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17089975 No.17089975 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17089980

Someone post the meme pic.

>> No.17089984

Only forgivable when the girl falls for the rapist afterwards. See The Fountainhead.

>> No.17089986

you mean the blackboard one?

>> No.17089988

What if you and another woman are the last two people remaining on Earth, and she's an anti-natalist

>> No.17089993

Rape is arguably the funniest form of assault.

>> No.17090003

Rape is the original crime in fiction

>> No.17090004

I rarely see rape being done in works I read, maybe three times in total, of which in two the woman went insane and left a vengeful son behind, and the third one was smut with the woman joining her rapist in raping other women.

>> No.17090012

Women don't lose anything when they get raped. Rape is less bad than even stealing.

>> No.17090019

It's more degrading. It's about being overpowered and left deeply scarred for the rest of your life.

>> No.17090035

What about throwing a pie to someone's face?

>> No.17090069

Only mythological beings and deities get the rape pass.

>> No.17090077

who cares? your children gonna fuck each other?

>> No.17090092

then thats finally the perfect chance to get rid of ourselves

>> No.17090095

What about Conan the Barbarian? He seems pretty redeemable and rape is just part of his culture.

>> No.17090100
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Found it.
Saved under YRYL

>> No.17090103

this is pretty uncontroversial desu. you can kill as a means to a noble end, but rape, barring meme scenarios like >>17089988, is basically always an evil committed for its own sake.

>> No.17090107

The tweet is right. There are times you have to kill in self-defence. You can't rape in self-defence.

>> No.17090109

i don't disagree with this.

rape is inferior DNA trying to cheat its way into the gene pool

killing is a natural and even necessary part of healthy life

>> No.17090112

you can, in a scenario where the dungeon master decides that that's the condition for your survival.

>> No.17090116

The way of a man with a maid?

>> No.17090121

Yes. The story is ridiculous shit, but sex scenes make it worth it.

>> No.17090127

I think that depends on your definition of rape

>> No.17090151

Getting scarred by rape is a choice and an entirely modern phenomenon
In the past, rape was seen as bad because it was a violations of chastity, not whatever mumbo-jumbo they say today

>> No.17090159

In the novel I'm working on the protagonist rapes a women in self defence. Do you guys think this will be received right?

>> No.17090162

This will be a modern classic. Go for it.

>> No.17090164

Idk man Zeus raped hella thots but I don't think I ever necessarily see him as a villain

>> No.17090170

I kek'd out loud, thanks anon

>> No.17090175

Zeus is a cosmic force, so it can't be helped

>> No.17090182
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>In the past, rape was seen as bad because it was a violations of chastity, not whatever mumbo-jumbo they say today

>> No.17090184

What? No, makes part of reality. Of course it would makes its way into fiction. If you get triggered by it because of some trauma, just don't read. Maybe put something on the foreword or whatever.

>> No.17090186

Sex for a woman is an almost endless commodity. Raping a woman is like software piracy, a victimless crime.

>> No.17090191

>what is reading comprehension
maybe you should give up on books and migrate to /tv/

>> No.17090203

Rape is not the worst thing that can happen to a woman, if a woman allows a man to have sex with her to avoid a beating, then arguably she fears the beating more.

A woman who has been raped has no reason to feel shame (and therefore no need for anonymity), and a female-centred view of rape will not fashion it as something that can "ruin" a woman.

She may be outraged and humiliated "but she cannot be damaged in any essential way by the simple fact of the presence of an unwelcome penis in her vagina. If a woman feels she has been destroyed by such an attack, it is because of brainwashing by society.

>> No.17090255

Look, anon. I don't view people in this silly good/evil dichotomy. This is how our society works, there are laws and sentences. One can get death sentence or imprisoned for life in some places/cases, but still you got the point. So definitely, no. It is something arguable.

>> No.17090259

>Getting scarred by rape is a choice
You're actually fucking retarded. I genuinely hope you get violently raped.
Why not your whole family? But I hope they have nothing to do with the retardation of their child/sibling.

>> No.17090267

I thought he was meming, but internet discourse just keeps getting weirder so who knows.

>> No.17090272

I liked the protagonist in clockwork orange even after raped so I wouldn't say unforgivable in finction

>> No.17090282

holy fuck saved this actually made snort

>> No.17090285

yikes, he wasn't free. I would rather fucking die than end like that.

>> No.17090289

roastie mad

>> No.17090290


>> No.17090304

Please explain. How is it different from getting robbed?

>> No.17090314

How is murder any different from robbery? You’re not losing anything, really.

>> No.17090315
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Literary rape pushes men to greatness and inspires empires.

>> No.17090317

Makes sense, yeah.

>> No.17090321

Oh the horror

>> No.17090337

Holy shit, I hope most of the faggots here are just trolling. Nobody can be this retarded. I'm not even a sjw or anything (in fact I hate them), but to actually argue that rape isn't "so bad" is absolutely retarded. Is it as bad as being horribly murdered/tortured? Probably not. Can the resulting trauma be worse than a quick death? Absolutely.

>> No.17090359
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>Underraped Women

>> No.17090367

Whilst there are indeed edgy faggots in this thread, the original post clearly states that rape cannot be justified as a literary device. This is an obvious falsehood. Furthermore the non-troll comments here are discussing whether rape is worse than murder. It is not. Clearly you are a sensitive soul, so let me be tender here. Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl. >mfw thinking of you hurting

>> No.17090379

You should expect someone pushing the envelope in a thread like this. Also if you do not assign any sanctity to your body, why is rape worse than being beaten up?

>> No.17090392

return to whence you came

>> No.17090402

The prophet Muhammad (PBUH) raped many women who later on went on to become important advocates for Islam. It's the cultural conditioning that makes it seem like the worst thing in the world.

>> No.17090403

disregard the "w-we're just being edgy" apologetics. note the trad-larper rhetoric about chastity and the natural order and compare it to the tradcore threads on here. these niggers really fell for the meme and indoctrinated themselves to own the libs.
I'm pretty sure OPs meaning is just "it's easier to get your readers to sympathize with a murderer than a rapist".

>> No.17090405

Incels pretend trauma is a manufactured western problem. It's because they fantasize about rape as the only means to have sex. This justification allows them to protect their fragile ego. It's a cope, because they know deep down it's awful and traumatic, but to admit that to themselves would be to admit that they have a spiritual and mental problem. They're heavily narcissistic and narrow minded.

>> No.17090414

I think rape is forgivable in many instances. Bitches and sluts need to be put in their place. A good whipping before the raping is a pretty good idea.

>> No.17090415

>I'm pretty sure OPs meaning is just "it's easier to get your readers to sympathize with a murderer than a rapist".

I even disagree on this. The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant starts with him raping the first woman he sees in his version of Narnia.

>> No.17090416

brainlet explanation, you're just pattern-matching your own stereotypes. "nothing is rape" is a reaction to "everything is rape". socjus tried to expand the definition of rape to the point of absurdity, and the low-IQ contrarian response to that is to go in the opposite direction.

>> No.17090421

>no, I disagree
>one anecdote of a character committing rape and still being sympathetic
do you think that you just made a counter argument or something?

>> No.17090424

torture > murder > rape
Even if you are physically scarred from rape, you can actually get help and overcome the trauma, if you can't you can still kill yourself
When you are murdered you aren't given much choice in the matter.
Torture is often just an overture to murder, so dying before your fingernails are pulled one-by-one is preferable.

For whatever reason people who get triggered by rape give torture and murder free passes. Murder for self-defense when there are no other choices is okay, however too many times in fiction the good guys gun down people when there is no need and this isn't ever addressed. This about that character too a human life when there wasn't need to, that is fucked up and should be trated considered worse than the villain raping 100 women.

>> No.17090430

He is refuting the OP picture with that.

