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17126361 No.17126361[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Atheists are probably right.
>Probably nothing exsists outside the material.
>There is no existence after death.
>There is no objective purpose or meaning to anything.
>The universe is ultimately absurd and boring.
>Humanity will either destroy itself or turn human life into hell out of short term gain and stupidity.
How do I cope with the final blackpill? What do I read to regain hope and purpose?

>> No.17126380

People's worldview doesn't completely determine their happiness see Christians that an hero

>> No.17126382
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>> No.17126384

welcome to post-modernity

>> No.17126393

Enjoy the ride. You're genetically engineered to not want to kill yourself so you'll do fine. Just find a way to have fun and milk that dopamine so you don't kys.

>> No.17126396


>> No.17126405

Read Camus.

>> No.17126414

Goethe. No wonder you're having a materialistic existential crisis, you don't even know who Goethe is.

Read the classics anon.

>> No.17126751

Simply due to the fact I exist I doubt all of that. If atheist logic was true we wouldn't even exist. Life is inherently illogical due to its very existence, there is clearly something more at play.

>> No.17126775

You only need to cope if you still secretly believe in what you now suspect is nonsense.

>> No.17126780
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Read Frithjof Shuon. Sometimes big brain nibbas need another alley towards god


>> No.17126822
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Nothing wrong with that.
Which is fine. Though I’d like to live a couple hundred years or more in perfect health. Ha.
Subjective purposes are wonderful
I wouldn’t call call it either absurd or boring
Or not.
>How do I cope
Pic related

>> No.17126876

>>There is no existence after death.
Google Ian Stevenson and Jim Tucker's research on childhood memories

>> No.17126933

A part of me wishes I could believe in atheism and annihilation on death - long and careful investigation has led me to the conclusion that rather than that, what awaits the vast majority of people after death is a broken and ghastly existence in an afterlife that is in some ways worse than hell - up until even that is reabsorbed into the One with the conclusion of the cosmic cycle. Very few will survive that - none of them hylics or psychics.
I sure hope you are butch, butterfly, because you are never going to be able to make it as a femme. Seriously. Physically, existentially and intellectually, you are hopeless.

>> No.17126969
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Kill yourself disgusting tranny

>> No.17126980

>How do I cope
Anon, you are on 4chan right now. I doubt your life is what you dreamt it would be when you were young. I'm the same way, and I have these same thoughts, but when my mom takes me to the grocery store and I'm surrounded by fat, old, obnoxious retards I think to myself "thank God there is nothing" because I would have to see these idiots in Heaven.
I thought this same thing last night when I was with my mom, Grandpa, and brother. My mom was being loud and stupid, My grandfather should've died years ago and is now a body with a mind that works depending on the day, and my brother is a nonchalant greedy cunt. There was a moment last night when I felt serenity: "I won't have to spend eternity with these people." Now I know I'm an idiot asshole myself, and I do love my family, but I can't be around them for more than a few hours without going crazy and I think they feel the same.
We, as humans, love to be alone. I think this is why divorce has become so prominent. When you start a family you sacrifice the personal for what society expects of you. Since Nixon people have been seeing the hypocrisy and bullshit of enforced values.
When you are dead you will have no worries. No financial bullshit to stress you out. You will feel no pain.
People are hell. People (in a group) tend to be shitty. You will not have to deal with them. No awkward interactions in the check-out line.
To top it off, you die every night. Perhaps death offers us dreams, but I assume there are some nights you wake up and don't remember your dreams. That's death.
And also, what the fuck do any of us know? Maybe this is all a part of something we can't understand; more complex than a simulation. Maybe this is the afterlife?

>> No.17126982
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102:0.1.TO THE unbelieving materialist, man is simply an evolutionary accident. His hopes of survival are strung on a figment of mortal imagination; his fears, loves, longings, and beliefs are but the reaction of the incidental juxtaposition of certain lifeless atoms of matter. No display of energy nor expression of trust can carry him beyond the grave. The devotional labors and inspirational genius of the best of men are doomed to be extinguished by death, the long and lonely night of eternal oblivion and soul extinction. Nameless despair is man's only reward for living and toiling under the temporal sun of mortal existence. Each day of life slowly and surely tightens the grasp of a pitiless doom which a hostile and relentless universe of matter has decreed shall be the crowning insult to everything in human desire which is beautiful, noble, lofty, and good.

