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17097068 No.17097068[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books for getting into magic? I want to be a witch

>> No.17097075

What in the fuck would make you think magic is real?

Also try Harry Potter, you might have trouble finding a copy because it's an obscure series but it's good.

>> No.17097076

please don't larp.

>> No.17097091

You’ll never be a real woman

>> No.17097162

>What in the fuck would make you think magic is real?
Do you believe in God?

>> No.17097172


>> No.17097182

>tfw crushing on witch girl who matched me on tinder but she’s so out of my league

>> No.17097184

Why do you people post this every thread someone makes?

>> No.17097199

If she matched she clearly isn't
Meet up retard

>> No.17097208

Lose some weight first

>> No.17097211

I was dating a witchey, but I fucked it all up. It pains me to remember her.

>> No.17097228
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>What in the fuck would make you think magic is real?

>> No.17097369

Agrippas three books of occult philosphy

>> No.17097388

As in devil-worshiping, curse-throwing kind? Then keep out of it, that stuff is for bitter hags and will just fuck you up mentally.
If you mean the modern bastardization of "witch", then just read about astrology and herbalism.

>> No.17097403

1. Don't, odds are it'll be very bad for you
2. You don't learn magic from spellbooks, it's passed down via oral traditions and instinct
3. You need to be a woman (female)

>> No.17097413
File: 153 KB, 600x761, japanese boy wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3. You need to be a woman (female)
What about woman (male)?

>> No.17097428

Perhaps a certain breed of effeminate homosexual could ape certain aspects (winktes ect.), but almost all 1st world gays are spiritually dead.

>> No.17097441

t.doesn't know what he's talking about

>> No.17097458

grow the fuck up

>> No.17097551

this lol

>> No.17097580

t. self-proclaimed "witches"

>> No.17097585

trannies raid from their discords and attempt to change board cultures. spamming this, and tranny gore on some more militant boards, triggers the fragile totalitarian tranny mentality and in being unable to do anything about it, stops their attempts as they become disheartened and spiteful. it is singly the most powerful thing because it does not compute. how could the be allowed to say this? etc. and so easy to normalise.

>> No.17097597

Umineko no Naku Koro Ni

>> No.17097598

It's just annoying

>> No.17097607

only if you're a tranny or an actual woman trying to attention whore (this is the secondary effect but was always present, there are no women on the internet isn't literal but a guard against women amassing orbiters and ruining boards with attention whoring threads).

you will never be a woman.

>> No.17097611
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Being a witch is pretty cool I admit.
In any case Evola introduction to magic of course.

>> No.17097619

how to get witch gf

>> No.17097626

this is a bad time for getting into magic, don't do it

>> No.17097650

I'm just your regular occultist, based retard, and I can promise you that magic is certainly not gender locked, and that the days of occult knowledge being confined to oral tradition are long over.

>> No.17097668 [DELETED] 

you mean xxxx, getting fat from keeping the monkeys in the word maze?

>> No.17097687
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if you belive in god you belive in magic and therefor your opinion is worthless

>> No.17097699



>> No.17097700
File: 23 KB, 500x441, A-shadow-image-of-the-famous-character-Peter-Pan-with-a-tagline-never-grow-up.picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know but Peter Pan sounds right to your alley OP

>> No.17097711

a lot of Christians are literally afraid of these occult rats. it's incredible. they believe in literal demons

>> No.17097722

google Borderline PERSONALITY Disorder before the date. thank me later

>> No.17097771
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Jump straight into Andrew Chumbley and Cultus Sabbati.

>> No.17097783

Nah, not them, and a straight married male. It's fucking annoyimg and childish. It would be different if it were used in funny ways. It's not tho

>> No.17097790

schizo post.

>> No.17097803
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>> No.17097808
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>> No.17097813
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>> No.17097821

I would If I could even afford his books.

>> No.17097822
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>> No.17097825
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>> No.17097829

Why are you spamming my thread with this shit you nigger

>> No.17097832
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someone called me a schizo for stating basic facts. i don't like that. enjoy.