>> No.17090432

>Is it as bad as being horribly murdered/tortured? Probably not
tip: read the posts you respond to

>> No.17090436

It's a fucking tweet, of course it's reductive. OP is still correct in the weak sense of >>17090103

>> No.17090444

Does nobody in this thread understand the different between murder and killing, and rape and sex? It is extremely difficult to justify murder and rape even if it may mean survival in the end. Narcissistic fucks.

>> No.17090445

Ok, how about in The Long Ships where one of the main goodguy protagonists kidsnaps and rapes a woman and then brings her home to scandinavia to be his wife

>> No.17090450
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Ah but anon, what if the rape was just?

>> No.17090452

That seems to depend on the context of the book, no?

>> No.17090453

>he didnt read Stoner

>> No.17090456


>> No.17090460

>murder is always bad
and yet people like A Time to Kill

>> No.17090464

again, how do individual examples of sympathetic rapists serve to refute the idea that
>"it's easier to get your readers to sympathize with a murderer than a rapist"
what the fuck are you people doing on /lit/

>> No.17090466

If you read Howard, Conan 'ravishes' like 15 women. Of course they fall in love during their ravishing. Almost any story with a masculine context can frame rape positively just so long as you maintain that women lack agency to know whats best for them.

>> No.17090472

obviously, but that's just smut logic. the subtext is "it's not really rape, they're subhuman creatures without agency and they're enjoying themselves".

>> No.17090473

Individual examples explicitly negate your argument and OPs assertion in this instance. RAPE CANNOT BE JUSTIFIED IN A STORY WITHOUT MAKING A CHARACTER A VILLAIN. This is simply incorrect. Keep flexing your undergrad english skills.

>> No.17090475

I would rape but then i'd get incarcerated and my life would be over.

>> No.17090477

you're mixing up "justified" and "cast in a sympathetic light", brainlet-kun

>> No.17090478

Because thats not what the op say, it says that it can never be justified.

>> No.17090483

Even with context, it's still a little hard to justify murdering or raping another person. If you do rape or kill to survive, it's almost selfish of you to do so. If you don't, you could be lowering your chances of survival. So, I suppose the real question in this thread is whether morals should come before survival or not.

>> No.17090484

Yes, but I wanted a bunch of (you)s from seethecels. You're correct though, truth or accuracy don't matter nearly as much as being le edgy anti-sjw politically incorrect gamer.

To ask them to actually think critically about rape and trauma would imply that they had the ability to. I prefer to just say something generalizing and inflammatory in their direction.

>> No.17090485

Firstly, Conan isnt smut. It's a variation on noir (another instance where a main character can rape, since it relies on anti-heroes). What you just did there is shift the goal line.

literal sjw with no reading comprehension, changing the argument once he's lost.

>> No.17090490

kys white knight cuck. Rape is a legitimate means of reproduction. Wherever I go I must also rape. Rape is good.

t. an ancient Roman looking at Sabine women.

>> No.17090491

You seem to be talking past each other. I can't think of a case where a rapist is juxtaposed with a murderer as the potential heroes. So how should we know?
That argument is really boring because it is just a relative statement compared to the absolute statement of the OP.

>> No.17090497

Well anons ITT have provided plenty of books where a rape or murder takes place and the character is still made to be sympathetic.

>> No.17090499

>To ask them to actually think critically about rape and trauma would imply that they had the ability to

Look at this fragile ego. Imagine using personal attacks on someone after youve LOST an argument.

>its never justified
>these examples dont matter
>yeah well this is smut, its not a real literary device

its obvious that a main character can kill and be justified, that isnt the issue at hand

>> No.17090501

>I'm pretty sure OPs meaning is just "it's easier to get your readers to sympathize with a murderer than a rapist".
Not if the rapist is handsome.

>> No.17090506

There is no such thing as 'inferior' DNA retard, just varying level of fitness. If monobrow, low-IQ, chimps of men were to outrape ashkenazi Jews tomorrow, that's on the ashkenazi Jews.
What if you were chased by a tribe or clan and killing your female assailant would leave her peers asking for revenge whereas if you raped her she would become ostracised aswell so you rape her and she sits there in the typical post-rape fetal position and for shame she says you got away rather than her being raped so the tribe/clan accepts it because nobody on their side died and the resources to deal with such a troublesome fugitive are too much necessary.

>> No.17090508

If I rape a girl and she consents mid-rape, did a rape ever occur or was it just surprise sex?

>> No.17090509

>its obvious that a main character can kill and be justified, that isnt the issue at hand
You seem to be going in circles? What is the issue at hand then?
>"it's easier to get your readers to sympathize with a murderer than a rapist"
This is a comparative statement. What does easier even mean?

>> No.17090513

You think smut logic is exclusive to smut fiction or something? You said yourself that Conan portrays "ravishing" by "maintaining that women lack agency".

>> No.17090515

Genghis khan raped so many women

>> No.17090516

What about throwing a pie to someone's face while you're raping them?
Arnold Schwarzenegger is a stud and can get away with raping vestal virgins.

>> No.17090519

>to ask them to actually think critically about rape and trauma would imply that they had the ability to
What does thinking critically about these issues mean?

>> No.17090527

You replied to the wrong person you inadequate nuisance.

>> No.17090529

It's for reproductive purposes.
People can consent to all sorts of shit, doesn't make that okay either. Like the German gay cannibal sex. As for rape, you're doing what nature has driven men to do since the earliest cycles. It's in nature, more often than not, and women conceive and orgasm more from rape.

It's evident. Rape as evil is a social phenomena designed to perpetuate market profitable marriage schemes drafted up by (((you know who))).

>> No.17090538

Women consent to have sex with men who beat or kill them all the time. Domestic violence is fucking insane. Yet if I grab a student girl with vans shoes and give her the ol' penor treatment in the bushes, suddenly i've deprived her of her agency despite the fact that the entire national government is now backing her.

>> No.17090541

Gengis Khan was ultra-based on something.

>> No.17090543

>it's in your genes bro
>do what your dopamine tells you to do
>consent is just a social construct
good meme, I have to admit

>> No.17090547

depends on who rapes you and how they do it
I am a stud, if I rape a woman she should be exhilarated for getting to have steamy sex without being held liable for the consequences

that's what it is
women enjoying sex and then not being held liable
sounds like many other stories i've heard

>> No.17090550

Eh, careful with that phrasing. Even using the word 'rape' is bad because it's a Western dogmatic control word. You could use 'coercive copulation' instead.

>> No.17090569

>deprive yourself of your nature
>don't listen to your own will, it's 'brainless' enjoyment but state-sanctioned pornography and cigarettes aren't
>consent, a word without it's logical objectivist worldly equivalent, isn't a social construct
O.K. retard
If I rape a girl once, it's super bad. If I keep raping her every time I see her afterward and she starts cooperating for conveniences' sake, it's marriage.

Don't see why you can't understand that rape while possessing bad elements isn't fundamentally evil. In prehistory everyone was raping chicks and since today we have got the family unit, some rapists stuck around and started providing food for their victim. It isn't all Ted Bundy.

>> No.17090577
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>your genes are your nature
>your hormones are your will
>ideas aren't real though
ahahaha, I can't believe you were serious

>> No.17090581

holy based

>> No.17090582
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>> No.17090591

>The $10 bill is fake. "Help I was raped"
lmao, I just now got this joke

>> No.17090595

Everyone ITT should go watch Irreversible.
All heterosexual sex is automatically rape because the man is penetrating the woman.
Let's say a woman changed her mind mid-sex and you're thrusting away, per definition because you're having sex with her while she changes her mind the very same instant you are still inside her is rape.

Men take a leading, controlling position in most heterosexual relations. The difference is if a freak is doing the rape, or if a humbled boy.

It's not in the act itself, it's in its execution and by who it is executed. This goes back to a long tribal history. Normally the strong man would just kill the homosexual, freakish competition. It's like that.
>your genes are your nature
In terms of evolutionary fitness, yes
There is no 'good' or 'bad' DNA.
>your hormones are your will
Read Merleau-Ponty. The body is the vessel by which we act.
>ideas aren't real though
They don't have their objective, physical equivalent.

