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/lit/ - Literature

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17123169 No.17123169 [Reply] [Original]

What are your /lit/ regrets of 2020?

>> No.17123176

I have none.

>> No.17123180

Coming on this place lol

>> No.17123182

Not wasting more time and jerking off even more

>> No.17123184

being stuck with the same fucking book for 3 months after reading around 40 books. Fuck me

>> No.17123196

Getting memed into reading Infinite Jest
Fucking yankee rubbish

>> No.17123229

regret of having regrets

>> No.17123230

At one point I started playing v*deo games in the morning instead of reading, which was terrible. I’m back on track now and much happier

>> No.17123244

Didn't read moby dick, i'm esl though so i get a pass. I also tried learning french but dropped it

>> No.17123253

why u here?

>> No.17123254

not getting a gf, but I think 2021 will be the year

>> No.17123258

leaving my DNA at the scene of the crime

>> No.17123262

>Didn't read moby dick
nothing to regret there

>> No.17123270

I litterally have nothing better to do.

>> No.17123281

you have thousands of different titles at your disposition, most in diverse formats. Reading about the depiction of whales throughout Human History is regrettable

t. dropped it at 30%

>> No.17123287

I regret not getting digits

>> No.17123297


>> No.17123300

I didn't read enough. Also this >>17123180
Obviously related.

>> No.17123308
File: 264 KB, 960x960, its_pointless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said the same exact thing last year, and here we are.

>> No.17123321

Honestly anon, I don't even want a gf anymore. Having spent too much time with women already, I just don't want to deal with them. They're boring, lame and cringe. Literally their only advantage is that they are (often) sexy, but there's no point if I have to burn away my time and energy to appreciate the sexiness.

>> No.17123325

what efforts did you try to do on the behalf of that?

>> No.17123331

What's the greastest american novel then, in your opinion?

>> No.17123356

Idk, I am not that familiar with American lit. Definetly not Moby Dick.

>> No.17123361

What book?

>> No.17123383

The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared

>> No.17123399


>> No.17123423

it's pretty funny, specially if you are accostumed to Swedish humour

>> No.17123430

I could've read a lot more

>> No.17123447

Swedes are bad at a lot of things but our comedy might actually be the worst.

>> No.17123469

The self hating swede strikes again

>> No.17123492

I thought that's just normal swedes?

>> No.17123764


>> No.17123770

I haven't read shit. Read like 15 plays and that's basically it. Shit year, no inspiration.

>> No.17123774

I started to write in a way that complied with my peer groups ideology, thought I would be accepted more if I wrote in identity politics, now that I've noticed it, I feel so pathetic.. never going to do that again.

>> No.17123782


>> No.17124094

Uhhhh uhhhh iimmmmmm kneeeelllliiiinnnnnggggg

>> No.17124140

Not reading enough.

>> No.17124147

Not writing enough

>> No.17124166

I've spent more time learning Latin and ancient Greek rather than reading literature but, at the same time, I feel that I've improved my reading and writing skills in my native language.

>> No.17124191


>> No.17124225

how come you decided to study those languages? Dead languages, after all

>> No.17124252

Reading too much Kerouac, honestly

>> No.17124255

I don't have to work for a living thanks to family money so I have the time and resources to devote myself to high culture. Besides that, drinking straight from the source of western literary culture has been exhilarating and of an incomparable pleasure.

>> No.17124259

i don't have any. i've had an amazing (reading) year. 26 books, around 14000 pages. learned a lot and experienced a lot

>> No.17124261
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sounds very cool, ngl

>> No.17124270

what were the titles you enjoyed the most?

>> No.17124310

sour grapes

>> No.17124382

wasting God knows how many hours forcing myself through War and Peace and Anna Karenina.

>> No.17124386

I actually started reading a lot more this year and I regret all the time I wasted reading popular fiction. It's pretty much TV shows in book form. Absolute garbage.

>> No.17125405

Cuz he sucks or cuz it’s a bad influence?

