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17123067 No.17123067 [Reply] [Original]

Literally the dumbest thing I've ever read.
Trying to be charitable, this is the actual argument:
>We should just stop working. Work is boring and shit. If we just abolished work and did whatever we wanted would be happier. So let's leave our jobs and spend all our free doing whatever we want.
How do people take anit-work seriously as an ideology?

>> No.17123075

Why is it stupid?

>> No.17123088

>being a literal work cuck
>when our current paradigm of labor is nothing more than the Protestant work ethic spiraling out of control so much that about half of our jobs are complete bullshit that consists of ‘rolling out the disruptive eco system of management 3.0 through meaningful storytelling’

You’re the definition of a cuckold

>> No.17123093

There will always be utopianists.

>> No.17123097
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>I wonder what would happen if everyone just spent their days reading, playing games, chatting and whatever else they please.

You're the definition of a retard. When you move past the "work bad because office jobs pointless" argument let me know.

>> No.17123098

Uh oh, wagecuck with stockholm syndrome. I hope you enjoy your holidays, Mr.Shekelsteim expects you fresh and ready on Monday :)

>> No.17123105

I don't work by the way, I'm a NEET on government welfare.
You literally have zero arguments so you resort to memes.

>> No.17123112
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This book explains the psychology pretty well. There are people who think people are great -- friendly, caring, cooperative, and we can just build a society like one big family. No crime or social problems.

Communism fixes everything by the way.

>> No.17123116

>When you move past the "work bad because office jobs pointless" argument let me know.
Tell us about the profound enlightenment of making money for your boss, o wise sage who totally isn’t the pinnacle of cuckoldry

>> No.17123123

How can I make money for my boss when I don't work?

Why is it that a board about literature is full of people who can't read...

>> No.17123124

There definitely is a ton of bullshit office jobs that don't even need to exist. But I think that most people who stop working will just become depressed alcoholics/drug addicts because they don't have anything to do. Just look at reservations or welfare recipients. Most people don't realize you need to have a drive to keep yourself sane.

>> No.17123133

>unironically shilling lolbertarianism
Way to once again confirm the eternal cosmic connection between being a libertarian and being a cuckold

>> No.17123136

>Just look at reservations or welfare recipients
Exactly. Some people are under the illusion that without work people become these creative, fulfilled people, and not alcoholic nihilists.

And this is a minor point. The main problem with anti-work is that it assumes food, resources, healthcare etc magically grows on trees.

>> No.17123144

You're embarrassing yourself. /pol/ memer is really grasping at straws here, making up imaginary opponents so he doesn't have to face his stupidity.

>> No.17123163

irrefutable, work exists for alienated droids (narcissists) to revalorize themselves.

>> No.17123168

The wikipedia entry is interesting. I did read Haidt's book on moral cognition which apparently referenced it but I never looked it up.


>> No.17123174

>You're embarrassing yourself.
You just exposed yourself as an unironic libertarian

>> No.17123175

I'm fine with actual work if it's necessary but modern wageslavery is the epitome of cuckold.

>> No.17123179

> Tell us about the profound enlightenment of making money for your boss

Work doesnt just mean making money for your boss. Im employed at a nonprofit, I like to garden, and Im involved in local marxist political organizing, all of these things are work but I’m not making money for anybody. Just because you’re a lazy cunt who doesn’t want to do literally anything does not mean that work is bad or cuckoldry, work should always and will always exist, deal with it.

>> No.17123223

>anti-work bad
Actually I'm a neet that draws disability from fat fuckness that you unhappy workers foot the bill for

>> No.17123236

Finally someone with a sensible take.
Whenever someone criticizes the abolition of work these worthless scroungers start screeching about how everyone who works is a cuck.

>> No.17123247
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Everything you said in this post was implied in your earlier posts. We all know you're a loser.

>> No.17123252

You really can't fucking read can you. I said I'm a NEET...

>> No.17123260

Get back to working for Mr. Goldberg, goy. I heard if you work overtime he'll give you an extra shekel.

