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17114677 No.17114677 [Reply] [Original]

I'm confused, i know a naturally very intelligent person that has read hundreds of books but their takes are extremely bland and mainstream

>> No.17114684

He/she's probably dumbing it down for retards like you to comprehend

>> No.17114693

Difference between crystalized and fluid IQ. Your friend is probably lacking in one or the other:
High C IQ, low F IQ = boomer
Low C IQ, high F IQ = tankie
High C IQ, high F IQ = materialist/atheist

>> No.17114694

Are you sure the books this person read were actually insightful or just mainstream garbage?

>> No.17114700

>High C IQ, high F IQ = materialist/atheist

>> No.17114709

"Seethe" or what have you

>> No.17114714


>> No.17114731

politics are a function of viewpoints.
There are intelligent people in almost all political ideology and the difference between the individuals is what value or idea they prioritise

>> No.17114765

so everyone is either a boomer, a tankie or an atheist?

>> No.17114808

Tankers aren’t materialists? why? Doesn’t tankie just refer to Marxist-Leninists?

>> No.17114813


>> No.17114842

back to bunkerchan faggot

>> No.17114851

I thought tankies were athiests?

>> No.17114883

Communism is a religion.

>> No.17114926

Despite what this board would like to believe contrarianism != intelligence. Honestly, it takes little brains to memorize someone lunatic's opinions and shout them.
Also, I would argue that being well read or well educated != an intelligent person although I would say they are more closely correlated than the previous case.

>> No.17115034

Stfu you iq faggot

>> No.17115047

There are plenty of things that could be developed. Iq and race narratives sorta stick out as ungodly messes.

>> No.17115081

t. low IQ

>> No.17115089

You need to be a non-conformist to adopt non-mainstream views. https://paulgraham.com/think.html

>> No.17115092

Stop using that word.

>> No.17115119

They suck at reading.

>> No.17115143
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>> No.17115160

I can be retarded and still beat you in a debate

>> No.17115175
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The over-education of midwits is one of the largest problems facing Western Civ.

>> No.17115219
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Having a lot of knowledge is not IQ. It's training.

It takes 10K hours to master any skill through training and practice. Masters always appear brilliant while practicing their craft. But they don't need to be ingelligent at all. Just full of memorized strategies.

One of the best examples of this is chess. Any simpleton can win a Master rating by putting in the time needed to memorize strategies and solved problems.

>> No.17115227

Well, have you considered that his opinions are actually evidenced and rational? All mainstream opinion isn't wrong. Internet meme ideology is often based on total speculation and conspiracy. There's a reason qoomers and flat-earthers post on /pol/. They were already there and primed for batshit theories lmao.

>> No.17115379

Yes that’s what crystalized IQ is.

>> No.17115385

Retard take

>> No.17115402

I would argue its the opposite though. Take a set of k issues, and possible positions on said issue, numbering 2 (suppose its just left/right). The chances that society’s set of positions is actually correct is 1/2^k. Sure this isn’t uniform, and there’s reason to belive that society is actually definitely right on a couple of matters, but in any case, conformism being correct is extremely unlikely.

>> No.17115417

>Bro we just happen to live in the singular society in all of human history that actually figured everything out, we aren't actually just as myopic and retarded as every other human society in the world, we are special.

>> No.17115437

You imply that mainstream political opinions conform to the apolitical though.
You need help understanding simple texts.

>> No.17115443

Hundreds of what books? They might just not have an interest in anything worthwhile.

>> No.17115457

I don’t think I imply that, plus it doesn’t really matter what kind of positions the mainstream positions are. Conformism is still, I think, infinitely less likely to be correct than a rejection of the mainstream.

>> No.17115577

>an actual retard

>> No.17115587

>issues are iid

>> No.17115598

>10k hours to mastery

The biggest midwit meme of all time, perhaps the ur example, the platonic ideal.

>> No.17115621

And here is an example of Low C and low F IQ

>> No.17115641

I am flabbergasted by how much it is parroted around here.

>> No.17115656

IQ isn't real.

