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17090923 No.17090923[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>You walk out of the library during a Saturday evening. You walk past these two while carrying a Three Musketeers novel
>Chad: *speaking at a volume that clearly shows he doesn't give a fuck whether you hear or not* Jesus, who the hell studies on a Saturday night?
>Stacey: Like, oh my Gawd! That's [your name but slightly different] from my English class! He actually reads the assigned stuff, tee-hee!
Chad: *shouting* YO BRO! I'M THE MAN IN THE IRON MASK!!
>*Chad and Stacey collapse in a fit of laughter and you're unsure whether it's good natured or not and whether you should laugh along with them to show you're a cool guy*

>> No.17090934

Why would I be in the library on a Saturday?

>> No.17090935

Based Chad

>> No.17090939

kill yourself you retard

>> No.17090954

Based. Saturdays’ night are made to get drunk and fuck girls. You deserve to be shamed for your loneliness and your shitty tastes

>> No.17090958

what sort of weird delusion this this post

>> No.17090972
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>cuffed pants
>no socks
>tight pants on muscular thighs
>no belt with tuck
goddamn these retarded meatheads will never learn

>> No.17090976

it's pronounced stoic, not sto-ike

>> No.17090985

what shoe is that guy wearing they look nice

>> No.17091016

Cute story, but you missed the part where Chad would be grabbing the girl's breast (with her connivance) to put into higher relief you're visibly ugly, almost palpably noticeable incel-like nature.

>> No.17091030

Anons definitely overestimate women.

>> No.17091038

why you checking him out? you one of them queers?

>> No.17091045

you forgot that package. looks like he could lay a good one tbqh

>> No.17091084

Seriously, anons. The ones who have been in a relationship before, do you think it is worth it? All the annoyances vs the conveniences of one. Would you want to get into one if you had a chance?

>> No.17091088
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i look at them in disgust, spit on the floor in their direction and go about my business

>> No.17091093

Yes I have been in a relationship. She then cheated on me and told me it was my fault and she never loved me.

>> No.17091102

That is not the point, would you bother getting into another one? With a better person.

>> No.17091109


>> No.17091115

If it is with someone who is worth your time, right? Or would anyone do?

>> No.17091125

>do you think it is worth it?
this question itself reveals an incorrect mentality. good relationship adds to your life, shouldn't need to calculate cost vs. benefit

>> No.17091138

Well, you clearly don't think any is worth it. And some people don't "bring" anything that you don't already have. So those are the bad relationships? And what makes one good?

>> No.17091144


I grew up in a very small beachtown, wihle there were plenty of chads and staceys, they mostly liked me cuz my parents were rich and we owned a few sailboats, so I knew how to sail, and staceys love sailing (and chads will do whatever Staceys wanna do at the moment). And since it was a very small town, the library was run by volunteers, which I was, and was only open on Fridays and Saturdays between 17h00 and 20h00.
So really if they were waiting in front of the library they were most likely waiting for me to go and hang how with them afterwards.

>> No.17091151

not him, but obviously don't just get together with anyone
it will save you time and energy

>> No.17091155

I’d be so consumed in my reading that the external world would be absolutely muted to me. If i am not reading the book then I would likely be on the phone or going towards my car or something else absolutely ignoring them. Alternatively if I did notice I’d either not pay attention or if I wanted some fun I’d belch a bunch of odd animal like noises and induce a bit of vomit while laughing like an autist because, well, I don’t care at all what some absolute strangers on the street who I will never meet again, will possibly say or do towards me, I wouldn’t even care if they were people I had to see every month or so.

So there’s your answer op, either absolute ignoring as I wouldn’t be paying attention or a directed effort to freak em out more. If they tried directly insulting me I would however strike him and his woman in the face (ive hit women before, you don’t get instantly arrested unless you’re a mong) or you know, you can always hit them with my car (I’ve done it before; you can justify it and get away with it if you know how to speak properly) not in a killing way, just in a hurt them viciously way.

Seems like a pretty simple thing OP

>> No.17091166

Yes, but people aren't perfect. How do you evaluate if someone is good for you? Because you will have to deal with their imperfections and vice-versa.