>> No.17125432

Based classics chad. I'm the same. I spent all of this year perfecting my Latin and made headway on my Greek too. Next year I'm going to go all out on Greek.
>drinking straight from the source of western literary culture has been exhilarating and of an incomparable pleasure.
True. There's no feeling like that of reading the classics in the originals.

>> No.17125458

I don't believe in regret

>> No.17125596

I read way too much Balzac and not enough Flaubert. I also unironically read Mishima's tetralogy. What a massive mistake , but at least it cured me of any residual right wing tendencies I may have held onto.

>> No.17125600

I regret not reading more women and writers of color. This will also be my regret next year.

>> No.17125648

dragging the harry potter series out so long. i intended to read the whole series over a handful of weekends (which is possible), but i kept getting distracted. took me 7 months to complete it. it's pathetic.

>> No.17125813

>tried learning french but dropped it
You should pick it back up. At first, I thought learning le frog language was a meme, but frogs actually produce a lot of kino if you're into nonfiction.

>> No.17125881

I wasted an entire day reading a complete book from rudolf steiner and was pure garbage. He ranted against blavatski, a lot, and she did better what he was trying to do.

>> No.17125900

If this is what gnaws at you then you deserve to suffer more. Hope you have poverty, disease, hunger and other hardships so you realize what a literal nothingburger muh no GF is.

>> No.17125969

>If you're into nonfiction
This is literally what we do worst. Wtf are u talking about m8?

>> No.17126005

I regret not giving audiobooks a chance sooner. They're actually great when you don't have the energy to focus on the page

>> No.17126034

my biggest mistake of 2020 was not becoming a billionaire before the pandemic happened

>> No.17126198

The energy? Hope you feel better anon.

>> No.17126208

Go back to your hovel and don't let that jew microloan you, Pedro. It's not better for you here.

>> No.17126210

Nothing, I do want to start reading more fiction but I have a lot to read still

>> No.17126216

>Loebs before loebs
>great biographies
Tell me how I know you've never seen a shit-covered sidewalk outside quebec

>> No.17126264

Read :)

>> No.17126302
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Same tho I skipped Latin. Really the hundreds of hours I put into Greek would have been better spent on just reading translations but νη κύων it's been fun to learn. I have learned an incredible amount about grammar as a result
I'll never forget I was able to parse a few lines of The Illiad intuitively, reading it in rythm, made it all that work worth it

>> No.17126329

nothing. everything I've done the past year has led me to this point in my life. why should I look back on it and complain if things didn't go the way I wanted them to? I can't do anything about it now so why complain?

>> No.17126513

I take pride in my "regrests"
My "regrets" are born out of my personality and have also managed to shape it, it because of those regrets that I am who I am
I might not be dictator of the world yet, but its those very same regrets that tell me what it is I need to fix, while at the same time giving me a clearer idea of who I real am
I am my regrets, and no matter how hard I try I cant hate myself

>> No.17126827
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Just 2 this year
>need to actually order books off my wishlist instead of waiting for stupid justifications to order them
>not finishing Of Human Bondage sooner because of how often it paralleled my own life and I stopped to cope basically

>> No.17128362

Based but don't skip latin

>> No.17128434

is war and peace good, and should i read it? i love dostoevsky and have read all of his books. i'm going to read it regardless of your response but i'm still interested to hear

>> No.17128440

fuck i meant to reply to this post >>17124382

>> No.17128454

It sucks so much balls that it will literally drain the life out of you. And yet you're still gonna read it.

>> No.17128486

two regrets,
1) Buying more books than I could read, slightly overwhelms you
2) Not reading enough. I'd finish a difficult and long book and then delay reading the next one because I was tired, whatever that meant...

>> No.17128487

>is war and peace good, and should i read it?
bourgeois literature about boredom and sex. This is why all women read.

>> No.17128488

Only finished 2 books.

>> No.17128495

Didn’t read Capital, but read Wealth of Nations, so maybe next year

>> No.17128506

spending too much time shitposting here, just like last year and the year before that etc.

>> No.17128507

Blavatsky retroactively refuted by Guénon and Evola

>> No.17128516

Swedes are like smug elves. "I am not the best, but nobody is better than I am."