102:0.2.But such is not man's end and eternal destiny; such a vision is but the cry of despair uttered by some wandering soul who has become lost in spiritual darkness, and who bravely struggles on in the face of the mechanistic sophistries of a material philosophy, blinded by the confusion and distortion of a complex learning. And all this doom of darkness and all this destiny of despair are forever dispelled by one brave stretch of faith on the part of the most humble and unlearned of God's children on earth.

>> No.17127010
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>>Atheists are probably right.
Why would you think this if you actually read and don't just blindly dismiss books on the topic?

>> No.17127021

Me again. I wanted to add don't listen to retarded scientists. Dawkins might be a brilliant biologist (I wouldn't know) but he's here on the Earth with the rest of us. NDT might be the best astrophysicist on the planet (again, I don't know), but he is limited by technology. None of us can comprehend what is or isn't beyond our limited perspectives.

>> No.17127049

Ngl the only thing that stops me from full on atheist debate lording 24/7 is that I know a bunch of people would have a hard time coping.

When it comes to fear of death, there is a great quote that soothes me just fine, as I find the reasoning flawless. Essentially, it's self defeating to let the fear of death overwhelm you. From Epicurus:
>Accustom yourself to believe that death is nothing to us, for good and evil imply awareness, and death is the privation of all awareness; therefore a right understanding that death is nothing to us makes the mortality of life enjoyable, not by adding to life an unlimited time, but by taking away the yearning after immortality. For life has no terror; for those who thoroughly apprehend that there are no terrors for them in ceasing to live. Foolish, therefore, is the person who says that he fears death, not because it will pain when it comes, but because it pains in the prospect. Whatever causes no annoyance when it is present, causes only a groundless pain in the expectation. Death, therefore, the most awful of evils, is nothing to us, seeing that, when we are, death is not come, and, when death is come, we are not. It is nothing, then, either to the living or to the dead, for with the living it is not and the dead exist no longer.

When it comes to purpose, ask yourself why you care for an objective purpose. If a conscious hammer was created for the purpose of driving in nails in with its face, to painful effect, would the hammer give a damn about its purpose? The best guiding principle is to live the life that is most fulfilling to you, that will ultimately yield a life that's makes you the most happy. If an objective purpose detracts from that, why go for it? Children detract from the purposes their parents give them all the time when their opinion on what's best for them differs. A purpose given by a god should be no different.

>> No.17127061

In all things remain rational.
There is absolute reason in regards to apropos deductive, inductive and abductive argumentation.
However, there is also common sense. You really just need a sufficient grounds for belief in God.
Try intelligent design.
Does the universe look intelligently designed?
Try a first cause. Where did it all come from?

>> No.17127062

>"thank God there is nothing" because I would have to see these idiots in Heaven.
Exactly this. I'd rather go to hell than sharing a heaven with some of the retards I read on this board. Sharing a board is already bad enough.

>> No.17127067

>Dawkins might be a brilliant biologist (I wouldn't know) but he's here on the Earth with the rest of us
He writes short but dense books on biology, but long and rangey books on theology which suggests he doesn't have as clear an idea about theology

>> No.17127091

You forgot the third; as envision. Reality as is, unification of man and reality, awareness without judgement

>> No.17127147

Not true christians

>> No.17127151

Probably , but it’s nice to believe in something

>> No.17127177

OP how do you explain the supernatural? Sure there's a lot of it that's hoaxes and frauds, but the minority that doesn't seem to be can be pretty compelling.

>> No.17127178

You cope by focusing on the little things. You can still enjoy your friends, family, and lover without any sort of meaning or hope for the human race. One day at a time.