>> No.17091188

I react by forcing my tongue down Chad's throat and making out with him

>> No.17091214

In Mexico homeboy would just have Chad disappeared or at least the girl (assuming homeboy had the dough for a sicario).

>> No.17091249

that's why Mexico is, well, Mexico

>> No.17091267

>muscular thighs

I don't see any muscular thighs. All I see is chicken legs.

>> No.17091277

>carrying a Three Musketeers novel
too unrealistic

>> No.17091278

Based and checked.

>> No.17091281


>> No.17091282

fuck off, this is a board for social outcasts
sounds believable, stuff of this sort happened to me many times

>> No.17091283

I'm saying a good relationship adds so much it's not a question of how much effort you put in. The person brings companionship and sex at the very least. The best mentality to have is being okay single and not afraid to be single again, whole still being thankful to have someone nice in your life and letting them know it

>> No.17091284

Rape the girl. Make Chad watch her bleed.

>> No.17091308

>sounds believable, stuff of this sort happened to me many times
Story time
please anonkun

>> No.17091573
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Take a massive shit before their eyes

>> No.17091584

Beat the shit outta Chad because I'm /fitlit/ as fuck

>> No.17091620

I'd think "hm, they must have me mistaken for someone else. I'm 31 years old..."

>> No.17091696


>> No.17091726


>> No.17091748

I throw the book like a boomerang to decapitate Chad in a showcase of immense martial prowess.

>> No.17091759


>> No.17091794

Wouldn't care; give 'em a wave and keep walking

>> No.17091820

I wouldnt be in the library in the first place because I get all my books online or via the postal services

>> No.17091823

based footchads

>> No.17091848

Insult the girl, claim she only passes classes by sleeping with the professor > Fight "Chad" > Win

>> No.17091878

Blush. Rub the back of my head and laugh sheepishly. Say "You're so funny Chad!" if I say anything at all, then scoot away.

>> No.17091935

I'm handsome so if a Chad did this, it would probs be because he felt intimidated. I don't go to the library, but to answer your hypothetical question: I would, while continuing walking of course, make an ok-handsign and shout "cool."

>> No.17091939

"Yo, Stacey, sorry about the other night. Did you take a pregnancy test yet?"

>> No.17091957

So anyone who you can do something together and isn't a jerk is fine?

>> No.17092015


jokes on chad, i have a foot fetish

>> No.17092025

the words of a metrosexual normalfaggot mean very little to me

>> No.17092067


Nerd shaming is a moral obligation

born to die
world is a fuck
hit a big brain with a rock

>> No.17092200

I had this happen to me in college even though I played D2 college football lol. Not the reading The Three Musketeers tho, Dumas is for children.

>> No.17092616
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Who does this happen to? In school all the normies I know would just smile and wave if they noticed me.

>> No.17092953

Chads don't bully outside of highschool and even in highschool its a sign of uncoolness and immaturity that's unattractive.
Anyone who bullies in college is a loser and a child.

>> No.17092969

I am almost 30 and I've never been to a party or fucked a girl
My life is meaningless and no amount of philosophy cope is making the pain go away

>> No.17092974

>never been to a party
wtf how?

>> No.17092977

They do still make fun of people, it's part of that personality. One in a history class of mine made fun of the fat librarian giving us a lecture on using microfiche or something saying loudly from the back row "damn girl, do some squats or something" and the check next to him giggling.

>> No.17093014

probably too uptight to drink or smoke weed. want to bet he responds to this post saying that's "degenerate"?

>> No.17093026

They didn't care who he was until he put on the mask

>> No.17093040

i bet this guy constantly posts pepe frogs and anime pics

>> No.17093150

befriend them first.

