

>> No.17137556

Being an asshole doesn't get you laid. Being an asshole is one way of making yourself confident, which gets you laid.
90% of incels are worse people than chads. No woman is attracted to an asshole who's ugly or depressed or shy. And if you use unkindness as a crutch to seem dominant, any decent woman you pick up will get sick of it and dump you eventually.

>> No.17137560
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>> No.17137563

all of that, but unironically

>> No.17137577
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brevity is the soul of wit

>> No.17137592

The verbose one is better
Why are you even on /lit/? Go read fake buddha quotes or something you fucking faggot

>> No.17137612
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anon, i....

>> No.17137709

notice they drew a balding chinlet while trying to convey that the guy is fucked because of his poor hygine and attitude

>> No.17137743

This, the cognitive dissonance in normies is astounding

>> No.17137813

Starting Strength by Rippetoe

>> No.17137854

Clearly did not read the book

>> No.17137862

no need for a book. here's a handy algorithm
>improve self
>lower standards
>if still virgin repeat

>> No.17137863


*calls me an incel*

*secretly slips my cock into your pussy*

>> No.17137918

Have sex

>> No.17137988
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I show memes like that to fellow tradition enjoyers to make sure they don't turn into larping faggots,incel trannies,or just incels
The verbose one is new,thanks lads

>> No.17138133

Step 1, don't be ugly. If you failed step 1, sorry anon, It's over.

>> No.17138303

Well, I'd recommend eliminating the thought of sex as a primary motivator in your life since it leads to unhealthy interactions. You can do this by eliminating your contact with people that think that way, and limiting use of pornography.
Then you find a social group with a more healthy outlook on sex or one that doesn't typically bring up sex in conversation.
Then you make a list of healthy habits you'd like to have (exercise for 30 minutes every day, read for an hour, clean your house for 15 minutes every day etc) and you start implementing them into your life. One I would suggest is "try to understand the perspective of someone you disagree with once every day" and just go to Twitter to find someone you disagree with.
As you gather healthy habits you become a more attractive person to be around, and relationships will happen naturally.
The road out of hell is long and difficult, and you'll never leave if you think you're going to wake up in heaven.

>> No.17138330

The Ritsu poster has a point.

>> No.17138486

What does he even say in that book?
I've never read it but I'm so curious about how you really benefit from it.