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/lit/ - Literature

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17110400 No.17110400 [Reply] [Original]

what books will give me schizophrenia?

>> No.17110453
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>> No.17110619
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Call of the Crocodile by F. Gardner

>> No.17110626

try a different marketing tactic, faggot. this one already sucks.

>> No.17110628

my diary desu

>> No.17110645

>What is sarcasm

I'm not Gardner, bud. And yes his marketing is cringe.

>> No.17110655



>> No.17110680


>> No.17110940

You can't talk about these books on /lit/ because everyone there is a elitist who only cares about reading "fancy" novels by dead people to show off to their internet friends because they have no real friends.
I read all these books and yes there are some spelling issues, but so what? The story is compelling. It's a fun light read. The perfect christmas gift. I bought copies for all my friends and family. I already gave my dad his.
"Wow that was really good" says Dad Joseph.
"Yeah and there only 99 cents on your Kindle reading device" I retorted.
Dad's eyes blinked.
"Wow I don't believe it" he replied in disbelief. "That's less than, the same price you would pay for a cheeseburger, except you can't enjoy a cheeseburger more times than once like you can with these books"
My mouth laughed at dad's joke and his arms did a hug on me. This series of interconnected books which can be read in any order have the power to make people, laugh and bring families together. Can Shakespeare do that? No.
Like many other people I am eagerly waiting for the movie adaptation which will ensue inevitably. Hey here's a fun thought, what if all of us anons here at the 4chan website did like a fun online twitter campaign to get these books made into a film or a Netflix miniseries lol? Just a fun thought.

>> No.17111436

hegel phenomenology of spirit

>> No.17111493

Book of Revelation. Every shizo's favorite book

>> No.17111710

Bro why'd you want to be schizo?
Having schizophrenia sucks.

>> No.17111847
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This and pic related plus an adderall prescription will give you schizo in 2 weeks or your money back

>> No.17111876

A book of acid.

>> No.17112240

i keep talking to my ex gf as if she's really there even though she isn't. i figure if i'm gonna lose my mind, i might as well go all in

>> No.17112267


>> No.17112303

2. schizophrenia is a horrible disease and no matter how depressed you are I can assure you, schizophrenia is not better
1. you can experience auditory hallucinations, delusions, and strange thought-connectivity with simple sleep deprivation in the long term. if you have the self control to subject yourself to mental torment, all you need is the correct dosage and supply of stimulant drugs. you can make the sleep deprivation more bearable by mixing in other drugs and supplements. but be careful. a single psychotic episode could ruin or even end your life

>> No.17112748

thank fuck i'm schizoaffective ;)

>> No.17112874

is schizophrenia the hot new fad? I keep seeing constant threads concerning schizophrenia; what it's like to have schizophrenia; "I want to write a book from a schizophrenic perspective"; "you're a schizo!"

and so on. are zoomers so disaffected with life they wish they were mad?

>> No.17112941

the specialest snowflake of mental illness.
bipolar with psychotic features is a real man's illness

>> No.17112945


>> No.17112955

there are so many schizophrenics ppsting kooky stuff on /pol/ that it has become annoying. I think they're just attracted to the anonymity since paranoia is an issue. but also a lot of these people are getting online now when in previous generations they just are left to themselves..1 in 100 develops schizophrenia I believe, so there is no short supply

>> No.17112977
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lol I hope not. Then again, there's plenty of retarded zoomers and millenials who love to romanticize other mental illnesses like LGBT, depression, BPD and being bipolar-- and go out of their way to fit into those categories so that they feel unique and special. Oftentimes they may very likely become mentally ill to some degree, mostly from using drugs. What they don't realize is that serious mental illness like schizophrenia will just straight-up fuck your life up completely and make you lose everything. I know somebody who became schizophrenic from using drugs to fuel their "quirkiness" and it's like they were demonically possessed. The last thing you'd ever want to become.

>> No.17113125
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it's quite easy to explain actually.
If you ever have been in a mental institution, you would know that people who where institutionalised often act the same way: they compare themselves to others and basically fight for the title of "Who is the madest?".
It's often just a way to cope with the current situation, everyone wants to stand out and if you can win the title for the madest person, you surely do stand out.
Also, madness is, as said before, often romanticized, be it in hollywood movies or whatever, displaying mad geniuses.

The thing is: be careful what you wish for, for if you want to become mad, chances are that you might actually make it, and this then is where the fun part ends.

>are zoomers so disaffected with life they wish they were mad?
no, but they are so disaffected, that they wish they were special, or in other words, famous, and madness is just a lazy shortcut, a surrogate, for those who haven't yet acquired proper skills.