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File: 19 KB, 439x335, vidal_v_buckley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17106614 No.17106614 [Reply] [Original]

Who was in the wrong here?

>> No.17106619

The queer obviously

>> No.17106712

Kissing William F. Buckley Jr., was not what Vidal had imagined it be like, although, he had to admit, the idea of kissing the man before him was not one he had ever been prone to envisioning in the past. But if he had to assume the reality of such an experience, he would have imagined Buckley's kiss to be as bruising as his intellectually packaged insults that he was to adept at slinging across the debate floor on his little show. He would have expected Buckley to take charge, to be so wrought with passion that he forgot himself, as he so clearly did on stage earlier. Perhaps it was just the alien nature of the situation that was making Buckley tentative, but Vidal relished in it all the same.

Vidal had backed them up against the door, Buckley's slim body pinned between the only exit and Vidal himself. Vidal was overcome with a strange sense of power, as if he held the upper hand, the flush deck of cards, in a game only he was playing within his head. Having Buckley practically submit to him was thrilling and it fueled him with a confidence he usually left reserved for the debate stage.

He moved his hand from behind Buckley's head and placed his palm flat on the door. In a quick movement, Vidal pressed himself against Buckley, closer than before, their bodies fully pushed together in the most sensual of ways, and then, Vidal undulated his hips ever so slowly but the sensation was enough. He could feel the press of Buckley's manhood against his own, neither of them close to erectness, but the growing sense of arousal was clearly evident.

>> No.17106917

The crypto fascist. Or are you gonna tell me how great Reagan was?

>> No.17107039

Reagan was excellent for America. He turned them into the sole superpower.

>> No.17107074

So is Buckley Posting the new fucking thing right now, or what?

>> No.17107080

>and prompted Fukuyama to write The End of History, got Gorbachev a Peace Prize, freed the Pentagon to aim their weapons at a new boogeyman and lead the nation and world down a bloody trail of lies and destruction all in time for catastrophic climate change. Welcoming in the second Great Depression.
I doubt he was some kind of master accelerationist, so I’ll opt for extremely stupid, like you.

>> No.17107097

It's just to counteract the recent Vidalposting.

>> No.17107138

Not gonna lie, I didn't know much about him besides the interview with Kerouac and a few others that was really awkward to watch. Gimme ten minutes, and I'll craft a sick Buckley meme

>> No.17107156

Just watch Firing Line and read National Review.

He's Based, that Bill, Bill Based Buckley.

>> No.17107176

>read NR

Don't do this, read Chronicles or The American Conservative.

>> No.17107185

Based retard.

>> No.17107287
File: 1.27 MB, 1635x1158, buckleyshitpost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17107300


>> No.17107310

I cannot stand the look of that fucker's face. I've never heard his voice but I bet it's annoying as fuck.

>> No.17107314
File: 419 KB, 806x763, KEK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tattooed on the butt to prevent the victimization of other homosexuals
max fucking kek

>> No.17107390

Oh shit, you should definitely check it out. I swear accents affect the way our fucking mouths and teeth are shaped, if that says anything for you.

>> No.17107462

Too bad he got rid of all the based right wingers from the Conservative Movement and let in cringe lolberts and cold war liberals.

>> No.17107631

This but unironically.
I'm not a Nazi though...on separate note, do you really believe in that old (((Holohoax))) lie?

>> No.17107678
File: 32 KB, 500x375, 1599693118765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
