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17125687 No.17125687 [Reply] [Original]

Just picked this up with some of my Christmas money, based on recommendations from some friends. I haven't finished a book without it being required for a class since middle school. Hell, I used sparknotes for most of the required readings too.
What am I in for?

>> No.17125694

tranny garbage, and a really horny handjob description between an older girl and younger boy.

>> No.17125703

A lot of people here think it is boring and one of his lesser works, but as the one anon that likes the book, the parts that aren't about the mc are the best part of the book. It isn't great or anything but I'd say it's a good gateway into a more serious attempt at enjoying literature. Try reading another magical realist writer if you like it, or find that sort of thing interesting.

>> No.17125793

Oh shit, I happen to be a tranny, hell yeah
I'm enjoying it a good bit so far, though it's a bit hard for it to keep my attention, since I'm not really used to reading novels, as explained earlier. I definitely think I'd enjoy magical realist literature, I've seen a ton of magical realist films, and have always loved those. Any recommendations?

>> No.17126043

Nakata is the best character ever. So humble and kind

>> No.17126076

Since it's your first Murakami book you'll probably like it, though all the characters' diction is absolutely pretentious. If you decide to read more of his work you'll quickly realize that every Murakami protagonist is just a self insert of the author, with very little difference between each main character (Young guy who likes reading and Western pop music).

>> No.17126162

The Metamorphosis (honestly just try and read a collection of Kafka's works), The Master and Margarita, Fictions (by Jorge Luis Borges), and The Tin Drum are good. You might also like Song of Solomon. Alternatively, if you're looking for more Japanese literature, The Housekeeper and the Professor, The Face of Another, and In the Miso Soup are also good, though they are very different books style wise. Finally, if you want to continue with Murakami, I would like to warn you that a lot of his work is very same-y. But if you still want to read more of his stuff, The Elephant Vanishes, Hard Boiled Wonderland, and The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle are what I'd suggest unless you're a mega-fan and you want to read all his work.

>> No.17126233

I mean they are very samey but I never got the feeling that any of them were self-inserts

>> No.17126249

Wind up bird chronicle protagonist is most definitely a murakami self insert

>> No.17126261

Okay that's the one I'll agree with but Hard Boiled Wonderland? His short stories? Even Kafka doesn't feel that way.

>> No.17126272

You need to read the western canon, read shinto myths and listen to a lot of jazz before you can move on to Murakami.

>> No.17126278

Murakami was an anti-Adornoist all along

>> No.17126648

all the sex in it are incest.