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/lit/ - Literature

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17107696 No.17107696 [Reply] [Original]

This true or just jest writefags?

>> No.17107706


>> No.17107717

t. incel white trash pleb

>> No.17107719

It's a good list

>> No.17107795

>Georges "I can't actually write to save my life but here's some lifeless formalism" Perec is in but Celine isn't

>> No.17107797

No. Those people on the list obviously did not follow this list and therefore the list is not necessary.
I would recommend reading diaries and journals just because though.

>> No.17107866

where's BIGWILLIE? lol

>> No.17108231

>western centric
>he didn't start with the greeks and finish with the japanese

>> No.17108259

>Does not include the greeks

>> No.17108270

This is for creative writing you retard

>> No.17108885

It's a good list, but it's too prescriptive. I dislike the overall vibe (imperative). As if anyone who forgot to read Dickens (who is trash anyway, especially compared to his contemporaries Austen and Hardy) is incapable of writing a novel, let alone a good novel. Whoever wrote this syllabus exaggerates his standing at the foyer of the canon. He thinks of himself as a gatekeeper and of his students as riffraff. He will not be a good teacher, but will be embittered and headstrong about his tastes. He probably is a failed novelist himself.

>> No.17108973
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Not a bad list, but too puffed with novelists (I reckon there are less than ten novels truly worth reading). Needs more poetry.

>> No.17108981

>I reckon there are less than ten novels truly worth reading
This board just keeps getting worse

>> No.17108985

>He probably is a failed novelist himself.
All creative writing teachers are, especially the nobelists

>> No.17108987

it's for writers of fiction, says so up at the top

>> No.17109000

This makes me think of a funny story in A Moveable Feast. Hemingway wants to get Pounds opinion on Dostoevsky and Tolstoy, he meets him in the street and goes on about how Dostoevsky writes like shit but is somehow still good.

Pound just says something like
>You know Hem, I have to admit I still haven't read any of the Roosians.

Made me laugh when I read it. To a degree it's very important to read, but sometimes you are also just blessed, touched by God.

>> No.17109018

Fiction includes both prose and poetry, not sure what your point is.
I'm right. Try to name more than 10 MUST READ novels. You're going to be hard-pressed.

>> No.17109124

Don Quixote
War and Peace
Anna Karenina
Crime and Punishment
Brothers Karamazov
Pride and Prejudice
Wuthering Heights
Madame Bovary
Portrait of a Lady
Moby Dick
Les Miserables
The Trial
A la Recherche du Temps Perdu
Der Zauberberg
Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften
East of Eden
Cien Anos de Solidad
Blood Meridian
Mason & Dixon

>> No.17109169

Give me back my list you fucking cunt, no need to seethe because I didn't fellate your mid-wit takes on Patrick White.

>> No.17109190

It wouldn't hurt.

>> No.17109191

hey now, institutional bullying is not ok Professor M

>> No.17109196

>>writers of fiction
>too puffed up by novelists needs more poetry
this board is retarded

>> No.17109376

>Dickens is worse than Austen and Hardy

Based and redpilled

>> No.17109383

>I reckon there are less than ten novels truly worth reading
There are hundreds

>> No.17109416

Those people were also high intelligent artists, and the typical contemporary fiction writer is just some dork with a highly visual imagination that is writing because they don't have the gumption, imagination, or resourcefulness to make visual media. They choose to write for no other reason than they can see the words they produce with immediacy, which provides an illusion of accomplishments versus having to produce something visual, which is both time consuming and readily apparent when it doesn't match the pictures in their head.

>> No.17109419

This would actually be a good programme, so I doubt it's real.

>> No.17109432

>Cien Anos

>> No.17109481

You typed this up yourself, didn't you? This is far too based for a creative working course at college. I would add T.S Eliot's poetry to the list, as well as Sherwood Anderson since he was a major influence on Faulkner

>> No.17109539

Only two of those are must reads. Try again, anon.
t. chart brain.
No, there aren't. Most novels are over-rated and unnecessary. The novel itself is a sign of the decline of literature. Poetry is the quintessence of literature and should be the focus of any reader worth his salt.

>> No.17109560
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shut the fuck up bitch boy

>> No.17109582
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Thought it was bizarre Perec was in there, especially a fucking biography on him. Clearly the prof's thesis topic. It's just some run of the mill 2002 grad school hipster list. Of course there is good stuff on there but a fair bit betrays borderline pseudery. Paz and Unamuno? Verga? Surprised Martin Buber, Santayana and Giono aren't in there. Slippery slope of 'lists.' Besides that, the fact you can barely understand some of those authors without having knowledge of the Bible (conspicuously not required), yet he recommends strongly a grandpa-tier biography of Balzac makes me hate this pretentious faggot. Happy holidays, frens.

>> No.17109591
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>>17109539 (you)

>> No.17109989

>zero responses
>can only think in retarded 4channel memes
Yup, I won this argument. Come back when you graduate from middle school.

>> No.17110004
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>i won

>> No.17110028

Yup, you got owned bad. The cope posts are ensuing and I'm having a laugh watching your meltdown.

>> No.17110035

Holy based Dickens fucking sucks ass

>> No.17110180

I go by Hemingway's line "If any sonofabitch could write, he wouldn't have to teach it in college." There's a creative writing course at my (best in the country) college. The professor has written two books, both have 3.5 on goodreads and no presence anywhere.

>> No.17110717
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>he judges writing by its Goodreads score and "presence"

>> No.17110814

Stop being so fucking gay dude. Literature is not half as serious as it is portrayed by sour academics

>> No.17110838

moveable feast is such a fun book

>> No.17110941

The guy's mindset has nothing to do with how academics treat literature, just to make that clear. The era of pompous elitists such as Nabokov (whose critical work is largely just made up of pissing on random colleagues) is long gone. Look at Bloom, even his work, despite being labelled as elitist (by retards), overly obsessed with the canon, was radiating pure love for literature and reading, never being actually exclusivist.

>> No.17111136

You are acting in bad faith, Anon, and I can tell. There are at least 5 must read novels by any standard on that list. I would like to hear what your “must-read novels” are just so I can tell if you are a pseud or not.

>> No.17111148

Fuck off tripfag.

>> No.17111195

>No Shakespeare, Dostoevsky, Homer or other ancient Greeks, or Bible under must
>Moderist bullshit galore
>Literal whos
>A list of biographies on dead writers we know nothing about

>> No.17111216

>>No Shakespeare, Dostoevsky, Homer or other ancient Greeks, or Bible under must
Dostoevsky sucks and it's for creative writing so that other stuff doesn't belong on there.
>>Literal whos
There are no literal whos on that list you are just an illiterate.

>> No.17111286

Not to brag, but Harry Bloom publicly praised the poems of my writing professor.

>> No.17111289
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>> No.17111319

>Dostoevsky sucks
Based. Fuck Dostoyevsky.

>> No.17111328

List author fucks. Shut up and comply.

>> No.17112247

>overlap between must and should

>> No.17112342

I think this list has too little (almost nothing) poetry.

>> No.17112731

That's not a tripfag