>> No.17123299

I get it. You are a leech who defends wagecuckery because they are the ones supporting your leeching lifestyle.
In any case, the idea behind anti-work is not to completely abolish work. I mean, sure that's the radical stance but it shouldn't reflect the entire ideology. The idea is that people should have more free time than working hours. The work week should be anywhere between 20-25 hours.
A century ago, we were predicting that we would be reaching that point by now with the help of technologies but no. We are still working 40 hours or more. Why? It's (((Them))), that's why. It's their way of destroying the tradition of family because the more hours you slave away, the more time you spent away from your family. It also doesn't give you free time to read, think, reflect, etc. It's in their best interest that we remain tired and locked in a figurative cage making money for (((them))). It doesn't help that society is full of brainwashed wagecucks who think working is honourable too lol

>> No.17123319

Thanks. Unfortunately the left is completely controlled by these lazy socialites in many countries and it doesn’t seem to be getting any better. At least where I live we still have a strong and traditional communist party which rejects all liberal shit like anti-work

>> No.17123333

I agree with you mostly but
>It also doesn't give you free time to read, think, reflect, etc
The average person is going to spend all this extra time watching muh Netflix and other bullshit. They're not going to do stuff to improve their life. I'm saying this because I actually enjoy what I do and find it rewarding (software development).

>> No.17123364

I really like this essay so I came here expecting a real conversation on it but it's nothing but strawmans and people suing ad hominen attacks on each other, I must have forgot I was on /lit/

Anti-work doesn't mean opposing any of those things. Work doesn't simply mean any Human productive activity, as Black suggests. It's compulsory and dis-satisfactory, meaning that most people don't want to do it but do it to avoid starvation or poverty. To define it is to despise it. It's a tragedy that most people have to do something they despise to exist. If work doesn't exist, most people wouldn't just lay around in being lazy, although some would and more power to them; people need to be doing stuff to find meaning in life, but things that are actually productive and they want to do like the activities you mention. Now the question remains whether we can actually end work or not, but I agree with Black and saying that we can

>> No.17123385

I don't think work will end in our lifetime. There will have to be some kind of AI that can just takeover 99% of jobs for that to happen.

>> No.17123393

>It's compulsory and dis-satisfactory, meaning that most people don't want to do it but do it to avoid starvation or poverty.
So anti-work philosophy only works when you completely redefine the definition of work? That’s not anti-work, that’s just confused anti-capitalist virtue signaling.

>> No.17123422

>How do people take anit-work seriously as an ideology?

Bob Black tore Murray Bookchin and leftism itself a new asshole. If you consider yourself some kind of based traditionalist stoic with epic work ethic maybe you should consider his work in post-left anarchism so as to recognize the slavery you happily give your time on this Earth up to. Cuckold.

>> No.17123443

We can at least try to strive to that goal by lowering working week and eliminating useless jobs. Black believes that currently most work is useless and not actually needed and I somewhat agree with him though I do think we need more advancements in AI to completely abolish work.

Idk why semantics matters so much to you. Don't call it 'anti-work' then, call it 'anti-dissatisfactory compulsory work', doesn't matter what term you use.

>> No.17123465

>when our current paradigm of labor is nothing more than the Protestant work ethic spiraling out of control so much that about half of our jobs are complete bullshit that consists of ‘rolling out the disruptive eco system of management 3.0 through meaningful storytelling’

This entire line doesn't say a single thing. You can as well shout ugabuga for 10 seconds and it will carry about the same amount of information.

I've argued with one of you antiworkfags elsewhere and asked who will clean sewage, he said there will be no sewage because he's also primitivist - altho that's a critique, not a program, he stated and added that he has said this, because I would possibly contest that he's just a lunatic that will get bunch of people starved to death(evidently has himself encountered that argument) - and in other occasion he also said he wouldn't be able to live outside of big city. I have never heard coherent explanation of how does "no work" world deal with performing tasks you have to do even if they're hard, unrewarding and give you no prestige. They also fantasise that in post-work world they'll be academics and similar do-nothings so I just assume that the entire anti-work thing is just rebranding of useful idiot socialism.

>> No.17123489

Semantics matter because it shows that all modern leftism is is virtue-signalling and posturing to the left endlessly. Being against wage slavery and being pro increase of leisure has been a part of leftist politics since before Marx. This anti-work philosophy can only be two things: intellectualized laziness or the irrelevant rewording of already existing concepts, in either case it’s worthless.

>> No.17123498

What you've described isn't anti-work, it's just basic social democracy. Nordic countries are already moving toward 30 hour weeks, same as in California start up scene.