>> No.17128529
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This thing, absolute waste of time that I didn't even finish, 400 pages of pabulum

>> No.17128538

Not reading enough, dropped alot of books that I should have finished.

It's ok fellas, I got a gf this year and I was basically a virgin before that.
Thats probably the reason I read as much...

>> No.17128547

Didn't write as much as I wanted to. In fact, barely wrote at all, only finished a dozen or so poems.

>> No.17128549

Guenon was a knock-off Blavatsky who tried to hide it by criticizing her

>> No.17128551

this thai bitch gave me herbes

>> No.17128564

I read about two books this year despite having plenty of free time.
Not studying things I wanted to learn despite having plenty of free time.
Using that free time for mindless web browsing, playing video games, and jerking off.

>> No.17128567

Theosophy is for dilettante imbeciles.

>> No.17128579

Of course, that's why Guenon the crypto theosophist dilettante is shit too. He's on the same level as Crowley, purely for flakey teens to experiment with new age without committing to anything real.

>> No.17128870

Browsing /lit/ when I could read books.

>> No.17128914

I wish I could be a more diligent note-taker. I've been rereading the Metamorphoses for a third time and rearticulating the stories in my own writing for memorization, but I take about an hour to go through, depending on the density of the story, 5-8 pages and often spend more time rereading my own writing than actually reading the book. It makes me feel, not unproductive, but less productive than I intended to be when I sat down, and that diminishes my drive. I want to just sit and read the damn thing again but I know doing that will only leave me with another four or five stories to remember, and the other hundred-and-fifty to once again forget.

The only feeling of satisfaction is in being able to relive the entire contents of a book of the Metamorphoses without having it nearby. That is cool, but the investment to get there is like a thick cock in the ass.

>> No.17129598

war and peace, LIBRA delillo, david copperfield, chekhov selected stories, tolstoy stories (all good ones)

>> No.17130153

same but man without qualities in german

>> No.17130171


>> No.17130247

purchasing Kafka on the Shore
Murakami is a hack

>> No.17130271

it's important to learn from our mistakes anon, good job

>> No.17130306

Not purchasing an obscure commentary/thesis on some book on the old testament, published by a press I've never seen before.Came back to the place later, it was gone.

>> No.17130338

What are you talking about. Anyone who has read Blavatksy, Guenon and Evola knows Blavatsky is far beyond anything those other two chimps can comprehend.

>Theosophy is for dilettante imbeciles.
Well, yes, you are right on this, but that doesn't mean Blavatsky was wrong. Read a little of history and you will know why Blavatsky did what she did. Even Steiner wrote a lot about that weird Blavatsky stuff

>> No.17131491

I can't imagine having Murakami on my shelf. I hope you hide it.

>> No.17131534

Not raping my ex

>> No.17132060

Evola btfo Blavatsky in The Mask and Face of Contemporary Spiritualism

>> No.17132169

Fucking up the MAT and therefore not getting an Oxford interview

>> No.17132185


>> No.17132307

flirt and having sex with women
learn how to play electric guitar

>> No.17132389

Evola couldn't btfo nobody, he was a cripple intellectually speaking.

>> No.17132694

Not reading one book this entire year.

>> No.17133002

most /lit/ post in this entire thread

>> No.17133294

Probably not being flexible enough with my work schedule (remote) during coronavirus. I can work whenever wherever I want and for some reason I settled for more-or-less 'normal' hours in my apartment.
idk at least you read it - and thus have(?) something to actually say about it. It's not bad, just surely not a masterpiece.
Aiming for that and not just developing yourself is dumb. I'm turning a corner on this precisely bc I stopped caring about getting a gf. Works with many things in life that don't require too much of a vision.
My 2019 regret haha

>> No.17133313

there's really no excuse for me not to read everyday
I read a good amount of books
but i could have read a lot more

>> No.17133571

4chan is better than literature? What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.17134327

not finishing a single book for crying out loud what's wrong with me? Am I baste?

>> No.17134342

you wish