The only thing that's stopping me from going out at night and breaking into little students' homes and raping them silly and kissing them goodbye is the deterrent of jail and ostracisation.

>> No.17090597

Rape is the same thing as sex before marriage desu. Rape should only be wrong if the girl isn't married and had boyfriends in the past. So my point is if sex before marriage isn't illegal, why is rape?

>> No.17090599

B-because you're hurting their fee fees!

>> No.17090605

>listen, I'm not saying I'd rape someone but in a self defense situation...who know what you need to do

>> No.17090609

Oh no!

>> No.17090610

>Rape is underreported because women don't care
Do people actually believe this? Sickening.

>> No.17090613
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Rape should be decriminalized. However, murdering a rapist should also be decriminalized. The state has no business enforcing sexual consent. That is for your husband or father to decide.

>> No.17090618

Guys, the topic is about whether you can write sympathetic characters that have raped. Not if rape is a-okay. No one cares about your hot takes.

>> No.17090627

Hot take: no one cares.

>> No.17090629

>you don't align with how bad I think something is, therefore I hope it happens to you, even though I consider it the uber-ultra-ultimate evil
Truly the moral high ground.

>> No.17090636

Whoops, Correction: Rape should only be wrong if the girl IS married. If she had boyfriends in the past then rape is 100% justifiable.

>> No.17090640

If you feel ashamed for what happened and don't report it it isn't as sickening as to warrant immediate vindication.
There's even certain conditions that have to be met for a woman to be more likely to report a rape (I know because I seriously thought about going outside and finding someone to ...):

Without knowing offenses have occurred, police cannot identify and arrest suspects, and prosecutors cannot prosecute offenders. The criminal justice system's deterrent value is lost. Further, in cases of sexual assault by a stranger, the victim is often the only witness. The victim's cooperation is therefore essential to an effective criminal justice response. Police would have substantially more information about the dynamics of sexual assault by strangers, and how to prevent them, if they could encourage more victims to report their assaults.

Women choose not to report their rape to police for many reasons.8 Some feel partially responsible, ashamed, or embarrassed about what happened to them. Others may have been engaged in illegal activity (e.g., drug use, prostitution, underage drinking) when the assault occurred and worry that police will treat them insensitively. Some are concerned their involvement in the criminal justice system will be burdensome. Still others fear retribution from the offender. While these barriers to reporting are not insurmountable, they will likely require strategies specifically designed to help victims overcome them.

The research literature indicates that women are more likely to report their victimization when they have actively resisted the attack, when the assailant has physically injured them, or when the assailant used a weapon or forced them to participate in particularly depraved acts. These factors may help women to define what happened to them as an assault.9 Further, those who seek medical treatment promptly and who believe their family and friends will support their decision to report their assault to the police are more likely to do so.10

>> No.17090647

Yes, ofcourse you can, since rape isn't inherently evil.

>> No.17090651

if you rape a woman but she consents before you even begin, it's still rape because rape is a thought time, and is thus meaningless

>> No.17090660

>Some feel partially responsible, ashamed, or embarrassed about what happened to them. Others may have been engaged in illegal activity (e.g., drug use, prostitution, underage drinking) when the assault occurred and worry that police will treat them insensitively. Some are concerned their involvement in the criminal justice system will be burdensome. Still others fear retribution from the offender.
No one this indicates that women don't care.

>> No.17090675

Those are excuses. If I killed the family of a girl, she'd report it. If I raped her she would only see it as a shitty sexual experience. Except for if I was violent, if she fought back, if I made her eat my ass or if she was brainwashed by her lesbian parents that rape is evil.

>> No.17090678

It indicates that they only care when they care, i.e. when they have physically resisted. Some women enjoyed the rape, so they don't report it.

>> No.17090685

murder is a bad comparison, since those people are gone and the police would start asking question if you don't report their absence. there are plenty of people who don't report getting mugged because they feel embarrassed for being stupid enough to not pay attention to their surroundings

>> No.17090686

I mean, if it's a child then I understand but if you are an adult being raped and you just lie there like a little bitch taking it, then it's kind of on you.

>> No.17090695

Patriarchal gender norms, which, if violated, result in women being victim blamed and such, prevent women from reporting it, not the fact that it's "a bad sexual experience." In fact, she'd probably view it that way because she's blinded by the norms, preventing her from viewing it as the man's fault.

>> No.17090696

Fact: wearing a miniskirt and walking alone in a dark alley is enthusiastic consent.

>> No.17090698

It is a woman's responsibility to self-report a crime. If not, then no crime has been commit or the education system has failed her. If I rape a university educated, bratty, arrogant girl and she orgasms and feels ashamed because she was as passive as a feminist man while getting raped, and she chooses not to report it, then she wasn't raped.

>> No.17090702

Have you tried not being a slut?

>> No.17090708

So you agree that it depends on social approval more on sheer humiliation? The Netherlands has a low-score in masculinity and corresponding high-score in femininity in the Hofstede dimensions. If I raped a girl here without using a weapon and without forcing depraved acts and she doesn't report it still, she wasn't raped.

>> No.17090711

>It indicates that they only care when they care
>Women choose not to report their rape to police for many reasons.8 Some feel partially responsible, ashamed, or embarrassed about what happened to them. Others may have been engaged in illegal activity (e.g., drug use, prostitution, underage drinking) when the assault occurred and worry that police will treat them insensitively. Some are concerned their involvement in the criminal justice system will be burdensome. Still others fear retribution from the offender.

>> No.17090715

Rape is a social construct.
Rape trauma is not absolute nor is it a rooted in psychology. It doesn't exist in Hunter-gather societies.
For the vast majority of history the treatment of rape stems from values like chastity, virginity and sacrosanct of sex. It was a crime against the husband. It was not about consent. As a consequence, marital rape or rape of slaves was not a crime at all
Men don't exhibit any rape trauma if a female forced him for sex

>> No.17090719

>more on
What a moron.
I meant more than*

>> No.17090722

Have you tried not being a rapist?

>> No.17090723

Chances are the Dutch girl would try to get your number afterwards, so that you could rape her again. Dutch women are starved for masculine men. Very underraped.

>> No.17090727

>>Men don't exhibit any rape trauma if a female forced him for sex
based. I knew men can't get raped.

>> No.17090739

Also very lesbian and frigid.
I'm fine dude, the chance that I would get thrown in a little corner to rot my life out is pretty big. Lesbians have all the power here. The risk of raping someone and then getting smitten is too great to bear.

>> No.17090741

>In fact, she'd probably view it that way because she's blinded by the norms
You presuppose such norms are objective wrongs and whatever progressivist delusional norms your preach are somehow the truth. You aren't impressing anyone with your kneejerk reactions against rape. If you can't understand how responses to rape are cultural, then you haven't read history or are simply stupid

>> No.17090742

Not really. Rape feels good.

>> No.17090745

Why would he?

>> No.17090764

I remember this nice evening back in college at the dorms. I started chatting a girl up and she became all flirty. We started making out and getting more and more into it. But then she said that maybe we shouldn't do this. I was like, bitch what? So I grabbed her by the pussy and she said "no" again in that really high pitched voice bitches use when they moan. I pushed her over and fucked her raw from behind. Not sure if she orgasmed but she was panting heavily and twitching the whole time. Rape feels good brehs, you should try it sometime.

>> No.17090768

>You presuppose such norms are objective wrongs and whatever progressivist delusional norms your preach are somehow the truth.
The norms constitute an injustice, such as violating the dignity of the women. But nothing will probably convince an incel like you to see women as deserving of humanity and dignity.
>responses to rape are cultural
Look, no one cares about your evo psych just so stories explaining why rape is natural.

>> No.17090779

Women not having sex with men violates men's desire for women.

