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File: 264 KB, 1000x1000, consider_the_following.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17086528 No.17086528 [Reply] [Original]

The world is everything that is the case.
The world is the totality of facts, not of things.
The world is the totality of facts, and by these being all the facts.
For the totality of facts determines both what is the case, and also all that is not what is the case.
The facts in logical space are the world.

>> No.17086533
File: 92 KB, 1064x677, D0CF8962-CCA6-4168-B6E2-1E50971E9A72.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The world is these dubs

>> No.17086542


>> No.17086601 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 512x429, dindu nuffins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dindu is everything that is the case.
The dindu is the totality of nuffins, not of things.
The dindu is the totality of nuffins, and by these being all the nuffins.
For the totality of dindu determines both what is the case, and also all that is not what is the case.
The nuffins in logical space are the dindu.

>> No.17086818

Nothing personnel kid

>> No.17086886
File: 45 KB, 800x450, brainlettttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17086921


>> No.17087000


>> No.17087763

The Tractatus being pithy makes it shitty. Read Carnap.

>> No.17087852

> The Tractatus being pithy makes it shitty
Cringe. The whole point of the pithiness was too pack as much truth as you one can into a few amount of words (i.e. being efficient with words while still being meaningful.)
Carnap seems cool, never read him though. Going to read him so I can read Quine.

>> No.17087894

The World is all that is the Fall.

>> No.17088059

If you do read the Aufbau, I'd be interested to hear what you think of it in contrast with the Tractatus.

>> No.17088066

Not him but that's literally part of the meme you zoomer.

>> No.17088142

Wittgenstein refuted himself in the Philosophical Investigations.

>> No.17088215

Fuckin checked

>> No.17088358

> Der logische Aufbau der Welt
Sounds pretty based, I'll definitely check it out and post about it as well.
Personally, I'm exited to eventually read Kripke and see what people mean by "Kripkenstein", as soon as I'll do that I'll also definitely make a post about that.