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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 43 KB, 311x475, slaughterhousefive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17091597 No.17091597 [Reply] [Original]

fucking dogshit

>> No.17092111
File: 18 KB, 400x400, ZAHZ-8gH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17092176

I read this earlier in the year and can confirm it is fucking awful. Apart from this one line: “Kilgore Trout laughed uproariously. A salmon egg flew out of his mouth and landed in Maggie’s cleavage.” That was brilliant, but the rest of the book was shit.

>> No.17092187

Try Cat's Cradle its the superior Vonnegut novel.

>> No.17093679

Yeah, pretty much.

For me he's in the same reddit-tier so-clever ideas-man category as Joseph Heller and Douglas Adams. In other words: soulless, and pithy without true intelligence, appealing only to those who want to feel clever but are nothing of the sort.

>> No.17093709
File: 179 KB, 1130x1600, Kurt-Vonnegut-2001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Physiognomy check?

>> No.17093720

>For me he's in the same reddit-tier so-clever ideas-man category as Joseph Heller and Douglas Adams. In other words: soulless, and pithy without true intelligence, appealing only to those who want to feel clever but are nothing of the sort.
Post your stack right now or you're a coward.

>> No.17093732

>reeeeeeeeeeeee stop liking things i dont like nooooooooooooooo!

>> No.17093746

>soulless, and pithy without true intelligence, appealing only to those who want to feel clever but are nothing of the sort.
If only you had a modicum of self-awareness.

>> No.17093751

Which authors are enjoyed predominantly by truly intelligent people?

>> No.17093930

Give me one reason why this book is good. Correct answer: There is none

>> No.17094083

>For me he's in the same reddit-tier so-clever ideas-man category as Joseph Heller and Douglas Adams. In other words: soulless, and pithy without true intelligence, appealing only to those who want to feel clever but are nothing of the sort.
why don't you go back to /pol/ and post some bad words to make yourself feel better

>> No.17094099

Back to twitchchat

>> No.17094126

It wasn't the best book I've read in my life or anything but people here are mad cause that's get so it goes tattoos and that makes them hate the book more than it deserves. It's an ok book, nothing amazing, nothing ultra shit.

>> No.17094216

I read this and Catcher in the Rye in high school and I loved this but hated Catcher in the Rye.
But some people loved Catcher in the Rye and didn't care about this.
I assume they appeal to different types of people

>> No.17094278

Kurt Vonnegut might be one of the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet. He really wrote a whole book about how unjustified Dresden was as a military air raid target, based on his own experiences as a POW being kept in Dresden.
Actually fucking think about that for 5 minutes. He himself was captured and held BY THE GERMAN ARMY IN DRESDEN, but he wrote an entire novel about how THEIR WAS NOT A MILITARY JUSTIFICATION FOR BOMBING DRESDEN.


>> No.17094313

Deadeye Dick, Sirens of Titan, Player Piano, Mother Night... any number of his books are better. His books are supposed to be funny and interesting, not Important with a capital I

>> No.17094320

Player Piano is honestly fucking trash though

>> No.17094593

I hated this book too, it just sucked, honestly

>> No.17094892

i wouldn't put slaughterhouse 5 in the garbage category, but vonnegut's certainly done better.

my guess is that it's addressing the holocaust that it's more well known.

mother light was more interesting

>> No.17094910

"i think vonnegut is bad"

"show me your dick"

a much better question to ask is "what has this author done makes you think his writing is so shallow?", otherwise you're doing the exact thing you're complaining about.

>> No.17094913

I read it in high school and really enjoyed it.

>> No.17094921

i'd call some of his writing important with a capitol i, certainly not all. not sure if his aim was "ginna be best author evrar", so much as "i want to get some ideas across, i tihnk i can pull that off through some characters"

>> No.17094938

Just admit you're a coward m8.

>> No.17094957

just admit you're worried you have nothing substantial to add to the conversation

>> No.17095397

The dialogue is trying way too hard. It attempts to humor the reader by adding absurd moments in the story. Doesn't work. The timeline is all over the place.
>but that makes it seem interesting on how convoluted and messed up everything is just like Dresd- blah blah...!
No I don't like it.

Billy is a soulless retard. The Tralfamadorian philosophy bits are gay and overused. Determinism and nihilism are boring and overused as well. Also I hate how the author is a pretentious ass and reddit incarnate.

>> No.17095468

Slaughterhouse V is considered the best Vonnegut because they made a movie about it and the way books function as commodities (esp. in America) means that this elevates it in pop culture beyond its actual virtues. Bluebeard and God Bless You Mr. Rosewater are a lot better IMHO but I also thought Slaughterhouse V was fine so if you just wanna be combative you probably won't fuck with them. Only Vonnegut I did not like was Sirens of Titan