>> No.17090797

A woman's control over her own body and desire not to have sex will incel freaks trumps the incel's desire to have sex with women.

>> No.17090809


>> No.17090815
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>What about throwing a pie to someone's face while you're raping them?

>> No.17090820

People seem to find killers killing other killers okay. So would a rapist raping a rapist (even if female) be okay?

>> No.17090823

>The norms constitute an injustice
because you said so.
> such as violating the dignity of the women
They don't
I'm a chad
>Look, no one cares about your evo psych just so stories explaining why rape is natural.
You obviously care. You are very upset that for the vast majority of history that rape was not about "consent". That it was merely a crime against the husband akin to that of adultery. Or that a husband could not rape his wife. Hell if you look into some cultures it seems so that forced sex was the norm even. You cannot tell me or anyone with the straight face that attitudes towards rape or not cultural. Good luck

>> No.17090825

But I rape women regularly.

>> No.17090826

Well, this thread has devolved. Into the trash it goes.

>> No.17090838

Are you trying to argue that even more patriarchal societies made women indifferent towards rape? I'm honestly confused.

>> No.17090840

Can you pull the " I was only following ze orders" card when it comes to rape?

>> No.17090851

Yeah, you can, but it's going to be a hard sell. Like, being surrounded by your army buddies who are being assholes around civilians, and they ask you whether you want to join in a gang rape of a civilian. You know that if you don't do it they'll suspect you of reporting them, so the only way not to get killed by them right then and there is to join them. Although you'd be forced to practice rape against your will, so you'd be both a rapist and a rape victim.

>> No.17090867

I honestly don't think there's a moral imperative to preserve our species in a situation like that. If the options are rape or letting the species die, I can't conceive of the rape as being the morally preferred option.

>> No.17090881

Once again you presuppose that there is somehow a "correct" way to respond to rape and the women who lived all throughout human history across nearly all cultures were simply reacting the "wrong" way.
I'd like to remind you that this exact delusion is also seen, when liberals are shocked when don't react the same way to forced sex from a woman. There thought process goes like this
>women traumatized when raped
>men are equal to women
>Therefore men must be traumatised and any other response to the "rape" is simply denial as coping mechanism
Just delusion

>> No.17090885

>Unfortunately nobody ever asks how traumatic it is for the rapist

>> No.17090890
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>Me? I'll rape the living shit outta her

>> No.17090907

Incels justifying rape to feel like their sick thoughts are actually acceptable. Nothing new here. Just beta male bitches doing beta shit.

>> No.17090908

no, I am

>> No.17090915

reminder that the Greeks would agree

>> No.17090922

>Just beta male bitches doing beta shit.
Being incredibly horrified by, and refusing to even consider the issue of rape outside demonization is prime beta behavior.
You can't even use memespeak right. Beta men wouldn't rape.

>> No.17090955

Even feminists acknowledge that rape was a perfectly normal human behaviour for much of human history.
What do you think of most cultures having had marry your rapist laws?

>> No.17090962


>> No.17090966

Your commander could give the order, rape was a common tactic in ancient times, the next enemy might surrender to avoid it.

>> No.17090974

where do they talk about that? The Trojan Woman? i don't think Euripides is indicative of "the Greeks"

>> No.17090975

Yikes. This thread is full of incels.

>> No.17090977

Man imagine your own goverment backing you up when it came to that. I bet alot of Japanese WW2 soilders werent as pissed after the war because they got off free.

>> No.17090979

>in ancient times
I distinctly remember rape being used by all sides during the Yugoslav wars of the 90s as a tactic recommended by officers.

>> No.17090990

I was shit posting based on the meme image above me but you know, that doesn't quite fly anymore in anonymous message boards, the great bastion of serious conversation

>> No.17090992
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>> No.17090995

>enters thread about rape
>feels the need to post simply for attention
Ask me how I know you fantasize being raped.

>> No.17090997

Imagine raping a milkmaid and her having to marry you, damn.
Nope, I rape women on a regular basis.

>> No.17091011

>Nope, I rape women on a regular basis.
Any advice for an aspiring anon?

>> No.17091019

Just kidding, I visited the brothel twice this year which is tantamount to legal rape but not really.

>> No.17091020

The average rape scenario is less evil than the average murder, despite there being rare justifiable murders, and not really any justifiable rapes. Most people would prefer that they or a loved one was raped than murdered.

>> No.17091037

Yes, and according to victim testimonies they did it to both genders, leaving a lot of broken humans of which rare ones got proper help.

>> No.17091066

Ehhh I could conceive of some mythological/myth-like fables where rape is done positively.

Example Gilgamesh performs the Droit du seigneur/Lordly rape and he’s considered pretty heroic.

There’s also arguments that Tiamat the chaos dragon is raped (in a positive context) and I can show examples where Zeus rapes everything and he’s never seen as a evil person. Or the God of rape, Pan.

It’s not doable in a modern urban setting for example but in a lot of genres you can find “good” rapes.

>> No.17091072

Kek, whore btfo'ed

>> No.17091096

There is scarcely a god (and for that matter, goddess) that doesn't rape in ancient Greece. Hephaistos the incel is the exception among Olympians, and Zeus ordering the goddess of beauty and sensuality to marry his favorite but ugly manlet autistic son would be considered rape by current standards.

>> No.17091107


Pretty much yeah. So I definitely think there’s plenty of cases where you can have rape and not have it be by a villain, there’s also numerous epics and heroic figures in fiction where the heroes rape and pillage which is par for the course at the time.

>> No.17091161

Rape isn't less justifiable than murder, you just prefer murder stories. Rape occurs, you have crazy people who don't operate on society's codes.

Much profit can be had to factor in the ability of people to act outside of your desires. Do women not understand that this is what makes their ideas seem stupid. Their works are irrelevant to the men who actually have to go around and be able to defend themselves.

All this bullshit to cover up the fact that they like a rough sex ravishing from time to time, and if men knew the times then she might fuck the wrong guy.

>> No.17091202

>it's a tranny

every. single. fucking. time.

>> No.17091208

Accepting the institutional dogma on the subject and not questioning enlightenment era conceptions of things like agency and autonomy.

>> No.17091262

Sex is violence
Men should be castrated and women should be sterilized

>> No.17091294


>> No.17091303

killing is different from murder, you can kill in self defence for example. But you cant rape in self defence at least that's what i get form that tweet.

>> No.17091312

That tweet doesn't say that rape is never justified as a literary device (which is bullshit, given how common rape is; it's not some special magical thing that you can never comment on in fiction). Rather, it says that rapists are always irredeemable villains. This is also untrue. What if the rapist is under a mental compulsion, such as mind control? What if the guy's blackmailed and the actual baddie has kidnapped the guy's daughter and won't let her go unless he rapes a specific person? What if the "rapist" doesn't have a mind at all, such as an alien with a very simple nervous system like a jellyfish with no capacity for free will or higher thought? Being a villain requires culpability for one's actions.

>> No.17091335

The most moral world possible makes for boring media, where only justifiable things occur. If they want that then at least we can say goodbye to the revenge of rape killings since that shouldn't be written.

>> No.17091401

Would you rather be killed or raped? Would you rather a family member or your gf be killed or raped?

>> No.17091423

Crime and morality are determined by the people within that system. In this case, by you and the woman determine morality, and the dominant idea is enforced by the strongest, which is usually the male.

>> No.17091442

Were I king for a day I would use google data to find incels and severe their silver chord.

This thread is proof that they shouldn't be treated as humans. No fate is too cruel for you all.

>> No.17091446

based self-hating incel

>> No.17091461

leftist memes are all walls of text

>> No.17091476

at least you're not a hypocrite

>> No.17091479

If I were, I would have seen the depravity and lack of morality and virtue in my thought and would have claimed my own life. The point of nonexistence for an incel as distorted as these is there only moment of value.

