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File: 996 KB, 1044x1668, jane-birkin-1965-photo-eric-swayne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17122498 No.17122498 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get the confidence to read Lo-lee-ta in public?

>> No.17122961

Huh!..I actually got laid twice thanks to reading it in public and I'm autistic and barely a 6 . Depends on where you are, I'm from Morocco. We have lot of girls with daddy issues who live to disappoint their fathers.

>> No.17122985

What other books do this

>> No.17122995

The bible

>> No.17123015

Later I tried it with Nietzsche it made em run away kek

>> No.17123035

this, women love Lolita. if you read it in public it's basically a guaranteed lay.

>> No.17123102

Hmmm.. I actually said "girls".

>> No.17123111

Women love that book.
You'll probably have girls talking to you for the first time if you read it in public.

>> No.17123143

Why do people parrot this meme

>> No.17123191

Well obviously that's OP's real question, he was just shy to put it directly.

>> No.17123201

It's not true though they will just think you are an ugly pedo

>> No.17123207

Bag o'er hed w/2 ie hol

>> No.17123218
File: 416 KB, 1423x1620, catandgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the cover of my lolita book. Read it on the bus, got thrown off it and called a nonce.

Balthus is high art, these plebs don't understand.

>> No.17123227

It's a well-known technique used to score phone numbers amongst /lit/ chad slayers.

>> No.17123235

ok r*edditfag, define pedo

>> No.17123256

I once posted my current reading on my IG and had Lolita on it. This qt art girl I follow chatted me up and tried to talk about Nabokov. If it wasn’t for the fact that I hate chatting with people I probably could have pulled something

>> No.17123268

>From pēs (“foot”).

I fail to see how reading a book makes you a "foot"

>> No.17123274

You are lying, no way any book publisher thought that would be a good idea.

>> No.17123292
File: 88 KB, 406x640, lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It didn't show this cover when buying online but they sent me the Penguin version.

>> No.17123302
File: 1008 KB, 2000x2000, 5897a8c3cba9841eabab6156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17123303

kek, shame they didn’t use the guitar lesson instead

>> No.17123304
File: 25 KB, 716x497, IMG-20201225-WA0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17123314

You must be fucking joking. How is this a thing. This is literally the worst option they could have picked - a normal pose or an older body would have both made this acceptable but this is genuinely just awful. What retard approved this?

>> No.17123316

Not worth the risk lads, already had to talk to the police once because teenagers keep talking to me in public, don't want to attract more.

>> No.17123340

Are a paki living in England?

>> No.17123343
File: 127 KB, 1366x1940, real.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was joking.

>> No.17123349

You're overreacting. It's barely risque at all.

>> No.17123353

Just a white man anon.

>> No.17123368
File: 105 KB, 619x984, 1609013985005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure someone at penguin is a massive coomer

>> No.17123381

Is it for sale? I collect em around the world to destroy em later.

>> No.17123424

What do you guys think of the movie adaptations? I watched both yesterday and I think Lyne's is better desu.

>> No.17123453

I felt the girl was too old to have the emotional impact and hatred for the MC as my imagination produced for the book
Like in the movie she looked 15, not 11

>> No.17123471

a middle-aged woman talked to me in a cafe because I was reading In Search of Lost Time
she didn’t read it, but “felt” it was a good book; we talked about art and psychology for a good half an hour and at one point she completely unexpectedly brought up the subject of sex.
gave me her number too, under a pretense of being a psychologist (or maybe it was really just that)

not in need of neither though

>> No.17123474

bruuuuh... even your background lighting seems to have better sense
Not true. In the full res >>17123218 it's genuinely awful. That's not even just a "panty shot" either, it's worse than that if you know enough about women's anatomy. If it was any more risque it'd probably be banned by the govenrment.

>> No.17123484

>tfw saw a pack of cougars hitting on my friend when we went together to a cafe once
>none of them even looked at me
feelsbad bros, just want a 40 year old mommy gf to bulli and sex me

>> No.17123487

>Banned by the government

>> No.17123494


>> No.17123496

If it's any consolation, the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art has a great selection of his similarly themed paintings on display.

>> No.17123501

I am afraid that you don't quite understand the issue, anon.

>> No.17123507

I really don't

>> No.17123520

I don't see how that is supposed to be consoling, anon.
Well, I'll explain it to you - it's not about the act of drawing or the fact that it is a painting, but rather about what the painting is depicting.

>> No.17123528

Why should that matter? Free expression is a human right anon

>> No.17123563

1. I'm freely expressing my cringe.
2. Because it gets people like that other anon harassed and kicked off the bus by people who misunderstand, since it's completely socially inappropriate as a book cover.

>> No.17123568

He should honestly sue the bus company

>> No.17123620

Cover it up in print out of Cuties poster

>> No.17123638

Big hands

>> No.17123657

Load it into your plain ebook reader.

If someone asks you what you're reading say it's "Reading Lolita in Tehran".

Besides, the second half of Lolita is strongly anti-pedo (the first half only subtly).

>> No.17123760
File: 33 KB, 626x256, @mammoth_2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the new lowkey pedo emoji?

>> No.17123802

tasteful lens flare brah

>> No.17123835

the only time someone reading in public is conspicuous, is when theyre clearly self-conscious about it. you can tell through their body language. they try to pose themselves in a certain way. you can always tell. so basically, just be comfy

>> No.17123918

That’s a crying emoji you autist

>> No.17124146

Because it works.

>> No.17124232

>I always know who’s self conscious

>> No.17124269

If you need the confidence to read a certain book in public then you have other parts of yourself you need to work on lmao.

>> No.17125165
File: 38 KB, 600x800, 0ae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have other parts of yourself you need to work on

>> No.17125364

Might as well depicted a train station.

>> No.17125390

i read lolita in public coincidentally close to a park waiting for my coke dealer

>> No.17125396

reading lolita in public in less embarrassing than reading literally any kind of manga.

>> No.17125415

<10% body fat and 200lbs+

>> No.17125448

Say it's about an italian online vidya team

>> No.17125667
File: 20 KB, 300x300, s-l300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it while wearing this tshirt no one will fuck with you.

>> No.17125681


>> No.17126173

This is dumb she doesn't even look like that

>> No.17126627

She looks like my ex wife when she was a kid. Had the same face up into her thirties.