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File: 204 KB, 404x492, dreams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1709500 No.1709500 [Reply] [Original]

the game i was walking through my local village trying to get a sort of drugs tab through to the local train station that was actually an airport or at least had planes. i had to avoid police or i think some more recognisable detectives.

then one time i was siting in a seat set round the corner from the front entrance to a cafe. i had headphones on i might have been reading too. across the faint street there was a big square rectangle lump of concrete. it was split into parts though. i think from my seat i might have had shades on and i either saw someone being questioned by the police who thought they were me or people i knew from junior school. well i didnt actually get a face for the second person sitting after waking but during it i assumed he was from school also. there was a 3rd person too actually. might have been a girl.

then i was across the street facing the concrete block and there was a square tv on it and i think i was playing a videogame. digimon or maybe ghost in the shell. have only ever played a demo of either so dunno. it wasnt the robot bugs it was ghost in shell girl. i think i then realize i should go collect little 'mumuplayer' guys except without eyes to add bonus points to my drug tabs so i switch the screen off but leave the ps2 running. the mumu guys sort of look like dead foetuses. i just place them on a transparent sheet beside some tablets already on the sheet. its better to get a full sheet before i go to the plane. i think i fail alot of times or shoot cops or get cornered and then it restarts quickly alot of times. when i get on the plane its to go meet Rip from Less than Zero except here hes my 40 yr old peadophile lover but he sells these tabs of blue and pink foetuses with pills apparently.


>> No.1709506

when im at the cafe i realize i need to go maybe its from seeing the cops talking to school guys and i pass through the concrete block and im aware of another person sitting in a seat or something in a block down from me even though this block is maybe about 4 car widths tops. its where a car park should be. the cafe is where a bank should be. and as im passing im listening to Green Day American Idiot and i wonder if my headphones are loud enough for others to hear so i check and to my horror they are already around my neck so i hold one earphone up to my ear to register that and then i turn it down or maybe off. then i stop thinking of the guy one bloc down. and as im leaving the three junior school guys catch me and say ive forgotten my ps2 and i feel _ because im hoping nobody turned the screen on and saw w/e weaboo shit i was playing and so i reply that it doesnt matter if i left it because ps2s are old anyway and the main guy i recognize with whitey blonde hair seems to disagree in a way that implies he thinks i really do care about it. i put it in my bag.


>> No.1709507

then we head left and talking and i have one of those tabs out and im trying to stick down a few of those slippery foetuses. if they are foetuses then just dead hellspawn. i think im trying to do something else with maybe a wattle bottle or its me carrying the ps2 at the same time but its more than 2 hands work but im doing ok with it. i think we keep going for a bit then i turn around and realize they are gone. and i get a feeling because they didnt tell me. like not totally sadness maybe also minute enjoyment because it was 'predictable' or allows me to feel sad or something else. i think i drop or let the slippery things slide so now theres blue stringy stuff on the ground. my tab is blank again apart from the pills. so i do a 180 and imagine ghosts of the school people to the left across the road but really i see them on the right again but this time the downhill slope is now going down into some kind of lecture theatre but it looks more like a pantomine. they are taking their seats for a class. there are red curtains gold strings black railings rowed seating. so like a pantomine. i would like to go to them cause the seats are so comfy and you feel anonymous in the crowd up high and at the back. hopefully they dont use audience spotlight technology these days.


>> No.1709509

but i dont want to go back so i turn right to go down the main hallway/foyer¿ and i see stairs at the end on the right but my first teacher in school ever comes up from the seats and asks if i enjoyed classes today in like a professional caring way. like as if its just her job. and thats her class back down there and i dont want to go back so i say that i only went to some general class this morning and for some reason i remember that and its not even a lie and i leave down the foyer not sure if she said anything before i do that. after i leave i think i play a few more restarts of avoiding cops. one of them is really weird maybe like he can sense me and i have to hide in a building construction to hide from him. i think i just restart whenever i feel trapped.

fin 4

ok so im going to go off for a while i want someone to assess this and reply by when i get back.

>> No.1709513

*not writefagging just a dream so just say some nice stuff for when i get back like metaphors etc

>> No.1709528


>> No.1709530

im going to delete this since my other thread is more popular.

please do some psychanalysis or i will delete ill give it 15 minutes.

>> No.1709532

Reported under spam.

My full encouragement to others in doing the same.

>> No.1709534

the dead fetuses gore images you've tried to make a troll thread with, are getting back to haunt you
also, not sure if trolling, it's not pantomine, it's pantomime
also, console gaming sucks

>> No.1709539

yeah i typed this up on kindle this morning didnt spell check.

>also, console gaming sucks
lol all gaming sucks. though i sometimes feel love playing minecraft online. not played in a while.

>> No.1709542

im looking for something that kind of uses the whole thing. not just individual parts please.

is this anything to do with being too scared to email 40yr old guy but also wanting a parent?

