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File: 32 KB, 324x500, images - 2020-12-21T160532.358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17087251 No.17087251 [Reply] [Original]

Japanese people wtf is wrong with you

>> No.17087417

Their society turns them into coomers.

>> No.17087495

Japan is the most noble culture on the planet. A pure, intelligent, complex, and innocent people. I feel so strongly my connection to beautiful Nippon that I hate who I am. Fucking white gaijin piggu who have only ever unjustly oppressed my spiritual homeland.

Pearl Harbor was deserved. We should have apologized to Nippon. A few Chinese were allegedly harmed? Japan is granted the right by God himself to exercise total authority over all Asian countries.

Fuck America. Fuck every lower race. Only 4 more months until I'm finished my Japanese class and apply for my visa

>> No.17087525

based cracker

>> No.17087623

Why is Japan the only country to inspire outsiders in this way? I guess some European countries do this but nowhere near as extreme or frequent. Certainly no one ever wants to be African or a nigger as I like to call them.

>> No.17087633

anime and soft power and shit

>> No.17087635

Is this a joke? What is wrong with you

>> No.17087642

huh? I want to know why japan attracts so many admirers and turns normal people into weeaboos

>> No.17087673

Americans and westerners in general emulate black / black culture heavily. Are you telling me you’ve never seen a white guy hip hop clothes. They’re just as prominent as weebs

>> No.17087702

I don't consider white trash to be people, and I certainly don't interact with them. I went to Dartmouth for fucks sake. Sometimes people would pretend to be black in ironic ways I guess.

>> No.17087706


>> No.17087709

>anime and soft power and shit
you realize weebs go back a long way

>> No.17087715
File: 2.04 MB, 1079x1806, Screenshot_20201221-234126_Wikipedia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

e.g. pic related

>> No.17087734

you sound dumb as white trash. all popular white culture is basically derived from blacks.

>> No.17087735
File: 68 KB, 474x1124, 8cc27da55428e398874acebcb8eba584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking tsar Nicolai II had a japanese tattoo

>> No.17087748

>popular culture
Who gives a shit? Not to mention I don't believe that's true anyway.

>> No.17087761

Are you seriously suggesting that because so Jewish media moguls shove blacks down America's throat 24/7 that means people want to be black? If anything it proves how undesirable they are.

>> No.17087769

This has nothing to do with books
Back to /pol/ you go

>> No.17087781
File: 55 KB, 640x726, ethnic-preferences2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>constsnt inundation of images of black men with white women
>black men are still the least desired men on the planet