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/lit/ - Literature

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1712160 No.1712160 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/ I was wondering if you'd help me remember the name of a book I read ages ago.

Basically, in the book
God kicks Lucifer out of heaven because he's being a dick
Lucifer makes a deal with God saying "if in 2000 years, that mankind you're so fond of is in ruin, then you let me back into heaven"
God accepts this bet, and neither of them are allowed to interfere with humanity's progression for 2000 years
Lucifer makes loads of shady deals with humans to swing the bet in his favour, in exchange for their souls of course.
I think the archangel Gabriel is involved somehow but I can't remember.

It'd be fantastic if anyone here knew what book it was.

>> No.1712174


/tv/ is that way >>>>

>> No.1712173
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>> No.1712177

You're a funny guy.

Yeah, no, it's not Constantine.

>> No.1712179

the bible


>> No.1712180

Read 'I, Lucifer', it's not what you asked for, but still pretty good. Also, bump for curiousity

>> No.1712184

I SWEAR I have heard of this before. Someone was raving about it on here when I was just getting into the board (a few months ago)... But, sorry. I don't know the name.

+1 credibility
+1 bump

>> No.1712197

Another part of the book is some guy wants to become rich and famous so he contracts with the devil. He's brought to Lucifer's mansion in Hell and he dines with Lucifer and his two daughters, and everything seems normal.

Then all of a sudden all the food starts rotting and he looks over at the daughters and they're just corpses. The guy passes out and wakes up in his house to find that he won the lottery or something.

I'll post more things I can think of if I can remember them.

>> No.1712203
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>> No.1712219
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>> No.1712230

Sounds interesting.

>> No.1712251

I'm pretty sure the Archangel Gabriel comes down from Heaven to help the main character because he knows that Lucifer is trying to cheat to get mankind to destroy themselves right before the 2000 years is up, and basically it's up to them to thwart his plans.

>> No.1712277
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/lit/ doesn't read books

>> No.1713165

Hopeful bump.

>> No.1713173

inderdasting point. I have nearly finishd my third book and am getting better at staying in the lines but it doesn't matter if i go over because it just shows my individuality.
Ass hat.

>> No.1713183
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for love of evil by Piers Anthony. ?

>> No.1713187
File: 147 KB, 626x710, GustaveDoreParadiseLostSatanProfile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read paradise lost, it's better

>> No.1713192

I'm afraid not.

>> No.1713337

bumping for interest

>> No.1713423
File: 28 KB, 333x310, satin_burgundy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping with satin