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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 33 KB, 320x321, John Green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.17108[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who is the John Green of the lifting community?

>> No.17156
File: 47 KB, 534x397, scooby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17303

Alex Forrest

>> No.17305
File: 97 KB, 1048x751, scooby_KYM_pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is the Scooby of the literariature world?

>> No.17688

J. K. Rowling?

>> No.17714

Nah, Scooby only likes his husband's dick.

John Green likes having 48 dicks dipped into his cheerios.

>> No.17752

>Nah, Scooby only likes his husband's dick.
dude why do you think he takes all the trips every minute. gays are known for having open relationships

>> No.17759

But he actually gets laid

>> No.17760


john green facial structure is actually good, he could be chad if he got a tan, lifted weights, cut to a 10 percent bodyfat to get chissled face, had a thick neck, and got darker bushy eyebrows, get rid of his glasses, and get a chaddish hairstyle.

for real john greene would now be john slayer

>> No.18110


>> No.18156

an inept self promoting author can only be an inept self promoting bodybuilder.

It's Jeff.

>> No.18192


>> No.18264

What does a J.K. Row look like?

>> No.18279

Does /lit/ hate this fag?
I know /pol/ hates him.

>> No.18306

>Does /lit/ hate this fag?

>> No.18308

he writes shitty YA books and likes to talk like he knows everything so yes

>> No.18315

I second Geoff

>> No.18350

Well good.

I hate him because of his shitty stance of "lol, west is ebil" in his history bs.

>> No.18354

Dan Blizerian

>> No.18380


>> No.18381


the west is evil. it is a degenerate society.

>> No.18401
File: 181 KB, 960x720, raoling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18420

In this day and age.
Historically, west has done many good things.
Brits pretty much put a stop to the trans atlantic slave trade and even fucked up the god damn arabs to get them to stop shipping slaves.

>> No.18443

/lit/ is the most pretentious board on the site by a mile, of course they do

>> No.18472


>> No.18476

>helpful but slightly goofy gay man
>is in any way similar to a SJW virtue signaling rich bitch who cares about her own image than anything
i disagree

>> No.18504

>My Immortal
Oh man, that takes me back. Maybe I should go read some fanfiction...

>> No.18534
File: 49 KB, 502x799, CbnUjIFW4AAUQ1l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is the zyzz of the literary community though?

>> No.18579

>slavery is bad
nice spook

>> No.18581
File: 196 KB, 320x321, 1460563848018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not seeing it

>> No.18584

you should.
It'll be more worthwhile than any literary recs you get from here today.

>> No.18604

meant to reply to this

>> No.18626

You grab a barbell, set up 2pl8 for rows and then go jk, I'm a dyel and just deadlift that shit, since you can't row it.

>> No.18642



>> No.18654

That's cold, anon

>> No.18684

You're thinking of /mu/

>> No.18686

Given that my people were also taken as slaves, as much as one tenth of our entire population were enslaved by Russians, never to return to their homes, so yes, I view slavery as a bad thing.

It is abhorrent to me, and I never want my people to be under the thrall of foreign powers ever again.

>> No.18690

jason blaha

>> No.18707
File: 361 KB, 750x500, IMG_0813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unquestionably DFW.

>> No.18714


>implying that slavery of black was not a good thing

>> No.18718


>> No.18723

>the board full of underaged teens talking about pop music is more pretentious than /lit/

>> No.18778

>train man

>> No.18786

I thought you guys didn't like this cunt?

>> No.18787

Who's the Dante of lifting?

>> No.18794
File: 930 KB, 1286x1286, Prime Wife Material.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ stopped having good taste when the pinkos and christcucks left (because as annoying as they could be. they were the only people who read, unlike the larping fascist and anti-theist redditors that flooded the board in their absence). The Wiki still has a lot of the old recommendations, so that's where you go if you want actual good /lit/ content.
It's not /fit/s fault that nothing good (literature wise) will come out of today, it's just that /fit/ got fused to a corpse.

Pic related is a writer we can't discuss anymore because she's a woman, even though she was almost unanimously loved by the board for her humor and talent.
Great writer.

>> No.18812

AYn Rand

>> No.18841

You didn't prove him wrong at all.
/mu/ is pretentious because they talk about pop music like it's god's gift to the world.
You call /lit/ pretentious because it had standards in the past that stuck around as meme's. having standards isn't pretentious, you delusional thiccfag.

>> No.19002

you are an idiot. this board is 80% christcucks, 20% marxists and it's always had posters who never read or added anything to the discussion. they've called shitposters if you didn't know and /fit/ is filled with them as evidenced by the threads being posted now. you think even half the people on /fit/ actually work out? kek

>> No.19114
File: 147 KB, 1280x882, 1479093101275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this board is 80% christcucks, 20% marxists
not after /his/ got made.
lurk for a while, redditor.

>b-but shitposting is part of chanculture
again, lurk redditor.
just because it's not a bannable offense doesn't change the fact that it reduced the quality of the board. Shitposting was always a part of /lit/, but so was discussion. now it's just shitposting and e-celeb threads.

>> No.19116

DFW and Zyzz have followings for the same reason.

They're both some sad sack's aspirational fantasy. In both cases, the fanboys are maintaining that fantasy solely by ignoring the myriad negative aspects of both figures' life stories.

Yeah DFW did fulfil the adjunct teaching literature at community college's dream of being and academic AND a successful author, but he was also a depressive alcoholic fuckup of the highest order who had real problems relating to people.

Yeah Zyzz got so shredded that women lined up to have their photographs taken with him, but he was also a drug abusing male stripper who died in his 20s.

>man, if only I was a bigger degenerate - THEN everything would be okay!

>> No.19613

I don't think there is an equivalent

Lifting, by definition, requires alot of repeated work, which means most of the memes actually did the work. John Greene is an actual writer, and is famous, it's just not what /lit/ really likes or agrees on.

I can't think of anyone who looks fit and is a meme, but did it in a way that /fit/ loves to hate on. Jeff Seid, maybe. It's hard

Zyzz is definitely the DFW of /fit/ fucking lol
Zyzz is even more potent because he actually posted on /fit/, can you imagine DFW posting on /lit/?

>> No.19644


This board is 100% marxist Catholics, anyone else is an invader and not part of the board.

>> No.19780
File: 265 KB, 935x879, the only image you need of vegan gains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For sure this fuck. Has a decently sized basic normie following, and is pretentious while lacking any sort of actual knowledge or experience.

>> No.19867


/his/ hates him more than /pol/. The /pol/ hate migrated from /his/.

>> No.19948


This is the only answer I've heard that makes sense.

Jeff for all his faults actually looks good. Yes he's technically not a good bodybuilder and relies purely on his genetics pretty much.

But Dan is a total fraud who is actually just shit all around, yet is inexplicably popular like John Green.

>> No.19969


>> No.19973


I came here to post this!

>> No.20110
File: 15 KB, 480x480, C544D5E9011156055368275787776_3f9c47e8aac.1.3.15822090016180516820.mp4.jpg?versionId=8.H4zTEIJegz_lXre.lre4XPWhtcYKpw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Winner. And he's a giraffe and a necklet.