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17104296 No.17104296 [Reply] [Original]

nothing says pseud like leftist zoomers saying "read theory" and then posting books written by normie philosophers/writers like Parenti, Wolff, Zizek, Lenin, Toscano, or some NYT leftist best seller

>> No.17104320
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True. Theory has only gone downhill since Marx.

>> No.17104347

>"read theory bro you need to read theory bro trust me"
>*reads theory*
>"uhmm ackshually capitalism is inescapable and the masses are completely brainwashed and the revolution will never happen but you still gotta care about communism and stuff tho it can still happen somehow bro trust me *author proceeds to kill himself*"
So this... Is the power.... Of theory...

>> No.17104375

What do you read faggot? Charlie Kirk?

>> No.17104396

Who said I was a neocuck?

>> No.17104500

Parenti is pretty based

>> No.17104549

he's a normie and anyone that brings him up in a convo gives themselves away

>> No.17104567

Have any Theorists ever engaged with economic data like Marx at least attempted to, whilst claiming to be Materialists? (No.) Why should anyone be interested in this? It's Scholasticism for post-Christians.

>> No.17104609

Oh, I get it, you're baiting. It's obvious, since Chomsky is more of a normie writer than Parenti. Parenti has been arrested and is far cooler than your typical dweeby leftist pale poindexter types, he reminds me of a cool uncle. Also his views typically aren't normie views, I don't know a single normie who thinks Tibet is better off under Chinese rule.

>> No.17104615

No, most theorists ditched it. The ones I can respect like some in Italy at least said real world experience and daily class struggle mattered the most, but French Marxoids got way too abstract in rambling about alienation and commodification.

>> No.17104620

all leftists are normies

>> No.17104694
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you mean millennials?

>> No.17104711

>who thinks Tibet is better off under Chinese rule.
Is he doing this from a commie apologia stance though?

>> No.17105253

no worse than people who confuse obscurity with profundity and reject anything "normie" out of hand.

>> No.17105630

bluepill me on Toscano

>> No.17105707

that's a man

>> No.17105733


>> No.17105760

yes, he's a shameless bootlicker of foreign governments

>> No.17105983

>Have any Theorists ever engaged with economic data like Marx at least attempted to, whilst claiming to be Materialists?
Yes. Read Paul Cockshott's "Towards a New Socialism".

>> No.17105988

read debord instead

>> No.17105990
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i hope so.

>> No.17105995

read debord en français

>> No.17105996

They need to start with Marx, and maybe Hegel as well if they want to get serious

>> No.17105998

Situationism is overrated. Read J. Moufawad-Paul instead.

>> No.17106006

Never read anything past the romans in general unless you find doing things like sorting through rancid garbage and formatting your hardrive fun because after you read the big, well known names thats the equivalent of all you’ll be doing

>> No.17106012

... like he said, read debord instead

>> No.17106017
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>> No.17106022

One definition of pseud should be a person who limits their philosophical reading exclusively to "theory."

>> No.17106023
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Sailing seas depends on the helmsman,
Life and growth depends on the sun.
Rain and dewdrops nourish the crops,
Making revolution depends on Mao Zedong Thought.

Fish cannot leave the water,
Nor melons leave the vines.
The revolutionary masses cannot do without the Communist Party.
Mao Zedong Thought is the sun that forever shines.

>> No.17106028

All liberalism that isn't militantly opposed to communism is just an incubating communism.

>> No.17106058

grow up

>> No.17106093

anwar shaikh, machover & farjoun, li minqi, the list goes on...

>> No.17106128

I really wouldn’t put Lenin in this list

>> No.17106152

How is Lenin a normalfag philosopher? Also, stop saying normie, normalfag. Normalnigger, even.

>> No.17106183

Don't Maoists hate this book?

>> No.17106189

Lenin is the most consensual philosopher of the last century KEK he is the systemic recuperation of Marx, a fraud, an agent of capital. no amount of reification and larping will change this, it is right under our eyes, not even obfsucated or hidden - it's in plane sight, bolshevism is the spectacular representation of the worker and has nothing to do with emancipation. the ussr is state capitalism. reform and revolution are two opposites on a vector, you can't reform your way to revolution, no amount of ideological justification will change this simple truth. there is no grand revolution coming that can be planned and organized, it is fundamentally impossible. just quit working, quit paying taxes, quit engaging and renewing capital, for your own good, and tomorrow we will wake up and history will be over and we can live as Beings and not historical entities subject to the eternal movement.

grow the fuck up, stop idolatry, reject reification of history, just grow up honestly, seeing people cling to politics and identify with political ideologies is the most pathetic sight in 12,000years of domestication but who am I kidding? the future will be even sadder. quit being pathetic, life is more than identifying with authoritarian morons, life is more than shitposting on the internet, life is more than politics, ideology or whatever alienation we can produce, you are more than what you identify as.

stop taking all of this seriously, we're nearing the end of the parody and the ones who kept the joke running will look silly in retrospect.