The position I am criticising isn't the reduction of work, it's the ABOLITION of work. There's a whole community (see the anti-work reddit, for instance) who think we can live in a world where nobody does a single thing they don't want to do. It's not a strawman.

>You are a leech who defends wagecuckery because they are the ones supporting your leeching lifestyle
Many NEETs (the kind that post that bukowsky image with the comfy Pepe) actually do this, but not me.

>> No.17123500

anti-work does not only that nobody would work. it implies you shouldn't work, and others will do it for you. and if this is unattainable, you should work as little as possible. these acts are moral and beneficial to you, as life is fleeting and we are subjected to living under an impressive regime that we did not choose. fuck work. exploit the system that oppresses you. get disability for a game mental illness and enjoy life. with enough strain on the system maybe it will collapse. even if it doesn't, you are still more free than otherwise

>> No.17123508

It's hard to say what they would be doing with their free-time but have you considered that the reason why they do mostly mind-numbing shit is due to being tired after a work day? The last thing I would want to do would be to read some profound book. Perhaps if they had more free time, they would decide to explore new hobbies or start new projects. Boredom would definitely push them to do something at least.

>That’s not anti-work, that’s just confused anti-capitalist virtue signaling.
Work also existed in a worse form under communism. They literally forced you to work and it was common to see monkey jobs being performed by 3 people despite that it only required 1 person in Soviet Union.

>> No.17123512

This thread is utterly horrendous. You all should kill yourselves as soon as possible.

>> No.17123516

half of what you said has been empirically shown to be a myth. we already have tons of data showing that people, if given the time (e.g. basic income no need to work) end up wasting their time anyway.
black's essay is delusional even without knowing.

>> No.17123532

> Work also existed in a worse form under communism.

Minus the ‘worse’ part that is essentially my point.

>> No.17123533

>great, no more work!
>uh guys, where is the food and internet and shit?
>oh i have to "work" to get it myself now?
>ah okay, how do i make my own tendies from scratch
>and where is the internet?

>> No.17123538

>. Nordic countries are already moving toward 30 hour weeks, same as in California start up scene.
I don't know nordic countries but california start up scene has reached margins of unprofitably that I didn't even to bother to keep tracking them once they crossed the line of 1 in 30 breaking out(used to be 1 in 7 in good old days just fyi). I also assume they do a fuckload of overtime, but obviously you've only seen a brochure given to you by student activist who praised this, so how the hell do you know?

>> No.17123543

>the reason why they do mostly mind-numbing shit is due to being tired after a work day?
Again you're spouting tired neo-Marxist arguments that have been shown to be false even among intelligent people this isnt true.
>Boredom would definitely push them to do something at least.
And how is that better than doing "normal" work, like painting houses or writing computer software or being a nurse in a hospital?

>> No.17123554

Thanks for ignoring everything else I said and going straight for the ad hom. I'm off, goodnight.

>> No.17123564

anti work bingo:

"no you still have to work, but you don't get paid so it's not called work"

"the robots will do the work humans are obsolete"

"have you read bullshit jobs? all jobs are pencil pushing bullshit"

>> No.17123565

Looking at the Marxist inspired 'Socialist' States that existed during the Cold War, we can see the same pro-work ethic observed in the West. Yes in one way or another, anti-work has been found in lefitst movements for a while (ie. Oscar Wilde's Soul of the Man under Socialism, etc.), but that doesn't make it any less relevant now, if anything it is more relevant with advances in AI. Returning to the original focus, Bob Black's Abolition of Work wasn't worthless, not only did it critique the pro-work ethic sentiments found in the right as well as the left but it also provides feasible programs such as removing useless jobs and making jobs more fluid, ie. being able to alternate between teaching , gardening, fixing cars, etc.

>> No.17123585

implying I care about anything except status, sex, and art. i don't need internet or chicken nuggets

>> No.17123606
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>> No.17123612

The merit is about as dumb as possible as well. At best I can assume you're an academic and your work and passion is to give new spin on old shit and as such you just don't recognise the fact that most of your hobbies would become similarly unbearable to "work you don't want to do" if you a strict and short deadline was forced on you.
>"have you read bullshit jobs? all jobs are pencil pushing bullshit"
The dumb part of this argument that in ~1900, maybe little bit earlier, there were a lot of companies that had a lot less middle-manning pencil pushers than the companies that out-competed them, and it's really dubious that outside of monopolies the increase of size of the administrative body would continue(as it did) if it didn't, in the end increase efficiency. So it's bullshit that just so happens to be incredibly important, and the supposed "alienation" would likely not appear if you were hiring 14th century cathedral builders instead of modern men.