>> No.17127263

>How do I cope with the final blackpill?
peedos, I mean anime posters, can't cope, which is why they are peedos, i mean anime posters

>> No.17127454

Have you noticed how the significance of the claims diminished over the years? No one takes ancient stories of teleportation, levitation, changing one's size seriously anymore. More recently clairvoyance, telepathy, telekinesis have also become even a bigger joke since no one ever displayed these under laboratory conditions. The stargate project was shut down and declassified due to being useless. The only place for these claims left to hide is in children's imaginations.

>> No.17127460

having a good winter break from highschool OP?

>> No.17127482

>long and careful investigation has led me to the conclusion that rather than that, what awaits the vast majority of people after death is a broken and ghastly existence in an afterlife that is in some ways worse than hell - up until even that is reabsorbed into the One with the conclusion of the cosmic cycle.
Somehow your investigation overlooked 19th century philosophy and 20th century physics lol

>> No.17127527

Ghosts are captured on phone cameras on an almost weekly basis.

>> No.17127547

Post your best example of video evidence for ghosts.

>> No.17127583

I was into photography when I was a teenager and I once tricked my parents into thinking there was a ghost in the basement using double exposure, what surprised me most was they genuinely believed it and got scared.

>> No.17127594

I have never heard of this book before, is it good?

>> No.17127670

I didn't - there just wasn't much of value there in the first place. Read (and understand) the philosophy of science and everything will become clear. Also, the Enlightenment is just a gay propaganda larp.

>> No.17127680

you realize life is fucking shit and become glad it ends and it's over

>> No.17127703

First you realize how wonderful it is and regret how you wasted good years feeling miserable.
The feet begin to fail you in the morning though. A little stretching fixes that right up, but eventually it reaches everywhere. Each morning is a chore just to make it to breakfast and an easy-chair. Falling asleep with a book on and off all day. Bathroom breaks. The years fly by and eventually you’re bedridden. Love it to the last. Don’t cheat yourself anymore.

>> No.17127710

The energy that is the telepathic mind yet remains was Pentagon secret

>> No.17127720

read the upanishads anon

>> No.17127872

Not him, but where would you suggest starting? I've been wanting to get into Rudolph Steiner, and apparently Goethe was a major inspiration for him

>> No.17127887

Lol, none of those are conclusions are entailed by the premise. Atheism doesn't even necessarily entail anything about material.It's a discrete claim about the existence of a god an explanation in the natural causality of events. Everything could be made up of everliving all loving spiritual jelly, meaning everything for all time. There just isn't a god.
God isn't the ultimate arbiter of meaning bro.

>> No.17128056

Can you physically point at 'Atheism'? No? It doesn't exist.

>> No.17128075

>t. Atheist larping as a Christian
Why do people do this?

>> No.17128125

You are stupid.
I hate you. The arrogant and self righteous way you do everything. Ha
Attention starved dikes are mentally ill.

over 40 without love family and a career
posting with a bunch of idoits on 4chan
yep she is cool and smart she wants me to think

>> No.17128238
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you dont regain hope and purpose, thats a shitty way of viewing life.
Just exist anon, face these realities of life and eventually you will come to terms with it and will enter a state of bliss where you are content with simply existing.
No desire for purpose, no need for a light at the end of the tunnel, just enjoying your turn at existence while it lasts.

>> No.17128261

You’re burying your head in the sand while already inside of a cave, anon.
Get out.

>> No.17129171

Accept reality, and embrace your existence as a biological life form who is controlled by his nature. Animals are living life just fine, so can you. Our self-awareness and self-deception makes it confusing, but the truth is very simple. We are simply animals, but with a seperated sense of self.

If you can move past your current struggles you can pursue meaningful things for yourself, such as making connections IRL (relationships, friendships), over distance (in art and literature) because we are not alone in our situation, and there's comfort to be found. Lose yourself in passion and activities where you become one with your self, and for a brief moment lose your own self-awareness. Appreciate the beauty in nature, and the wonder of how things came to be. In your biology you can find that you are equipped with the means of living a life of contentment.