>> No.17106208
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>Stage 1: Demoralization

>> No.17106237
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>Paul Cockshott
His Name is Gogshod????
Lige Benis???? :DDDDDD
U R Giddings rite???? :DDDDD
What is he Shooding??? Sberm XDDDDD

>> No.17106241

Non-revisionary Marxist-Leninists who embrace the label of Maoism might, but otherwise nah. The book simply reiterates the common Maoist perspective that the break from orthodox Marxism-Leninism is justified in light of evolving material conditions (just as it was the case with Marxism-Leninism itself in light of its break from Orthodox Marxism).

Revolutionary praxis must serve both to reinforce and to reevaluate previously held theory, otherwise you fall into the pitfalls of dogmatism. Lenin had his peasants'-workers' alliance and the vanguard party, Mao his people's war and the mass line (which reinforces the vanguardist model rather than disavowing it); Stalin rightfully defended socialism in one country from the Orthodox Marxist dogmatism of Trotsky, Mao brought Marxism-Leninism forward through his Three Worlds Theory in light of the Khrushchevite takeover of the USSR and subsequent Maoist movements outside the PRC proved the universality of Mao Zedong Thought within the framework of a Global North-South divide (the latter itself being an outgrowth of Lenin's theory of imperialism and an answer to the theoretical issue posed by the labor aristocracies of the West).

>> No.17106265

Paul Cockshott is a /leftypol/ meme and hardly a known Theorist.

>> No.17106282

lol... take a look around you, everything that is propped up as reality IS demoralization. politics, relationships, the food you put in your mouth. we've been on house arrest for a year all due to some petty economical restructuring which somehow translated into mass psychosis and lockdowns over something that would not have been "real" under every other temporality of capital. everything you believe is a lie, thinking covid is something tangible that somehow halted production all over the world is the same as thinking some serbian guy started ww2. what's the point of going around 4chan demoralizing lol? we're under real subsumption, the entire economical framework is demoralizing.
all of it is false, all of ideology is reactive, ideology justifies changes in material condition

tell me one good thing that came out of the USSR and the CCP. none. they're so bad no amount of ideological justification can obfuscate the fact that life is miserable in those countries. grow up. mao is not your friend, neither is lenin, neither is ideology or politics or whatever. the simple act of organizing and planning is the eternal renewal of capital. you're not really interested in revolution, and if you are then reassess your 'position".

>The book simply reiterates the common Maoist perspective that the break from orthodox Marxism-Leninism is justified in light of evolving material conditions
>is justified in light of evolving material conditions
you said it yourself! every ideology is posterior justification of material change therefore NOT A SINGLE ideology is revolutionary. drop the larp and stop being miserable! ahistorical life is good!

>> No.17106288

Eh, to each their own. I personally agree with much of his work and his taking into account of technological innovations is a breath of fresh air as far as contemporary Marxist political economy is concerned.

That said, I do not agree with his idea of labor vouchers as a replacement for currency under a planned economy nor am I as enthusiastic as he is about direct democracy.

>> No.17106302

Shut up Camatte

>> No.17106303

>the simple act of organizing and planning is the eternal renewal of capital.
Ok, Fukuyama.

>you said it yourself! every ideology is posterior justification of material change
"The merit of Marx is that he suddenly produces a qualitative change in the history of social thought. He interprets history, understands its dynamic, predicts the future, but in addition to predicting it (which would satisfy his scientific obligation), he expresses a revolutionary concept: the world must not only be interpreted, it must be transformed. Man ceases to be the slave and tool of his environment and converts himself into the architect of his own destiny. […] Basing itself on the giants, Marx and Engels, and developing through successive steps with personalities like Lenin, Stalin, Mao Tse-tung and the new Soviet and Chinese rulers, it establishes a body of doctrine and, let us say, examples to follow.

The Cuban Revolution takes up Marx at the point where he himself left science to shoulder his revolutionary rifle. And it takes him up at that point, not in a revisionist spirit, of struggling against that which follows Marx, of reviving "pure" Marx, but simply because up to that point Marx, the scientist, placed himself outside of the history he studied and predicted. From then on Marx, the revolutionary, could fight within history.

