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17125594 No.17125594 [Reply] [Original]

What is poststructuralism?

>> No.17125606

your mom, and you can't object because your mom is always-already present in the trace as post-structural

>> No.17125617

it's when you're critical of metanarratives and the more critical you are the more poststructural it is.

>> No.17125621

Another term for the return of sophistry, casuistry under the guise of linguistic investigation without scientific or logical rigour

>> No.17125624

you smell like bum-bum shit, OP.

>> No.17125637

Introduction of cybernetics metaphores in the idea of dissolution of self. Displacement of truth as sign. Big attention on "marginalized". CIA philosophy

>> No.17125646

>CIA philosophy
redpill me

>> No.17125653

You smell like bum-bum shit.

>> No.17125664


>> No.17125672

Not him, but look up "SigInt Socrates". The CIA basically got a blogger to write some half-assed sophistry to morally justify spying on people. tl;dr trust the corporation, the corporation loves you, the corporation needs to know everything to defend Israel, you must know nothing about the corporation to stop you from hurting Israel.

>> No.17125719

wtf I thought stormfaggots were just memeing

>> No.17125722

CIA liked derrida, foucault, deleuze and others because they renounced intelectual leftism, for a style.
All these guys philosophies are about the structures that allow the illusion of self. These are considered social and unconscious as the same time. At the same time all their philosophies are veiled precursors to technological manipulation by a hybrid state capitalist system that leaves no nook and cranny for a soul or self.
They believed they were rejecting the cogito and cartesianism the intelectual as unhappy conscious like sartre posited, and even destroying the notion of emancipation. They also completely subverted heidegger. Metaphysics is considered to achieving itslef in the holocaust, so they mangle heidegger's philosophy so that the history of being is to be arqueologically dissected, deconstructed.
You can even go into the territorializing and the becoming-gay and becoming-woman of deleuze as the state of total inner manipulation

>> No.17125736

>Metaphysics is considered to achieving itslef in the holocaust
>You can even go into the territorializing and the becoming-gay and becoming-woman of deleuze as the state of total inner manipulation
genuinely curious how you justify these inferences

>> No.17125737
File: 564 KB, 1600x1384, Claude-Levi-Strauss-2001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes poststructuralists seethe

>> No.17125743

Nobody ever wondered why chelsea manning only got her/his pardon after becoming a woman. When the guy was jailed he was called bradlet. Obama only pardoned him after becoming trans. Really fucking creepy

>> No.17125757

Levinas, derrida

The plane of immanence of the schizo is his own self that as "machinic" appendages that flow desires, how the fuck can one not see the state of universal.manipulation that both heidegger and lukacs warned about?

>> No.17125781

The dicotomy of culture and nature that levi defended allows that nonsense of social-constructionism of foucault and the wokes of today. Only one that mildly challenged was sartre.
Culture is not opposite of nature, culture conserves nature and reveals it at another level...

>> No.17125801

You smell like bum-bum shit.

>> No.17125807

If she came out as trans in 2013, why did he wait until 2017 to pardon her? Are you an actual idiot?

>> No.17125818

No, he's right, don't gaslight

>> No.17125825

I'm assuming that that choice doesn't make sense for anybody. Also presidents pardon usually on their way out.
Where's assange's pardon?

>> No.17125833

Are you fucking stupid too?

>> No.17125840

What's your argument?

>> No.17125847

You smell like bum-bum shit.

>> No.17125871

What am I supposed to argue? Conspiracy theories don't act in good faith.

>> No.17125905

I argued about deleuze.
Calling it a conspiracy theory doesn't make it false.
The problem with gaslighting yourself is that your gaslighting others.
If one takes seriously marxist critique, then deleuze's worldview is of total manipulation, capitalism is seen as embedding everything, as colonizing desire, imperialism would mesh the state with capital, in the plane of immanence there is no outside of one's self, you're not even responsible and free, you're completelt colonized amd made to assume it and be happy about it. I just ajust to the present.

>> No.17125914

The idea of dialectic and contradiction that spills social tension doesn't happen, there is no limit to the system, it swirls on itself through its subjects

>> No.17125915

Are structures something material, ideal, ideological, symbolic, what are they? I once read a book by Levi-Strauss and they seemed to be a materialization of something symbolic. Another time, reading Baudrillard, they seemed to be completely symbolic. I'd like someone could explain this to me.

>> No.17125922

And I responded to post about Chelsea Manning's pardon, so maybe you should learn how to read

>> No.17125933

Contradiction and the idea of limit is the enemy, the schizo has no structure as plant lime descartes metaphysics, meaning is eternally displaced for the rizome. The schizo inscribes his becoming

>> No.17125940

You're missing pol threads shill

>> No.17125987

Mainly linguistic. Saussurian. But linguistic analysis can somewhat acount for cultures through its languages and myths. That's levi-strauss.
The post-guys just play with it, with the idea of creating something new. They start as heideggerians that transpose the history of being as heidegger to subvert materialist interpretation, somehow they create pseudo-methods that pose as genealogy or deconstruction, nothing is ever caused, structures create discontinuities that must be accounted as similarities with its meaning depending on the position of signs relating with each other. Baudrillard thinks this is a dead-end. But he doesn't return to philosophy. He just takes it further

>> No.17126013


>> No.17126029

People only think this because American academics took derrida, foucault, deleuze, and their ilk as prescriptive when they shouldn't have.

>> No.17126071

No.i get their "style" is questioning. But you can see while reading that a guy might think of applying it. It excludes revolution. I don't believe in communism,but revolution is not exclusive to communists.
Ideologically it will work if the theory is the continuation of the system by other means

>> No.17126082

So, the theory induces its practice. It becomes a system in recurrence. That's how these guys think.

>> No.17126115

How does it exclude revolution? Why do you have to believe in revolution as narrative before you can exercise the ability?

>> No.17126137

The problem is that i'm dealing with concepts. Not narratives.
If you make certain concepts unthinkable, they can't be acted upon

>> No.17126147

People who aren’t so sure

>> No.17126192

They're only unthinkable through their essential boundaries though, you're still free to have any conceptions you choose, unless you need to feel you're following some actual path.

>> No.17126214

It's when you take your political preconceptions and biases, project it on to academics you've never read, then argue with other people who do the same thing but starting with their own preconceptions.

>> No.17126224

>you see, your philosophy is cool and all, but it needs to account for trannies too so its not good enough
there you go

>> No.17126258

Almost two minutes went by and you still didn’t read the post above yours

>> No.17126273

bum-bum shit

>> No.17126286

But you must admit, there are some linguistic advances made under it. As there was also advances in truth and language made under the ridiculousness of the Sophists. However that was nothing someone like Plato didn't already know.

>> No.17126315

who's analogous to Plato in the post-structual period?