>> No.17091522

that's a tough one

>> No.17091526

>current Amrican standards

>> No.17091539

I'd like to roleplay countries to shitpost on mutts but it's the whole west and several more countries.

>> No.17091542

>/pol/cels fall for the bait "ironically"
disgusting. I wouldn't even rape you lowlifes.

>> No.17091695
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This thread saved /lit/
I thought we were full of women and redditors
Fuck women, women can't be raped enough

>> No.17091703

The historical fact of a rape is constantly in flux, determined moment to moment by how the girl feels about it in the present instant.

>> No.17091716

Well, if you put it that way...

>> No.17091732

80s aesthetic was so cute, they were all dorks with no concept of shared culture beyond mass media and the world of music. Imagine talking to a person your age from that time - not about politics or tech, but about culture, how they think of their friends, fashion, sex. I think you'd find that the gap is substantial.

>> No.17091756
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Sure, I wouldn't ask a femoid tho

>> No.17091760

haha, islam is based :)

>> No.17091856

The tweet implies that the rapist does it out of their free will and isn't under a meme scenario. But even then, can't the rapist still be redeemable? There are many stories that feature a redeemed villain who used to kill people for fun, yet they are considered redeemable, so if you substitute murder with rape, why wouldn't they?

Say, your MC stars off as a bandit who rapes, but by the end of the story they regret their behavior and end up sacrificing their life to save others, are they not redeemed?

That being said, I get why people would hate the rape trope, as it's kinda lazy, it's like the edgy version of kick the puppy, if you want to audiance to rape the character asap, have them rape MC's love interest.

>> No.17091972

Is rape even that bad? Sex feels good usually

>> No.17091986

got to farm that karma amirite

>> No.17091988

>hedonic index go up
>morality achieved

>> No.17092011

There's a big difference between someone having sex with you (literally designed by biology and/or God to feel great) and someone pulling out your fingernails or branding you or some actual torturous shit.

>> No.17092014
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>Holy shit, I hope most of the faggots here are just trolling. Nobody can be this retarded. I'm not even a sjw or anything (in fact I hate them), but to actually argue that rape isn't "so bad" is absolutely retarded. Is it as bad as being horribly murdered/tortured? Probably not. Can the resulting trauma be worse than a quick death? Absolutely.

>> No.17092016

I've masturbated a ton of times to the rape scene, it's so well done.

>> No.17092019

The fact that many women actually orgasm during "rape" is further evidence that it's not really that bad.

>> No.17092022

Sex with a person that you feel attracted to and are prepared to get intimate with is an entirely different situation from someone forcing you into the act. Muscles in vagina are actually quite tense when woman is not aroused and relaxed, so forcing anything in can be quite painful and damaging to the tissue. Men getting raped in the ass get terrible injuries on top of emotional trauma.

>> No.17092028

>someone pulling out your fingernails or branding you or some actual torturous shit.
this is also just basic primate nature, stop being a disingenuous twat. if you're pro-whatever happens to be natural, then any successful mating strategy is equally valid - including "moral" people locking you up to make sure you don't spread your cancer around.

>> No.17092041

>Everyone ITT should go watch Irreversible.
That movie is actually insidious propaganda imo. People watch that and think rape is actually that brutal and random. But it isnt, most rape is actually typical or, at worst, boring sex, which the woman decides later was a bad decision.

>> No.17092060

You know how certain people loves to act edgy in order to provoke responses from people, right?

>> No.17092061

But then the only difference between sex and rape is on the part of the victim. If they would choose to go along with it, everyone could have a good time and there wouldnt have been a rape. The "victim" is actually the perpetrator since there would be no rape without their lack of consent.

>> No.17092075

I'm not "pro whatever happens to be natural," that's a total hallucination from you. I said sex is designed to feel good, which is inarguably a fact, and is responsible for you even being alive today to try, futilely, to disagree with me. Why cant you come to terms here? You're being very defensive and evasive.

>> No.17092076

Not possible, that's just your headcanon.

>> No.17092083

You would know that you were wrong and I was right if you had bothered to spend even 3 seconds googling the matter. I have to conclude this is some kind of emotional response from you and you are probably a woman.

>> No.17092092

I feel like throwing a heavy book in your head, but I feel sorry for the book.

>> No.17092103

this is obviously satirical

>> No.17092115

Those who can argue their points with words and logic need not resort to brute violence. That you would threaten such an attack is ipso facto a demonstration that you dont actually care about aggression, so what do you care about rape? How can you call rape bad when you would go around possibly giving folks concussions just for lucidly arguing a point.

>> No.17092140

>You know that if you don't do it they'll suspect you of reporting them, so the only way not to get killed by them right then and there is to join them.
I don't think this would actually hold up in court. It has to be a more forced situation.

>> No.17092156

no, no, you're mistaken, I agree with you. drugs feel good too, did you know that?

>> No.17092161

Rape is a greater crime than would be the torturous deaths of the rape apologists in this thread. Rape provides nothing to humanity, but to be rid of this cancer would provide a a lasting benefit to all of mankind.

>> No.17092162

Heinrich von Kleist's 'Die Marquise von O...' could be summarized with 'what's a little rape between nobility?' The woman does not care at all, except that it might have been a poor.

>> No.17092166

Yes they do, which is why nobody would say that being accidentally dosed with some THC is a grave moral crime. Yet people say this about rape, which is just sex: one of the best experiences ever.

>> No.17092170

Then you rape her, and you rape her HARD.

>> No.17092173

Uhhhhhhhhh based

>> No.17092182

You're advocating for the, quote, torturous death of people you disagree with, so why should anyone take you seriously when you insist that rape is a bad thing? You've demonstrated in the same breath that you have no moral compass to speak of.

>> No.17092184
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>> No.17092189

based. so it's fine if I get your mom addicted to opiates or meth?

>> No.17092197

The fact that you describe an act of book hitting your head as a violent act is sign that you automatically consider certain things something that should not be done against you, yet you expect a woman in highly emotional state to just consciously decide that she should excuse a crime by giving consent for no valid reason.

>> No.17092206

If the point you're "lucidly"(lol) argueing is that rape is morally ok. Then you deserve a life of infinite violence. You should be forced to live in eternal pain until the point you become accustomed to it, then suspended in sensory deprivation until you can once again feel pain, then repeating ad infinitum. I have no qualms with this, it is better for the world that you suffer.

>> No.17092211

Just to be clear, you're trying to draw a moral equivalence between being raped and recreationally using drugs? Do you think that actually strengthens your position that rape is a grave moral crime? People choose to use drugs all the time.

>> No.17092220

are you following the conversation? there's more to morality than that, but you won't acknowledge it, so I'm calling into question the feels good = moral equivalency. nothing more.

>> No.17092226

But there is no crime until she does not give consent. She has the power to make the event consensual. And even if she does not use that power, it's still nonconsensual sex—which is sex—a pleasurable experience. Compare this to your brute threat to concuss me blow to the head from a hard object, and there's simply no equivalence to be had.

>> No.17092227
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>> No.17092234

This kind of lunatic hate screed inciting violence against people for their opinions, instantly disqualifies any opinion you might have about the behavior of others being bad. You cant judge rape to be bad while you advocate for torture-murders due to you losing an argument.

>> No.17092235

Lmao it’s just a penis in a wet hole, calm down girls

>> No.17092240

I don't claim to be moral. My position isn't a morally relevant one. It's simoly my desire to reduce the vermin and filth of this earth who would force themselves on a woman against her will to be tortured and humiliated in the most violent and public ways possible. A persons body is their only real property, any who would defile the temple of another has earned in full the entirety of the universes malestrom of assorted violences. I would see that all manner of unpleasant things that can possibly be formed as ideas be invited upon your person repeatedly and constantly. You and those who think like you deserve your sorrows.