Of course monopolists, government-subsided companies and outright state owned companies can experience administrative bloat, but it's unlikely to happen anywhere where there's at least 2 competitors fighting for the same niche.

>> No.17123626

>But I think that most people who stop working will just become depressed alcoholics/drug addicts because they don't have anything to do.
they'll just watch netflix and post on twitter and instagram more. nobody needs drugs anymore

>> No.17123635

work is the means from which value is extracted from human lives. we are cattle. work ethic is indoctrinated for their benefit, not yours. your pride in your work is your mental gymnastics "I chose to be a slave! I would do this even if it was optional! I LOVE my job!" no you don't. you live the status the system tells you your work gives you. you are a"professional" you are a "small business owner" YOU are a special man! you are nobody's slave!
fucking lol. there are guys who exclusively breed with welfare recipients in between their stints in jail who will outbreed, outfuck, and outlive your sorry ass. slave!

>> No.17123650

anti-work isn't for most people. it's for the aristocrat of the soul, be they independently wealthy or a welfare NEET

>> No.17123678

yeah I agree but that doesn't mean the plebs actually need to do useless jobs that make them want to kill themselves

>> No.17123681
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This is the better book.

>> No.17123688

>that have been shown to be false
Those studies were sponsored by corporations. It's in their best interests that people have no free time. They want more workers to make them more money.
>And how is that better than doing "normal" work, like painting houses or writing computer software or being a nurse in a hospital?
Because not everyone enjoys their "normal" work enough to do it for 40h or more.

I'm not even the same person who replied to that but anyway, you don't seem to understand that anti-work can have soft and radical positions just like any other ideology. You are arguing against the radical position which doesn't make sense, yes, but it's basically barking at the wind.

>> No.17123700

well we need their efforts of we want to have an aristocratic class. the plebs would waste their freedom anyways, so they deserve slavery

>> No.17123710

>The dumb part of this argument that in ~1900, maybe little bit earlier, there were a lot of companies that had a lot less middle-manning pencil pushers than the companies that out-competed them, and it's really dubious that outside of monopolies the increase of size of the administrative body would continue(as it did) if it didn't, in the end increase efficiency. So it's bullshit that just so happens to be incredibly important, and the supposed "alienation" would likely not appear if you were hiring 14th century cathedral builders instead of modern men.
That is pretty interesting. Is there an article or book you could point me towards?

>> No.17123715

robotics and AI bro
the plebs can get brave new worlded instead of enslaved

>> No.17123717

>Boredom would definitely push them to do something at least
For some people I think this is true. However, if you look at the state of people who live on reservations or endless welfare recipients then you would see this isn't always the case. Most people just become depressed and suicidal because they don't find meaning in life. I'm a strong believer in that you need struggle in life to find happiness.

>> No.17123723

None because bullshit jobs: a theory is undeniable within modern economic conditions. People positing efficiency instead of personal power dynamics are pseuds who will point you to an entry level economic textbook as if it is gospel. You just need to look around and talk to people in white collar positions to see how truly fucked up and useless many jobs are.

>> No.17123736

>We should just stop working. Work is boring and shit. If we just abolished work and did whatever we wanted would be happier. So let's leave our jobs and spend all our free doing whatever we want.
With the exception of national defence and enforcement of law (if you consider those things works) agree

>> No.17123739

>Most people just become depressed and suicidal because they don't find meaning in life.
jobs don't fix that

>> No.17123749

My passion is spreadsheet management and co-worker engagement meeting processing. I've dreamed of this position since I was a little girl.

>> No.17123757

I agree, but why are these people working these bullshit jobs in the first place? Probably because they were too lazy to strive for something better in the first place. With that kind of mindset I think they would hate life no matter what they do.

>> No.17123759

That argument is incredibly flawed. Pencil pushing jobs might have been relevant back in the 1900's... when there were was no way to automate that work. Nowadays they are absolutely bullshit and have no need to exist.

