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17126256 No.17126256 [Reply] [Original]

What exactly is "slave morality"?

>> No.17126279

Massa is so kin. Massa only use whip withou razor blades on it. We oughta be grateful for Massa.

>> No.17126294

how npcs behave.

>> No.17126323

Group think. The individual realizes he is weak so he seeks out a group with which to wield power over others and make them submit.

>> No.17126342

such a based OP

>> No.17126453
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>> No.17126463

being sus when you're not even the imposter

>> No.17126587

Anarchocapitalism is literally what Nietzsche was explaining in the "slave morality" passages.

>> No.17126630

>slave morality
posting for (You)s
>master morality
posting for truth

>> No.17126674

Deeply tied to ressentiment for the masters. Or as N would put it: weak people using sentimental tactics to try and domimate the strong out of spite and self-loathing

>> No.17126693

How so?

>> No.17126858

This >>17126630
And this >>17126587

>> No.17128793

Being weak == being virtuous

>> No.17128803

slave morality is everything i dislike

>> No.17128876

You are a slave.

>> No.17128892

Modernite psychological conditioning

>> No.17128896

Unironically what Nidge meant.

>> No.17128900

Christards, Trump supporters etc.

>> No.17128912

no u

>> No.17128915

I believe Nietzsche claims that master morality concerns itself with consequences while slave morality is concerned with intentions.

>> No.17128920

Among drip

>> No.17128923

he got the drip but do be kinda sus :/

>> No.17128958

Chasing women

>> No.17129035

A situation where you accept a morality where your entire destiny is decided for you by someone else

>> No.17129049

It means ur overly empathic

>> No.17129099

Any morality that denies the desires of the self. Universal slave morality is basically what nietzsche was criticizing about society and religion (such as Christianity or democracy)
That said, master morality isn't just an inversion of this, because if it was you would just be a reactionary cuck, however, the reactionary phase is crucial before achieving master morality, he explains it in the 3 metamorphoses in the first chapter of Zarathustra

>> No.17129160

neetsches way of saying "the virgin your opinion vs the chad my opinion"

>> No.17129346
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>master morality means good is strong bad is weak
>slave morality means good is useful bad is strong
woah, this guy was a genius! glad I discovered this life changing part of his philosophy, let me try to summarize his epic reddit post
>me good, you bad
>many people do = weak, bad
>you do some what many people i think do, you bad, weak, slave
>me don't, me good, strong, master

>> No.17129417

Wow, /lit/ is stupid as fuck. This thread is the best reason I've found to stop browsing this useless shithole.

>> No.17129429

>you dum me smart
>me leave

>> No.17129432 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17129447

It's an absurd idea. Biological creatures do not "strive" to do anything but barely survive. Flourishing is lucky outcome. A poisonous frog isn't deadly because it has a will to power, it is poisonous because it was pushed in that direction by other animals. "Master morality" is just an aestheticization of supremacy

>> No.17129664
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It is a regressive state where you look to people with more power than you to fulfill your needs instead of fulfilling them yourself. What you want turns into an attitude you want your superiors to have. Morality in this context becomes a justification you have of why you don’t act to take what you want by force, not the actual reason you have for not acting in the first place.

>> No.17129670

Kind of a proto-Freudian idea

>> No.17130538


>> No.17130666

weakness over strength

>> No.17130818

the master says "i am good and you are not like me so you are bad"
the slave says "you are bad and i am not like you therefore i am good"

>> No.17130879

by the power vested in me by Set Theory™, those are both the same statement

>> No.17130911

Literally no.

>> No.17130996

first even remotely accurate non-meme response itt
the absolute state of /lit/

>> No.17131052

yes, on the literal level they use different words. on the substantive level they are the same thing. read a book, brainlet.

>> No.17131079

not like it has much to do with Nietzsche's understanding anyway, but: in anons definition the master understands himself immanently, and the slaves chosen identity is a reaction to who he understands the master to be, so that's one important distinction at least.

>> No.17131141

Both of anon's rules establish only one common thing: I am good and you are bad, and we are each those things because we are unlike each other. That is simply not what Nietzsche conceptualized as master and slave morality. Instead it's a vague summary of all morality.

