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17105534 No.17105534 [Reply] [Original]

The movie is infinitely better.

>> No.17105578

The movie is better but the book isn't so bad; it's just different. If you come to the book after seeing the movie you'll probably be disappointed because you'll want the same atmosphere and the same feels and you don't get those at all. The book is very subdued and downbeat. PKD stories are almost never about heroes and adventure. They're about some little guy who's overwhelmed by the world and (usually) in love with some psycho woman.

>> No.17105647

read valis

>> No.17105689

I think the theme/moral or whatever of the story is much, much better. The movie just turns it into 'Civil Rights for Robots' which is gay, retarded and shows how the mythology of our so called society is so bankrupt that we really only have one story and it is fundamentally a lie.

>> No.17105711

I have that edition, the cover is tacky but I really like it. I read it in Paris so it gives me good memories


>> No.17105738

What books would you recommend if I`m looking for the same atmosphere as in the movie?

>> No.17106245


>> No.17106318
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>> No.17106337


>> No.17106347

Ridley Scott is hack who never made anything good after Alien.

>> No.17106397

black hawk down, kingdom of heaven and american gangster are exceptional, man

>> No.17106691

I just bought the next two books in the sprawl trilogy, I hope they are as cool as Neuromancer.

>> No.17106714

count zero is just as good or arguably better depending on your taste. personally I prefer when gibson isn't writing about tacticool action so wasn't huge on the merc chapters. not a fan of mona lisa overdrive ethough

>> No.17106736

Yeah Dream could have just been the scene of the one replicant ripping the limbs off the spider and it would have lost nothing.

>> No.17106794

This >>17106714 more or less.
Count Zero is pretty solid, but Mona Lisa Overdrive seems a bit rushed. Uses the same structure as CZ and comes across as sorta slapped together for the sake of finishing the series. The short stories in Burning Chrome (Johnny Mnemonic, New Rose Hotel, Burning Chrome, Fragments of a Hologram Rose) add to it though.

>> No.17106860

what? blade runner is for children compared to do androids. the most interesting parts of it are flattened out to make a generic straightforward action flick. the animals are treated as just a mere curiosity instead of an important symbol, the destabilization of law vs order with a non-existent fake police force, the fake religion, the ever present fear of radioactive disease infecting everyone with paranoia

blade runner is a poorly written movie with a lot of money thrown at production value. the sequel tries to recapture some of the themes of the original story but again it doesn't match the thematic density of dick.

>> No.17106871

PKD is overrated and the movies/shows based on his stories tend to be better than what he wrote. He is the Cormack mccarthy of scifi
We can remember it for you whole sale is meh at best. Total Recall takes a meh story and makes it awesome
Man in the high castle is literally wasted. Nothing happens in it. The political intrigue is briefly talked about but nothing happens. The show adapts it well enough and does more with the world than the author did

Honestly only examples I can think of where the stories are better than the movies are minority report (due to spielberg going full retard and failing to make a sorta total recall sequel with Arnold as originally planned) and Second Variety (screamers isn't bad, the cops war setting was just better)

>> No.17106883

>cops war
Cold war

>> No.17107259

Derek Jeter wrote some decent sequel books that are in line with the movie vibe.

>> No.17107279

I just saw Gladiator for the first time last night and it was pretty good

>> No.17107292

Cope war

>> No.17107563

>movie portrays andies as relatable characters that should be pitied instead of the sadistic psychopaths they really are

The book is better. Rachael was a bitch.

>> No.17107587

did you forget about every single one besides her?

>> No.17107599

Rachael was the prime example, it even gets worse in the movie sequel. Totally missed PKD point and the entire gnostic message.

>> No.17107710

>Rachael was the prime example
of the point you're trying to prove, yes
but you're just ignoring every other character

>> No.17107738

Flow my tears is his best book

>> No.17107865

The other androids in the book are even worse than Rachel.