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17107200 No.17107200 [Reply] [Original]

How does it compare to Moby Dick?

>> No.17108092


>> No.17108102

Everything my Melville other than Moby Dick is extremely mediocre relative to other works of the time and are only read with sympathy because of the genius of Moby Dick

>> No.17108797

Nope. Pierre is based. Normies didn't get Moby-Dick; they still don't get Pierre. Pierre is a fine excursus in European bohemianism. Confidence-Man is choice as well.

>> No.17109717

You got filtered so hard that it's not even funny.

>> No.17110669


>> No.17111004

Congratulations idiot you made the fifth consecutive Melville thread this Friday, stop it and get some help you fucking sicko

>> No.17111010

this white boy cute af

>> No.17111017

how do I downvote this comment?

>> No.17111652

>Coal eyes
>White boy
Mediterranean cope.

>> No.17111829

utterly foolish

>> No.17111905
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>> No.17112650

Do the french really think this is better than Moby Dick
They may be more based than I thought

>> No.17112927

The first Melville thread I made this week, you fucking cunt.

>> No.17113232

Med women are 100 times better than Scandi bitches. There is no seethe.

>> No.17114342

How did you get to this conclusion?

>> No.17115645

read that somewhere, cant remember where though

>> No.17115725

Could well imagine this (at least, before M-D reached the international status it has now)

>> No.17116624


>> No.17117564


>> No.17117578
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>> No.17117640

I prefer it to Moby-Dick though not a lot of readers have that opinion.

>> No.17117660

I like the implication here that europoors are still masculine and productive of families whereas in reality the guy on the right would be skinnyfat with skintight jeans and a boyfriend

>> No.17117692

It’s not as good as Moby-Dick, there are contrarians who will say it’s better but they always struggle to articulate why.
It’s good though, an interesting satire of the romantic novel. However, it lacks Moby-Dick’s cohesiveness and extent of thematic depth. Moby Dick is better because of what more it does, Pierre doesn’t really do anything wrong, it’s just not as profound.
His short stories refute you

>> No.17118624

It's unironically better

>> No.17118629

Yes, most people do not read it, but it's a more focused inaccesible work, where Melville is sperging over Lucy, as the narrarator is the peak of literature.
Make sure to watch Pola X from Carax which is fantastic.

>> No.17118631

This is the most pseud opinion imaginable.
In spite of its low goodreads rating, Moby Dick is his most accesible work. When he goes towards Moral nihilism (Pierre on) and the parables of non-meaning (Piazza Tales), you realize the true brillance of Melville. Moby Dick is just the beginning of this great man. Now please kill yourself.

>> No.17118641

>It’s not as good as Moby-Dick, there are contrarians who will say it’s better but they always struggle to articulate why.
Because there's a greater sense of decadence in Pierre that takes it beyond Moby Dick. Moby Dick is the template for his post-Moby Dick work about the uncertainty of expression. Beyond that his uncertainty/agnosticsm becomes so refined it's palpable and in a sense life-deafening. Melville was utterly brillant. The Piazza Tales may be his best work, aside from Clarel.

>> No.17119845
