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17114972 No.17114972 [Reply] [Original]

>leave the ideology in things to me

>> No.17114997

>just do nothing bro
The absolute state of modern lefties

>> No.17115011

andsoon andsoon

>> No.17115021

>hi, world's most dangerous philosopher here
>my radical solution to the world's problems is... get this, global government, the ruling class are pissing their pants rn

>> No.17115407

He looks like a slob. I want to punch his face in.

>> No.17115427

How dare you call this man a slob, he keeps socks in his kitchen drawers

>> No.17115461

the lefties' sophist.

>> No.17115464

that's not what it says

>> No.17115467

sublime object of ideology is great

hes unironically a genius despite the memes

>> No.17115478

Cope. he's a crypto-accelerationist

>> No.17115486

no it's about exercising discretion saying no to wageslavery and leading a contemplative life

>> No.17116744

Lit hates any sort of materialist analysis. According to these faggots values are given by the merciful baby Jesus and never change , period.

>> No.17116796


>> No.17116808

I like him for his interesting personality but his philosophy doesn't have rhyme nor reason

>> No.17116820

I have yet to see a video of him on jewtube where he actually finishes a single damn point. Every time he starts saying something he goes off on 10 different tangents and none of them goes anywhere. I can't believe a man so incoherent is actually good on print unless he has some communication issue.

>> No.17116833

thinking the same desu but still he's priddy likable

>> No.17116894

He is pretty charismatic but his mind seems like a mess

>> No.17116927

Dialectical materialism is incredibly limited in scope. It works well when it comes to economics but completely falls apart when applied to culture, science, the arts, religions, etc.

>> No.17116954

english is like his 5th language

>> No.17117041

His English is fine, the problem is that he always jumps from point to point mid sentance. There is no discernable structure to what he is saying.

>> No.17117102

Well yes I agree it is limited but I do think economics /relation to means of production generates culture , in very very open to hearing counter arguments though