>> No.17092245

>. You should be forced to live in eternal pain
If rape is so bad, surely his punishment should just be being raped

>> No.17092250

I'm not only following the conversation, I appear to be setting it. I said that rape doesnt seem so bad, because it's just sex, which is pleasurable. You said, oh so if someone gave your mom drugs, that wouldnt be bad? Which is a bizarre objections, because, like with sex, people willingly indulge in drugs to feel good all the time. That makes it nowhere near as inherently bad as for example, throwing a book at someone's head, which could concuss them and cause irreversible damage. (Just one of the threats I've received for stating this simple argument.)

>> No.17092251

you can't rape the willing

>> No.17092261

She's right but in the majority of cases murder is far worse than rape

>> No.17092268

don't think I didn't notice that you still haven't answered the question.

>> No.17092269

But why should she give consent? Making it a non-crime is not a valid reason except in minds of criminals that want to get out without punishment.
Not every sexual act in connected with pleasure, but i have a feeling you are not even trying to understand that.

>> No.17092275

Right, well, any reasonable person can see that your calls for torture-murder are far worse than rape, which is literally just sex. I hope you find peace and refrain from your violent ways.

>> No.17092276

No, it should be far worse. See when one rapes another it from a deeply depraved mind that the choice and action arises from. If one punished a rapist by raping him, this isn't equal, as the raper of the rapist is morally justified and performing an act of good. Therefore, something much worse must be done to the rapist. I like the Comanche punishment of being buried in an ant bed up to your neck. That would still be too kind for those who justify rape.

>> No.17092279
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>I do not claim to be moral
>i enjoy arguing emotionally if it's wrong for me and you say otherwise you should be tortured eternally

>> No.17092280
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>rape refusal can leave a woman invalidated and devastated

>> No.17092304

Well it's simple outcome optimization, friend:

A: Woman gives consent. No crime occurs.
B: Woman does not give consent. A crime occurs.

It seems plainly evident that if it's within your power to stop a crime from happening, you should do so. How could we have a society if we disagreed about this.

>> No.17092314


>> No.17092318


>> No.17092339

Sex is consensual. Rape is not. I'm impervious to your mental gymnastics, as well as your moral appeal to authority. I would gladly invent new ways of torture to satisfy the necessity that is ridding the world of individuals with thoughts as sick as yours. I would do it in only the most immoral ways, because unlike rape victims. You deserve no morality, you abandoned your humanity the moment you tried to justify rape. You are even lower than the baser creatures of our planet. Treating you and your ilk as "things" devoid of life is no issue. When you remove a rape victims agency as you have in your arguments, you become worthless and expendable. Your torturer would be a gift to humanity. A noble and honorable man. A saint even.

>> No.17092342
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Why are these broads so obsessed with rape anyways?

>> No.17092349

>Holy shit

The opening signal of a faggotpost.

>> No.17092356

Obviously. That's why everyone jokes about men getting raped in U.S. prisons.

>> No.17092357

>You deserve no morality, you abandoned your humanity the moment you tried to justify rape.
are you just counter-trolling? is this some kind of absurd artistic performance?

>> No.17092358

Yes. This guy gets it.

>> No.17092360

You clearly just want to torture people lol. By your own logic you would becoming equal to the rapist in monstrosity

>> No.17092368

Not at all, it's sincere and fitting to find a punishment as depraved and inhuman as the act.

>> No.17092370

So are we, from a certain point of view

>> No.17092372

What's the story on this one again? The photo is of some woman who got shot or something?

>> No.17092373
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American propaganda, they dindu nuffin

>> No.17092382

no it isn't. the punishment should be proportionate to the inhumanity of the act, but it shouldn't itself be depraved and inhumane. obviously.

>> No.17092385

Punch them in the throat first so they can’t scream and so they let down their defense whilst gasping for air

>> No.17092386

I dont think I've removed anyone's agency, I've just argued my point, and profoundly well I might add. You're free to debate me, but instead you choose violent fantasies of torture-murder, apparently oblivious to how this invalidates any moral judgments you make about the subject, which is rape (something no rational person could assert is worse than torture-murder).

>> No.17092388
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Here, here

>> No.17092391

Not at all. Rapists remove agency from their victims. Victims have committed no action to lead to their rape. Rapists know that their actions are depraved and punishable, therefore, they accepted their torture the moment they commited their act of moral repugnance. This means they both chose to rape someonevand chose to have themselves brutally tortured, as it's precisely what they deserve.

>> No.17092409

Hephæstus’ Germanic counterpart, Wayland the Smith, is a known rapist though, curious.

>> No.17092412

You're forgetting that women enjoy rape and fantasize about it

>> No.17092417

you're mirroring the same demented "I'm not responsible, it's just the way of nature" reasoning of the people you're arguing with. funny

>> No.17092420

>Victims have committed no action to lead to their rape.
That is not true because they choose not to consent to the act. If they would only provide consent (something with barely any energy costs, literally an effortless action) then no crime would occur. A rape involves two people and you cannot just say that one is solely responsible when the definition of rape involves the attitude of the other person.

>> No.17092421

I've paid no attention to your argument. I looked close enough to see that you were justifying rape, and quite easily and naturally gave a prescription fitting for your condition. Consider me a doctor rather than a judge, and medicine is rather cold and amoral when it must be. My prescription is fair and evidenced one, it would surely aid in ridding humanity of this particular form of malice. I wouldn't enjoy doing these things anon, but I recognize them as a very minor thing, like pulling weeds to save the plant.

>> No.17092431

Cringe male to f*male tranny

>> No.17092439

If you've paid no attention to my argument before advocating for my torture-murder, that's actually even worse than if you had reached your conclusion through some kind of reason. I repeat my sincere wish for you to find peace and refrain from your violent ways. Your hatred only hurts yourself.

>> No.17092442

Yes, and the rapists need only consent to their torture and call it a masochistic fetish. Murder victims need only consent to their murder and it will become suicide. My acts of torture will be made to illicit a consent, then all will be forgiven.

>> No.17092446
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so what you're saying is: not consenting to sex should really be the crime

>> No.17092447

You want to torture people. Punish the rapist sure, or rehabilitate, or just execute him. This eternal torture business is honestly much weirder than rapists

>> No.17092450

Pussy is built for dick, asshole is not.

>> No.17092452

>Murder victims need only consent to their murder and it will become suicide.
You know, I think this exact point actually came up in Germany some years ago, where two men got together for one of them to be killed and eaten by the other. It was all consensual. Is that murder? I would say no for the same reason that there is no rape when both parties consent.

>> No.17092457

Stop making me agree with him retard

>> No.17092463

>Men getting raped in the ass get terrible injuries on top of emotional trauma.
men can't get raped, sweetie. and you will never be a woman

a-am I doing it right guys?

>> No.17092475

Oh no, you're mistaken anon. I don't hate you, far from it. Rather, you are but an unfeeling unconscious thing, and it would benefit mankind to torture you in the most brutal of ways. No, it isnt hatred that I regard you with, I simply don't regard you at all. You're but a naturally occuring cancer, and radical treatment may be required to prevent your metastasis.

>> No.17092480
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>> No.17092484


>> No.17092489

They need only consent to the torture anon. It's not as if the act only consists of one person. If they would just consent, things would be so much easier. But noooo, society has conditioned them not to consent to their torture, and caused them to view a natural phenomenon as something unwarranted.

>> No.17092490

Yes but I got raped by a w*man, I was sitting next to her watching a movie at home and then she grabbed my hand down to her pussy, not cool at all, I didn't consent that and I felt RAPED

>> No.17092495

Think of it this way: what is the difference between sex and rape? Nothing but the attitude of one of the participants. Therefore, if that attitude had been changed (an effortless action), no rape would have occurred.

>> No.17092500

Yes anon...when both parties consent, it's simply sex. Just like rapists should consent to their torture, to avoid any legal trouble arising from this socially necessary intervention.