>> No.17123775

>individuals coming from a variety of different sociological and economic backgrounds just didn't work hard enough in an oppressive and violent system designed to oppress the masses and maintain stability for the wealthy while exponentially defunding programs that do not have a profit motive
Victim blaming is cool and fun.

>> No.17123800

>same as in California start up scene.
bullshit, those guys routinely work 60+ hour weeks

>> No.17123819

I'm not 100% anti-work but I think we should have UBI to get rid of work as a necessity for survival. If you can feel fulfilled on a minimal income then you can just pursue whatever interests you. If you are like most people and want more material wealth, more shiny things, more COOL STUFF, then that ~$1500-$2000 a month isn't going to cut it and you go get a job

and if you're a junkie bum then you just do what you've been doing but you don't need to panhandle or steal to get your fix, or at least not as much as before

>> No.17123828

No, he means that railing lines of addy and taking a 20 stack of nuotropics and not sleeping for 4 days straight is healthy and you only actually work 20 hours a week because that's what the company forces you to write down as you do "fun" coding after hours for all the hours of the week!

>> No.17123829

>muh poor people are stupid and can't think for themselves!
Why do socialists always argue this? Do you not realize how dehumanizing this is?

>> No.17123848

>With the exception of national defence and enforcement of law
Replace National Defense with local militias and Law enforcement with community policing

>> No.17123851

that's not even remotely close to what he said

>> No.17123854

I never said that. I said it was unreasonable to expect an individual to overcome external forces specifically designed to oppress them. We don't live in a vacuum brah.

>> No.17123859

A junkie can shoot up $500 worth of heroin in five hours of their habit is big enough

>> No.17123878

so just not as much

>> No.17123898

I think in order for this to work they need to revamp the entire education system. People need to be taught more philosophy throughout school so they can find meaning in life. Right now all of school is pretty much

>> No.17123915

I really dont get why people have to go to college for 4 years to just be an excel monkey

>> No.17123922

so they can accrue debt to lock them into excel monkeydom

>> No.17123938

You can't fix the current education system with out an overhaul of other aspects of the administrative state. The first step of UBE would be much easier as it could simply be one bill passed at the federal level which causes a cascade of individuals radically changing their behavior instead of multiple federal and state level bills attempting to change a system of slave education into platos republic level bullshit. UBE would shift the inherent nature of the education system as it is now.

But none of it will happen because this is the worst time line.

>> No.17123958

Because a degree proves that you can work through 4 years of an administrative system. It shows you can put on the pretend face that everyone knows is pretend and yet still continue working. Thus when you are put into a cubicle and everyone around you is diametrically different and pisses you off, just as you piss them off, they know you'll be passive agressive and continue to work your spread sheets like a good little monkey.

It's not about the material benefits of what you learn, it's about the procedural aspects of living within an institution designed with ulterior motives.

>> No.17123968

idk the coronacash got the ball rolling, maybe if dems win the senate we'll get a stable income "during the pandemic" and then that will move the Overton curtain back even more and UBI could be a campaign issue in the next presidential election

worst case scenario is we have to wait until after the anti-automation riots for UBI, best case is we get it sooner without riots

>> No.17123974

work does suck though and if we can abolish it we absolutely should strive to do so

>> No.17123991

If dems win GA, then hopefully the left can bully them hard without the threat of "we'll lose the midterms, youre supporting drumph!" But at this point they all just want to go back to the "normal" that got us here in the first place. How exciting!

>> No.17123992

>But I think that most people who stop working will just become depressed alcoholics/drug addicts because they don't have anything to do

Well that's their problem for being boring as fuck

>> No.17123997

Because most companies are retarded
>muh Google requires this so we should too!
This is pretty much the mentality of every corporation. They make up bullshit requirements just because "its the standard".

>> No.17124004

Will check him out. I always hated Bookchin

>> No.17124005

This is not literature!

>> No.17124009

True, I guess I'm against it because I don't mind working hard. I feel like it keeps me sane, maybe the NPCs should just stay home?

>> No.17124010

It's the standard because it provides them with a signifier of control.

>> No.17124021
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Am I anti work? Yes. People will bring me stuff, and if they don't I'll steal and beat them up.

