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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 46 KB, 856x559, bible_with_glow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17131605 No.17131605 [Reply] [Original]

Is this really that good of a book. I tried to read it once when I was maybe 15 and couldn't get through the first 20 pages. It was just someone had begot someone and so forth. It was quite boring.

>> No.17131614

Just about every story for the past few thousand years was inspired by the Bible, so yes it's good

>> No.17131625

Genesis is pure kino. You have to skip the begots the first time you read it, but it's one great story after another. Exodus has a strong start, but it gets boring around chapter 20 or so. The rest of the Torah is pretty dull, but it gets better once you get to the prophets

>> No.17131626

>popular = good

>> No.17131632

Unless you read a holy book with a doctrine of esoteric exegesis it's probably gonna make no sense

>> No.17131650

Do people normal skip the 'begot' section or is this required to better understand the book as a whole?

>> No.17131665

It's really not that important bro

>> No.17131717

Usually they're only important to see specific significant ancestors someone has. You're not missing much by skipping them---especially if you're only reading it for literary purposes

>> No.17131745

I enjoyed in until Moses starts explaining every rite and ritual.

>> No.17131762
File: 18 KB, 250x355, raptor jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literally only need the Book of Matthew.

>> No.17131908

>it's really not that important though
It's extremely important, but not very much so for casual readers

>> No.17131995

Try again when you’re older and more patient. You have your whole life to read it.

>> No.17132483

>Is this really that good of a book.

I started with NT and then read entire OT, and now I'm rereading NT I'm reading Gospel of Matthew second time and It makes much more sense than I read It first time.

Just read it daily, even a few chapters.

>> No.17133690

You shouldn't be reading it cover-to-cover, it wasn't meant to be read that way. It's like a miniature library. You should probably do Genesis and then the Gospels, especially because Jesus is basically canceling most of the Old Testament law and replacing it.

>> No.17133811

Being popular for a millenia is a good indicator of quality
It's also how the scientific method works

>> No.17133885

It makes infinitely more sense reading cover to cover than the way you suggest. The Bible is presented largely as a history, which only jumps around chronology once you get to the prophets, but even then is entrenched in the histories you should have just read. Additionally, the prophets are intentionally ordered as the last thing you read in the Old Testament (versus the Tanahk where the prophets immediately follow the histories instead of the wisdoms), and this is done because much of the New Testament is the fulfillment OF these prophecies, and in fact much of the time is spent quoting prophecy from the Old Testament.

The New Testament is a "sequel" to the Old Testament. It is the story of the "final prophet/messiah" that we are left off waiting for at the end of the Old Testament. You are expected to have a knowledge of that tradition and prophecy before reading the New Testament, just like the people who wrote the New Testament did.

>> No.17134044

This is a liturgical book. It is not a Dosto novel. I really don’t know what you people don’t understand about this.

>> No.17134547

It's a sequel to some specific prophecies from the OT, and a *replacement* of entire books from the OT. If you want the maximal understanding of Christianity then absolutely read the whole thing, but if you're trying to get a newcomer (one trying to understand Christianity) to not abandon the Bible then much of the OT is skippable because it's literally obsolete.

I don't remember the passage, but somewhere Jesus talks about not sewing a new patch into an old damaged dress, but instead replacing the entire dress. Don't tell the new guy to spend 80% of his time rooting around in the dirt for the torn-off scraps from the old dress-- he doesn't need them whatsoever.

>> No.17134571

>It's also how the scientific method works