>> No.17092506

WTF, I can't believe you had to go through something so horrible. I feel so, so, so, so sorry for you. If there's any way we can support you (like a kickstarter to finance your legal campaign) PLEASE let us know. obviously we will all pray for you!!

>> No.17092508

Be careful anon, women might adapt that view and then no more anal for anyone.

>> No.17092512

Your depravity, such as it is, doesnt do me any harm, since we are behind keyboards and far from each other. But these dark thoughts you choose to think—besides totally invalidating any of your opinions about rape, something far nicer than what you propose—are staining your soul darkly. I will continue to hope you find peace.

>> No.17092514

EDIT: Woooooow, this is the first time I have gotten gold. Thanks kind stranger!

>> No.17092517

I got molested by a girl at a party and it turned into a 6 year relationship.

If I had did the same it would've been a 6 year prison sentence.

Life be funny.

>> No.17092524

Just like with any crime anon. The store clerk could just donate his cash to the thief. The assault victim could consent to his beating. My God, you've finally cured all criminal behavior, who knew it was so simple.

>> No.17092525

Relationship is a form of prison sentence.

>> No.17092528


>> No.17092534
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Do you see? At last we have found peace.

>> No.17092539

ngl I am jealous. but getting "molested" by a friend isn't really the same thing in most circumstances. 15 years ago it would have just been considered a normal aspect of courting.

>> No.17092549
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OMG yes please!!! I will start a kickstart campaign, I didn't tell anyone until now because I felt ashamed and I thought no one would believe me, but now thanks to your kind words I feel empowered and I now I need to speak against that w*man, no other man ever deserves to go through something so fucked up!!!

>> No.17092552

They have a point, rape cannot be justified but women love it (as long as it's an attractive man) so it doesn't matter

>> No.17092563

Don't worry anon, I could protest the opinion that rapists should be tortured quite loudly and publicly and many would agree with me. My thoughts aren't dark and depraved. I'm an endlessly pleasant person I assure you. You need only consent to my prescription for rapists and suddenly the stigma in your mind, unable to handle fringe and culturally "unacceptable" thoughts would erode instantly, yes anon, it's your choice to be bothered or find my humane approach disturbing. Simple.

>> No.17092564

They weren't a friend, I was passed out drunk and taken advantage of. Not that I hold it against them or even feel the slightest bit traumatised but it's factually what happened.

>> No.17092569

I'm surprised you're in a relationship in that case. not trying to gaslight yuu, but are you sure you're not still being taken advantage of?

>> No.17092575

You've made multiple posts in this thread advocating for torture-murder. That's not how an endlessly pleasant person behaves. In fact, that would be more like me, someone who replies to your every threat with a genuine expression of forgiveness. I hope you can let go of the hatred in your soul.

>> No.17092606

Again, there's no hatred. I don't hate rapists, I don't hate cancer, nor weeds or pests in my garden. However, as humans of a society, it is our responsibility to remove weeds, treat pests, and excise cancer as a necessary cultivation of our shared garden. You simply happen to be one of these obstacles, and my approach would be effective in treating the pestilence. We need not make this moral anon, it's simply ecological. Natural.

>> No.17092627
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Could you not make the same argument for a big man raping you or me in the mouth, just an unwelcome dick in your mouth for a few minutes to avoid being murdered or crippled

(Mouth not asshole because I feel like asshole more easily damaged)

>> No.17092628

Honestly in a war scenario I probably would rape desu

>> No.17092640

I'd probably just get killed, enjoy your fantasies though

>> No.17092648

More people would than think they would. I've read (in On Killing by Lt. Col. Grossman) that after an adrenaline dump, of the type you get in combat, it's a normal physiological response to get an erection and want to fuck. I would guess that it has a mixed use between stress release and your genes trying to propagate themselves quickly due to detecting a high environmental risk.

>> No.17092650

Good chance of that happening too

>> No.17092659

Unbelievably based.

>> No.17092688

Unbelievably cringy

>> No.17092696

Unbelievably balanced.

>> No.17092697

unbelievably stale

>> No.17092699


>> No.17092702


>> No.17092737

Digits confirm other poster BTFO

>> No.17092755

Checked. It was unbelievable.

>> No.17092802

Checked. It was believable until your post but now unbelievable.

>> No.17092852

For someone so terrified by rape, you sure do have a hard-on for torture.

>> No.17092914

I never said I'm morally superior. I never say that I wouldn't rape. I'm just saying that it's one of the, if not the most, disgusting and degrading things you could do to another human.

>> No.17092926



>> No.17093022

>I'm just saying that it's one of the, if not the most, disgusting and degrading things you could do to another human.
Having sex with them? I can think of far worse things.

>> No.17093035

Sex iis consensual. Rape is not.
Let's forget that though, for many women having even consensual sex with a man of your caliber would be considered disgusting, depraved, and abhorrent. Probably with an underlying feeling of immense pity.

>> No.17093115

I'm just gonna drop some blackpills here, don't mind me.

Women fantasize about rape:

>Researchers found that 52 percent of the women had fantasies about forced sex with a man, 32 percent about being raped and 28 percent about forced oral sex with a man. Overall, 62 percent of the women reported having had at least one fantasy around a forced sex act. The researchers then investigated if the women's fantasies were indicative of "sexual blame avoidance", a hypothesis that women socialised by our slut-shaming culture chose forced sex themes to negate feelings of shame and guilt.
>The opposite was found to be true. Women who reported being less repressed about sex were more likely to have rape fantasies, more open to fantasy in general, more likely to have consensual fantasies and finally, they were found more likely to have high self-esteem.

Women who are sexually abused like to watch violent porn (most likely because they found the experiences arousing):

>Almost all male students and 67% of female students had ever watched pornography; 42% and 32%, respectively, had watched violence against women. Female students exposed to family psychological violence and to sexual violence were significantly more likely to watch pornography, especially violent pornography than those who had not been exposed. No such association was found among male students.

Women love to read about true crime stories involving rape and murder:

>Many people might assume that men, being the more aggressive sex, would be most likely to find such gory topics interesting. But a perusal of published reader reviews suggests that women enjoy these kinds of books more so than do men. The purpose of this research was to shed light on this apparent paradox. In Studies 1 and 2, the authors conducted a study of reader reviews and a study of book choices that demonstrated that, in fact, women are more drawn to true crime stories whereas men are more attracted to other violent genres.

Women like to send love letters to violent criminals such as serial rapists and even propose marriage to them:

>> No.17093177

The definition of rape is sex without consent. Truly curious what you think rape is if you dont think sex is involved. Seems like maybe I just backed you into a corner with logic, causing you to lash out with insults. Dont worry though, I forgive you.

>> No.17093189

>oh no, women have regressive fantasies of being dominated by another persons will and reduced to their thing, this must be their true nature
nice blackpill bro, 10/10 bulletproof methodology

>> No.17093222

Oh noo, people entertain sexual taboos despite not actually wanting horrible things to happen to them.

>> No.17093247

So you conceded? Rape is non consensual, sex is consensual.
The same different in robbery vs charity. Assault vs Boxing. You're argument isn't logical or valuable at all. In my mind you're a sexless virgin that repulses women. No other reason could lead you to believing your own bullshit. Whether it's true or not, that's who you are to me. A silly and strange boy who desperately wants to be desired, but lacks the mental ability to become desirable.

>> No.17093271

reminds me of the /pol/ infographic where the way women rate personality and looks is closely correlated - /pol/cels generally read it as "girls only care about looks waaaah", but in reality it's a two-way-street and women also subconsciously adjust how attractive they think you are based on whether they think you're "funny" - which is just a codeword for intelligent and empathetic enough to get in their head.

>> No.17093284

female detected, you obviously have no sense of humor

>> No.17093295

No, rape is sex without consent. It is not different from sex, it is a type of sex. You actually totally failed to understand the post. This must be a very emotional issue for you, as I refuse to believe you're just a dumb person.

