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File: 96 KB, 1200x1200, ted_kaczynski_harvard_g-594372140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17121528 No.17121528 [Reply] [Original]

*Refutes math*
*Refutes industrialism*
*Refutes society*

>> No.17121580

But did he do it retroactively?

>> No.17121599

He did it proactively, through the meticulous process of blowing shit up

>> No.17121614

>*Refutes math*

>> No.17121623

He thought it's useless on its own except as a banal surrogate activity, and dangerous when applied because it's used for industrialization and technology

>> No.17121736
File: 349 KB, 1806x972, DuhdWWJXQAARN2I.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would transition have saved her?

>> No.17121755

He goes great in addition to Thoreau

>> No.17121763

[ Ted's life ]
> refutes Ted

>> No.17121770

That's obviously just cope for losing a valuable and unique opportunity to remain a professor of math. When people fuck up that badly they have an intense need to rationalize the failure.

>> No.17121784

So this is why his bombs sucked. Thanks for clearing that up anon.

>> No.17121804

>is too much of pussy to actually do damage to le evil corporations
>instead attacks local innocent people
he refutes his own psychopathic larping

holy kek now it all makes sense

>> No.17121813


> Kaczynski struck UCB again on May 15, 1985. Graduate student John Hauser, who dreamt of becoming an astronaut according to The Chicago Tribune, lost four fingers and severed a major artery in his right arm.
Just like Walden

>> No.17121814

He resigned from his tenure after becoming disillusioned with math, not before

>> No.17121850

>He resigned from his tenure after becoming disillusioned with math,
according to who? the serial killer who moved into the woods to make bombs and poison his neighbor's dogs? He quit because he was mentally ill, obviously. He coped with his failure to be normal by claiming it was a choice.
**That's why he sent BOMBS back to UCB**
He could be a grandfather right now, retired in Berkeley CA. Instead he's in solitary writing letters to mentally ill young men who need to get their shit together

>> No.17121856

>/lit/: lmao dilate tranny trannies are subhuman Kek!!!!

>> No.17121867

>He quit because he was mentally ill, obviously
Not a good explanation. Most mentally ill people are able to hold jobs, far less prestigious ones at that. He quit because he hated it.

>> No.17121879

Lol get a grip and re-examine your assumptions. Clearly his being transgender has nothing to do with his basedness

>> No.17121882

and yet here we are talking about him and his ideas 25 years later- further spreading his will

eat a shotgun nigger

>> No.17121886

>far less prestigious ones at that
Well obviously. No one cares if the clerk at the gas station is crazy. With prestige comes scrutiny.

>> No.17121888

/lit/ doublethink schizophrenia at work

>> No.17121891

He wasn't trans you retards, in his writings he specifically talks how it's a product of the modern technological hellscape

>> No.17121895

That's not really a refutation though, just his opinion

>> No.17121909

That's not really a refutation of his opinion though, just your opinion

>> No.17121910

This. Transgenderism is a disease that fucks up a lot of men and women.

>> No.17121920
File: 33 KB, 300x420, girard-8ea28a74-97c9-4386-9c6f-c53eb5b22c41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>refutes ted k

>> No.17121952

>men and women.

>> No.17121976

ted said he had gay sex and loved cocks, dwt

>> No.17121997

>and yet here we are talking about him and his ideas 25 years later- further spreading his will
Yes, and you too can mortgage your own happiness for vain and fruitless game by commiting atrocities and scribbling down some nonsense for posterity. Wow. Fact of the matter is Ted is a deficient runt and failed to breed. The natural world that he loved so much determined he was genetically unfit for survival. He's a loser. Most people have no idea he wrote anything btw. Only among the online right is he a household name, and the online right is a joke. He will not "live on through his ideas" there are thousands of better minds forgotten every decade. Ted has another few decades before total obscurity. And he'll be dead and erased from the gene pool long before that. Immortality after death is a joke and the pursuit of vain fools

> He who gets excited about fame after death doesn’t consider that anyone who remembers him will also die very soon, then again the one who succeeds that one, until all recollection has been extinguished by passing through a succession of people who foolishly admire and perish.