>> No.1709551

Reading uninformed teenage bullshit is a great diversion from enjoying good books

thanks a lot, tybrax

>> No.1709554
File: 59 KB, 780x620, 12654227714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you were so grateful you would psychoanalyse my dream.

>> No.1709559

You're a moron.

>> No.1709562

the police/detectives = your parents
drugs tab = the secret you're hiding from the 'police', aka your parents
the front entrance to the cafe = your vagina

>> No.1709563
File: 48 KB, 780x620, 12654217212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1709570
File: 17 KB, 382x273, 20-frasier-crane..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>psychoanalyze my dream

Diagnosis: You're a deficient mechanism of narcissism

Symptoms: lack of empathy, inability to articulate thoughts, sadism

Prescription: continue posting on 4chan in order to delay for as long as possible any damage which may be incurred by self-awareness facilitated by a confrontation with reality

with love from the USA

PS try and refrain from making any snarky replies

>> No.1709589

Dream interpretation is at best a fringe science with meagre potential. Dreams are largely the result of the random firing of neurons.

You can extract more from your obsession with finding some reason for what you perceive to be your subconscious thoughts than even the most intricate dream description.

>> No.1709591

>with love from the USA
>no massive drug prescription
>no exorbitant session fees
>from the USA
hahaha oh you joker

>> No.1709598

kill yourself already god fucking damn you're so boring and stupid

>> No.1709602

>random firing of neurons
I thought you would have learned the first time before coming out with this sort of biological hocus-pocus truman

>> No.1709612

Choke on a bag of dicks you annoying piece of shit. Why are you still alive?

>> No.1709615

Care to discuss that bad experience you had with the shrink, D&E?

>> No.1709616
File: 148 KB, 700x700, 1273075153981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought narcissism meant you were totally over confident kind of not caring for others. like objecitivists. and also Narcissus looking in the water because he thinks he so beautiful.


>> No.1709617
File: 43 KB, 819x655, booty fighter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't get through the first sentence. You need something for the reader to grab hold of and swing from. Trains, drugs, and disdain for grammatical convention or anything resembling a story just won't do the job. Sorry.


pic unrelated.

>> No.1709625

I like it

>> No.1709626

its just a dream i actually remembered so i thought i would share it with you guys. i did that once before.

>> No.1709629

>dodging with semantics games
This is why you are sad a lot

>> No.1709633
File: 98 KB, 500x500, 127394125572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his diagnosis doesnt really mean shit if you put '_' instead or 'narcissism'. i want him to be clear about the most important part. problem?

>> No.1709635

I woke up this morning and all I can remember from my dream was 'allez vous, allez vous'

>> No.1709637
File: 123 KB, 694x609, 1299782950158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1709668

I heard people from my English class say WB Yeats had Asperger's Syndrome.

Is there any evidence for this? Or is this another case of 'asperger's' being used to describe the inevitably eccentric personality of an exceptionally intelligent but 'healthy' individual? like mark zuckerberg

>> No.1709671

>people diagnosing dead people

>> No.1709694

ty what is asburgers caused by?

>> No.1709697

dunno im not a doctor. i think its a criteria rather than a condition.

>> No.1709699

i thought you had it

they dont tell you what it entails?

>> No.1709703

i dont have 90% of the shit they talk about. so as far as im concerned its not a condition. i will probably always think logically but i might not always have poor social skills. i think i would no longer qualify if the latter changed. i think theyre over diagnosing because general autism wasnt diagnosed before or something.

>> No.1709716

well the doctor said i have OCD and depression and i thought i might be at risk for that other shit too

you don't know if they're related?

>> No.1709745


lol'd at this post

>> No.1709773

you're so immature

>> No.1709815

lol do you think you have OCD or depression? also i already called myself a kid many times, you so immature you say pointless stuff like calling me immature?

>> No.1709817


just like ur older than me but im wise more so than u and u wuld kno that if u wernt so immature

and i might have OCD but def. not depression

>> No.1709818

OCD means you literally freak out when thing arent layed out nicely or your routine changes. also being wise makes you less beautiful so i dont even care about that.

>> No.1709820

thats one type

god you're closed-minded

and you got that wise=not beautiful thing from me and it isn't even true

>> No.1709821

>and you got that wise=not beautiful thing from me and it isn't even true
well at least for once you admitted you were wrong.

>> No.1709835

The day before this dream im paranoid out of my mind, paranoid for my life the saftey of being alive no longer was there.
what would the dream mean:

A whole chicken egg Suspended in darkness, somthing mechanical is prying it open for its yolk. The "thing" is claw like, Half the egg shell is broken in half and reveiling the whole eggwhite and yolk. The mechanical claw dosent take the yolk only pokes it. The Egg inside remains intact sitting a way which prevents it from falling out from the center of the two half shells.

Than I wake up. I somehow relate to the egg being myself.

>> No.1709841

i wasn't wrong i was being cheeky

once again, closed-minded

>> No.1709843

oh shut the fuck up. at least in my dreams i dont pretend im not me because i dont have a massive ego like you to think im an egg,