>> No.17093305

the point being, politicals don't give a shit about accurately interpreting statistics or other data, all that matters to them is The Agenda
they could just as well be using "the science" to prove that videogames turn children into psychopaths

>> No.17093316

Ah yes, the scientifically sound and concrete study from top researchers at....PlentyOfFish.com Incels and poltards love taking poorly done graphs and statistics out of context and interpreting them in a way that feeds their confirmation bias. They are cope incarnate. They even invented "sexual market value" so that they can justify doing nothing for the first half of their lives and hoping that magically at 37 they'll learn how to behave around women and be less disgusting little pricks.

>> No.17093326

So rape is non consensual. Exactly what I said. So is assault and robbery.

>> No.17093332

just don't forget that, no matter what way you lean politically, your "allies" do the same shit and it's no better because you think they're doing so for the right cause.

>> No.17093349

Haha dude, if you're the same faggot, your pet argument has been mogged repeatedly. Man, you're the dumbest poster I've ever seen. Legitimately, reevaluate your valuez and beliefs. Why not try to be a better and wiser person, because right now you look like a loser, a dumb one.

>> No.17093361

>if a woman allows a man to have sex with her to avoid a beating, then arguably she fears the beating more
This is a good point that I have not considered before. Although, can't it be argued that they believe that they have no chance of escape, therefore choosing only rape with no beating instead of getting both raped and beaten? That if they were given the choice, they would rather be beaten than raped. But in the scenario of an ongoing rape, resistance would only lead to pain in addition to the rape. A beating wouldn't substitute for the rape.

>> No.17093377

No, my allies don't believe in conspiracies and examine statistics in an explicitly non-critical and unintelligent way. My allies don't brainwash each other with false memes and misleading "redpills." You guys are the oroburos of dupe. You just dupe each other infinitely and eternally and somehow believe that your brainwashing is orgainic and true lmfao. It's sad. I'm independent, I allign myself with what provides the greatest good to the greatest number of people based on evidence and personal perception.

>> No.17093390

I find that unlikely. I'm not a /pol/tard by the way

>> No.17093398

>Can the resulting trauma be worse than a quick death? Absolutely.
Agreed with you up to this point. If that's the case, you can always just kill yourself. If you don't, then life is worth living in spite of the trauma. You can at least try to live and see how it goes before offing yourself. There's a chance of a good life. Dying leaves you with nothing, I think people underestimate death in these discussions. It is absolute.

>> No.17093401

You are now.

>> No.17093415

Yes. That is true.

If they found rape horrible then they wouldn't entertain it.

Is that it? Lol Where are the people who can actually use logic on /lit/. I could find them everyday 4-5 years ago. Reddit and/ or /leftypol/ really ruined this place.

>> No.17093418

>my allies don't believe in conspiracies and examine statistics in an explicitly non-critical and unintelligent way. My allies don't brainwash each other with false memes and misleading "redpills."
X to doubt

>> No.17093427

>If boys would be horribly traumatized if they had to commit murder in irl, why do they enjoy violent videogames?

>> No.17093453

Peoples day dreams and fantasies don't mean they want those things to happen. I'm sure if men did an honest survey like this, they would check boxes by stuff they never dreamed of. I know many men have thought about gay sex and aren't gay. Many people have thought about suicide and fantasized about dying. They don't want to die. You're a fool using data clumsily to support your disgusting thoughts. Nothing more.

>> No.17093588

It is a choice, if you are scarred by it, you are simply being submissive to the external force being the memory of rape, if one stops being submissive to this memory, the trauma will disappear.

>> No.17093692

First, violence in video games is very different from real life and not at all accurate.
And secondly, people don't play violent video games strictly for the violence. They play it for the dopamine boost and stress-relief.
That is very different from women watching rape porn because these rape videos can be very realistic and there's only one reason to even watch them: to masturbate to them because it is arousing.

>I'm sure if men did an honest survey like this
This is honest research lol.

>Peoples day dreams and fantasies don't mean they want those things to happen
This is amazing mental gymnastics. I day dream about being rich but I don't want it to happen though. I day dream about wanting to eating some nice food but I don't want it to happen though. Also let's conventionally ignore that women who were exposed to sexual abuse or were abused themselves like to go out of their way and search for violent porn.

>I know many men have thought about gay sex and aren't gay.
Even though this is just anecdotal evidence, I will humour it and say they might be bi-curious and they would gladly have gay sex. As for strictly straight men though, they would never consider gay acts because they weren't born gay/bi.

>Many people have thought about suicide and fantasized about dying. They don't want to die.
They want to die but they don't have the courage to kill themselves. It's very hard to overcome your survival instincts.

>You're a fool using data clumsily to support your disgusting thoughts. Nothing more.

This data has been misinterpreted in any way and if you had read the studies, you would know.

>> No.17093708

>i-it's not the same when men have violent powerfantasies, they just do it for the dopamine
I shall leave you to your mental gymnastics

>> No.17093723

incidentally, I fantasize about all kinds of fucked up shit including being raped, but I certainly wouldn't want to experience that irl.

>> No.17093790

Right well, these are all ego-based attacks, which you're making in the hopes of hurting my feelings because you cant respond on a logical level. I've seen it all before, since I very often win arguments, such as this one.

>> No.17093814

I don't see how pulling the same argument that many anti-video game activist parents have used is useful to defend your point.
I can help you with your fantasies. I fantasize about raping and I WANT to rape. It shall be a memorable experience for both of us

>> No.17093913

Lmao you're pretty slow.

I never said it wasnt honest you fool. Though it is severely underpowered. It's true people "fantasize" about situations they don't want all the time

. Having a sexual fantasy does not always, or even usually, mean that someone is planning to, or destined to, pursue it in real life. It should not be alarming, for example, for a lesbian to fantasize about sex with a man, or for a dedicated monogamous partner to dream of group sex. Sexually fantasizing about somebody else while having sex isn’t unusual either, and in most cases, isn’t detrimental to a relationship.

Strictly straight men wouldn't actually consider gay sex. Yes. But they have entertained the thought more than likely.

Lmao, people who fantasize about death want to die? Not at all, it's a perfectly common subject to ponder.

You've consistently misrepresneted the data, clumsily, even drawing the direct opposite finding of the report and ignoring the rest of the valid information within.

>> No.17093939

>Lmao, people who fantasize about death want to die? Not at all, it's a perfectly common subject to ponder.
the "if you fantasize about it at all then that's what you really want, deep down"-thing is way too flimsy, there's no way he believes it, especially since he keeps playing dumb when you point out the obvious contradictions. it's just his way of engaging in his own pleasant, if impotent, power fantasy.

>> No.17093944

>t. has never won an argument

>> No.17094003
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Sorry to hear that! Try again next time.

>> No.17094032

Oh, I know that, and you know that. The types you argue with on here though generally view the world through layer upon layer of delusions. Some will keep insisting that they're correct and ignoring the contradictions in their thought. Since we have been discussing psychology, they would say that he's coping for a lack of validation and intimacy so he stubbornly insists his correctness to protect his fragile ego.

Of course, I would say that he's a genuinely sick individual who despearately wants reason to justify his illness, because despite being so inwardly ugly he needs to believe he is a good person. It's a sttange form of narcissism and egocentric thinking that you see among incel types quite often. They need a cope, because the fact that it's themselves who are disgusting both mentally and physically is too damaging.

Note how he continously repeats that he has won or that others aren't argueing with logic. The irony of it all is glaringly obvious, yet he continues. Should we ridicule him? Or pity him? It's hard to not do both, but psychology that he loves has suggested that ridicule may be more effective.

>> No.17094156

as much as I agree with you otherwise, the incel archetype is just the lefty equivalent of tranny, a standard derogatory term hurled at anyone who opposes their politics on the internet. plenty of narcissists are able to conceal their insanity well enough and climb the social status ladder, and those types come here as well, to cope because they can't live out their desires openly.