>> No.17124029

Now it's even worse I think. Since tons of small companies have been wiped out, our only choice is to work for soulless mega corps™

>> No.17124034

A lot of work these days is busy work, makework, or work that can be automated but isn't so the plebs have something to do. Most jobs are redundant or obsolete

>> No.17124036

maybe but seeing how dems are all wetting their panties about $2000 and it's just the GOP cucks that are sweating over it I still think flipping the senate is a better option

like i implied, I don't think permanent UBI is going to magically happen but there was a lot of dem legislators that drafted pandemic-only UBI which would be a big step. the 1200 was already a big step and it was immensely popular (obviously)

>> No.17124051

What's sad is the reason these jobs are around is because people want to do them.
>Why work hard towards something you enjoy to earn money when you can just work 1 hour and browse online for 7 hours per day?
This is mentality of many people.

>> No.17124054

the wiki on post-left anarchy spends an inordinate amount of time explaining Bob Black vs Bookchin drama

>> No.17124086

i think we'll get the $2k, gop doesnt want to make themselves look bad before georgia. if trump himself is for $2k, they dont really have any valid excuse to reject it without looking like the greedy ghouls they are. it'll be plain to see for even the most partisan red hat and they wont turn out for the senate election.

>> No.17124106

i admire your optimism, but the partisans are more spooked by "dems r commie satanic baby eaters" or whatever to not vote GOP no matter what. they know this, trump knows this. we wont get the $2000 unless dems flip senate. GOP are too stingy, its part of their brand.

>> No.17124125

Capitalism is experiencing a crisis right now though. The populist sentiments on the left and right are rising. You've already seen it and it will escalate beyond the low level street skirmishes and riots. If people can't pay their bills or are getting evicted then shit will hit the fan. It's been boiling for years already, but capitalism is in crisis and needs to resort to some sort of aid to stabilize things or face the threat of radicals. UBI may be next as a more long term solution. The point is things will get worse before they get better unless something is done. Something has to be done, or the current status quo will collapse.

>> No.17124136
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>> No.17124161

Thing is sometimes what you really enjoy just isn't that lucrative or you're not particularly skilled at it, so some bogus job to just daydream at is ok with me, not that I actually want to do it

>> No.17124177

capitalism wont collapse as long as people have things to distract them and keep them sated. theyll give you the minimum to survive if youre on the brink and some tv/drugs to keep you busy. capitalism is too big to fail at this point

>> No.17124193

>Capitalism is experiencing a crisis right now though

Yeah, people have been saying that for over a century, yet, it only grows and grows.

>> No.17124210

14 million about to be evicted
12 million on unemployment
300k dead
Hold me im scared.

>> No.17124267

Those people are just working part-time for a wage that cant support a family. Thats not the solution, thats the problem

>> No.17124290

Some souls – the great majority in fact – are ‘born for the stable’: they are made to plough and rot, these spiritual shudras. So – ’tis true –, with this recognition of hierarchy, it is not the total abolition of work. To think that in order that I need not work it would be easiest to universalize this, in egalitarian manner, is to debase myself. Yet what is revolutionary is to realize that those currently at the tops of financial wealth – decried by vulgar marxists as workless parasites – are only false masters, whereas the new aristocracy will be idle sovereigns by grace of a superiority that neither work nor money can buy. The slaves are not even capable of not working; the test will be: who can withstand a wasteful life?

>> No.17124318

imagine not understanding the distinction between working and laboring

>> No.17124527

>Dec 2019
>nothing will happen with COVID just like nothing happened with SARS or swine flu or ebola
>Dec 2020
>nothing will happen just like nothing happened in the 60s

>> No.17124775

heh, looks like I'm as smart as aristotle then after i said>>17123500
>anti-work does not only that nobody would work.
genius tier. work is bad

>> No.17124791

>How do people take anti-work seriously as an ideology?
By not thinking like a slave.

>> No.17124798


Sounds based to me

>> No.17124830

anti-work, pro-labor

labor: useful work, to conduct or advance civlization

work: however many hours your employer can squeeze out of you without fucking you up too hard and/or breaking the law. not guaranteed to be useful

the overlap between the two is maybe 40%. eliminate all the extraneous bullshit meant to accomplish nothing more than the generation of wealth for its own sake you would have shorter work weeks, lower unemployment rates, etc etc.