We, practical revolutionaries, initiating our own struggle, simply fulfil laws foreseen by Marx, the scientist. We are simply adjusting ourselves to the predictions of the scientific Marx as we travel this road of rebellion, struggling against the old structure of power, supporting ourselves in the people for the destruction of this structure, and having the happiness of this people as the basis of our struggle. That is to say, and it is well to emphasise this once again: The laws of Marxism are present in the events of the Cuban Revolution, independently of what its leaders profess or fully know of those laws from a theoretical point of view..."
t. Che

>> No.17106306

>Non-revisionary Marxist-Leninists
Marxism-Leninism is revisionist though; fucking socialism in one country and commodity production under socialism is revisionist and not marxist. Marxism-Leninism is a cult for retards

>> No.17106312

Calling books "theory" triggers the shit out of me.

>> No.17106319

Different poster here, this is a good example of what I meant in >>17104567. Intra-leftist arguments tend to degenerate into quoting important Communist saints at each other. No one ever seems to produce criteria with which one could determine whether or not the USSR engaged in commodity production, for example, half the time there isn't even an agreement on what that constitutes.

>> No.17106376

>fucking socialism in one country and commodity production under socialism is revisionist
Sure thing, Trotskyite. Both of these were the product of scientific socialism being applied to the material conditions present within the Soviet Union.

With the failure of the Ruhr insurrection, the notion of a permanent revolution leading to world communism occurring became objectively false. And in that context, to deny the legitimacy of socialism in one country is to advocate for the undoing of October either passively through an unwinnable war which would lead to the destruction of the Soviet Union through capitalist aggression or actively through the willful dissolution of the dictatorship of the proletariat since clearly the time for world revolution had not yet come.

As for socialist commodity production, it is simply the logical next step on the path towards communism following the NEP. And if you believe that commodity production and currency could've been abolished in favor of full rationing of consumer goods during the phase of lower stage communism, then you are a utopian socialist.

>> No.17106396

>No one ever seems to produce criteria with which one could determine whether or not the USSR engaged in commodity production, for example, half the time there isn't even an agreement on what that constitutes.
Nice strawman. Just because Western 'Marxists' do not acknowledge the legitimacy of the Soviet model does not mean that the Soviets themselves didn't provide a theoretical framework for their system.


"(1) Commodity production in socialist society is made necessary by the existence of two basic forms of socialist production: State and collective farm. Commodity production and commodity circulation are limited mainly to consumer goods. Commodity production in socialist society is commodity production of a special kind, without private ownership of the means of production, and without capitalists. It serves socialist society.

(2) A commodity in socialist economy has use-value created by concrete labour, and value created by abstract labour. The contradiction between private and social labour does not exist in socialist society. In socialist economy both the creation of use-values and the improvement of the quality of output and also systematic reductions in the value of commodities on the basis of the planned (1) reduction of the socially-necessary time spent on their production are of the utmost importance.

(3) The sphere of operation of the law of value in socialist economy is limited. The law of value is not the regulator of production, but influences production and has a regulating influence on commodity circulation. The law of value is used in the process of the planned management of the national economy. The operation of the law of value is taken into account in the planning of prices.

4) Money in socialist economy is a universal equivalent, an economic instrument for planning the economy, a means for controlling and keeping account of the production and distribution of the social product, the measure of labour and consumption. Money has the function of a measure of value, a means of circulation, a means of payment, and a means of socialist accumulation and saving, a world currency. Soviet money is backed not only by the gold reserve but primarily by the mass of commodities which is concentrated in State hands and sold at State planned prices."

>> No.17106565

Okay, the author of this text is saying that commodity production exists in a limited form, whereas Western Marxists said... that commodity production existed in the Soviet Union. Western Marxists view this as a bad thing and USSR fans view this as an important necessity. Same story with the existence of money.
>The USSR was state capitalist :(
>The USSR was state capitalist :)

>> No.17107722

How is Lenin a normie? Am I gonna go up to some normie stacey bitch and find her reading Left-wing Communism: an Infantile Disorder? If you're gonna use stereotypes at least use them correctly

>> No.17107750


God damn Matt is so fucking impossible to take seriously once you've seen him in person.

>> No.17107757

>implying NYT doesn’t bootlick niggers and Marxist BLM daily

>> No.17107993

this is the ideal revolutionary insurgent body. you may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like

>> No.17108054

Him looking like the toddler behind himself is so funny.

>> No.17108121



Kek, what a fucking pseud.

>> No.17108156

Avatar is an actually amazing movie though, it is up there with Wizard of Oz, 2001, Jurassic Park, Lotr in terms of technical wizardry innovation

>> No.17108176

>technical wizardry innovation

Which is something in and of itself, yes, but don't treat it as a great piece of critical theory, that's all.

