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17125919 No.17125919 [Reply] [Original]

ok, so stirner is correct that politics, morality, religion, nationality and everything are spooks.

But how does one proceeds from this?
What's his end goal?

Sure, all that are spooks, but what are we supposed to do after that?

It seems he just point at everything and says "those are spooks" however he doesn't propone any alternative.

>> No.17125931

If you think Stirner isn't instructive you've missed the point

>> No.17125937

I'm sure you've read his books.

so tell me, what's the alternative to spooks?

>> No.17125949

There's no alternative besides affirming the unique, which is accomplished via negativa by dissociating from everything obstructing the free agency of the unique with regard to its (potential) property

>> No.17125963

>there's not alternative
so you're not better than the guys that are npcs, you're only aware of the spooks but can't do nothing.

>> No.17125974

That's the whole point, though.. Becoming aware of spooks sets you free from them because you see them 'as they are'. If you don't see the freedom this entails then again, you've missed the point.

>> No.17125989

there's not practical diference except personal misery and being le epic reddit fedora guy.

>> No.17126031

If you read Nietzsche you might get a sense of where Stirner's coming from. Contrasting him with the Hegelian environment from which he comes might also be useufl

>> No.17126061

Go ahead
>listens to the nihilistic egotist


>> No.17126110

There are no alternatives to spooks, because the alternative would be another spook. How you progress from Stirner is to stop caring about retarded bullshit like purpose and meaning and just get on with enjoying your life.

>> No.17126123
File: 517 KB, 1222x1636, 9FE9FE88-FD0F-4856-9D5F-E7F1FD9B6251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re free

>> No.17126155

>Misery or REDD!T
Yea. Be a miserable twat.

Nihilism is just something that is there. Most these philosophers discuss ways to deal with. Unless they’re pessimists

>> No.17126814
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>Hegelian environment
Literally owns and breathes spooks with no fear, for he knows that he is free. The spooks fear him because they know not what the supreme power of the negative will do to them next.
Afraid that if a single spook passes through him undetected he will forever lose his freedom. Spooks ignore him because they know he is not a threat.

>> No.17126821

>But how does one proceeds from this?
You literally just do what you want, that's it

>> No.17126895

Stirner implying that spooks are inherently negative is simply autism. He doesn't understand reality very well.

>> No.17127175

Shut up and repent you abominable disgrace. Nihilism isn't anything but human ignorance, arrogance, self indulgence and self pity.

"This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live."

>> No.17127187
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Shit up schizo

>> No.17127218

I think the point of "spooks" is just learning and understanding the ways people and systems manipulate you, consciously and unconsciously. "Spooks" aren't even necessarily bad, ie sometimes people who care about you and genuinely want the best for you. It's just about adding another layer of understanding and perception to the world.

>> No.17127220

Stirner was a dysfunctional freak and idiot who was wrong about everything

>> No.17127240


stfu stupid cunt. "Spooks" are eidelons, the range of all ideas which the mind may perceive. Stirner criticizes the notion of being attached to any idea which could define the self, that one should be lost in a creative nebulae with no structured sense of oneself. And even to commit to this dissolution is itself a spook. He's a total nihilist and his philosophy only appeals to cringekids and trannies like yourself

>> No.17127242

Just the milk shop location

>> No.17127381
File: 1.69 MB, 3264x2448, shadowcryobeastx3-let-the-dead-bury-the-dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unless they’re pessimists
aka satanic

>Shut up and repent you abominable disgrace.

>> No.17128240

union of egoists

>> No.17128262

Strner leads to Underground Man, it's that simple

>> No.17128833

take the sunyata pill

>> No.17129495

You've never read Stirner. All this criticism shows is that you haven't read stirner and dont understand what spook means. For instance, politics is not a spook. It is a real thing, the science of governance, that stirner even applies how own ideas to. Please dont criticize philosophers you've never read.

>> No.17129504

>politics isn't a religion

>> No.17129543

There are no alternatives? Are you guys retarded? Stirner spends half the book talking about his alternative to being possessed by spooks: egoism! Religion and residual religion (or as Nietzsche would later say, "residual christianity") is cast aside completely since it is a dualistic scam, for doing what you want! The focus of thought then becomes practical, to get what you want.

>> No.17129556

CERTAIN political systems are a religion. Do you have absolutely no subtlety is understanding? Why are you reading philosophy books if that is the case?

>> No.17129559

all -ism are religions.

>> No.17129562
File: 106 KB, 880x1360, Denial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You proceed by reading this.

>> No.17129596

>Spooks" are eidelons, the range of all ideas which the mind may perceive
No they aren't, by the way. Spooks are the the nonsensual half of the world in dualistic systems. He connects the idea to spirit since the only thing that these half of the worlds really are are projected imaginations. This is also what the famous plaigarist nietzsche means when he says (paraphrasing) "what has been called "the true world" has never been anything but another appearance".

>> No.17129602

Maybe if you have no definition of religion and are just randomly using the word like a retarded child new to the english language.

>> No.17129614

>marxism isn't a religion

All ism have a founding father who left a holy book/writing/saying that eventually their followers develop a holy canon of writings, where if humanity only followed the most pure form of their teachings, and if we kill the scapegoat enemy of our religion/ideology, we will reach the utopia.

That's how religions/ideologies works.

>> No.17129713

>not realizing Stirner was trolling Marx and taking literally his words

You’re not going to make it

>> No.17129960

and then you kill yourself

>> No.17129964

nigga read
>besides affirming the unique, which is accomplished via negativa by dissociating from everything obstructing the free agency of the unique with regard to its (potential) property

>> No.17130033

Philosophy is for morons.

>> No.17130051 [DELETED] 

Butterfly bait copypasta

>> No.17130892

The vital lie cannot be done without, anon. If your life has such great meaning, your causa sui will survive the reading. If not, you will find a better one.

>> No.17131166
File: 76 KB, 1024x576, iWantToDrive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Butters is right but she's also a midwit imposter so let me explain. Once you fully understand AND INTERNALIZE that all societal boundaries are the equivalent of a line drawn in the dirt by a child that has the "magical power" that you can't cross it, you are fully able to be you, if you are a person that chooses to obey the line, then you are free to do so now fully understanding it and knowing you are you and that is your choice, if you choose to ignore the game of play pretend, the other children may try to force it on you, but you will have taken your own path. After reading AND UNDERSTANDING stirner, anything you do is both your fault and your destiny, because you see the world as it is, not as the play pretend game it's made up to be.

>> No.17131475

Categorization of Stiner's musings is a spook, along with this statement.

>> No.17132519


>> No.17133385

I think both the anons were sort of saying what you were saying but using different language.