>> No.17131348

That's Nietzsche's unironic sperglord philosophy

>> No.17131366

Posting this image on 4chan.org

>> No.17131370

I'm not sure what it represents, but I like it

>> No.17131940

How can post-irony be bad when the OP pic is so funny?

>> No.17132357

why don't you read the fucking book, retard.

>> No.17132885

why is this still here?

>> No.17132918

this but unironically, kill yourself pissant.

>> No.17133068

Impotence as an individual, accompanied by a transgression of the dominant social contract via mob mentality.

>> No.17133110

It isnt, its a xoomer/millennial cope for having their humor exposed as cringe

>> No.17133224

the slave has to perform a double negation to reach his statement of good and even then the conclusion doesn't actually follow

>> No.17133356

Any books on master morality?

>> No.17133371

Dubs if true

>> No.17133381


>> No.17133391

Rolling again

>> No.17133401


>> No.17133409

This is the answer btw

>> No.17133411

Oh! That was close. Rerolling

>> No.17133422

Yes!! Got 'em!

>> No.17133590

IDK bro, you kinda sus.

>> No.17134739

It's based though, must be master morality.

>> No.17134816

every religion every virtue LOL

>> No.17134959


>> No.17135334

That image isn't needed plus it's bullshit that an image of a busty woman in tight clothing can get me banned but a dude with his cock out and semen dripping from his dick has been up for more than a day.

>> No.17135341


>> No.17135345

Imagine you are a powerless weakling. Should not be hard for you. Now imagine what others should do and what codes they should follow so that you can rule over or at least be equal to chad

>> No.17135365

This is actually a pretty good way to put it. Slave Morality is basically every ethical system that is against the exploitation of the weak by the strong.

>> No.17135367

Your belief is false

>> No.17135375

That guy is wrong fyi

>> No.17135377

Jesus fuck, how can a board about words be so shit with communicating?

slave morality is lowering yourself to the level of your lessers for their benefit

master morality is seeking supremacy above all

>> No.17135385

You are also wrong

>> No.17135388

A mental state where moral values are created from a position of resentment, originating in Jewish slave revolts in Rome according to Nietzsche.

>> No.17135391

no im not you little peon

>> No.17135396

You are in fact so wrong it is clear you just imagined the meanings of the words after reading them on this board

>> No.17135415

No I think he got the basic idea right. Nietzsche's idea of slave morality is roughly a moral system that (at least partially) restricts the power of the strong to pursue their self interest by introducing moral obligations to others. If you disagree post your own interpretation.

>> No.17135418
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oh wait I am wrong

>> No.17135465


As for master morality, there is a void in regard to resentment that is instead filled by the ability to fulfill ones desires in a way that is not particularly limited by much more than the hours in the day.

Neither slave or master morality have anything to do with screwing over each other, this is a side effect of the reaction of their circumstance and is less than purposeful. Ascension and descension is difficult, as the effects of both lay their tracks on the mind.

>> No.17135534

This isn't a plausible interpretation at all. If a necessary condition of slave morality is transgression of of the dominant social contract then living your life as a good Christian in a predominantly Christian society wouldn't be slave morality. But Nietzsche clearly thinks that Christianity is slave morality regardless of how culturally dominant it is.

>> No.17135587

You misunderstand Christianity's historical power struggle

>> No.17135713

The Christian history is irrelevant, as I said your interpretation entails that being a good Christian in a Christian society isn't slave morality, which clearly isn't Nietzsche's view.

>> No.17135724

Pretty good assessment

>> No.17135824

This is what I gathered idk why everyone is posting garbage

>> No.17135844

When you’re in last place in Mario Kart and you send a blue shell to fuck over the person who is doing too well for himself

>> No.17135923
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What a braindead take. Nearly all animals of any significant complexity exist in a dominance hierarchy in which they compete for the right to mate. This is so hardwired that you can identify an individuals position in the hierarchy by the relative concentrations of serotonin and dopamine in its brain. Even fucking mice have a sense of fairness.