>> No.17108210

I'm ok with this

>> No.17108211

you are right about that, like Titanic its only thematic value is its escapist prowess

>> No.17108267
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oh i'm hoping so

>> No.17108293

avatar is a garbage story, but amazing visuals. the only reason why people liked it was because its pretty.

>> No.17108336

The story isn't terrible, it's just perfunctory fantasy wish fulfillment. It's better than the average blockbuster story

>> No.17108364

i thought when avatar came out it was supposed to be the start of some new cynical sci-fi ip likes star wars or aliens, what happened to the sequels? did focus groups show there was little interest in avatar happy meals and funko pops and it got cancelled?

>> No.17108379

James Cameron is a colossal autist and keeps delaying it because he wants to make it suit his autism better, and there was also Covid. Avatar itself took forever to come out for the same reason, it was 12 years after Titanic

>> No.17108493

>It's better than the average blockbuster story

That's like saying a pile of shit is better than a rotting corpse. Technically true, but the meaning of the distinction is loss in the lack of meaningful differences.

>The story isn't terrible, it's just perfunctory fantasy wish fulfillment.

Yes, but only to people already so devoid of life that they could identify with Jake. Since none of the characters were interesting or fleshed out, I was left to fall back on the evil general, who was otherwise the only genuinely fun character of that movie, and ended up cheering for the "bad guys" the whole time.
And I'm a fucking Marxist, ffs.

>> No.17108627

I like that he's an honest to god stemfag that analizes honest to god economic data and develops models that match said data.
he's doing what the leftists need to do to be taken seriously, and not succumb to accusations of being idealist speculators

>> No.17108644

t. fell for the gladio meme

>> No.17108719

go ahead and try to defend the ussr or communist china in front of your coworkers, you'll be lynched

>> No.17108749

it's definitely a bit edgy but it's hardly like defending Nazi Germany

>> No.17108756

his insane rants on YouTube are great

>> No.17108763

bullshit, liberals side with the far right 120% of the time

>> No.17108766

based and helmsman pilled

>> No.17108781

half of the normalfags will tell you that communists are actually worse than nazis

>> No.17108796

His torso looks far too long for his legs. Probably just the needlessly long t-shirt but still

When did he say this?

>> No.17108813

>When did he say this?
they did a review of avatar like the last week. I don't know if it's a paid one if it is just pirate it.

they are right though, avatar is a maoist 3rd worlddist movie

>> No.17108818

I don't think this is true, you see eg. Che Guevara t shirts and hammer and sickle flags and pins and whatnot, but you really can't put a Swastika anywhere

>> No.17108824

but, unlike those movies it features a protracted people's war that defeats and expels the imperialist paper tigers

>> No.17108830

a che guevara tshirt is not a sign of being a leftist and any normalfag will tell you that ackshually, hitler only killed like 6 million tops while mao killed hundred gazillion

>> No.17108841

nothing says pseud like edgelords disregarding books written by Parenti, Wolff, Zizek, Lenin, Toscano, or some NYT leftist best seller just because they’re popular. These edgelords are afraid of leftist ideas gaining mainstream traction because it makes their little rebellion less special. They cannot into solidarity and are enemies of the revolution.

>> No.17108850

I didn't realise, haven't listened to an episode in a while - I just pirate them all as well.

>avatar is a maoist 3rd worlddist movie
I don't know if I'd go that far but it's at least a critique of colonialism. I ready thinking that before falling asleep watching it. You can agree with the message of something but still find it boring as shit and Avatar had that problem because it was far too long.

>> No.17108854

Che Guevara is literally a famous leftist politician, it's like having a Mussolini tshirt. If that is how normalfags feel then why do we see hammer and sickles all over eg uni campuses and protests but nobody flies the swastika unless they are really abandoning mainstream society

>> No.17108860

many leftists just want their secret internet club they can't actually organize the racist rednecks like lenin did. that's why the left is so dead

>> No.17108871

che guevarra t-shirts are just a consumer product it's no different from wearing a nirvana tshirt without ever having listened to them

>> No.17108875

>When did he say this?

They've mentionned a couple of times over the years (especially Felix) how great a movie it was, but did a full ep on it about two weeks ago and it was just fucking disgusting.

>> No.17108883

the point is that there are no Hitler tshirts in the west, at least not commonly. In non-western countries there are such Hitler paraphernalia because they don't have the same taboo against him so he appears more like someone like Che to them, just a famous historical figure.

