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File: 396 KB, 1252x1600, oil-Saint-Augustine-canvas-Philippe-de-Champaigne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17113673 No.17113673[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>noo you have to believe in my Jew demon or you'll burn in hell for all eternity!!
Ahh...so this is the power of Christian theology...

>> No.17113950

Yes, and it's been pretty effective.

>> No.17113956

I found the Old Testament to be waaay more egregious.

>> No.17113978

>burn in hell for all eternity!!
Not in the Bible. Literal fanfiction.

>> No.17113983

Same with the Trinity, what's your point?

>> No.17113992

I don't get the value of this sociopath as a philosopher. His writings consist of parroting bible verses and slandering anyone who happens to hold a position that is slightly different from his, exactly like SJWs call nazi anyone who's even slightly to the right of their political compass.

>> No.17114001

If it's not in the bible, it can't be used in an attack against Christian theology, you dum dum.

>> No.17114025

The Trinity isn't in the Bible itself, but christcucks found all the necessary subterfuges and mental gymnastics to pretend it is.
>God-sent angel says "holy" 3 times
>Christians use this as evidence for the presence of trinity in the OT
I'd be curious to know how Jews and Muslims interpret these passages because christians conveniently ignore every other interpretation that doesn't fit their narrative.

>> No.17114026

St. Augustine wrote of both though

>> No.17114034

friendly reminder this nigga was BLACK

>> No.17114035

Christians have already considered and rejected every other interpretation, seethe tranny

>> No.17114041

North Africans are white

>> No.17114051
File: 1.59 MB, 576x1024, 1608763881591.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your jewish cult cuck

>> No.17114054

Some are

>> No.17114062

Oh geeze, one guy wrote about it? He must be infallible then. Oh geeze, you sure got me there.

>> No.17114066
File: 811 KB, 1334x2048, 16Cohen-superJumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Adam and Eve
Who's sin was greater?

Eve got misled by Lucifer, but at least he was an angel, and the master of lies.
Adam got misled by Eve, his subservient ribmate.

>> No.17114072

It's the same shit.

>> No.17114098
File: 21 KB, 220x247, 220px-Johannes-Scotus-Erigena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unimportant, according to John Scotus Eriugena (pbuh) man had no sex or gender in its primitive state and the creation of Eve represents the first step towards sinning and the fall of man from heavens.

>> No.17114107

Adam was BLACK

>> No.17114115

You are thinking of the edomites.

>> No.17114122

why is it a demon?

>> No.17114155

>i know more about christian theology and am smarter than the people who had intense arguments over my assertion for hundreds of years and who dedicated their lives to the study of christian theology

>> No.17114162

That's a lot of words to say "I have to go dilate"

>> No.17114172

Yes, i unironically read more christian theology than the LARPers on this board, none of their arguments are convincing enough to believe in the judeo-christian God
Inb4 christcucks seethe at being compared to jews

>> No.17114202

I don't need an "argument" to convince me to believe in Christianity, bro. I simply believe, because that is the nature of belief.

>> No.17114209

>I simply believe
That's why you're not smart

>> No.17114231

You can pick it apart down to it's very essence, but at some point you will have to make a leap of faith.

>> No.17114370

>leap of faith
>in this very particular direction following these particular rules that satisfy my particular social group's fetishes
Every time. You wanna bring up the ontological argument next?

>> No.17114384

>You wanna bring up the ontological argument next?
No, because I do not know what that is. I simply believe, because I have faith. I don't need proof, and therefore have no need for "arguments".

>> No.17114407

The fact they wasted their lives on such trivialities implies that, yes

>> No.17114410

>christcuck doesn't read philosophy but somehow still shits up the board

>> No.17114421

Why do so many people feel threatened by Christianity? No religion is attacked as much. I’m guessing the reason people are more likely to attack Christianity is probably because it’s the religion closest to being somewhat convincing, so it needs to be continuously attacked.

No one bothers to attack other religions cause everyone already knows they’re false.

>> No.17114425

then why do you write like a freshman newfag?

>> No.17114434

>I’m guessing the reason people are more likely to attack Christianity is probably because it’s the religion closest to being somewhat convincing, so it needs to be continuously attacked
Imagine being this fucking retarded. Everyone hates christcucks because you're a gigantic pain in the ass shoving down everyone's throats your jewish bullshit. You're reverse SJWs that don't belong on this degenerate website.

>> No.17114452

...OP was literally the one who made a bait thread to piss on christians, not a well thought out point of discussion, whos fucking “shitting up this board” again? why are you being so fallacious?

>> No.17114455

I’m atheist actually. Once again. Why do you feel so threatened by Christianity? It’s already a dying religion like many other religions yet people like you still feel immensely threatened by it.

>> No.17114471

>OP was literally the one who made a bait thread to piss on christians
Gee I wonder what could have caused that if not christcucks being annoying fucktards?
>Why do you feel so threatened by Christianity?
I don't, i just find it fucking annoying that outsiders have to shit up my only social outlet with their moralfaggotry.

>> No.17114486

>I'm 14 and just discovered /pol/

>> No.17114491

/pol/ isn't a containment board any more as proven by the sheer amount of LARPing tradfags on here and on /his/.

>> No.17114517

im sorry they have actual books and points of discussion. i ain’t christian, but I can appreciate actual discussion on topics like essence, metaphysics, history, and the like, just as I can with buhdist threads when they pop up or kant threads, which actually usually do happen outside of the regular influx of {insert interest group here} newfag spergs that shit up the thread with shitty bait we have seen 1000 times.

>> No.17114521

The trinity is in the Bible though.
If I don't have a bad translation or something. I think it's at the end of Matthew or Luke where Jesus says the apostles shall baptize in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
Anyway, something not being written explicitly doesn't make it invalid to deduce..

>> No.17114530

and so is its antithesis nigger. anti-xfags are just as odious as xfags. both are polemic shits. you can discuss a topic withought being an extreme either way.

>> No.17114532

>i just find it fucking annoying that outsiders have to shit up my only social outlet with their moralfaggotry.

People in our modern degenerate world have a natural aversion to a religion that can be quite strict. There’s very few people who genuinely follow Christianity these days. It’s too strict to be followed properly and it’s why Christianity is declining.

>> No.17114536

It was Adam's responsibility to stay off the tree.

>> No.17114543

He didn't know that the fruit Eve gave him was from the Tree of Life though.

>> No.17114551

One of us needs to read the book again.

>> No.17114899

>somewhat convincing
I don't personally bother attacking christianity but where do you come up with this shit? I was precisely turned away from that religion because it made absolutely no sense to me at all.

>> No.17114943

holy based...

>> No.17115121

Matthew 3:9-10
> And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham. And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

>> No.17115133

Which book?

>> No.17115203

Ok, this is epic fellow based bro.