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17133469 No.17133469 [Reply] [Original]

My life feels like a Murakami novel

>> No.17133479

My life feels like a Dostoevsky novel

>> No.17133484

At least you're having sex. Doing better than most other anons here.

>> No.17133493

My life feels like my diary desu

>> No.17133497

Gay and retarded?

>> No.17133515

>too much alcohol
>lots of reading and listening to music
>dragged around by women
>(adulterous) sex

>> No.17133540


>> No.17133588

my life feels like houellebecq novel

>> No.17133747
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>doesn't specify which murakami

>> No.17133771

lame as fuck and uninventive?

>> No.17134117

My life feels like Taipei. I don't know how though; I don't live in the city, and I don't do drugs. Help?

>> No.17134740

My life feels like a De Sade novel.

>> No.17134756


>> No.17134775

cringe nigga

>> No.17134782

My life feels like Hamlet, and I’m hamlet.

>> No.17134808
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>tfw my life feels like my diary (desu)

>> No.17134846

My life feels like a Mishima novel

>> No.17134873

That sounds amazing and more meaningful than my life will ever be.

>> No.17134985

Murakami is master of having that effect on his readers, that's his schtick, that's how he became a millionaire

>> No.17134990


my life feels like stale headache-inducing analytic philosophy most of the time

>> No.17134991
File: 293 KB, 960x979, murakami bingo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this?

>> No.17134992

this is my life minus the alchohol, reading, music, women and sex.

>> No.17135007

Not OP but my life do be feeling like The Kangaroo Communiqué

>> No.17135796

I feel like Murakami's short stories don't get mentioned as often as his longer works, what do you lot think of them? What are your favorites? Personally I like Sleep, a story about a women who has lost the ability to sleep and is spending her time reading Anna Karenina and getting drunk. I would recommend it for the opening description of insomnia alone.

>> No.17135830

My life feels like either the Stranger or Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.17135881

My life feels like a Charles Dickens novel

>> No.17135904

My life feels like a houellebecq novel

>> No.17136042

Out of all the authors I've read Dostoevsky is the one who feels closest to real life to me

>> No.17136056

Yeah his short stories are great. I’d recommend Barn Burning as well as the Korean film adaptation of it. Both top tier.

>> No.17136084

I think you've actually recommended me the film and story before, I might have told you that I already seen it before. Once again, good film, wish I could access more of that director's stuff.

>> No.17136208

My life feels like a Thomas pynchon novel

>> No.17136273

get out

>> No.17136286


>> No.17136377

My life feels like a Londonfrog post

>> No.17136653

Sex is overrated

>> No.17136689

My life feels like a Dostoevsky novel

>> No.17136708

Any Murakami novels worth picking up? I keep hearing about this Jap fag.

>> No.17136754

Start with Norwegian Wood to see if you enjoy his style.

>> No.17136758

I really like the wind up bird chronicle but Kafka on the shore is probably the starting point?

>> No.17136761

Lmao no don't start with this
Kafka on the shore. If you don't like, give it up. Norwegian wood is nowhere near his best.

>> No.17136768

My life feels like that novel publishers keep turning down because it's so average it's not worth it.

>> No.17136852

explain more

>> No.17136861

my life is a sad shit clogged not-horrible not-great snooze fest that's waiting for itself to end

>> No.17136875

except Houellebecq protags also have sex.
Is there no novel about a total khv? with cum socks and piss bottles and a diet consisting of nothing but instant ramen all that?

>> No.17136879

time to get away and on an adventure

>> No.17136883

When I read Murakami I imagine the scenes in my head like a movie with a really bright and candy-looking colour palette.

>> No.17136885

My condolences.

>> No.17136928

the government fucked up my mothers tax returns or some silly shit like that and now they are compensating huge swaths of people that were fucked by the system
including me since i'm her child
i'll go to Japan in a year's time

>> No.17136974

Yes, sounds like a humble brag to me.

>> No.17137068

>searching for inexistent sheep

>> No.17137223

Don't listen to them, start with South of the border, west of the sun.

>> No.17137229

start with Kafka on the Shore, just enjoy the ride

>> No.17137269

>Ear fetish
which book is this?

>> No.17137292
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>My life feels like a Nabokov novel
Dance x3

>> No.17137339

Take a pick, Norwegian Wood, Dance Dance Dance, A Wild Sheep Chase, IQ84.

>"I guess I was kind of into ears back then. Yeah, that must be it."
— Haruki Murakami's answer to a Harvard student's question as to why he so extensively described a woman's ears in "A Wild Sheep Chase"

>> No.17137345

My life feels like a Levin's farm chapter

>> No.17137358

Sounds great to me.

>> No.17137432

My life feels like a Mishima novel, specifically the part where he goes to a prostitute to lose his virginity and all the schizoid thought processes that amount to nothing more than "if only i had friends and a girlfriend id be so happy"

>> No.17137454


>> No.17137470

>fucking girls left and right, including your mother
Good for you.

>> No.17137519

Came here to post this lol

>> No.17137728

I don't know what my life feels like because I haven't read enough books to know

>> No.17137761


>> No.17138566

My life feels like a Rupi Kaur poem.

>> No.17138594

what novel is this?

>> No.17139950

My life is like a Petar Kočić short story

>> No.17139975

Sex, jazz, and cats huh? Sounds nice actually.

>> No.17139985

I'd go with Kafka on the Shore although I'm quite fond of 1Q84.

>> No.17140127

It's not

>> No.17140333

Ushikawa's the only character he's ever made that I relate to

>> No.17140385

Rodion is literally me