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/lit/ - Literature

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17098926 No.17098926[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

“The test of the Cum Jabbar is simple. Remove your dick from the hole and you die.”
“What’s in the hole?”

He who controls the cum,
controls the universe.


I must not cum.
Cum is the mind-killer.
Cum is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face the cum.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the cum has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.

>> No.17098937


>> No.17098945

Fucking Kek

>> No.17098966

sticky this thread
this thread sticky

>> No.17098974

Based beyond belief

>> No.17098985

leave this board and never return

>> No.17099013


>> No.17099047

Men will fuck a horrible sand monster, but I weigh fifty pounds too much, and I'm unfuckable. This is an outrage!

>> No.17099053

you will never be a woman

>> No.17099071

Wanna see my sexy woman feet?

>> No.17099072


>> No.17099088

Post feet.

>> No.17099132


>> No.17099137

Is there a girl in here posting feet? I got here as soon as I could

>> No.17099146

It’s not you, it’s us.
The desire to fuck monster alien pussy was passed down to us in an ancient intuitive tradition.

>> No.17099149
File: 113 KB, 395x235, 1B41A73A-6E82-4B35-BF5E-D9FD3AA65104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not yet.
I am monitoring this thread.

>> No.17099199
File: 303 KB, 1256x1480, 1581819901492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fine, but just the one

>> No.17099234

What a faggot lmao

>> No.17099239


>> No.17099242

>I must not cum.
>Cum is the mind-killer.
>Cum is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
>I will face the cum.
>I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
>And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
>Where the cum has gone there will be nothing.
>Only I will remain.
This works far too well.

>> No.17099243

Man feet lmao

>> No.17099246

wait OP predicted this.

>> No.17099645

he gives moisture to Shai-Hulud!

>> No.17099697

fucking kek
reminded me of that one part in Book of skulls by Silverberg

>> No.17099744

He sheds the moisture of his snake!

>> No.17099764

>/lit/ - 2020

>> No.17099778

Yeah, we should continue talking about psued philosophy lit like we always do on this board instead.
Cry more, you nigger.

>> No.17099844


>> No.17099856

go back to facebook dumb ass boomer

>> No.17099866

Best thread on the board

>> No.17100051

We must drown the young sandworm, it is time for you to do your duty to the sietch.
Begin the orgy for us.

>> No.17100064
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>Cum is the mind-killer.

>> No.17100359
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This is unbelievably based

>> No.17100398
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this entire thread is ONIONS shit. can u redditors go back please?

>> No.17100411

male feet typed this post

>> No.17100425
File: 46 KB, 390x280, pair-alligator-feet-260nw-1268584585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're really 50 lbs overweight they're gonna look like pic rel before they fall off.

Kiss those babies goodbye

>> No.17100434

rent free
post some more of that snoo's feet, tho

>> No.17100442

Not true. Cum is not the mind killer qua cum, the relation between cum and low IQ is accidental.
Women kill your mind and monomania with anything unintellectual kills your mind, coom is only an accident therein

>> No.17100966

>ywn have a bene gesserit gf to gum control hypno you into another dimension of horny

>> No.17100973

Can't wait to see this in theaters

>> No.17101023

Imagine the sound in theater surround.

*from the back of the theater*
>>someone vacuuming in the the other room from under the door, the tick and rattle of debris and toenails getting sucked up

*from stage right*

*from above*
>>"uh, oh... huuhn... uh"

*center stage*

>> No.17101037

Sperg-tastic post, truly.

>> No.17101076


>> No.17101083
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We can pretend -_-

>> No.17101141
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this thread is wonderful. i went through great effort to get to my computer as fast as possible just to post this
>What the cum has gone there will be nothing.
>Only I will remain.
it's almost hard to believe that this isn't the correct meaning of the passage.
>walk without rhythm and you won't attract the worm
hmm, what could that mean?

>> No.17101168

If she dont walk with some sass I ain't tappin' that ass.

>> No.17101367
File: 32 KB, 150x150, AlphaCentauri_G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The mind can go either direction after cum—toward positive or toward negative: on or off. Think of it as a spectrum whose extremes are unconsciousness at the negative end and hyperconsciousness at the positive end. The way the mind will lean under stress is strongly influenced by edging.

>> No.17101747

An orgasm is coming; our orgasm. And when it arrives, it will shake the universe.


I really want to see a porn parody of Dune now

>> No.17101824


>>Cum is a transitory experience. It is never consistent. It depends in part upon the myth-making imagination of pornography. The person who experiences cum must have a feeling for the porn he is in. He must reflect what is projected upon him. And he must have a strong sense of the sardonic. This is what uncouples him from belief in his own pretensions. The sardonic is all that permits him to masterbate himself. Without this quality, even occasional pornography will destroy a man.

>> No.17102067

i laughed for a solid 5 minutes

>> No.17102845

>Cum is the little-death
t. frenchie

>> No.17102855

Behind the dune

>> No.17103243
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>> No.17103335

mods really about to let this board become as completely and utterly fucked as /tv/ lmao
rip bros

>> No.17103343

if anything this post signals an uptrend in board quality