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17087101 No.17087101 [Reply] [Original]

Merry Solstice /Litizens/, the darkest night of the year is upon us! Let's share some HORROR LITERATURE
Discuss, get recs, give recs!

HP Lovecraft's Call of Cthulhu

>> No.17087110
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Berserk by Kentaro Miura!

This story inspired Dark Souls.

>> No.17087122
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The Tell-Tale Heart by Poe

This story made me afraid of the sound of a heartbeat after reading it in middle school

>> No.17087132
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This is a Audiodrama/Audiobook, not a book or specific story.

Knifepoint Horror are horror stories written and read by the same guy and put up onto his podcast. Very high quality

>> No.17087226
File: 67 KB, 512x628, H._P._Lovecraft,_June_1934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should re-read the Lovecraft collections I have.

>> No.17087297

someone name a time period and i'll post some

>> No.17087393

18th century

>> No.17087410

i read a novella by jeff vandermeer the other day and it was amazing. i didn't expect the prose to be so excellent.

>> No.17087547

>The Monk

>> No.17087553

12th century

>> No.17087580

0 results found

>> No.17087609
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I need it.

>> No.17087667


>> No.17087766

I know of a certain ebook series that’s only 99 cents on amazon

>> No.17088098
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Richard Matheson's Hell House

doing this currently anon, what were your previous impressions of them?

>> No.17088122

I like Clive Barker's works

>> No.17088130

>what were your previous impressions of them?
I loved them, of course.

>> No.17088263


>> No.17088286
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How good are Ligoti's stories?

>> No.17088316
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I just read HP Lovecraft for the first time, I read At the Mountains of Madness. I thought it was enjoyable.

I don't read a lot of horror, last time I read a horror book was a couple years ago, I read pic related (two books in one!) and enjoyed it a lot.

>> No.17088321

the stories in songs of a dead dreamer are all pretty bad. grimscribe has better writing but all of the stories are pretty much the same in that, though there are a few notable standouts. teatro grottesco is more streamlined and humorous but also weirder overall.

>> No.17088382

Don't you shout at me you son of a bitch.

>> No.17088679

I sometimes grapple with a guilty conscience over horror lit. I enjoy it, I do. But at the same time a part of me feels that enjoying horror is wrong, y'know? Like it's unhealthy to seek out material to scare you.

>> No.17088687
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This ebook is pretty based: 1000+ spooky short stories written by well known horror authors, also there are lots of underrated authors and hidden gems contained in a single file for 99 cents.

>> No.17089010

Can i get a modern horror book ? i crave some good psychological horror ala silent hill
please anon gib me

>> No.17089016

House of Leaves is supposed to be very psychological :)

>> No.17089089

post really mysterious stories. hopefully more minimalistic and obscure. i loved the box by jack ketchum

>> No.17089192

i read his girl next door story and it made me revel in rage that i kinda skipped the writer
would you recommend his other books ?

>> No.17089381

ive only read girl next door and peacable kingdoms which is his short story collection. ive heard the others are good but ive watched hill have eyes so i dont feel like reading his cannibal ones. id definitely reccomend some from peacable kingdoms like the box or the rifle.

>> No.17089387

HoL sucks

>> No.17089586

Can we get some modern horror recs ?

>> No.17090486
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>> No.17090498
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>> No.17090510
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