>> No.17136178

I don't like you.

>> No.17136198

It means ur not patrician u were raised under peon selfdefeating mentality

>> No.17136829
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From what I could gather so far he is proposing that in a power hierachy the weak at the bottom bundle together so that they are strong enough to lower the strong at the top.

The strong at the top seek to keep the weak the bottom so that they can benefit from their weak position.

Wouldn't this mean that, as a collective the weak are strong and at the top of the hierachy, and since they lowered the strong's power the hierachy
1) collapses because everyone was made equal (strong got integrated into the weak), the strong rise to the top and the cycle repeats because human nature won't allow otherwise
2) the weak collective is at the top and benefits from the strong individuals at the bottom only in a way so that the strong can't benefit from them (-> because of master morality the strong can per definition not bundle together like the weak? -> no way out: the strong either become weak, bundle together, cycle collapses and repeats or the strong become stronger, conquer the weak, cycle repeats)

>> No.17136837


>> No.17136848

A moral system that is a reactionary inversion of master morality. Slaves could not change their position in society, so they turned weakness and servitude into virtues. This is all because they resent their masters.

>> No.17136849

Literally not even close

>> No.17136855

not like you could have done much better with the information in this thread, but have you tried just reading nietzsche instead? it'd be a better use of your time in any case.

>> No.17136897

It's true, I only read this thread, I'm going to read Neetz but in which book does he talk about that? "On the Genealogy of Morality" or should I start with something else?

>> No.17136902

>t. midwit

>> No.17136920

Dude there's a million reading orders online, why are you asking here?

>> No.17137528
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>> No.17137594

There is no fairness.
>Nearly all animals of any significant complexity exist in a dominance hierarchy
Until the mongols invade and rape you to death. The hierarchy is a fiction and can be done away with. It's a mental model, a map, not the territory. Only useful as long as it's conducive to the creation of worthwhile ecosystems.

>> No.17137667

Nietzsche's excuse for being an asshole

>> No.17138287

>There is no fairness.
A sense of fairness is not the same thing as fairness, just the proclivity to perceive actions as fair or unfair.
>Until the mongols invade and rape you to death. The hierarchy is a fiction and can be done away with. It's a mental model, a map, not the territory. Only useful as long as it's conducive to the creation of worthwhile ecosystems.
I have no idea what point you think you're making here. "Dominance hierarchies don't exist because they can be upended"? Could you be that retarded? For something to be destroyed it must first have existed.

>> No.17138371

Or funny

>> No.17138634

>the proclivity to perceive actions as fair or unfair.
It doesn't matter. Pigs are slaughtered whether they think it's fair or not. Lowly people are the playthings of superior people whether they like it or not, they might even conceive of it as fairness. There's no insight there
>I have no idea what point you think you're making here.
My initial point was that slave/master morality comes from a place of arrogance rather than a fair assessment of what life is and how it flourishes. A need to aestheticise that which shouldn't be aestheticised. A Raskolnikovian reading of Napoleon's greatness.
>"Dominance hierarchies don't exist because they can be upended"?
I'm not sure what you are trying to say. We ultimately aren't held hostage by brain chemistry to feel a certain way because we perceive ourselves to be somewhere in the dominance hierarchy. We can factually rank people along different dimensions, so what? What is your point?

>> No.17138649
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>> No.17140059


>> No.17140082

>dominance hierarchy
Petersonianism is a mental disorder

>> No.17140476

>t. slavecuck

>> No.17140485

just look up bugman

>> No.17140515

>ignore the people in power and live your life, their miserable and obsessed anyway
>lol Christianity is such cucked slave morality I should know because some day I'll get to manage the Amazon warehouse I'm pulling 10-hour shifts in

>> No.17140550

Perhaps not in the Neetcean terms, in my book, master is like Socrates. He acts according to his own beliefs and not that of the society. So basically as an old Lannister saying goes: the lion (master) does not concern itself with the opinion of the sheep (slave). So I don’t see anything particularly slavish in the ascetic masochistic lifestyle of Christian monks if that is what they believe. They are true to themselves. And so they are masters unto the world.