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17095275 No.17095275 [Reply] [Original]

>Finally decide to read the Bible
>quickly realize Jesus was some sort of leftie superstar of his time

What the fuck? Why didn't you warn me about this?

>> No.17095281

Noooo, you just misinterpreted it!!!!1

>> No.17095315

>Matthew 6:24
>"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.

How does one misinterpret this shit? It's as clear as it gets.

>> No.17095435

Op is fag

>> No.17095478

Tbh I was just shitposting because I'm a filthy atheist, but yeah, this is kind of a misinterpretation.
Look at the actual content of the line. It opposes money (materialism) and God (spirituality). Which of those things does leftism value?
Neither. You ignored the opposition of leftism to spirituality and emphasised its opposition to unconstrained materialism. (Not to mention that the fundamental idea of leftism is oftentimes materialism in the sense of material causes of phenomena in society being primary, while denying the existence of transcendence and/or even free will altogether as a relevant social factor. With this blurring of the objectively distinct areas of thought you're also turning leftism into a religion, an action which was the most insidious aspect of the Soviet cultural program.)

>> No.17095511

>(materialism) and God (spirituality). Which of those things does leftism value? Neither.
That's plain wrong, both communism and capitalism are materialist.

>> No.17095541

I meant materialism in the sense of obsessing over material wealth, which is likely closer to what Jesus was getting at (he probably didn't expect everyone to reject money altogether, only its unnecessary excess). Materialism in the philosophical sense is addressed afterwards.

>> No.17095808
File: 627 KB, 1082x788, F6213B36-E0EE-4B60-840B-6E7CCBC9B146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, right wing “Christian’s” are a fucking joke lmao

>> No.17096196

Being the disgusting weeb I am, I interpret this to mean loving a harem of women means loving no one

>> No.17096862

>every leftist is atheist
Another dinger from the political geniuses at /lit/

>> No.17096876

I'm no expert on Christianity, but as a laymans observer the whole "love thy neighbor" thing and "needle through the camel's eye easier than a rich man in heaven" thing seem to be incompatible with discriminatory right wing policy or laissez faire capitalism.

>> No.17096907

Liberation theology is based af and the only way to take back Christianity from the Jews who run it

>> No.17096910

no wonder the jews hated him

>> No.17098093

Can Marxoids appreciate anything without making it gay and political?

>> No.17098103

Since when is Christianity not political you dumb fuck; it literally split the Roman Empire, its protestant work ethic is the ideological justification for capitalism

>> No.17098118

isn't it clear from the average follower? Apollonius FTW.

>> No.17098123


>WTF why won't christians support muh commies! stupid bigots!

>> No.17098143

Those aren't gay politics though

>> No.17098147

The fuck does "gay politics" mean - its gibberish

>> No.17098180

Sure buddy, the jews really hate their own plot to subvert Europe designed specifically to appeal to idiot goyim

>> No.17098187

It means its gay, how hard is that to understand you pseud

>> No.17098216

I'm asking you to explain yourself, psuedo

>> No.17098372

>its protestant work ethic is the ideological justification for capitalism
Two things: 1) Don't blame the Protestant Work Ethic on Christianity, blame it on Martin Luther. You don't find that nonsense in Catholicism. 2) The Protestant Work Ethic is not the justification for capitalism; instead it's the conditioning that allows Capitalists to exploit the work of others.

>> No.17098401

And also rightie. The priest and the working man. The heir of Abraham and also his giver. Christ is reconciliation of dichotomies, the reader will project his own ideas onto him.

>> No.17098406

Look at the verses that talk about family and nation.
hint: it's very anti both

>> No.17098425
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Jesus was a communist.
I don't know why commies hate Christians when they are literally Christians but without faith in God.

>> No.17098447

>1) Don't blame the Protestant Work Ethic on Christianity, blame it on Martin Luther.
Blame it on a Christian, which I did
>u don't find that nonsense in Catholicism
All religion is slave mortality
>The Protestant Work Ethic is not the justification for capitalism;
It very much is; the fetishization of one needing the work for the sake of society is literally built into the premise of Christianity; Christianity literally commands you to do things in service of abstract things such as "god" and his "kingdom" - protestants just apply the logic to society, with the gods being those own the machines. Communism is another religion, a form of secular humanism, that simply replaces the worship of the owners with the worship of the those work on those machines, as if I'm suppose care about them.