>> No.17108897

hitler is objectively evil

>> No.17108900

oh shit chapo is shilling for hollywood now haha i wonder how much david cameron pledged on patreon

>> No.17108905

while the communists at least in principle, fought for "human rights". there's your difference. also, the didn't lose ww2

>> No.17108907

>subsequent Maoist movements outside the PRC proved the universality of Mao Zedong Thought within the framework of a Global North-South divide
Lol no. Gonzalo failed, the Naxalites are collapsing, and the NPA has been stagnant for decades. You say the right things, but you have no material basis for your ideology. Maoism is worthless.

>> No.17108918

this is my point, the west views Hitler as uniquely evil, random places like India or Arab states don't because they have different values or perspectives

>> No.17108925
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Che trained the Posadists in guerrilla warfare, making him objectively better than Jesus and Marx wrapped into one.

>> No.17108937

>the west views Hitler as uniquely evil
and he isn't?

>> No.17108939

Maoism only existed in places were Islamism wasn't possible because they either weren't muslims or were opposing a muslim state. The Iranian Revolution was a big loss for the CIA, but ironically it signaled the end of successful communist revolutions, so it all worked out in the end.

>> No.17108940
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You mean James Cameron, right?

Not the former UK Prime Minister?

>> No.17108944

and don't bullshit me this isnt's /pol/

>> No.17108945

It doesn't matter whether he is or not, the point is that the West views him and fascists that way, but not communists, or there would be the same taboo on them, and other countries don't.

>> No.17108965


They are very likely doing it for free, which according to their own views makes them infinitely worse than those who do it for money.
At least mommy Amber wasn't in those episode, once again showing she is the only Chapo with anything coming close to common sense.

>> No.17108966

try going to the eastern europe, ex communist countries went hard against communists. in poland you will be stabbed if you say you are a communist

>> No.17108976

That is true, they have the same taboo against communists as nazis, maybe worse in some

>> No.17108982

huge delays. however, the sequel has already completed filming. now they'll edit and wait for covid to leave

>> No.17108991

but my point is, communism isn't going away because the problems it points out haven't been solved. the same way bourbon restoration couldn't destroy republicanism and liberalism. you can't just pretend the 20th century didn't happen

>> No.17108996

well they have to thread the needle between folksy pop culture fat kids Just Like You dear listener, and authoritarian freaks that want to execute every small business owner who opened up a dunkin' donuts

>> No.17108998

I meant what I said.

>> No.17109002

Many countries today are full of people who don't like Jews and banks, so 'nazism' is not going away either, it's just repressed in the West. Regardless the point was just that communism and fascism are not treated the same way in the West, not whether this is the correct attitude or not.

>> No.17109003

My mom is romanian and when she immigrated to the USA in 87 she became a communist after realizing just how shit capitalism was in comparison to even the distorted socialism of romania

>> No.17109030

unironically based bunica

>> No.17109034

theory is gay and a waste of time

>> No.17109035

don't try to argue that blaming some evil magic cabal of wizards is a legitimate political ideology

>> No.17109048

It doesn't matter whether it is or not, you are still missing the point.

>> No.17109056

polaks hate ruskies because they got fucked by them for so long. the germans fucked them too, but the krauts got their dose of retaliatory assrape while the russians just kept on fucking for about a century, being the predominant power within the USSR. i'm pretty sure that's what that is about, more than anything

>> No.17109058

communism doesn't go away because it seems to "make sense" if you're young and/or don't have a good understand of economics, lots of fallacies don't "go away" even though they are wrong

>> No.17109076

a meme. economists are the modern high priests justifying the current order. tell me, where did those trillions trump-sama dumped into the red line so it stops going down came from

>> No.17109082

Yeah if you think theory is Marxism.

>> No.17109090

reminder that transsexualism and homosexuality are cia psyops intended to distract us from the class struggle

>> No.17109096

>marxist admits no understanding of capitalism


>> No.17109111

will I convince you of anything if I keep arguing?

>> No.17109114

There's no point in redoing Marx's analysis of value. The whole point of it was to show contradictions in the value form he believed would eventually undo the value form, but it's really proven to be antiquated at this point. There is no removing a form from existence and capitalism has already integrated the third world so what's left? Just run it until it can't run anymore. That's the only thing left. That's why Marxism is a dead current and will be continue to dead except in some sentimental form used to push policy (I'm a socialist because I'm voting for this or I hate socialism so I'm voting against this).

>> No.17109116

your mom wants you to get a job.

>> No.17109127

she does, and I am sending cvs. I got a call but I think I fucked it up because of autism. wish me luck /lit/bro

>> No.17109737

i read theory for fun as a hobby. yeah i have no life but life is colonized by capitalists anyway