>> No.17097834
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Start with Isreal Regardie’s work and the corpus hermetica, Agrippa’s 3 works on occult philosophy is also good, I also recommend Gareth Knight’s inner worlds which you can find on libgen.

You can join a group if you wish, I recommend one of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn splinter groups (avoid David Griffin’s, take a look at Cicero’s), the fraternity of inner light, AMOROC or aurum solis.

You shouldn’t do magic for the sake of doing magic but for the sake of understanding the world and God, you should do meditation, yoga and you should take a serious study on mysticism and Kabbalah works.

>> No.17097835

Just get the PDFs.

>> No.17097836
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>> No.17097840
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>> No.17097844
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Oh, and you should call yourself a magus not a witch. A magus is on a better and wiser path.

Don’t forget, Thelema and Wicca are both ultra-cringe.

>> No.17097847
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>> No.17097849

>I'm not a schizo
>Spams a thread about magic with his imaginary discord demons

>> No.17097850
File: 155 KB, 1440x409, 1602528636881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not a schizo in the 4chan sense but i am a literal schizo irl yes

>> No.17097854

Forgot that you should do the lesser banishing ritual everyday, search it up

I forgot to post this, this is an excellent place to start with, a good backbone to pull things together https://img.fireden.net/tg/image/1454/10/1454107178165.pdf

>> No.17097860

>I forgot to post this, this is an excellent place to start with,
No it is not. They're better off just reading the stuff in the mega you reccomended, not this watered down Ben 10 shit.

>> No.17097861
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>> No.17097863
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Fuck that shit
Holy shit, how could I forget the Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz?

>> No.17097865

>calls others schizo when you he believes in fucking magic and demons and shit

>> No.17097869
File: 2.04 MB, 4500x4976, tranny discord cringe compilation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17097875
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>> No.17097878

Most important thing to remember about magic is this:
God gave us free will, that free will is the ability to shape the world through consciousness, it’s all in your head and about head and imagination - if you have faith in something enough it will take effect. Magic is just taking this constant shaping of the world through our consciousness that we do, and focusing it.

>> No.17097881
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>> No.17097882

Real discord tranny here from the reiko times.

We don't get disheartened. The more you mention us the happier we get. You incels are literally our prey. You are the ones we convert

>> No.17097889
File: 94 KB, 750x832, 1567555843200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not an incel i am a schizo chad.

and you clearly don't given these screenshots and what i have personally seen. you are extremely fragile/totalitarian, it is easy to distress you.

>> No.17097891
File: 246 KB, 889x1390, DB646543-6901-4406-A70D-BFDD04FA1410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All three are completely false, magic is in fact more masculine than feminine for all that matters since you are being the actor upon the world.

Most notable magicians are male, then again most notable almost anything are male

>> No.17097892
File: 83 KB, 490x571, 1605861680276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're the only incel here tranny, see >>17097875

i know you're avoiding the images so you don't have a mental breakdown. i suggest you leave the thread for safety.

>> No.17097896
File: 44 KB, 730x337, i dont know what to do anymore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretending to be a woman doesn't negate your incel nature, tranny, you still think and act like a generic porn-addicted incel on here.

>> No.17097898

High magick

>> No.17097904
File: 18 KB, 281x300, E9AD5A22-53E1-4ECA-BF3D-1CE7D10CE5B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just take the esoteric Christian pill, preferably not gnostic but I’ll accept it if you decide to be gnostic

>> No.17097910

>every tranny cut off their dick

We convert incels by telling them that they will find love if they transition.

>> No.17097912

Occult anons. I'm actually trying to start a small server (10 people max) dedicated to philosophical and occult research. I'd say /lit/ has the exact types I'm looking for.

If interested contact me here: 0x00ACD#2141

>> No.17097923

>>every tranny cut off their dick
openly admitting you don't actually think you're a woman while insisting that you are is not a good look
>We convert incels by telling them that they will find love if they transition.
thank you for confirming what i just said, incel. unfortunately you won't find love, only decay and eventual self-awareness and suicide.