>> No.17098483

>All religion is slave mortality
Stopped reading right there. Clear that you have nothing worthwhile to add to any discussion. Good luck to you, anon.

>> No.17098485

Okay duped one

>> No.17098496

It literally makes you a slave to gods, preachers, priests and their causes - but okay. The problem with liberals like yourself is that you believe that humanity is ultimately something that needs to be saved from itself or redeemed, I say - every may for himself, why I'm to care people who are of no use to me, people who's death will not impact the trajectory of my life? I don't share the anthropocentric views of religious nuts; you're not special to me, you're just a clump of dying cells using whatever philosophical premise you have to cope with the fact you have to die like everything else

>> No.17098529

Broo the hell is just a big gulag where people goes when they do something bad

>> No.17098542
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>t. pic related

>> No.17098555

4chan has a horrible understanding of Christianity. Christianity is not about le based crusades and hating black people.

>> No.17098564

Atheists like you are so fucking annoying
Believe in it or not religion is beneficial to a lot of people in that it provides them meaning, the universe is a lonely place is it that hard to just let people believe in something that gives their lives meaning or do you feel the need to be insufferable about it
People like you are the reason atheists get memed so much

>> No.17098580

It's a sign of a decadent mind when it thinks institutions mainly oppress (enslave) and that things are as good as they have to be. Don't be a degenerate.

>> No.17098582

but lefties /do/ obsess over material wealth. It's just that by the default rules of the world, they don't have any. That's why they build convoluted political systems to give themselves capital.

>> No.17098639

>Believe in it or not religion is beneficial to a lot of people in that it provides them meaning
Since when do I have care about you?
>the universe is a lonely place
"The strongest man in the world is he who stands most alone."
>People like you are the reason atheists get memed so much
Its not my fault you're a cuck that's insecure about how people feel about you, have some self esteem
I love degeneracy, I love limitless freedom

>> No.17098646

>I love degeneracy
>I love limitless freedom
One gotta go, buddy. Degeneracy leads to the collapse of the institutions that secure freedom.

>> No.17098649

This anon tripped over the Nietzsche display on his way to the coffee bar in Barnes and Noble.

>> No.17098668

> Degeneracy leads to the collapse of the institutions that secure freedom.
Freedom is doing what I want, that means "degeneracy"; I don't really give a damn if those institutions collapse, actually, it sounds like they need to because they're in my way.
>"You long for freedom? You fools! If you took might, freedom would come of itself! See, he who has might "stands above the law!"

>> No.17098699

I hate you Nietzsche fags so much lmfao
You aren’t the Chad you think you are you’re just an edgy faggot

>> No.17098721

Communism and Capitalism are both evil. The most Christian economic system is Feudalism where God ordained authority presides over the people and the simplicity of life and piety are preserved

>> No.17098722

>Freedom is doing what I want
And institutions that secure that freedom collapse under degeneracy.
>I don't really give a damn if those institutions collapse
So you don't love freedom then.

>> No.17098765

I hate you too, and wish nothing but death on you, Hopefully, someone shoots your worthless ass so I have less shitposter to respond to
> institutions that secure that freedom collapse under degeneracy.
Freedom is secured by force, my force, my ability to do the things I want. It is my responsibility, not the responsibility of society. That applies to everyone else.
I love freedom, I love doing the things I want instead of what you want. Freedom is nominal, it what I want, I determine what freedom is, I'm the source of value in my life, including freedom and every ethical framework espousing it

>> No.17098774

>I love freedom
Not if you dismiss its integrity you don't lol

>> No.17098797

Both leftists and the church seek support among poor idiots so they are direct competitors (hence leftists' hatred of the church) but you must be a natural born idiot to imply that Christianity is leftist: don't fucking steal (private) property is their motto.

>> No.17099168

Terminal American brain.

>> No.17099235
File: 86 KB, 1000x1000, FDEB58FD-113B-4922-A0B5-19808CD5188C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why didn't you warn me about this?
We’ve been warning you of the kike on a stick for years, buddy