>> No.17115733


Not eveything has to be contrarian and radical to be insightful; a radical contrarian can be as bland as someone who just thoughtlessly follows the mainstream

>> No.17115741

>it takes 10K hours to master any skill
Do you realize just how absurd this sounds?Imagine two skills, one that is just a superset of the other. They both take 10k hours? So the harder skill takes no longer than the easier skill? If all skills take the same time to master, why the hell would someone master something like playing the trombone when they could master the piano, in instrument capable of far more diversity and range, in the same time?

This was iirc a single psych study that showed that from an ELITE violin school, the thing that distinguished the good from the great was # of hours (specifically, 10k hours) -- but the sample was already people who were talented enough to get into a top tier violin school. It's dubious that 10k hours means anything wrt playing violin, and it's completely fabricated that this number might be universal to all skills.

>> No.17115761

Dumb post

>> No.17115765


>> No.17115800

Is there a version of that for cats?t

>> No.17115872

Firstly, I have read hundreds of books, and I am an idiot. Doesn’t help most of them are genre fiction, but still, it’s a poor metric to measure somebody’s intelligence.

Secondly, having mainstream opinions doesn’t suggest a lack of intelligence. I actually find being a staunch contrarian implies a lack of intelligence. Just look at people who believe that 9/11 was an inside job. Every single one of them has a sub 80 IQ.

>> No.17116857

1. What are those hundreds of books about?
2. Is your friend a moral and intellectual coward?
Depending on your answers to those two questions, no amount of intelligence will save him from his hylic status.

>> No.17117042

Is that naturally very intelligent person a girl? If so i think you already know the answer. I had girlfriends at Stanford who are now in ivy league graduate schools including Harvard and Yale and they are always completely in line with the status quo. NPR and The Tonight Show is there cognitive source.

>> No.17117538

yeah take bush for example, he's definitely sub 80 iq

>> No.17117560

Why? There is no central conformist belief. There's wide variation, and it's nit like the radical right worldview i built uppn fact. It's not.

>> No.17118558

Are these "good" books or genre fiction, self-help books, and pop-science regime propaganda?

If not, he likely just doesn't think much of you.

>> No.17119028
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>High C IQ, high F IQ = materialist/atheist
hahh ah ahahahahahhaha

>> No.17119035
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>> No.17119221

And I was telling you why it's a dumb buzzword from people who don't understand intelligence.

>> No.17119229

A perfect example of >>17115175

>> No.17119235

what are you talking about

>> No.17119291

It's supposed to be a shorthand. Malcolm Glad we'll (I think he made it up?) was just observing that people who grind at something for long periods in their childhood tend to get really good at it. I don't think he was trying to do anything more than motivate people to be diligent.

>> No.17119343

high C I.Q. is the consequence of high fluid I.Q., there is no other way to get a raelly high C. I.Q.

>> No.17119356
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>> No.17119371

wathc me!

>> No.17119383

Lol IQ. The metric that supposedly measures intelligence yet is only taken seriously by retards.

>> No.17119387

meanwhile here you are...........shitposting with the bilge rats

>> No.17119411


>> No.17119428

What's there to accept. A ton of robust studies that show nothing but a huge variety of intelligence based on geographical location.

>> No.17119429

they read but dont comprehend?

>> No.17119433

leftist, rightist, both words used to obscure. IQ is only relevant to MENSA fags, deal with it buddy

>> No.17119442

Being a contrarian doesn't mean you're smart

>> No.17119457

This, even the most IQ positive studies have IQ corellating very weakly with anything important. I've never seen a smart person mention IQ lmao.

>> No.17119907

some people think reading is just sounding out the words in their head. no imparted meaning or visualizations. normalfags are way worse than you could ever imagine.

>> No.17119914

>materialist/atheist as opposed to tankie

>> No.17120211

reading books doesn't make you smart or special

>> No.17120560

imagine unironically believing in IQ

>> No.17120912
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Is that a man?

>> No.17120934

It's midwit cope, just ignore. No intelligent person puts any stock in it.