>Marcus Aurelius, Meditations 4.19

>Or is it this thing called reputation that worries you? Look at the speed with which everything is forgotten; the vast gulf of boundless time on either side of us; the emptiness of applause; the changeable, undiscriminating nature of those who seem to praise; the tiny space in which it all takes place.

>Marcus Aurelius, Meditations 4.3

Ted's one accomplishment is making his ideas radioactive. Nobody can seriously discuss similar concepts without his name staining the discourse. He mortgaged his ideals for his ego trip to nowhere. absolutely pathetic failure of a man

>> No.17122005

Atheists exist as one of the two sexes dontchyaknow

>> No.17122044

Absolute cooe.

>> No.17122106

In Unabomber in His Own Words, a psychologist says that Ted didn't suffer from actual gender dysphoria. Relationships with females were so alien to him that he, perhaps, felt transitioning could make the female experience more known to him and understand it -- though, this is clearly delusional.

He quickly threw that away when he was denied and shifted to wanting to kill, which does seemingly prove he wasn't really convicted to being trans.

Eitherway, it's just a footnote that people bring up as though it refutes his writing.

>> No.17122116

>Relationships with females were so alien to him that he, perhaps, felt transitioning could make the female experience more known to him and understand it
This is literally me wtf

>> No.17122182

Yet another good reason to bring back arranged marriages.

>> No.17122200
File: 34 KB, 611x343, terminator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Invoking Aurelius is almost self-defeating on this point, he's an excellent of example of a legacy/memetic lineage that can live on.

We cannot say whether Ted's ideas (as authored by him) will live on, but if they do manage to retain some hold then it could be argued that his memetic imprint can be of far greatest import than him merely reproducing ever would be, or at least in high probability would be (he could have potentially had a descendent that was a huge figure but seems increasingly unlikely given pop stats).

On making the ideas radioactive - that the ideas are out there is for now more important. Everyone that reads ISAIF is another person who may not have read it were it not authored by the 'unabomber'.

>> No.17122251

>all of these things still exist
What will rejectionists ever do against the sheer antagonism of simple economic laws? "We were right!!!!!" they scream, as they lose the struggle for survival.
This motherfucker wanted to return to nature, and lost in the process, because he wasn't fit enough to survive. All these pseud cynical mongs kvetching about MUH REALITY MUH TRUTH can't fucking compete with simplistic laymen, but want to pontificate about what's right and what's wrong. He wanted animalism, he got it, and he was eaten. It's like poetry.

>> No.17122263

Kaczynski is right about everything and reading all the replies prove it once more. Not a single refutation of his works, not one.

>> No.17122287

>just take on the entire global civilization system by yourself and win, bro
STFU retard. He evaded FBI for 18 years and people still make threads about him every day. He did better than 99% of people would do in his place.

>> No.17122351

What a stud!

>> No.17122364

Based Teddie.

>> No.17122417

>Most mentally ill people are able to hold jobs
They aren't, though.

>> No.17122424

They are, though.

>> No.17122774

Wow if you actually read what he personally wrote about it you see he's not trans. He had a sexual fantasy, that's not transgenderism. At the very most he was gay.

>> No.17122777

holding a job is a mental illness, it is the primordial mentall illness: the division of labour

>> No.17122804

He did have a gay experience as a teen, it was posted on /lit/ before. But he was also obsessed with women to an unhealthy degree

>> No.17122807

Why is it always around Christmas and New Year that Tedposting springs out of nowhere? I guess this year it's warranted because 2020 basically confirmed he was correct about everything but 2019 was the same, even I jumped on the Tedposting bandwagon then. It always seems to start around December and lasts until early January

>> No.17122812

it's cold in the forest so we go back to our heated homes

>> No.17123014

What MK Ultra does to a mf