>> No.17093162

I would laugh along with them regardless of their intent, then ask them what they're up to. Like a normally socialized person

>> No.17093166

not him but viewing it as transactional especially reductively so will poison it

>> No.17093184
File: 354 KB, 800x1090, DA412B2B-1DF7-4771-ACC3-87D6481859C6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime yes but I despise frogposters
Anime is a cope

It's all I have

>> No.17093199


>> No.17093203

No actually I take medication which keeps me from drinking though

>> No.17093228

oh i see, then people can probably sense on an instinctive level that you are unhealthy and not fit for reproduction

>> No.17093260

That doesn't make me feel better

>> No.17093280

Ask one of the wisest men who ever lived: https://epicurus.today/epicurus-and-romantic-love-2/
But if you are too lazy to read that: no, the pain outweights the pleasure, at least in the modern dating scene. If we were to apply the risk/return ratio concept to relationships (figuratively ofc) then it would be less than 1 because you are risking more pain for lesser amounts of pleasure. Ask any financial trader if they would place a trade with a risk/reward ratio less than 1.

>> No.17093282

Meh, Chad gon Chad, Stacey will do as such. Just laugh along, it was an attempt at a litterature joke. They probably will have forgotten about it after a few hours

>> No.17093293

Well who care's you 4chan. You're actually 68% botic now. Lurkers. Others, from different places. Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.17093312

Thread /lit/ What were my last posts? Force of the Elements. Memory of Eternity. Maybe Conquerors of Dreamspace. Seven Saint Story. I'll sell my stories to writers and not the public. Better get fannish.

>> No.17093319

I can literally tell I have a bigger cock and much larger balls than him from his dick print.

>> No.17093497

Leather low top sneakers
Check out common projects, they bunch of colors to choose from also there are bunch of similar shoes but cheaper, but common projects will get you on the right track

>> No.17093513

That bitch looks so retarded and probably ugly too the only thing she has going for her is her rich parents
Would not even lick her feet

>> No.17093571

Quote my favorite passage from said novel and walk away smugly. Thier sniggering having no effect the appreciation of timeless chivalrous comradery can not overcome.

>> No.17093855

You can tell OP is an incel that never interacts with other humans because he can't even wittily imitate them from the freedom of his own keyboard.

>> No.17093924
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God I wish I were a chad. Jesus fucking christ I lost the genetic lottery FUCK HOW COULS THIS HAPPEN

>> No.17094008

I'd fill up my super soaker with orange juice and open fire

>> No.17094014

based and supreme

>> No.17094033

Did anyone actually have these problems? I've never met a Chad who I didn't genuinely like. I spent most Saturday nights in the library (did my drinking on fridays), but I'd often fill them in on the reading going to or from class. If you're not a pretentious ass they're quite generous people. Chad may not always read, but he won't mock you for it unless you deserve it.

>> No.17094090
File: 34 KB, 600x527, Showed'em.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> y-yeah that showed them!

>> No.17094116

Autistic Cope

>> No.17094125


>> No.17094220
File: 50 KB, 929x1175, 1608492981678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anime yes but I despise frogposters
You will always and forever stay a virgin faggot.

>> No.17094241


>oh hey chad, hey stacy! what you guys doin?
>oh i dunno, i just don't feel like doing so much tonight so i'm gonna go home and read. Yeah, it's been a long week.
>cya around, hope you have a good night!

>> No.17094259

I blow him a kiss and smile gracefully

>> No.17094303

I'm married and I love it, though at times I long for the true freedom of singleness. I've thought, were I single, I would cash everything out and fill a backpack with basic needs and favorite books and walk, living life as a nomad innawoods and onnaroads.

On the other hand, my wife's amazing and does make my life undeniably better, I guess with my daydreaming, I'm even admitting that without her, I would have nothing that I felt the neex to strive for. She alone makes work and growth worth it. When our daughterz in college, we'll hit the road together and want for nothing.

>> No.17094391
File: 990 KB, 1200x1570, 1608676975522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whip out my BWC
>drop it in Stacy's mouth
>make Chad watch and masturbate

>> No.17094400
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, 1564335242439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a JoJo reference?

>> No.17094453

This is some fetish shit wtf

>> No.17094772

You laugh along with them. Not to show that you're cool guy but because you really are cool guy and you are Chad too so you have some fun. You, Chad and Stacey became frens. Later you go your way or go with them to drink some vodka or something.

>> No.17094864

You're mentally ill

>> No.17095535

I masturbate and aim my ejaculate at Stacey's feet.